Construction under "New Plan." January 10, 1896, to April 30, 1897.-Care and Maintenance-Secretary's Order, Nos. 16317, 16638, 16639, and Engineer's Orders.-Property between West Eleventh and Gansevoort streets was cared for and watchmen placed to protect same. WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET SECTION. SOUTH END. Resolution of Board November 5, 1880. May 1 to June 13, 1896.—Earth-filling-Secretary's Order No. 13098--846 loads of earth. filling were received and placed in rear of wall by Thomas E. Crimmins. October 16 to April 30, 1895.-Piers, new 53, 54, 55-Contract No. 545-Terence A. Smith, contractor, preparing for, paving and repaving area in vicinity of piers. March 20 to April 30, 1897.—Concrete Backing-67 batches of concrete were made and placed on wall to raise grade of same under Pier, new 54. Earth filling was removed to make way for concrete and replaced. General Charges. April 15 to 30, 1897.- Raising Inner End Pier, new 54-Inner end of pier was raised to meet the new grade of bulkhead wall and temporary plank approach was laid to entrance of pier. WEST THIRTY-FOURTH STREET SECTION. Resolution of the Board, March 11, 1897. Dredging-Contract No. 535-Henry E. Du Bois, Jr., contractor, dredging over area to be covered by bulkhead-wall in front and south of West Thirty-fourth street. April 17 to 22, 1897.—Contract No. 536-Steers & Bensel, contractors, dredging over area to be covered by bulkhead-wall north of West Thirty-fourth street. General Charges. April 13 to 30, 1897.-Removing Old Work-Secretary's Order No. 17075—Henry Lotz, contractor, removing elevator building at foot of West Thirty-fourth street. Construction under "New Plan." March 12 to April 30, 1897.-Removing Inner End of Pier-Inner end southerly half of pier at foot of West Thirty-fourth street, and approach to same, was removed to make way for the Łulkhead-wall. March 22, 1897.-Examination of the pile heads was made preparatory to extending and widening Pier at West Thirty-fourth street. April 15, 1897.-Examination was made of crib timbers under pier at West Thirty-fourth street. April 13 to 23, 1897.-Fence was erected east of elevator building to protect property and platform was built at inner end of pier for use of the Surveyors. March 29 to April 19, 1897.—Tool-houses were removed from East Twenty fourth street and West Twenty-eighth street to the bulkhead between West Thirty-third and West Thirty-fourth streets, repaired, cleaned and painted. Rip rap Rip-rap was placed in rear of wall by contractor's force. MASONRY. May 4 to June 20, 1896.-Pumping Mud-Mud was pumped from wall-foundation preparatory to setting concrete-blocks. May 1 to June 20, 1896.—Tubbing-Stone was tubbed from area of wall-foundation. May 14 to August 15, 1896.-Concrete in Bags-28 batches of concrete were made and deposited in bags on rock-bottom. May 23 to August 17, 1896.-Concrete in Mass-13 batches of concrete were made and deposited in mass on top of concrete in bags to level off same. May 11 to September 8, 1896.-Base-blocks and Mattresses-14 concrete-blocks were set in position on wall-foundation. May 13 to September 8, 1896.-Chain-holes-22 batches of concrete were made and placed in chain-holes. June 23 to September 19, 1896.-Granite-288 pieces of granite were cut and placed on wallfoundation. June 30 to September 21, 1896.-Concrete-backing-134 batches of concrete were made and placed in rear of granite. August 1 to October 27, 1896.-Coping-Coping-stones were bedded, and 21 pieces set on top of the "E" course of granite. October 7 to November 24, 1896.-Backing-logs and Drilling Bolt-holes-Bolt-holes were drilled in coping, and backing-logs framed, placed and fastened. July 28 to October 30, 1896.-Pointing-Joints in granite set on wall were cleaned out and pointed. Construction under "New Plan." Recapitulation of Work Done and to be Done on Bulkhead-wall, West Fifty-second Street June 22 to November 4, 1896.-Removing Old Work-Earth was cleaned from top of crib foot of West Fifty-first street, and old crib and fence at foot of Fifty-first street, and between Fifty-first and Fifty-second streets, were removed. November 16 to December 9, 1896.—Temporary approach to Pier at West Fifty-second street was removed and material taken to Fifty-seventh and Seventy-fifth streets for storage. January 13 to 14, 1897.-Removing Tool-house-Tool-house at West Fiftieth street was placed on scow and taken to Fifty-seventh street yard. July 29 to November 20, 1896.-Rebuilding Inner End of Pier at West Fifty-second StreetInner end of pier, where removed to make way for the bulkhead-wall, was rebuilt. January 11 to 22, 1897.-Building Temporary Approach-Temporary approach was laid to Pier at West Fifty-second street over earth-filling. November 27, 1896.--Repairing Temporary Pavement-Belgian block pavement on bulkhead was relaid to meet grade of approach. October 12 to November 25, 1896.-Earth Filling-Engineer's Order-2,262 loads of earth filling were received and placed in rear wall by Thomas Smith. October 21 to December 17, 1896.-Secretary's Order No. 16712–7,912 loads of earth-filling were received and placed in rear of wall by Thomas E. Crimmins. Construction under " New Plan." MARGINAL STREET ALONG NORTH RIVER. Laying Permanent Pavement. June 25 to July 27, 1896.-Pier, new 13-Contract Nc. 540-Cornelius O'Grady prepared for and laid 890 square yards of Staten Island syenite block pavement in vicinity of pier. EAST RIVER, STANTON STREET SECTION. Under Unanimous Resolution of the Board, March 1, 1893. Recapitulation of Work Done and to be Done on the Stanton Street Section in Lineal Feet of Wall-Plan of East One Hundred and Second Street. NB.-The southerly 80.24 feet of this wall will not be built until some future date, owing to the preserved condition of the existing bulkhead at the foot of Rivington street, East river. General Charges. TEMPORARY APPROACH. May 19 to 23, 1896.—Under Secretary's Order No. 16245-The temporary approach leading to the Pier foot of Stanton street was repaired. June 10 to 13, 1896.-Under Secretary's Order No. 16297-An additional backing-log was placed on the temporary crib approach. July 1, 1896.—A hole at the entrance to the approach to Pier foot of Stanton street was filled-in with two (2) loads of steam ashes. February 17 and March 16 and 17, 1897.—Under Secretary's Order No. 16884—The temporary plank approach leading to Pier foot of Stanton street was repaired. EAST NINETY-FIRST STREET SECTION "1876 TYPE." STONE-FILLING. May 7 to 10, 1896.—Cobble-stone-300 cubic yards of cobble-stone were delivered and deposited on wall foundation, between the piling, by Andrew A. Bouker, under Contract No. 525. May 2 to 14, 1896.-Rip-rap Stone-385 cubic yards of rip-rap stone were delivered and deposited on wall foundation in rear of the piling, by O'Brien Brothers, under Contract No. 525. May 27 to July 16, 1896.—136 loads of rip-rap stone were delivered and deposited in rear of the bulkhead-wall by John D. and Thomas E. Crimmins, free of charge. PILING AND WOODWORK. May 5 to 8, 1896.-Transverse Capping--Bored for and drove 24 3-inch treenails. May 24 and June 2 to 17, 1896.—Decking-About 3,046 square feet of 4-inch planking were placed on the transverse caps in rear of the masonry work of the bulkhead-wall. MASONRY. May 1 to 25, 1896.-100 pieces of facing granite were placed and transferred on scows from the East Twenty-fourth street yard, loading and setting with 10-ton derrick. Construction under "New Plan." May 11 to May 26, 1896.-Concrete Backing-272 batches of concrete backing were made and placed. May 8 to 30, 1896.-Coping-21 pieces of coping were placed and transferred on scows, from the East Twenty-fourth street yard, loading and setting with 10-ton derrick. June 1 to 2, 23 to 27, July 30 and August 1 to 7, 1896.-Backing-logs and Drilling Boltholes-Holes were drilled in the coping and backing log fitted and secured with Ahlstrom bolts. May 6 to June 4, 1896.-Pointing-Facing joints in the granite were pointed. "WEST FIFTY-SECOND STREET TYPE." Bulkhead-wall Proper. STONE-FILLING. June 3 to 10, 1896.-Rip-rap Stone-68 loads of rip-rap stone were delivered and deposited in rear of the bulkhead-wall, free of charge, by John D. and Thomas E. Crimmins. MASONRY. May 23 to 26, 1896.-Granite-22 pieces of granite were set in the wall with the ten-ton derrick. May 23 to 27, 1896.-Concrete Backing-26 batches of concrete backing were made and placed. May 29, 1896.-Coping-3 pieces of coping were set. June 2 and August 7, 1896.-Backing-logs and Drilling Bolt-holes-Holes were drilled in the coping and backing log fitted and secured with Ahlstrom bolts. June 4 and 5, 1896.-Pointing-Facing joints in the granite were pointed. EAST NINETY-FIRST STREET SECTION. Under Unanimous Resolution of Board, May 25, 1893. Amended June 20, 1895. Recapitulation of Work Done and to be Done on the East Ninety-first Street Section in Lineal Plan of 1876 and West Fifty-second Street Type. Feet of Wall. |