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offered up his thanks to heaven, he went to the || ters saw him turn pale and stagger. He redoor of his hermitage, where he received Con-quested to be carried to his cell, and to be left radine, who threw himself at his feet and kissed || by himself. He knelt down to pray, and exhis hand. His example was followed by Eu-pired without a pang. After the nuptials, the phrosyne and her sisters. "At last," said he,|| sisters, uneasy because he did not return, went at last ye are happy. Long may you live, to look for him, and found him a corpse. As Couradine, and from your happiness, as from a they were plunged in the most profound sorpure spring, may the felicity of your subjects row, the superior of the Capuchins endeavourflow!"-Mass being ended, the chaplain of the ed to comfort them by representing that such Count performed the nuptial ceremony, and a death was only a transition to a glorious imConradine and Euphrosyue promised each mortality. Euphrosyne insisted on his being other everlasting affection. The old man was interred in the hermitage, and Conradine overpowered with joyful emotions, which were erected a magnificent church on the spot. succeeded by excessive weakness. His daugh



HAVING observed a disposition in some of the public prints to censure the general operations of the British army in Spain, and to load the memory of a most gallant, able, truly meritorious, and not less lamented officer, with reflections which never can attach to it when the circumstances under which he acted are fully and fairly weighed I am led to offer a few observations, which will, I trust, have the effect of producing at last a more attentive consideration of the various difficulties under which the Commander of the British army was placed, before the public allows itself to be influenced by opinions and insinuatious which may be the result of malevolence not less than of ignorance.

When Sir John Moore reached Salamanca with the troops which marched from Portugal, he learnt the defeat of General Blake's army in the Asturias, and the dispersion of the Estremadura ariny at Burgos. At this period he had with him about fifteen thousand effective infantry, and one brigade of artillery. The rest of his artillery, with the whole of the cavalry, and four battalions of infantry, had been forced to take a circuitous route by Elvas, Almarez, and Madrid; that by Almeida, and Ciudad Rodrigo, being deemed, as it afterwards proved, nearly impracticable for cavalry and artillery.

Sir David Baird's corps was advancing by divisions from Corunna to Astorga, according to arrangements made with the Government of Galicia, which had been subject to delays in the first instance, and subsequently to difficulties arising out of the nature of the country,

the deficiency of practicable communication, of quarters, and of supplies. Sir David Baird's corps could not be assembled at Astorga un til the 4th of December, and Lieut. General Hope's, under every exertion, and suffering no interruption from the enemy, might be expected to join Sir J Moore about the same time (as it did) near Salamanca. The stores and reserve ammunition were following, under the escort of the Buffs, by the route of Cindad Rodrigo, and their progress was necessarily slow. Under these circumstances the whole army could not have been united until the middle of December. After the advantages obtained by the enemy over General Blake, and the corps at Burgos, it could hardly be hoped that General Castanos's army would be able to maintain its position on the Ebro; but measures more judicious than those which were pursued, and a timely retreat, when no good result could be expected from risking a general action with raw troops against superior numbers, might have secured the existence of a great proportion of General Castanos's army, and its eventual assembly behind the Tagus. In that case it is probable that Sir J. Moore would have marched into the right, have joined General Castanos, and have endeavoured with him to defend the line of the Tagus, covering the southern parts of the peninsula, and losing no opportunity of making such forward movements as might interrupt the enemy's opera tious on the side of Madrid, Saragossa, &c.Reinforcements might have been drawn from the rear, and a retreat was open upon the Sierra Morena.


The defeat and dispersion of General Casfanos's corps destroyed every prospect of executing such a plan, and rendered impracticable any movement of Sir J. Moore in that direc Είνα.

There existed no other Spanish army which could operate directly with Sir J Moore, or which could form any diversion in his favour. His own army, when united, would not amount to thirty thousand men, and at this period it was divided into three corps. No immediate benefit seemed likely to result from any for ward movement, and the safety of the British army, and the defence of Portugal, became the most important objects of his attention. Under every appearance and every calculation which then occurred, these could only be insured by an early retreat of his own corps, when joined by Lieut-General Hope's division, to the frontiers of Portugal, by the route of Ciudad Rodrigo (however ineligible otherwise for cavalry and artillery) and by the retrograde motion of Sir David Baird's corps towards Corunna or Vigo, there to be embarked, and thence to proceed to the Tagus.

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That such was ir J. Moore's inteution is well kn wn, a dwa evident from the return of a part of Sir David Baird's corps towards Lugo; and had the safety of the British army been the only motive by which he was actuated, that intention would have been at once executed. Lieut. General Hope's division reached Alba de Tormes on the 4th, after a march which had been conducted with great skill and prudence, and Sir J. Moore might have commenced his retreat from Salamanca about the 6th.

In the interval, however, he was informed, that the inhabitants of Madrid had taken up arms, and had expressed a determination to defend themselves to the utmost; that a Spanish corps maintained the pass of Somosierra; and that great exertions would be made in other quarters; and he was strongly urged to suspend his march, in order by his stay to afford countenance to those efforts. Upon this he determined to order the cavalry, under Lord Paget, from Astorga, to join him, and as far as he could, to favour the operations, of the Spaniards by some movement upon the communications of the enemy, which might distract his attention.

The execution of this intention was followed by a determination to unite the whole army between Toro and Benavente, hence to make a movement upon Valladolid, &c. He was indeed then aware that the resistance at Madrid had been as short as it was unavailing, but much stress was laid upon the exertions making in NJ, XLII.—Vol. VI.

the south, upon the importance of affording to the Spaniards time and a respite, by a diversion which should oblige the enemy to withdraw a great proportion of the force with which he was pressing the scattered remnants of their army. He probably felt that the honour of his country and of the British arms required that he should prove to Spain, and to the world, that the army sent to the support of the Spaniards had not retired whilst there remained even a faint hope that its efforts could af ford any aid, or cause a diversion which might relieve them from immediate pressure The prospects were otherwise discouraging, and he was well aware that in taking so decided a step, he must risk the safety of his army, by eventually exposing it to the attack of very superior numbers, and to a retreat under circumstances far more unfavourable than those which then prevailed. His first operations might indeed prove successful, as the mass of the French force had been collected towards Madrid, and was directed southward; but there was nothing to prevent its speedy return northward; and while he endeavoured to avail himself of the dispersion and the distant situation of the French corps, he was equally bound not to neglect any precaution which could ensure his retreat and re embarkation. A retreat to Portugal must henceforth be given up as too precarious and uncertain: his views must be directed to Galicia; and while he moved from Salamanca, and deprived himself of a retreat in that direction, he could upon no account risk any movement which would leave equally uncovered the passes into Galicia.

His first object had been Valladolid, thence to move as circumstances might direct, but information received of the situation of Soult's corps at Saldanha, and the expected arrival of that under Jucot at Burgos, induced him to direct his attention to that quarter. The situation of Soult's corps upon his left, and the subsequent union of both, would have enabled the enemy to penetrate by Mansilla and Leon to the passes in his rear, while he might be pressed in front by the force advancing from Madrid. As his subsequent operations have been detailed and made public in the official reports, it would be superfluous to describe them here.

It has however, been insinuated, that the British army would have been much more able effectually to cope with the enemy at this early period, than after it had suffered materially in numbers and equipment of every description, from a most arduous and harassing retreat. The proposition is self evident, and from the gallant exertions made by less than H


half the army in the battle of Corunna a judg ment may be formed of what it would have achieved before it commenced its retreat. Sir J. Moore had full confidence in his army; he knew its spirit, its perfection in discipline, and in every requisite. The actions in Portugal had proved the excellence of the artillery and infantry, and the several affairs in which the cavalry had been engaged recently, had shewn that they were not inferior to the infantry; and that both had a marked superiority in every thing, except uumbers, over the French. He had every reason to hope that the first efforts of his gallant army would prove successful even against very superior numbers; but he would not have been justified in the expectation that it would be able in the long run to resist attacks constantly renewed, and which could no longer have been avoided by a retreat; while any check, or eventually a defeat, experienced in an immense plain, which offered such advantages to the enemy from his superiority of cavalry, must have proved destructive of the whole army. Sir J. Moore had determined to attack Marshal Soult's corps, and his columns were actually in motion to assail that part of it which occupied Carrion, when he learnt that the enemy had drawn great reinforcements to Palencia, and was marching strong corps in the direction of Salamanca and Benavente. He might have persevered, might have defeated Soult's corps, and have faced about, and met the corps advancing upon his right and rear; his army was equal to every exertion that could possibly be expected from soldiers-they were full of spirits, eager to engage, and they calculated upon the number they would meet. Had Sir J. Moore consulted only their inclination; had he been misled by the immediate prospect of some brilliant but temporary advantages, he would persevered; but he had to consider that Marshal Soult might not await his attack; might, by retiring before him, lead him to a greater distance from the passes by which he felt that he must eventually retreat, while the corps marching from Madrid, &c. would have reached those passes, and intercepted his march. The chief object he had in view had been attained; the diversion was made-it must have proved effectual towards the relief of the Spaniards, as it was evident that it had drawn upon him nearly the whole of the French army. In executing it he had already risked the safety of his army, and by persevering in his forward movement, he would have exposed it to de

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idea of giving way to an enemy whom although they did not despise, they feared not to meet, and in opposition to his own gallant disposi tion, which would at all times prompt him to face the utmost danger. There was no hesita. tion in the adoption or execution of what he conceived to be necessary, and it may be fairly presumed, that by his decision, and by the skilful arrangement of his retrogade movements, Sir J. Moore occasioned a serious disappointment to Bonaparte, who had marched in person, and who probably imagined that he had entrapped him, and would intercept his


Sir J. Moore's object was to reach the coast as expeditiously as possible. He might or might not be followed; but as only a part of the French force had come up, he might hope, by a rapid retreat, to gain the point of embarkation before they could materially interrupt his purpose. The country about Astorga offered no advantage to an inferior army; and the position at Villa Franca, however eligible in other respects, became useless, from the circumstance of the enemy having a shorter route to Vigo by Neuse than that which he would follow by Lugo; his retreat was made under every possible difficulty. The weather was dreadful, the roads in a wretched state, the country exhausted, the inhabitants denying all assistance; Romana's corps crossing his line of march, and adding to his embarrassments; the enemy pressing upon his rear. Under these circumstances his firmness never forsook him for a moment; his personal exertions were conspicuous during the whole of the harrassing march. He covered the retreat of the army with the reserve, and encouraged officers and men by his example.

At Lugo he had ordered the different divisions to halt and collect, and here he thought proper to give the troops some repose. His rear-guard was attacked without success two successive days; and having learnt from the prisoners made, that Marshal Soult was close up with three divisions, he indulged a hope that he would be able to bring him to action, for which he eagerly prepared himself, not doubting that he should be able to give the enemy such a check as would secure his army from further molestation during the retreat and the subsequent embarkation. The troops were drawn out for battle on the 8th; but this was not Marshal Soult's object; and as Sir J. Moore could not attack him with any advantage in the position which he occupied in his

struction. He yielded to the dictates of pru-front, nor remain where he was from want of

dence, and he dared to retreat amidst the murmurs of officers and soldiers, indignant at the

provisions, he determined to prosecute his march.

glorious to the brave officers and men engaged, and so creditable to the exertions of the army and navy, although clouded by the death of a

gretted by a country which he honoured by every virtue which distinguishes the soldier and the man, in public and private life.

Vigo had been originally the point fixed upon for the embarkation, and the transports and ships of war were principally collected there; but when Sir J. Moore reached Lugo, he judg-hero, whose loss can never be sufficiently reed Vigo too distant to proceed to with troops so harrassed, and that it afforded no advan tages for embarkation, in face of a superior enemy. He, therefore, sent notice to the Admiral to prepare the transports, and to bring them to Corunna, Sir John then was to retire into the peninsula of Bestangos, aud he hoped to find a position to cover the embarkation; but the report of the officers sent to inspect the ground proved unsatisfactory, and induced him to prefer Corunna. He continued his retreat on the night of the 8th, and in two forced marches he reached Bestangos on the 10th. These marches were long and severe, the weather bad, the roads deep, and many men, unable to bear the exertion, remained behind, or straggled On the 13th the enemy had come up: the position of the British army was bad, and the town of Corunna (if forced to retire into it) commanded within musquet-hours they remained motionless, and suffered

shot; the barbour commanded by cannon from the coast. Under these circumstances, it was suggested to him to make proposals to Marshal Soult, to allow the army to embark quietly, but he would not listen to the sugges tion.

The subsequent events have been most clearly and ably detailed in Lieut. General Hope's dispatches, which produced a result so

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It only remains to observe, that the posi tion which the army occupied, and which Sir J. Moore himselfadmitted to be bad, was taken from necessity, and not from choice. The occupation of the more clevated ground in front of it, from which the enemy made their attack, would have required too great an excrtion of the troops, which, consisting wholly of infantry, did not exceed sixteen thousand five hundred effective rank and file, a division of infantry having been detached to VigoFrom the observations made, from the reports of prisoners, &c. it was ascertained that the enemy had not brought forward less than forty thousand men; yet so severe was the chastisement which they received, that daring fourteen

the British army and navy to execute onmolested, an operation which, in point of exertion and of difficulty, may be said to be unexampled.

In the interval between the arrival of the army at Corunna and the embarkation, a great proportion of the stragglers had come in, or had been sent in boats from Ferrol,


TOGLATIMUR, Chan of the Tartars, was one day informed that there was in his dominions a mau, who had such a strict regard ||| for truth that he had never told a lie in all his life. The Prince knowing how rare it is to see such persons about monarchs, congratulated himself on the possession of so valuable a treasure, which he resolved to appropriate to his own use, and accordingly gave him the post of master of the horse, for which he was peculiarly well qualified.

A courtier of such an extraordinary character could not fail to have enemies, who employed all the means they could devise to precipitate him from his newly acquired eleva tion. The King, who was not easily duped, and who had often put the virtue and integrity of his master of the horse to the test, only became so much the more strongly attached to him; and gave him the surname of Saddig,

which signifies the


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Of all Saddig's enemies, Wangriburdi, the vizir was most solicitous to effect his ruin. The vexation which he felt on seeing him in such high favour with the Prince, preyed upon him night and day; and so excessive was his mortification that it was soon betrayed by his looks. His daughter, Hoskendan, perceived it, and enquired the cause. "You know Saddig," said Wangriburdi; "he indced possesses numberless virtues, but they are not fit for the court; nevertheless he is the instrument of the Prince, and every thing is done through him alone; even my post, which is the highest in the kingdom, has ceased to confer any influ


We have tried every possible expedient to deprive him of the credit he enjoys, but they have invariably covered ourselves with shame. If he continues to possess so com

pletely the favour of the sovereign, perhaps the public affairs will be the more prosperous, but my interest will be ruined, and perhaps a fatal cord will be the recompence of my ser vices."

"Give yourself no farther concern," replied Hoskendan; "I know the way to bring Saddig into disgrace with the King; you may rely on the success of my endeavours. Let his virtue be ever so great, I promise to bring him into such a dilemma, that it will be impossible for him to avoid telling a lie " The vizir, blinded by envy, gave his daughter liberty to do whatever she pleased. He would have heen satisfied to plunge himself into ruin, bad he been sure to involve his enemy at the same time in destruction.

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wishes," replied Hoskendan; "it would be difficult to refuse you any thing, and indeed love forbids me; but I veuture to flatter myself that in return for the sacrifice which I make, you will confer on me the favour I ask. I have an invincible desire to eat the heart of your King's beautiful nag; hasten to the stable, order him to be killed, and we will give the rest of the night to love."—" Enchanting Houri," replied Saddig starting," rather de mand my death. I love my master; he has loaded me with favours; how could I give him such just cause of displeasure! Besides, he would certainly punish me and the pleasures of a moment would infallibly cost me my life."


"Need he, then, know it?" rejoined Hos kendan. "Be it as it will, supposing he should ask for the nag, can you not say that he was suddenly taken ill, and as there were no hopes of his recovery, you ordered him to be killed. He knows that you are a friend to truth, and will never conceive the slightest suspicion that you have told him a falsehood."-" To what a severe trial you expose my love," replied Saddig; "this nag is the only one that the King likes to ride. Wait till morning, and I will buy for you the finest horse in the whole country; our joy will then be unmixed with fear." King of my heart," replied Hoskendan, throwing herself into his arms, "how difficult it is for a woman to renounce what she desires. Gratify me in this instance, and I promise that for this favour I will love you as long as I live.”—At these words Saddig still hesitated; but in a moment he formed his resolution. He flew to the stables, ordered the nag to be killed, and his heart to be taken out, and passed the remainder of the night with the vizir's daughter. The return of day separated them; Hoskendan hurried home to acquaint her father with the success of her guilty arti fice. The overjoyed vizir lost no time in re

Hoskendan took care to dress and adorn herself in her most costly attire. Her eye brows were stained with the purest vesme, her whole person was perfumed with the most fragrant cua, and her dress, combined with the desire to please, gave a new and powerful effect to her charms, which was infinitely heightened by the air of modesty which she assumed. Ju this state, which was so well calculated to ex cite love, she hastened to the apartment of Saddig. He was sitting on a sopha, reflecting on the artful wiles and inquietudes of the court, and enjoying the transcendent delight proceeding from a pure conscience. Hesken dan, without speaking, seated herself beside him. Saddig, who had never beheld such a display of beauty, was thrown into the utmost embarrassment; a thousand emotions to which he had before been a stranger, suddenly arose in his heart'; but taking her for one of those immortal females who are destined to enhance the joys of the true believers in heaven, his ardent impetuosity was restrained by respect. The sighs of the crafty Hoskendan completely subdued him. When she saw that his passions were sufficiently inflamed for the accomplish-pairing to the monarch and acquainting him ment of her purpose, she addressed him in these words "Be not surprized, virtuous Saddig, to see a woman who loves you. I have long withstood the passion which reigns with despotic sway in my bosom, but my virtue is incapable of farther resistance. Breaking through all the restraints that decency imposes upon my sex, the night which I have chosen for my visit, is merely a cloak with which I endeavour to conceal my rank."-"Dearest object of my life," cried Saddig; "O that I could express to you what is passing in my heart; let me know what you would have; there is nothing that I will not do to convince you of the ardour of the flame which consumes .”—“ It is not my intention to oppose your || excuse, and a shameful death will be the con•



with the circumstance; but he took good care not to state that his daughter was the cause of the fault committed by the master of the borse.

While Wangriburdi and the other courtiers were secretly exulting that Saddig had at length fallen a victim to their malice, the latter was overwhelmed with the most cutting reflections." How weak are men," said he, "that they are unable to resist the allurements of a transient pleasure? What shall I “ say to the good Toglatimur, if he asks me for his nag? If conceal the truth, I shall perhaps save my life for a few days; but my enemies will discover the falsehood of my

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