street. N. B.-The southerly end of bulkhead-wall, extending from 6.38 feet north of souch line of East Ninety first street to 9.21 feet north of the north line of East Vinety-first street, is constructed on plan of West Fifty second The portion extending from 9.21 feet north of nor h line of East Ninety-first street to 178.45 teet north of same point is constructed on a modification of plan of 1876. The remaining 18 feet of northern en 1 of wall is on plan of West Fifty-second street. This portion, 260.54 feet of wall, commenced (dredging) O tober, 1891, and wall proper backing-log) completed August, 1876. The conditions are such at this place that there is no immediate prospect of extending the wall to the fuil length of section. General Charges. May 6 to 8, 1896.-Filling in rear of Wall-A close row of piles to retain filling was driven at the northerly end of the section and secured to the transverse caps with wire rope. June 15 to December 4, 1896.-Under Secretary's Order No. 16288-4,914 loads of earth filling were received and placed in rear of the bulkhead-wall and graded by Department's force. Old structures were removed to make way for the filling and serviceable material sent to the East Twenty-fourth Street Yard; also dry wall was built with rip-rap stone at northerly end of section to retain the filling. September 15 and 16, 1896.—Temporary Fence-The temporary fence placed at southerly end of Ninety-first street section for protection was repaired. October 29 to December 2, 1896.—Extending Sewer-Excavation made and sheathed and a 16-inch C. I. sewer-pipe laid connecting old terminus with the river through the bulkhead-wall. Sheathing removed and hole filled in. EAST NINETY-FOURTH STREET SECTION. Under Unanimous Resolution of Board, April 25, 1889. In Lineal Feet of Wall. Wall of 1876. Wall substantially completed and in use, "E" course or Coping 361.19 feet. 11.88 N. B.-The southerly 77.52 feet of this section was bui't on special plan, similar in princ ple to that of the plan of West Fifty-second street. The northerly end of the section is plan of 1876. General Charges. DRAIN-BOX. October 2 to 10, 1896.-Under Secretary's Order No. 16631-A temporary drain-box was placed in the newly-made land at the foot of East Ninety-fifth street to drain off the surface water. October 12 to 14, 1896.-Under Secretary's Order No. 16628-A temporary drain-box was placed in the newly-made land at the foot of East Ninety-fourth street to drain off the surface water. EAST NINETY-SIXTH STREET SECTION. Under Unanimous Resolution of Board, October 31, 1889. Recapitulation of Work Done and to be Done on the East Ninety-sixth Street Section n Lineal Feet of Wall. Wall of 1876. Section Length, 200.92 feet. Wall substantially completed and in use, "E" course or Coping.. Wall to be completed.. Equivalent length of wall : Completed... To be completed... General Charges. DRAIN-BOX. October 8 to 10, 1896.-Under Secretary's Order No. 16629-A temporary drain-box was placed in the newly-made land at the foot of East Ninety-sixth street to drain off the surface water. EAST NINETY-NINTH STREET SECTION. Unanimous Resolution of Board, June 20, 1895. Bulkhead-wall Proper. STONE-FILLING. July 6 and 7, 27 to 31, August 22 to 29, September 9 to 11, and October 1 to 3, 1896.Cobble-stone-1,735 cubic yards of cobble-stone were delivered and deposited on wall foundation by O'Brien Bros., under Contracts Nos. 525 and 539, and Treasurer's Orders Nos. 18683 and 18697Prior to the filling being put in at the north end of the section the close row of piles was sheathed to hold the filling. September 1 to October 6, 1896.—Rip-rap Stone-1,849 cubic yards of rip-rap stone were delivered and deposited in rear of the piling, by Brown & Fleming, under Treasurer's Order No. 18640, and by J. Frank Quinn, under Contract No. 544. PILING AND WOODWORK. May 1 to July 16, 1896.—Vertical Piling-256 vertical piles were driven, regulated and staylathed, and two (2) broken in driving. August 22, 1896.-Three extra piles were driven (one second-hand) at north end of section from which to shore end shutters to build up a vertical joint in the bulkhead-wall; also piles were located by Divers by means of wire screens. Construction under "New Plan." June 12 to 18 and July 22, 1896.-Bracing Piling-49 bracing piles were driven and regulated. May 16 to August 26, 1896.-Binding Frames-5 binding frames were made, connected and put in place, fastened and chocked with aid of Divers. June 11, 18 and 19 and July 24, 1896.—Sawing Off Piles-98 foundation and 166 platform piles were sawed off with the pile-cutting machine, and the butts placed on the bulkhead between East Ninety-eighth and East Ninety-ninth streets for future disposal. May 16 to July 24 and August 1 to 10, 1896.-Longitudinal Capping-399 lineal feet of longitudinal capping were placed, also bored for and drove 55 two-inch treenails. May 26 to July 31 and August 1 to 24, 1896.—Transverse Capping-Piles were regulated for and 46 transverse caps placed; also bored for and drove 280 two-inch and 137 three-inch treenails; placed key pieces on the caps and sawed off ends of caps to receive the granite. November 12, 1896, January 4 to 30 and February 4, 1897.-Decking-Deck planks were placed and fastened on the transverse caps in rear of the bulkhead-wall. MASONRY. June 25 to 28, 1896.-Base Blocks and Mattresses-6 concrete base blocks were loaded on scows and transferred from the East Twenty-fourth street yard with the derrick "City of New York." Mattresses were prepared and placed on piles and 6 base blocks set with the aid of Divers. June 29, 1896.-Chain Holes-The chain holes between the blocks were filled with concrete in bags, assisted by divers. May 7, 1896.-Granite-Granite was handled on Pier foot of East Twenty-fifth street for use at this section. July 9 and 10, 1896.- Levels were taken on the base blocks by the Surveying Party, assisted by Divers, preparatory to getting up granite bond. November 25, 1896, to January 18, 1897.—149 pieces of granite (facing stones) were set in the wall with the 10-ton derrick. September 2 to 4, 1896.-Concrete Backing-Mould boards were cleaned and repaired, and the close row of piles at northerly end of section was trimmed to receive the boards for a vertical joint in the wall. November 27, 1896, to January 18, 1897.—420 batches of concrete backing were made and placed in rear of granite facing. Total batches of backing used on the southerly end of section 753. January 6 to 8, and 12, and March 25 to April 3, 1897.-Pointing-728 lineal feet of joints in the granite facing were pointed. EAST NINETY-NINTH STREET SECTION. Under Unanimous Resolution of Board, June 20, 1895. Recapitulation of Work Done on the Southerly End of East Ninety-ninth Street Section. Lineal Feet of Wall. Plan of 1876. Section Length, 364.42 Feet. In N. B. The northerly 20.30 feet of this section is under plan of East One Hundred and Second street and 12 feet of the wall at the north end has been completed under that plan. General Charges. May 5, 1896.-Removing Old Sunken Piles-Old sunken pile butts were removed from the wall area by divers. Jnne 20 and 29, 1896.-Section Office-The Section Office was transferred from the East Ninety-first Street Section to the East Ninety-ninth Street Section and placed on the bulkhead for use of Assistant Engineer. June 22, 1896.-Pile Butts-Pile butts were transferred to East One Hundred and Second Street Section and placed on the bulkhead for auction sale. May 20 and 22 and July 6 and 10, 1896.--Inspecting Piles--Piles delivered on the work under Treasurer's Orders Nos. 18379 and 18587 were inspected and rafted. August 26 to 28, 1896.-Rafting Material-Surplus timber and piles left over from the work were rafted and transferred to the East Twenty-fourth Street Yard. August 28 to 31, 1896.-Tool-house-The tool-house was placed on a scow and transferred to and placed on the outer end of Pier foot of East Twenty-fourth street, and the tools placed in the storehouse. Sept 9 to 15, 1896, and April 20, 1897.-Temporary Fence-Temporary fence on the southerly side of East One Hundredth street and crossing the Marginal street, to protect pedestrians and vehicles, was repaired. Construction under "New Plan." September 15 to 24, 1896.-Drain-box-A temporary drain-box was placed at the foot of East One Hundredth street, to drain off the surface water. April 17 to May 1, 1897.-A temporary sewer-box was placed in the newly-made land, to connect with the terminus of permanent brick sewer. Fuling in Rear of Wall. September 8, 1896.—Under Secretary's Order No. 13700-A washout in the embankment adjacent to the crosswalk and paving on the southerly side of East One Hundredth street was filled in. January 29 to March 6, 1897.-Rip-rap stone (received free of charge) was laid up along the southerly side of East One Hundredth street, west of the Marginal street along the Harlem river for protection to permanent paving. (Done by the Department of Public Works.) March 19 to April 22, 1897.-656 loads of earth-filling were received and graded in rear of the bulkhead-wall, from William F. Cunningham. Total loads received to date under this order, 10,580. March 2 and April 13 to May 1, 1897.-Under Engineer's Order No. 17605-219 loads of earth-uilling were received and placed in rear of the bulkhead-wall, from Daniel J. Gleason. EAST ONE HUNDRED AND TENTH STREET SECTION. Wall of 1876. In Lineal Feet of Wall. Section Length, 855.82 Feet. June 17 to 21, 1896.-8,259 cubic yards of mud were excavated and removed from site of balkhead-wall by the Morris & Cumings Dredging Company, under Contract No. 538. Construction of Coffer-dam. PRELIMINARY WORK. June 27 to July 13, 1896.—A 1-Rip-rap boulders, mud and sand were removed to make way to float pile-driver to drive pile tops on which to build a platform. DAM PROPER. July 10 to August 4, 1896.—B 1—The sheet piling was prepared by nailing on strips for longue and groove; also sharpening one end wedge shape and butt ends to receive bands. July 14 to October 9, 1896.—B 2—Sheet piles were driven for the coffer-dam. November 2 to 9, 1896.-Clay puddle from the work was placed and rammed about the coffer-dam to stop leaks. November 20 to December 2, 1896.—Seams in the sheet piling were caulked to stop leak». February 1, 1897.-Tools and tool-house were placed on a scow and transferred to the East Twenty-fourth street yard. |