15915. Morris & Cuming Dredging Co., Estimate No. 1, Contract No. 565 $25,869 75 15916. John W. Flaherty, Estimate No. 1 and final, Contract No. 558.... 8,867 00 15932. Atlantic Dredging Company, Estimate No. 1, Contract No. 562... $1,003 54 15933. Steers & Bensel, Estimate No. 4, Contract No. 536... 71356 15934. Henry E. Du Bois, Jr., Estimate No. 4, Contract No. 535... 1,215 66 15935. R. G. Packard, Estimate No. 1, Contract No. 573.... 3,481 48 15936. William H. Jenks, Estimate No. 2 and final, Contract No. 566... 15937. Blagden & Stillman, insurance... 2,353 30 57 03 15940. Zimdars & Hunt, changing pneumatic bells, etc..... 15 82 75.00 1,572 43 $77-477 59 Respecfully submitted, EDWIN EINSTEIN, Auditing The action of the Secretary in transmitting the same, with requisitions for the amount to the Finance Department for payment, approved. On motion, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, Under date of April 15, 1896, the Manhattan State Hospital made application for lease of a pier, to be built at the foot of East One Hundred and Sixteenth street, for a term of en years from the date of completion of said pier, with the privilege of renewal for ten years; and, Whereas, At a meeting of the Board of Docks held April 16, 1896, the Board adopted a resoition agreeing to lease, assign and to farmlet to the Manhattan State Hospital, all and singular e wharfage, etc., at said pier when built, the terms of which resolution were duly accepted by he officers of said Manhattan State Hospital; and, Whereas, The Engineer-in-Chief of this Department reported the completion of said pier on pril 5, 1897; Resolved, That the pier at the foot of East One Hundred and Sixteenth street, together with fty feet of bulkhead on the southerly side, be and is hereby set aside for the sole use of the ›ecial kind of commerce carried on by steam transportation. Resolved, That by virtue of the power and authority vested in this Board, and in pursuance f the statutes in such cases made and provided, this Department hereby leases, assigns, and does rmlet to the Manhattan State Hospital all and singular the wharfage which may arise, accrue or ecome due in the manner and at the rates prescribed by law, for the use and occupation of the er at the foot of East One Hundred and Sixteenth street, about fifty feet wide, about one hundred ad ninety-three feet long on the northerly side, and about one hundred and ninety-eight feet long on e southerly side, together with fifty feet of bulkhead on the southerly side, for a term of ten years om April 5, 1897, at an annual rental of three thousand five hundred dollars, payable quarterly advance to the Treasurer of this Department; the lessee shall have the privilege of renewal of id lease for a further term of ten years, the annual rental for said renewal term to be at the rate three thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars, payable quarterly in advance, as above. Said ase and any renewal thereof shall contain the usual covenants and conditions as at present abodied in the leases of wharf property now used by this Department. The action of the Secretary in ordering printing and binding of the Annual Report for the ar ending April 30, 1896, and printing Index to the Minutes for the year ending April 30, 1896, as approved. The Treasurer, Commissioner Einstein, gave notice that at the meeting of the Board of Docks be held Thursday, May 6, 1897, he would move to amend the By-Laws of the Department, as lows: Ist. By amending section I of article 4, so as to read as follows: "The President shall hold office until the first Monday of May next succeeding his election, d until his successor be chosen. He shall preside at all meetings of the Board, and shall be a ember, ex officio, of all committees. In his absence a President pro tempore may be chosen o shall preside at the meetings and perform the duties which properly belong to the office of esident." 2d. By eliminating from section I of article 6, the following sentence: "He shall prepare a communications from the Board and submit the same to the President, or, in his absence from the city, to the President pro tempore, for his approval," and substitute therefor the following: “He shall sign all official communications from the Department, except such as may be designatel to be signed by the President and Treasurer." The Secretary reported that the pay-rolls for the General Repairs and Construction Force fr the week ending April 23, 1897, amounting to $5,606.17, had been approved, audited and transmitted to the Finance Department for payment. On motion, the Board adjourned. GEO. S. TERRY, Secretary. At a special meeting of the Board of Docks called in accordance with section 3, article I, of the by-laws, held Friday, April 30, 1897, at 12 o'clock M. Present-The full Board. On motion, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, In and by an indenture made the 25th day of April, 1895, by and between the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, by the Board of Docks, parties of the first part, and John A. Bouker, party of the second part, all and singular the wharfage which may arise, accrue or become due, for the use and occupation, in the manner and at the rates prescribed by law, of all that certain wharf property situate on the North river, in the City and County of New York, and known and described as follows, to wit: Northerly side and outer end of the pier at the foot of West Twelfth street, with the privilege of maintaining a dump thereon, together with the right to enter upon the said wharf property for the purpose of said lease and to collect the said whartage, was leased for a term of three years from the 1st day of May, 1895. Whereas, In and by said lease the party of the second part covenants and agrees "that if at any time during the term hereby created the said Board of Docks shall determine to proceed with the work of the building or rebuilding wharves, piers, bulkheads, basins, docks or slips within a section or district of the water-front which shall include the wharf property herein before described, according to any plan or plans now adopted and approved, or which may hereafter be adopted and approved, and pursuant to any existing or future law, and if the said Board shall determine that for the purpose of such building or rebuilding it will be necessary to terminate the interest of the party of the second part in the wharfage to arise, accrue or become due from the said wharf property, or from any part thereof, or if at any time during the term hereby created the said Board of Docks shall determine that the said wharf property or any part thereof shall be used for some other purpose than for the purpose of the collection of wharfage, and that it will be necessary to terminate the interest of the said party of the second part in such whartage, then upon the receipt by the said party of the second part of written notice of a resolution of the said Board of Docks to that effect, describing the wharf property, or the part thereof affected thereby, the interest of the said party of the second part in said wharfage and in said wharf property or part thereof under this lease, shall be thereby terminated and the rent hereby reserved shall cease from the date of the receipt of such notice, and no claim for damages or compensation in favor of the said party of the second part by reason of the termination of such interest in said wharfage, or wharf property, or for damages or injury to any steam or sailing vessel or water craft moored thereto, or on, in, or about the same, or to or on account of any structure or improvement that may have been erected or made by said party of the second part, shall, at any time be made by the said party of the second part or by any person or persons whomsoever;" therefore, be it Resolved, That the Board of Docks hereby determines to proceed with the work of building and rebuilding wharves, piers, bulkheads, basins, docks or slips within the section or district of the water-front of the City of New York between Charles street and Gansevoort street on the North river, which said district includes the wharf property herein before described, according to the plan of the Department of Docks adopted on the 8th day of March, 1894, and approved by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund on or about the 30th day of March, 1894; and further Resolved, That the said Board of Docks hereby determines that for the purpose of such building or rebuilding, it will be necessary to terminate the interest of John A. Bouker, the said party of the second part in said lease mentioned, in the wharfage to arise, accrue or become due from the said wharf property or from any part thereof; and be it further Resolved, That the Board of Docks hereby terminates the interest of John A. Bouker, the said party of the second part in said lease mentioned, said termination to take effect upon the service upon John A. Bouker of written notice of this resolution; be it further Resolved, That notice of this resolution, terminating the interest of the said John A. Bouker, the said party of the second part in said lease mentioned, be served upon Joseph Cornell, and that also a copy of this resolution be served upon John A. Bouker in addition thereto. On motion, the Secretary was directed to notify John A. Bouker to remove the dumping board from the Pier at the foot of West Twelfth street. On motion, the Board adjourned. GEO. S. TERRY, Secretary. |