General Expense. Secretary's Order No. 16912.-Silt-basins were cleaned from time to time. February 9, 1897; in progress. Piers, new 22, 23 and 24, N. R. Secretary's Order No. 16179.-Box drains were cleaned from time to time. April 23, 1896. January 20, 1897. Secretary's Order No. 16911—Box drains were cleaned from time to time. February 9, 1897, in progress. Chambers Street, N. R. Surveyor's office was moved to Pier, new 21, lifted by derrick and taken to West Eleventh street; preparations were made to move Surveyor's office from Chambers street to north side Pier, old 28; boxes were made to hold records for removal; offices were kept in good repair. May 1, 1896, to April 30, 1897. Perry Street, N. R. Fence was built around office on pier; office was kept in good repair until removed to West Eleventh street. May 1, 1896, to February 10, 1897. Foot of Twenty-fourth Street, N. R.-Beat Landing. Secretary's Order No. 12836.-Maintenance of landing; the float landing was removed to West Fifty-seventh Street Yard. June 6, 1896. Foot of Forty-second Street, N. R.-Boat Landing. Secretary's Order No. 12837.-Maintenance of landing; piles were driven; occasional watching. In progress. West Forty-second Street, N. R. Secretary's Order No. 17115.-Float stage was placed at foot of street and railing placed around same. April 22 to 24, 1897. West Fiftieth Street, N. R. Office was kept in repair until removed to West Fifty-seventh Street Yard. May 1, 1896, to January 14, 1897. Secretary's Order No. 16291.-Under the above order, placed two floats each (deck scows, at the foot of Fiftieth street, North river, for the disembarking of United States men-of war on Decoration Day, May 30, 1896, at 8.30 A. M., and at the foot of Twentieth street, North river, for re-embarking of said men-of-war at II A. M. West Seventy-fifth Street, N. R. Piles received from A. J. Rennolds & Bro. were inspected and placed on bulkhead. December 1, 1896, January 6, 1897. West Ninety-eighth Street, N. R. Secretary's Order No. 17167-Reviewing-stand was erected for use of employees of Department on Grant Day; stand was removed. April 24 to 30, 1897. Secretary's Order No. 17115.-Preparing for and repairing scows for a "landing and embarking of President, officers and sailors from ships on the Grant Parade Day," April 27, 1897. Begun April 20, 1897 : Foot of Forty-second street, North river, scow "D" was placed. Pier at foot of Fifty-second street, North river, scow “I” was placed. Pier at foot of One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street, North river, scow "O' was placed. Pier at foot of One Hundred and Twenty-ninth street, North river, scow "M" was placed. Pier 35, E. R. Secretary's Order No. 16289.-Watchman's house transferred by tug West Fifty-seventh Street Yard to Pier, old 35, East river. June 16, 1896. "Manhattan" from the General Expense. The house was transferred from the pier to the bulkhead and blinds placed about the windows for protection. June 22, 1896. Truck Pound, N. R. Secretary's Order No. 16604.-Under the above order, repaired the stove pipe and put glass in windows and door at the office of Truck Pound, in accordance with report of A. McCormack. 1897. INVENTORIES. Inventories were taken at the end of the four quarters of the year. May 1, 1896, to April 30, Automatic Tide Gauges. same at City Island, Fort Schuyler, Pelham Park Dock, These houses and gauges were made at West Fifty-seventh Fitted up gauges and houses for DOCK MASTERS' OFFICES. District No. 2, at Pier, new 34, N. R. Secretary's Order No. 16626.—Furnished for the Dock Master's office a new elbow and joints of pipe for stove. Finished September 28, 1896. Secretary's Order No. 16782. -Furnished and fitted up new stove, etc., in Dock Master's office foot of Canal street, North river. Begun and finished February 17, 1897. District No. 4, at Pier, new 43, N. R. Secretary's Order No. 16607.-Furnished three lengths of 4-inch stove-pipe, with a rain protection on one, for stove in Dock Master's office. Finished October 12, 1896. Secretary's Order No. 16657.-Furnished a new door sill saddle for Dock Master's office. Finished October 12, 1896. Secretary's Order No. 16782.-Repaired Dock Master's office; put new roofing paper on roof of Dock Master's office at One Hundred and Thirty-third street, North river. District No.6, at Bloomfield Street, N. R. Secretary's Order No. 16606.-Furnished supplies to Dock Master's office as follows: Pipe tor stove, isinglass for stove, cord for shutters and windows, pane of glass, and lock for door with knobs. District No. 10, at West Fiftieth Street, N. R. Put glass in windows of Dock Master's office. District No. 12, at West Seventy-Fifth Street, N. R. Secretary's Order No. 16608.- Furnished the following for Dock Master's office: Five lengths of stove-pipe, 5-inch, with cap on one, 5-inch elbow, and isinglass. Secretary's Order No. 16625.-Furnished 5-inch stove-pipe and pane of glass for Dock Master's office. Secretary's Order No. 16609.—Furnished the following for Dock Master's office: New stovepipe, new grate, new isinglass, and zinc under stove. District No. 1, at Pier, new 6, E. R. Secretary's Order No. 16614.-Furr.ished for the Dock Master's office a new window-sash and placed same. Finished September 26, 1896. District No. 3, at Pier, new 29, E. R. Under Secretary's Order No. 16368.-The Dock Master's office was transferred on scow from Fier, new 29, East river, to Pier, foot of East Twenty-fourth street, East river. July 2 and 3, 1896. General Expen-e. District No. 5 at Third Street, E. R. Secretary's Order N», 16565.—Under the above order, repaired the saddle under office door and lock in same, and placed weather strips on door, and furnished new hinges for shutters at Dock Master's office, foot of Third street, East river. Begun October 9, finished October 10, 1896. District No. 11, at East Eighty-sixth Street, E. R. Secretary's Order No. 16782.-Necessary repairs were made to the coal box at Dock Master's office. Begun and finished February 1, 1897. District No. 13 at One Hundred and Thirty-eighth Street, H. R. Regun November Secretary's Order No. 16605.-Made repairs and furnished supplies to Dock Master's office. Secretary's Order No. 16759.--Repairs were made to the flooring of office. 27 and finished December 7, 1896. REPORT OF STOCK. Report of Stock Report of Stock on Hand, Purchased and Issued from West Fifty-seventh Street Yard, N.R.. for Year Ending April 30, 1897. side Drive..... Stand between Ninety-eighth and Ninety-ninth streets and River Balance stock on hand April 30, 1897. $1,380 78 1,123 01 2,297 17 73 44 218 40 1,409 55 55 87 1,852 73 48 98 208 96 74,772 63 44 87 321 12 61 79 8,801 75 Report of Stock. $103,992 391 $103,992 304 |