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The Auditing Committee submitted a report of seventeen bills or claims, amounting to 1,514.82, which had been approved and audited. The report was ordered to be spread in full on e minutes, as follows:

Indit No.




3238. Andrew A. Bouker, Estimate No. 1, Contract No. 525, Class I... $2,091 52 $239. J. Frank Quinn, Estimate No. I and Final, Contract No. 508, Class


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

The action of the President pro tem. in transmitting the same, with requisitions for amount, to the Finance Department for payment, approved.

On motion, the Board adjourned.

GEO. S. TERRY, Secretary,

At a meeting of the Board of Docks, held Thursday, May 28, 1896, at 12 o'clock M.

Present-The full Board.

The Board proceeded to reorganize.

Commissioner O'Brien was re-elected President by the affirmative votes of Commissioners Sinstein and Monks.

Commissioner Einstein was re-elected Treasurer by the affirmative votes of Commissioners 'Brien and Monks.

Commissioner Monks was elected to act as President pro tem. in the absence of Commisjoner O'Brien.

The minutes of the meeting held May 21, 1896, were approved by the affirmative votes of Commissioners Einstein and Monks, President O'Brien not voting.

Frank A. Irish, attorney for the owners of Tripp's elevator at the foot of West Thirty-fourth treet, appeared and requested that no action be taken in reference to the discontinuance of the ondemnation proceedings for the acquisition of the north half of the block between West Thirtyhird and West Thirty-fourth streets, North river. The communication from Edmund Coffin, Jr., attorney, requesting that said condemnation proceedings be continued, was ordered on file, and, On motion, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That the Counsel to the Corporation be and hereby is requested to postpone all further action in the matter of the proceedings to acquire the property, rights, etc., in the north f of the block between Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth streets, North river, until further action it the Board of Docks has been taken relative thereto, as said Board has under consideration the pestion of discontinuing said proceedings.

The following permits were granted, to continue during the pleasure of the Board :

H. A. Fisher, to maintain derricks on Pier foot of East Fifty-fourth street, and bulkhead between East Sixty-first and East Sixty-second streets, East river.

John Gordon, to maintain derrick mast on south side of Pier at the foot of East Thirty-eighth


William P. Baird, to load cellar dirt on scows at the Pier foot of East One Hundredth street, impensation to be paid therefor at the rate of $1.50 per day in addition to wharfage.

McGirr & Campbell, to maintain scales and office on the Pier foot of West Sixteenth street.

Michael Kirchner, to store sand at One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street, Harlem river, comusation to be paid therefor at the rate of $10 per month.

The following permits were granted, to continue during the pleasure of the Board, the work to be done under the supervision of the Engineer-in-Chief:

James Flanagan & Co., to construct temporary framework for cableway at the foot of West Eighty-first street.


Orson P. Raynor, to erect gangway five feet wide at the foot of Lexington avenue, Harlem

Sheridan & Shea Co., to place steam derrick at the dumping-board between Ninety-sixth an Ninety-seventh streets, North river, in accordance with plans submitted, and at the owners' risk.

The following permit was granted, the work to be done under the supervision of the Engineerin-Chief:

New York Dry Dock and Repair Company, to drive piles and replace mooring-posts at Fier 42, East river.

The following permit was granted on the usual terms:

Atlas Line, to make necessary repairs until October 30, 1896, to Pier, new 55, North river.

The following communications were ordered on file:

From the Finance Department:

Ist. Respecting the substitution of sureties on Contract No. 536.

On motion, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That permission be and hereby is granted for the substitution of W. Batles Duncan as surety in the place of W. B. Duncan, Jr., on the estimate of Steers & Bensel, for dredging north of West Thirty-fourth street, on the North river, under Contract No. 536.

2d. Requesting maps and other information relative to the ferry premises foot of Liberty Jay and West Forty-second streets, North river, and Whitehall (South Brooklyn Ferry), Pine and East Twenty-third streets (Greenpoint), East river. The Engineer-in-Chief directed to furnish.

From the Counsel to the Corporation :

Ist. Transmitting certified copies of bills of costs in the condemnation proceedings for the acquisition of wharf property between West Eleventh and Bank streets, North river. The Chie Clerk directed to prepare requisitions.

2d. Requesting information relative to the claims against G. F. & E. C. Swift, Knickerbocke Ice Company, and the East Bay Land and Improvement Company. The Secretary directed to furnish.

From the Department of Public Works :

1st. Stating that they will terminate the sewer outlet at the foot of East Eighty-sixth street in the manner requested by this Department.

2d. Requesting that the wooden platform at the foot of Cortlandt street, North river, t raised to the grade of the pavement. The Secretary directed to reply.

3d. Stating that the work of building a sewer outlet at the foot of One Hundred and Fortyifth street, Harlem river, will not interfere with the improvement thereat under the new plan.

4th. Stating that they will build the intercepting sewer between West Eleventh and Gansevoort streets, North river, when necessary.

From the New York City Civil Service Boards-Submitting list of persons eligible for appointment to the position of Temporary Stenographer and Typewriter in this Department. On motion, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That Thomas S. Callender, Jr., of No. 207 East Fifty-seventh street, New York City, who has been duly certified by the New York City Civil Service Boards as eligible for such position, be and hereby is appointed to the position of Temporary Stenographer and Typewriter in this Department, with compensation at the rate of seventy-five dollars per month, to take effect May 29, 1896.

From the Health Department-Inclosing report respecting the condition of the slip at the foot of West Fifty-ninth street. The Secretary directed to transmit a copy to the owners of said property.

From the Honorable Levi P. Morton, Governor-Inclosing communication from the State Harbor Commissioners of California requesting certain information relative to the government of the water-front. The Secretary directed to furnish.

From G. J. Garretson, attorney-Stating that owing to the sale of Pier 35, East river, and the adjoining bulkhead, in partition, he will be unable to make any further payments for watching said property.

On motion, the Engineer-in-Chief was directed to maintain a day and night watchman at said pier at the expense of this Department.

From John T. Wall-In reference to the sign on the new-made land between Ninety-sixth and Ninety-seventh streets, East river.

On motion, the Secretary was directed to call the attention of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to said sign, as the property in question has been relegated to their care.

From Leonard J. Carpenter, attorney-Protesting on behalf of the owners of Pier II, against the establishment of a dump for cellar dirt on Pier 12, East river. The Secretary directed to state that no violation of the rules and regulations of this Department will be permitted.

From the Pennsylvania Railroad Company-Submitting plans of proposed ferry-racks, etc., at West Twenty-third street.

On motion, said plans were approved and permission granted to execute same under the direction and supervision of the Engineer-in-Chief.

From the Excelsior Steamboat Company--Requesting permission to land the steamboat "Aurora" at the Battery wharf during the season of 1896.

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