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Geschichte (Die) der Ostseeprovinzen. Theodor Schiemann. Suddeutsche
Monatsheft, 12:597.

Kampf (Der) um das Seebeuterrecht. Kurt Perels. Deutsche Rundschau,
164(2):161. Aug.

Outlawry at sea: an indictment of the Germany navy. Archibald Hurd.
Fortnightly, 98:29. July.

Our diplomatic clash with Great Britain. Current Opinion, 59:145.
Propriété (La) privée dans la guerre navale. R. politique int., 3:283.

Seekoder (Der) der Ozeankraten. Dritter Völkerrechtliche Brief. A. von
Kierhenheim. Deutsche R., 40(3):36. July.

Shall visit and search be waived? O. M. Dickerson. New Republic, 3:198.
Mexico. Revolutión de Méjico. Angel Monjas. España y América, 13:209. Aug.
Tragedy (The) of Mexico. George Harvey. N. American R., 202:321. Sept.
Militarism. Militarism and sanity. Charles Vale. Forum, 54:1. July.

Militarismus und Kolonial politik. Wilhelm Solf. Suddeutsche Monat-
sheft, 12:724. Aug.

Norman Angellism under fire. Roland Hugins. Forum, 54:155. Aug.
Monroe Doctrine. Monroe Doctrine (The) as Germans see it. Herbert Kraus.
Atlantic, 116:313. Sept.

Wandlungen (Die) der Monroedoktrin. Dr. Hatschet. Deutsche R., 40(3):
142. Aug.

Naturalization. Retrait (Le) des naturalisations accordées aux anciens sujets de
puissances en guerre avec France. E. Audinet. Clunet, 42:129.

Neutrals. Duty of a neutral nation. Outlook, 110:544. July.

Guerre (La) européenne et les relations commerciales des belligérants et
neutres. L'application des théories de la contrabande de guerre et du blocus. J.
Perrinjaquet, R. gén. de dr. int. public, 22:127. Jan.-June.


Irresolute (The) neutrals. E. J. Dillon. Contemporary R. 108:22.

Meaning of neutrality. John Bassett Moore. Annals of the American
Acad., 60:145. July.

Neutral merchant and “freedom of sea." Sir Francis Piggott. 19th Cen-
tury, 78:247. Aug.

Neutral rights and obligations of American Republics. Paul Fuller. Annals
of the American Acad., 60:155. July.

Neutral rights during the American civil war. E. J. Benton. Nation
(N. Y.), 100:652. June.

Neutralité (La) de la Suisse. Albert Dauzat. R. politique et parlementaire,
84:89. July.

Neutrality rules adopted by Brazil. Dominicio Da Gama. Annals of the
American Acad., 60:147. July.

Nevtrale (Den) Handel og Verdenskrigen. Af. N. R. Gads. Danske M.,
9:612. July.

Notes d'un exilé. I. L'evolution des neutres. René Milan. Le Corre-
spondant, 224:92. July.

Rights of the United States as a neutral. Charles Cheney Hyde. Yale R.,
4:818. July.


Souffrances (Les) des neutres. E. Lemonon. La Revue, 112:293. July-

Unarmed neutrality. Albert Bushnell Hart. Annals of the American Acad.,
60:213. July.

See also: Maritime Law.

Pan-America. Practical Pan-Americanism. John Barrett. N. American R., 202:413.

Pan-American Financial Congress, 1915. A. W. Dunn. Review of Reviews
(N. Y.), 51:728. June.

Pan-American Conference. Outlook, 110:240, 289. June.

Results. W. C. Wells. Bul. P. A. U.. 40:750. June.

Pan-American Financial Conference. William G. McAdoo. World's Work,
30:393. Aug.

Panislamism. Panislamismus. Albrecht Wirth. Deutsche Rundschau, 163(3):429.

Peace. British imperialism and the problems of peace. W. A. Phillips. Edinburgh
R., 222:41. July.

Dangers of pacifism. Philip M. Brown. N. American R., 202:59. July.
Force and peace. Henry C. Lodge. Annals of the American Acad., 60:197.

Garanties (Les) d'une paix durable. M. le comte Jules Andrassy. R. de
Hongrie, 1 July, 1915:1.

Liga (La) economica della vittoria e della pace. Per Victor. Nuova An-
tologia, 178:161. June.

Questions for pacifists. H. M. Crittenden. Atlantic, 116:158. Aug.
Settlement (The) of peace. Walther Schücking. Cecil C. Palmer. Inter-
national R., 1:118. July.

Six essentials of permanent peace. A. Schvan. Annals of the American
Acad., 60:222. July.

Ueber Abrüstungs und Völkerfriedens-kongress, 1848 in der Paulskirche zu
Francfort a. M. H. v. Langermann. Deutsche R., 40(3):134. Aug.

Persia. England and the Persian Gulf. Edward E. Long. Empire R., 29:294.

Poland. Polish (The) question. British R., 11:13. July.

Polk, Frank Lyon. Polk, Frank Lyon. Bench and Bar, 10:103. July.

Private Property at Sea. See: Maritime Law.

Prizes. Jurisprudence en matière de prises maritimes (guerre de 1914). R. gén. de

dr. int. public, 22: Jurisprudence, etc., 1-16. June-July.

Prize (The) cases. Th. Baty. Juridical R., 27:170. May.

Prize law. R. G. Marsden. Journal of the Society of Comparative Legisla-
tion, 15:90. July.

Reprisals. Russian view of reprisals. Alexandre Wolkoff.-Mouromtzoff. 19th Cen-
tury, 78:429. Aug.

Roumania. Roumanie (La) et la question des détroits. Nemo. La Grande R., 88:
125. July.

Russia. Expansion (La) russe et les pays du Nord. Axel J. West. R. politique int.,
3:265. May-June.

Scandinavia. Scandinavie et la guerre. Jacques de Coussange. R. de Paris, 22:203.

Servia. Serbia and southeastern Europe. Sir George Macaulay Trevelyan. Atlantic,
116:119. July.

Thirty Years War. Barbares (Les) de la guerre Trente Ans. Louis Batiffol. R. de
Paris, 22:421. July.

Triple Alliance. Avversione (L') de R. Bonghi alla Triplice Alleanza. F. D'Ovidio.
R. d'Italia, 18:3. July.

Deutsche-Italienische Entwicklungen.

schau, 164(2):1. July.

Franz Fromme. Deutsche Rund-

Dreiunddreizig Jahre Dreibundpolitik und ihre Lehren. B. Lawrence
Freiherr von Mackay. Neue Rundschau, 26:934. July.

Italien bleibt sich theu! Leopold Freiherr v. Chlumecky. Österreichische
Rundschau, 43:193. June.

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Italy's justification-the triple alliance and the negotiations with Austria.
H. N. Gay. Nation (N. Y.), 100:676. June.

Psychopathie ententiste. Baron J. Z. R. de Hongrie, 15 June, 1915:17.
Wir und Italien. Heinrich Kretschmayr. Österreichische Rundschau,

44:1. July.

Triple Entente. Buts (Les) de la Triple-Entente. Fr. Du Bois. R. de Hongrie,
15 June, 1915:1.

Turkey. Turquie (La). Le comte Albert Apponyi. R. de Hongrie, 15 July, 1915:1.
United States. American trade in war time. Jas. Middleton. World's Work, 30:441.

America's possible contribution to the world's peace. Oscar S. Straus.
Annals of the American Acad., 60:230. July.

Amerika und europäischen Städte. Eugen Oberhummer. Deutsche R.,
40(2):359; 40(3):85. June, July.

Eindrucke aus Amerika. Friedrich von der Lenen. Deutsche Rundschau,
164(2):1, 171. July, Aug.


États-Unis (Les) et la paix future. Jean Finot La Revue, 112:323. July-

If America enters the war. Lord Northcliffe. N. American R., 202:345. Sept.
Mr Bryan's retirement and its significance. World's Work, 30:269. July.
Question before Americans. Sydney Brooks. Living Age, 285:636. June.
Should we prepare? Charles W. Eliot. N. American R., 202:349. Sept.
Some results of recent American diplomacy. Archibald R. Watson. Bench
and Bar, 10:97. July.

United (The) States and the war. Charles Vale. Forum, 54:147. Aug.
Vatican. Benedictus XV ai popoli ora belligeranti e ai Loro capi. La Civilta Cat-
tolica, 66(3):257. Aug.



Neutrality of the Holy See. Bishop of Northampton. Dublin R., 157:134.

Pape (Le) et la guerre. Adrien Bonnet. La paix par le droit, 25:263.

Venizelos, E. Venizelos: Pilot of Greater Greece. T. Lothrop Stoddard. Review
of Reviews (N. Y.), 52:177. Aug.

Victoria, Franciscus a. Franciscus a Victoria (1480-1546). Coleman Phillipson.
Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation, 15:175. July.

Vienna, Congress of. Briefe vom Wiener Kongres (Prinz Anton Radziwill an feine
Gemahlin Prinzessen Luise von Preussen. Deutsche Rundschau, 163(3):411;
164(1):56. June, July.

War. Effect of war upon the procedure of the Supreme Court. H. G. Waterson.
Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation, 15:219. July.

Krieg in seiner Folgen für die Internationalität der Wissenschaft. Dr.

Branca. Deutsche R., 40(3):102. July.

Unlawful warfare. Candid Q., 2:559. Aug.

War and non-resistance. Bernard Russell. Atlantic, 116:266. Aug.
Wurzel (Die) des Krieges. Franz Oppenheimer. Neue Rundschau, 26:1064.

Witte, Count. Witte. Josef Melnik. Century, 90:681. Sept.



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