The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the Year ..., Том 13Gray and Bowen, 1842 |
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1st Monday Academies and Grammar aged Alabama annually April Attorney-General Blind Boston Canals Carolina Census Census of 1840 cent Charles Charleston Circuit Courts CLASSES OF INHABITANTS Clerk Colleges Columbia Common Schools County Towns Court of Chancery Dahlonega Deaf and Dumb debt District elected Elizabethtown Fees Females Florida Franklin George Georgia Governor Henry Insane and Idiots Island Jackson James Jefferson John Judge JUDICIARY July June last Wed Learned Professions Lebanon Lexington Lord Louisiana Madison Males Monroe Moon Ohio Orleans Perigee Persons over 20 Philadelphia POPULATION President private charge public charge revenue Revolutionary and military Rhode Island Richmond rises Salary Samuel Scholars in Common Secretary Senate Sept Slaves snow South South Carolina Students in Academies Supreme Court Theol Thomas Total Treasury Tuesday unable to read usury Virginia Washington weeks White Persons William Yale College York
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Страница 88 - Newspaper Postage. For each Newspaper, not carried out of the State in which it is published, or, if carried out of the State, not carried over 100 miles, 1 cent.
Страница 308 - ... the last utterance of his lips expressed a fervent desire for the perpetuity of the constitution and the preservation of its true principles. In death, as in life, the happiness of his country was uppermost in his thoughts.
Страница 166 - Courts of bis circuit, and two assistant judges for each county; and in justices of the peace; — all the judges and justices being chosen annually by the legislature. The Supreme Court sits once, and the County Courts twice, a year in each county. Each judge of the Supreme Court is chancellor of a circuit. The Court of Chancery has two stated sessions annually in each county. An appeal from the decree of the chancellor lies to the Supreme Court. COMMON SCHOOLS. According to a statement in the "...
Страница 63 - The Supreme Court is held in the City of Washington, and has one session annually, commencing on the 2d Monday of January.
Страница 326 - An act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales of the public lands and to grant pre-emption rights...
Страница 291 - The Miseries of Human Life ; or the Last Groans of Timothy Testy and Samuel Sensitive, with a few supplementary Sighs from Mrs. Testy.
Страница 218 - The Governor and other principal executive officers reside at Tuscaloosa. The Secretary of State is elected for two years ; and the Comptroller and Treasurer annually ; — all by a joint vote of the two Houses of the General Assembly.
Страница 58 - Vice-President of the United States is the President of the Senate, in which body he has only a casting vote, which is given in case of an equal division of the votes of the Senators In his absence, a President pro tempore is chosen by the Senate.
Страница 3 - the 2589th year since the era of Nabonassar, which has been assigned to Wednesday the 26th of February of the 3967th year of the Julian Period...
Страница 6 - The Jewish year generally contains 354 days, or 12 lunations of the Moon, but, in a cycle of 19 years, an intercalary month (Veadar) is 7 times introduced, for the purpose of rendering the average duration of the year quite or nearly correct. MAHOMETAN CALENDAR. The Mahometan Era dates from the flight of Mahomet to Medina, July 16th, AD 632.