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here as they have done abroad. The man of letters will find in them curious obfervations on many objects of the utmost importance to science; the politician new ideas of the government and manners of the Orientals; the Merchant ufeful Information concerning trade and commerce; and those who wish to visit the East, fuch inftructions as cannot fail to be of the ut moft utility to them. The Author, above all, seems to have been peculiarly attentive to the local geogra phy of the towns and villages through which he paffed; and, with this work as a guide, future travel. lers who may be difpofed to pursue the fame route, will be at no lofs how to gratify their curiofity, and to avoid thofe dangers which deter the Europeans in general from expofing themselves to the infults of a brutal and ferocious people.







OF the island and kingdom of Cyprus in general -by whom it was governed-Its extent and mountains-Conftant drought prevails thereTertian and quartan agues obftinate-Religions tolerated-Perfon of the Cypriots describedDrefs of both sexes, and reflections on that fubject-The ifland obtained a muhaffil in place of a bafhaw, and only changed its oppreffor-Revenues abandoned to the Grand Vizir, who farms them out to the highest bidder-Distresfed fituation of the people-Singular tax-Of the mehemes, or tribunals Military government-Ancient population almoft annihilated by defpotifm-Polygamy prevalent among the Orientals, with reflections on that cuftom-The island once one of the most fertile in the world -Lands uncultivated for want of hands to till them-Rock crystal of a most beautiful brilliancy quarry of amianthus : different kinds of ftones-Wild animals: quails very common; are tranfported to Europe-Serpents and the tarantula Domeftic animals Difference be

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tween the ancient and present state of Greece; regrets excited by the comparison.

Of the

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p. I.

port and town of Salines-Bazar, or market, well frequented; cuftom-house; warehouses for merchants; church dedicated to St. Lazarus-Baptifm of the Greeks by immersion -Proteftant burying ground worthy of obfervation-Respect which the people of the east entertain for the tombs of their ancestors-Springs of excellent water-Ceremonial neceffary to be obferved on the arrival or departure of veffels.

P. 27.


Of the ancient city of Citium, at prefent destroyed -Differtation on its ruins-it was the country of feveral celebrated men; particularly Apollonius and Zeno-The morality of the latter corrupted by his fucceffors-Examination of ftoicifm-Memorable events that took place at Citium-Head of Caracalla of white marble, and feveral Roman medals, found in its ruins-Remains of an aqueduct―The period when it was destroyed not known.

P. 35

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Of the city of Larnic-It is the refidence of the European confuls-Reflections inspired by its


commerce-What Lufignan fays of this cityIts extent and the edifices it contains-Functions of the imans, or Mahometan pastors; their exemplary manners; their inftructions compar-ed with those of our priests-Mixture and confufion of ranks in the mofques-In what manner the people are called to prayer-Superstitious practices by which the Turkish religion is difgraced-Greek and Latin churches-Houfes remarkable for their fize, and the richness of the furniture-Architecture much degenerated from what it was-Reflections on the ancient masterpieces produced in this kind-Aqueducts rebuilt by a bashaw-Civil and military officers, -European nations who inhabit Larnic-Cifferns in the neighbourhood, and fubterranean grottoes, in which are found small idols-Marble tombs discovered by a Venetian merchant ; fufpicions of the government on that accountMofque held in veneration among the TurksDervises; their drefs; their fermons, and extravagancies when they pray-Difference between the fantons and the dervises-Abdales, another kind of Turkish monks, who have no fixed abode-Plains around Larnic. P. 42

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Route from Larnic to Nicofia-Delightful plains changed into marfhes-Villages in the neighbourhood-Fertile fields fhamefully abandoned -Curious defcription of a hunting-match-Village of Piroi well peopled, and rich in productions of every kind-Jasper and agates-Groves of mulberry trees. P. 58.



Of the city of Nicofia, the capital of the kingdom of Cyprus-Its different names-Ancient palaces demolished by the Venetians-It was the refidence of kings, and the feat of an archbishopNames of its most celebrated paftors-Defeat of one of its kings-Siege and misfortunes which it experienced-Port of Famagufta remarkable for its conftruction; pieces of artillery feen on its ramparts--Beautiful view of Nicoña Churches converted into mofques-Palace of the Muhaffil-Bazar conftructed by the bashaw Mufafer-Remains of ancient edifices-Cotton cloth manufactured at Nicofia-Circumcifion of the Turkish children, with the ceremonies used on that occafion-Women clofely confined before marriage; in what manner their lovers convince them of the paffion which they entertain for them-Marriages and different preliminaries-Divorce and its confequences; the caufes which authorise a woman to demand one. p. 63


Route from Nicofia to the town of Cerines. p. 76

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Of the town and castle of Cerines-Its founderRemains of very ancient edifices-Citadel in good

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