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At a special meeting of the Board of Docks, called in accordance with section 3 of article I i the By-laws, held Tuesday, May 19, 1896, at 12 o'clock noon.

Present-Commissioners Einstein and Monks.

Absent President O'Brien.

The Board proceeded to open estimates for preparing for and building a crib bulkhead in herman's Creek, on the Harlem river, under Contract No. 533, a representative of the Comptroller eing present.

[blocks in formation]

On motion, the Secretary was directed to transmit to the Comptroller the security deposits ade by said bidders and accompanying their estimates, whereupon the following resolution was dopted:

Resolved, That the contract opened this day for preparing for and building a crib bulkhead Sherman's Creek, on the Harlem river, under Contract No. 533, be and hereby is awarded to mes D. Leary, he being the lowest bidder, subject to the approval of the sureties by the Compller.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

GEO. S. TERRY, Secretary.

At a special meeting of the Board of Docks, called in accordance with section 3 of article the By-laws, held Tuesday, May 19, 1896, at 12 o'clock noon.

Present-Commissioners Einstein and Monks.

Absent President O'Brien.

On motion, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That the Secretary be and is hereby directed to withdraw the advertisement invai estimates for dredging in the vicinity of East One Hundred and Sixteenth street, Harlem ris under Contract No. 538, advertised to be opened May 26, 1896, and to readvertise for e doing said work under the contract as amended, in the CITY RECORD and other papeis by law.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

GEO. S. TERRY, Secretary.

At a special meeting of the Board of Docks, called in accordance with section 3 of article I

I the By-laws, held Tuesday, May 19, 1896, at 12 o'clock noon.

Present-Commissioners Einstein and Monks.

Absent-President O'Brien.

The Board proceeded to open estimates for preparing for and building a crib bulkhead in herman's Creek, on the Harlem river, under Contract No. 533, a representative of the Comptroller eing present.

[blocks in formation]

On motion, the Secretary was directed to transmit to the Comptroller the security deposits ade by said bidders and accompanying their estimates, whereupon the following resolution was dopted:

Resolved, That the contract opened this day for preparing for and building a crib bulkhead Sherman's Creek, on the Harlem river, under Contract No. 533, be and hereby is awarded to mes D. Leary, he being the lowest bidder, subject to the approval of the sureties by the Compcller.

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At a special meeting of the Board of Docks, called in accordance with section 3 of artick the By-laws, held Tuesday, May 19, 1896, at 12 o'clock noon.

Present-Commissioners Einstein and Monks.

Absent-President O'Brien.

On motion, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That the Secretary be and is hereby directed to withdraw the advertisement inv. estimates for dredging in the vicinity of East One Hundred and Sixteenth street, Harlem under Contract No. 538, advertised to be opened May 26, 1896, and to readvertise for estimates doing said work under the contract as amended, in the CITY RECORD and other papers designe by law.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

GEO. S. TERRY, Secretary.

At a ineeting of the Board of Docks, held Thursday, May 21, 1896, at 12 o'clock M.

Pre-ent-Commissioners Einstein and Monks.

Absent-President O'Brien.

The minutes of the meetings held April 7, May 14 and 19, 1896, were approved.

Representatives of the Board of Aldermen were present in reference to the erection of a roof arden on the pier foot of East One Hundred and Seventeenth street.

On motion, the consideration of the matter was laid over, and the protest of John F. Crotty gainst the erection of a roof garden on said pier ordered on file.

The communication from the Dock Superintendent, recommending that the compensation of $1 per day charged George Grossman for steam hoist on bulkhead, between One Hundred and Thirty-first and One Hundred and Thirty-second streets, North river, be remitted from May 1, 1896, and that permit without compensation be issued for same, was tabled.

The application of Andrew A. Bouker, for an extension of time on Contract No. 525, Class I., 10 May 25, 1896, was referred to the Engineer-in-Chief.

The following permits were granted, to continue during the pleasure of the Board :

John McDermott, to maintain two derricks on bulkhead between Piers 12 and 13, East river. Brown & Fleming, to load cellar dirt on scows at Pier 4, East river, provided the berth is not required for the use of canal boats.

Holmes & Philbrick, to extend shed about 75 feet within the lines of the exterior street, between Ninety-sixth and Ninety-seventh streets, East river, the work to be done under the supervision of the Engineer-in-Chief.

The following permits were granted, the work to be done under the supervision of the Engineer-in-Chief:

New York Dry Dock and Repair Company, to dredge the slip easterly of Pier 42, East river. G. Robetzek & Brothers, to repair pier on easterly side of Mott Haven Canal, at East One Hundred and Thirty-sixth street.

Ridgewood Ice Company, to take up nine piles and four spring piles at the foot of East Eighth


New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company, to repair fender pier and cribs at The Spuyten Duyvil Draw Bridge.

Hoboken Ferry Company, to erect a board fence upon the backing log at Pier, new 43, North ver, and fill in behind same; the structures to remain only during the pleasure of the Board.

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