Land under water for platform weaterly side of Pier 1, about 2,540 square feet.... Pier, old 38 and half of bulkhead westerly.. Land under water for platform south of Pier Land under water for platform westerly of Pier 40, 1,779 square feet... Pier 40...... Freight shed on Pier, new 32. Undivided ninth part Pier, old 42.. Land under water for platform between Piers 43, 782 square feet ...... and 42 Land under water for widening Pier, old 45, 2,856 square feet...... Land under water for platform between Piers,) and new 36, 6,411 square feet. old 45 Central Vermont Railroad Co. Bridgeport Steamboat Co.... Old Colony Steamboat Co.... North and East River Steam- N. Y. Dry Dock & Repair Co. N.Y., New Haven and Hart ford R. R. Co., assignee. N.Y., New Haven and Hart ford R. R. Co., assignee N.Y., New Haven and Hart ford R. R. Co., assignee. N.Y., New Haven and Hart-I ford P. R. Co........ N.Y., New Haven and Hartford R. R. Co., assignee. N. Y., New Haven and Hartford R. R. Co Harlem River and Port ད N. Y., New Haven and Hartford R. R. Co.... N.Y., New Haven and Hartford R. R. Co... At pleasure of the Board... May 1, 1889, to May 1, 1899 June 1, 1897, to June 1, 1907 " 13,000 683.25 At pleasure of the Board... 1900, with privilege of 587 13 By resolutions, Nov. 22, 1894. and Apr. 25, 1895. 698 50 (By resolution, June 16, 1875. and Sept. 12, 1895... By resolution, Mar. 7, 1895... By resolution of Aug. 30, 1894 By resolution of Aug. 2, 1894. 444 76 12,500 00 100 00 By resolution, July 16, 1896.. By resolution, Apr. 2, 1896... 16.30 per mo. By resolution, Dec 8, 1892... 714 1st term' 742.56 2d term 771.12 3d term By resolution, Aug. 10, 1888, and minutes, Mar. 9, 1893.) By resolution, Aug. 10, 1838. 1,602 72 15,000 per ann. (By resolution, Nov. 9, 1888, 66 159.25 1,055 1,055 00 By resolution, May 26, 1880.. By resolution, May 7, 1874. and Nov. 6, 1879. 8,000 66 8,000 00 By public sale, Sept. 20, 1887. By resolution, Sept. 11, 1890, and minutes, Aug. 4, 1892.. 2,191 52 Use of new made land between Piers to and 61. Murtagh & McCarthy. Etzel & Son John W. Sullivan. May 1, 1896, to May 1, 1897 200 At pleasure of the Board... $1,856.50 per ann] May 1, 1891, at pleasure By resolutions, Feb. 7 and By resolutions, Feb. 26 and By public sale, Apr. 14, 1896.. $1,856 52 125 00 150 00 Northerly half and outer end of Pier, old 61. Etzel & Son Use of new made land between Piers 61 and 62. James Shewan & Sons May 1, 1896 to May 1, 1897 ... By public sale, July 16, 1896.. By public sale, Apr. 14, 1896.. By public sale, Apr. 14, 1897.. By public sale, Apr. 5, 1892... By public sale, Apr. 14, 1897.. By resolutions, Sept. 17 and By public sale, Apr. 14, 1896.. By public sale, Apr. 14, 1897.. By resolution, Apr. 15, 1897. By resolutions, Dec. 6, 1894, and Apr. 25, 1895. | By resolutions, Dec. 6, 1894. and May 2, 1895 935 72 Northerly half of Pier at Eighth street. ་་་་་ Emeline Roach, At pleasure of the Board.. 62.50 Per mo. Estate of George Law. Pier at Ninth street, southerly half of Pier at Estate of John Roach. › Bulkhead at East Fourteenth street, 110 feet. Bulkhead at East Fifteenth street, 65 feet.... Pier at East Eighteenth street, with reserva-) Bulkhead foot of East Twenty-second street. Bulkhead south of East Twenty-fourth street, Bulkhead between East Twenty-fifth and East) Berth at Pier foot of East Twenty-eighth) Bulkhead at East Thirtieth street, 60 feet. Dumping-board at foot of East Thirtieth street. Pier at foot of East Thirty-first street. Murray & Co. Carroll Box and Lumber Co. Brooklyn and New York Candee & Smith. Manhattan State Hospital.... William Hastorf. Joseph V. Brown. Northerly side of Pier at East Thirty-first street Al. Foster Steamboat Co. Pier at foot of East Thirty-second street.... Southerly side of Pier at East Thirty-third street... Northerly side of Pier at East Thirty-third street.... Bulkhead foot of East Thirty-sixth street, 60 feet.... Pier at East Thirty-seventh street (with reservation for public bath). Ice bridge, etc., at Pier foot of East Thirty seventh street.. Pier at East Thirty-seventh street (with privilege of maintaining ice bridge May 1, 1892, to May 1, 1897 1900, with privilege of 1901, with privilege of May 1, 1894, to May 1, 1899. May 1, 1892, to May 1, 1897. By resolutions, Aug. 30, 1893.1 and Sept. 13 and Nov. 28, 1894, and May 3, 1895... 1894, and (By resolutions, Aug. 30, 1803 and Sept. 13, May 3, 1895... (By resolution, Mar. 8, 1892, and May 3, 1895 By public sale, Apr. 5, 1892... By resolution, Apr. 29, 1897. By public sale, Apr. 27, 1894.. 125 4,0:0 1st term By resolution, Oct. 25. 1894.. 4,000 00 By public sale, Jan. 30, 1891.. 150 00 4,100 per ann. By public sale, Mar. 22, 1881.. 4,500 Ist term 5,0co 2d term 3,075 00 75 per mo. By resolution, Oct. 27, 1892.. (By resolutions, June 25 and July 16, 1896. 250 per ann. By public sale, Apr. 27, 1894.. 2,750 per ann. By public sale, Apr. 5, 1892.. By resolution, Apr. 23, 1897.. May 1, 1892, to May 1, 1897 1,400 00 125 per mo. By resolution, May 2, 1895... 1,375 00 25 By resolution, June 11, 1896.. 300 per ar.n. By public sale, Apr. 1, 1895... Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Co... May 1, 1896, to May 1, 1897 By public sale, Apr. 14, 1897.. 375 00 By public sale, Apr. 14, 1896.. By resolutions, May 16 and PROPERTY. LESSEE OR OCCUPANT. TERM OF TENANCY. RENT. RIGHT OF TENANCY. RECEIVED. Southerly half of bulkhead between East Thirty eighth and East Thirty-ninth streets.. Bulkhead and dump at East Thirty-ninth street Bulkhead at foot of East Fortieth street, 60 feet Bulkhead at foot of East Forty-first street, fo feet... Bulkhead at East Forty-second street.. Bulkhead at foot of East Forty-third street, 60 feet.... Bulkhead at foot of East Forty-fourth street, 65 feet..... Bulkhead at East Forty-seventh street.. Bulkhead at East Forty-eighth street, 60 feet erly half of block between East Fifty- Land under water in front of northerly half of) block between East Fifty-fourth and East Henry A. Peck & Co. Lehigh Valley R. R. Co.. el Site for bulkhead between East Fifty-sixth and Land under water between East Fifty-ninth) Filled-in land easterly of original high-water mark in front of southerly half of block between Sixty-second and Sixty-third streets, and platform in front of same.... Filled-in land in front of northerly half of block between East Sixty-second and East Sixtythird streets, and platform in front of same. Bulkhead at foot of East Sixty-third street, 65 feet..... Bulkhead between East Sixty-third and East 1 Sixty-fourth strec 8, 2.5 feet At pleasure of the Board. July 1, 1893, to July 1, 1898 Sept. 1, 1887, at pleasure of At pleasure of the Foard... At pleasure of the Board. At pleasure of the Board... 100 By public sale, Apr. 1, 1895. By publi: sale, May 9, 1892, and minutes, Feb. 23, 1893. 700 00 I and under water for bulkhead northerly of Kast Seventy-fourth street, 2,384 square feet......... Bulkhead platform between Est Seventy- Bulkhead platform, between East Seventy-eighth |