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Ladies' Committee shall remain in office until the close of the current year.

Resolved, That in rural parishes containing fewer than 500 inhabitants, and in all school districts in which, from poverty and ignorance, the number of subscribers is limited to very few individuals, and great difficulty is experienced in providing a succession of School Managers, the Secretary be instructed to permit the adoption of the Management Clause D.

And subject to, and in conformity with, the declaration aforesaid, the said school and premises, and where no other disposition is made, the funds or endowments thereof, shall be directed, controlled, governed, and managed in manner hereinafter specified, that is to say, the minister for the time being of the said


in his absence his curate, shall have the superintendence of the moral and religious instruction of the scholars attending the said school; and in case any difference should arise between the said minister and curate and the Committee of Management hereinafter mentioned respecting the religious instruction of the scholars, or any regulation connected therewith, the said minister or curate, or any member of the said Committee of Management, may cause a statement of the matter in difference to be laid before the Bishop of the diocese in writing, a copy of such statement having been previously communicated to the said Committee of Management, also to the minister or curate if not prepared by him; the said Bishop may inquire concerning and determine the matter in difference, and the decision of the Bishop in writing thereon when laid before the said Committee of Management shall be final and conclusive upon the matter. But in all other respects the management, direction, control, and government of the said school and premises, and of the funds or endowments thereof, and the selection, appointment, and dismissal of the schoolmaster and schoolmistress, and their assistants, shall be vested in and exercised by a committee consisting of the minister of the said for the time

persons, of whom

being, his licensed curate or curates, if the minister shall appoint him or them upon the said committee, and of the following shall be the first appointed, namely,

the said last-mentioned persons continuing to be members of the Church of England; and any vacancy which may occur in the number of persons last mentioned by death, resignation, or incapacity, or otherwise, shall be filled up by the election of a person or persons, being members of the Church of England, such election to be vested in the remaining members of the said committee, until the Bishop of the diocese in which the school is situate shall in writing direct that such person or persons shall be elected by the subscribers to the said school, and thereupon the election shall be vested in the subscribers to the said school to the amount of ten shillings per annum at the least, and qualified in other respects as the person to be elected: Provided that

no default of election or vacancy shall prevent the other members of the committee from acting until the vacancy shall be supplied. And I do declare that no person shall be appointed or shall continue to be master or mistress in the said school who is not a member of the Church of England. The minister shall be chairman of all meetings of the Committee of Management, if present, and when not present any other member of the committee selected by the members present shall preside; and in case of an equality of votes, the chairman for the time being shall have a second or casting vote.

Resolved, That in very small rural parishes in which the resident inhabitants are all illiterate and indifferent to the education of the poor, and in which the Clergyman has, by his exertions and sacrifices, given proofs of his zeal for the education of his parishioners, the Secretary be instructed to permit the insertion of the Clause C, if there be no immediate prospect that the Clergyman will be supported by the aid of persons competent and willing to co-operate with him in the management of the school.

Provided that, if at any time the Bishop of the said diocese shall deem it expedient that a committee of the subscribers to the school and members of the Church of England should be formed for the management of the school, and shall, in writing, direct that such committee shall be appointed, the said school and premises, and, where no other disposition is made, the funds or endowments thereof, shall thenceforth be directed, controlled, governed, and managed in manner hereinafter specified, that is to say, the for the time being of the said parish


or, in his absence or incapacity, the officiating minister aforesaid, shalĺ have the superintendence of the moral and religious instruction of the scholars attending the said school; and in case any difference should arise between the said or officiating minister and the Committee of Management hereinafter mentioned, respecting the religious instruction of the scholars, or any regulation connected therewith, the said or officiating minister, or any member of the said Committee of Management, may cause a statement of the matter in difference to be laid before the Bishop of the diocese in writing, a copy of such statement having been previously communicated to the said Committee of Management, and also to the minister or curate, if not prepared by him; the said Bishop may inquire concerning and determine the matter in difference, and the decision of the Bishop in writing thereon, when laid before the said Committee of Management, shall be final and conclusive upon the matter. But in all other respects the management, direction, control, and government of the said school and premises, and of the funds or endowments thereof, and the selection, appointment, and dismissal of the schoolmaster and school mistress and their assistants, shall, on the happening of the event herein provided for, be vested in and exercised by a committee consisting of the

of the said parish for the time being, his licensed curate or curates, if the shall appoint him or them upon the said


other persons, to be

or minister, as

committee, or in the absence or incapacity of the of the officiating minister and of nominated and appointed by the said the case may be, out of persons in communion with the Church of England and residents, or having a beneficial interest to the extent of a life estate, at the least, in real property situate in the said parish, and subscribers in the current year to the amount of twenty shillings at the least to the said school; and any vacancy which may occur in the number of persons last mentioned by death, resignation, incapacity, or otherwise, shall be filled up by the election of a person or persons having a like qualification; such election to be vested in the subscribers to the said school to the amount of ten shillings per annum at the least, and qualified in other respects as the persons to be elected. Provided, however, that no default of election or vacancy shall prevent the other members of the committee from acting until the vacancy shall be supplied. And I do hereby declare that no person shall be appointed or shall continue to be master or mistress in the said school who is not a member of the Church of England. The

or in his absence the officiating minister, shall be chairman of all meetings of the Committee of Management if present, and when not present any other member of the committee elected by the members present shall preside; and in case of an equality of votes, the chairman for the time being shall have a second or casting vote. The chairman shall annually select from among its members one to act as secretary, who shall keep minutes of the proceedings in a book to be provided for that purpose, and shall give due notice to all the committee before any extraordinary meeting.


That the following modification of these clauses may also be permitted, viz.

That in Management Clause A, the election of Managers, instead of being annual, may be biennial or triennial, and that the Committee of Management may, in the interval of such biennial or triennial elections, fill up all vacancies in the office of Manager, occasioned by death, resignation, or disqualifica


That a clause may be inserted in Management Clause B, conferring on the Managers power to introduce the mode of election contained in Clause A, provided this new clause be endorsed on the school-deed, and signed by a majority of the Managers at a meeting duly convened.

That in Clause B the managers may be appointed for four years only, one-half going out every two years.

That in Clause D a provision may be inserted, to the effect that whenever there are ten subscribers of ten shillings per annum, and five subscribers of one pound per annum, the vacancies in the committee shall be filled up by the election of a duly qualified person by the subscribers, as in Clause B.

That any case in which the promoters of the erection of a Church-of-England school shall desire to depart in any respect

from these arrangements for the management of their school, whether as considered in relation to the character and numbers of the population of the school district or otherwise, the question thus arising shall be submitted to the special consideration of the Lord President, in order that, if he think it expedient, he may lay the case before the Committee of Council on Education.

That in schools connected with the British and Foreign School Society, the following clause be recommended to applicants for aid for the erection of British schools.

Such committee to consist of*

until the month of

nor more than

month of

next, and thenceforth of not less than persons, to be elected annually in the said by the subscribers to the said school who shall have subscribed thereto the sum of £ or shall subscribe to the same the sum of at least during the current year, out of the subscribers to the same school to the amount of £ at least, or to the amount of at least during the current year: Provided that no default of election or vacancy shall prevent the members of the past year, or the continuing members, as the case may be, from continuing to act in the management and control of the school until the time of the next annual election. The committee at their first meeting shall elect a chairman for the ensuing year, who shall preside at such meeting of the committee and of the subscribers when present, and in case of his absence a chairman shall be chosen to preside for that occasion; and in case of an equality of votes on any question, the presiding chairman shall have a second and casting vote.


By the Lords of the Committee of Council on Education.

Read, the resolution of the Committee of Council on Education of the 19th of August, 1839, as follows:

"The Committee will require, as an indispensable condition, that an inspector acting under their authority shall be enabled to visit every school to which any grant shall in future be made. Such inspector will not be authorized to examine into the religious instruction given in the school, but he will be directed to ask for such information as to the secular instruction and general regulations of the school as may enable the Committee to make a Report to Her Majesty in Council, to be laid before both Houses of Parliament."

* Insert the names of the first committee.



That it appears to the Committee that there are schools to which it is desirable that grants should be made, though the managers object, on religious grounds, to make a report concerning the religious state of such schools, as required by the Minutes of August and December, 1846.

That the principles embodied in the resolution of the 19th of August, 1839, be applied to such cases, and that no certificate of the religious knowledge of pupil-teachers or monitors be required from the managers of such schools.

Explanatory Letter to Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools on various Questions relating to the Administration of Grants, under the Minutes of August and December, 1846, and of July 10, 1847.


Committee of Council on Education, Council Office,
Whitehall, July, 1847.

I AM directed by the Committee of Council on Education to explain what are the arrangements by which they conceive the new duties devolving upon you, under the recent Minutes, may be most conveniently performed.

Their Lordships request, that in the ordinary tour of inspection you will avail yourself of opportunities to inform, not only the trustees and managers, and such other promoters of the schools as may be present at your examinations, but also the teachers and scholars, what are the advantages which the Government has placed within their reach.

If at such visits you find that the state of the school, the qualifications of the master, and of some of the most proficient scholars, place their Lordships' grants for the apprenticeship of pupilteachers or stipendiary monitors within the reach of the school, their Lordships request that you will confer with the managers on this subject, and ascertain whether the resources of the school justify an expectation that the apprenticeship will be concluded without interruption. If the managers are disposed to sign the memorial for this form of assistance, you will then complete your inquiry as to the condition of the school, the attainments of the master, and the qualifications of the scholars.

It is important that the scholars and their parents should, from the mode in which the examination of the school is conducted, place implicit confidence in the impartiality with which the intellectual qualifications of the scholars are discriminated. Their Lordships consider the local authorities as the proper arbiters of everything that relates to the moral and religious character of the apprentices, but that it is the province of the inspector to determine their comparative intellectual qualifications. With this view it will be your duty, after an examination of the whole school, to point

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