Посебна издања, Томови 488-491Научно дело, 1975 |
Из књиге
Резултати 1-3 од 49
Страница 398
... Armada invencible , 2 књиге , Madrid , 1884-1885 и Enrique Herrera Oria , La Armada invencible . Documentos procedentes del Archivo general de Simancas ( Ar- chivo histório español , Tomo II ) , Madrid , 1929. Енглеске документе при ...
... Armada invencible , 2 књиге , Madrid , 1884-1885 и Enrique Herrera Oria , La Armada invencible . Documentos procedentes del Archivo general de Simancas ( Ar- chivo histório español , Tomo II ) , Madrid , 1929. Енглеске документе при ...
Страница 597
... Armada included twelve large warships called „ The Twel- three Ragusan ships in the Armada : the San Niccolò , commanded by Ragusan seamen . A more recent version has it that as many as 33 out of 150 Armada units were from Ragusa ...
... Armada included twelve large warships called „ The Twel- three Ragusan ships in the Armada : the San Niccolò , commanded by Ragusan seamen . A more recent version has it that as many as 33 out of 150 Armada units were from Ragusa ...
Страница 598
... Armada expedition as San Juan de Sicilia ( because she was requisitio- ned in Sicily and carried a regiment of Sicilian infantry ) . In England this ship was known ( after the Armada ) as The Tobermory Galleon and The Armada Treasure ...
... Armada expedition as San Juan de Sicilia ( because she was requisitio- ned in Sicily and carried a regiment of Sicilian infantry ) . In England this ship was known ( after the Armada ) as The Tobermory Galleon and The Armada Treasure ...
Морнари и веслачи 13001500 | 7 |
Трговци и капетани 15001550 | 97 |
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