Сус... Copper [Cuprum] ...a hundred weight Cyclopedia D. Didymium D. or Dut.. Dutch d..... ...died d. [l. s. d.]..penny, pence D. C........ District of Columbia Eth cetera] Ethiopic Dan Daniel Dan.. ..Danish dat .dative dau. .daughter D.C.L. Doctor of Civil [or Common] Law D.D. Doctor of Divinity Dec. December ethnog. .ethnography ethnol......ethnology et seq......and the following etym.......etymology Eur. Ex. [et sequentia] European Exodus exclam ..exclamation Ezek....... Ezekie Ezr......... Ezra f. or fem...feminine F. or Fr....French fa..... .father Fahr. or F. Fahrenheit del. dem. dep. .democratic .deputy dep.. .delegate, delegates deponent dept........department deriv.......derivation, deriva tive Deut.... Deuteronomy dial........dialect, dialectal diam......diameter Dic.........Dictionary far.........farriery Fe..........Iron [Ferrum] Feb........February fem or f...feminine Fin.. F.-L...... French from Latin Flem.......Flemish for.........foreign fort....... fortificatior Fr. or F....French fr.... ......from fig. ..figure, figuratively Finnish MUS.DOC.... Doctor of Music myth.......mythology, mytho logical Ν...... .Nitrogen N. or n..... North, -ern, -ward n .noun ord.... .ordnance org. .....organic ornith......ornithology orig. .original.-ly Os. Osmium OS. O. T., or .. Old Saxon O. Test... Old Testament Oxf........Oxford OZ... P. ounce, ounces ..Phosphorus nor neut...neuter Na....... Sodium [Natrium] Nah........Nahum p.; pp......page; pages p., or part..participle Pa. or Penn. Pennsylvania paint painting palæon.....palæontology parl ..parliament pass.........passive phys. ..physics, physical ..regular, -ly regt........regiment rel. pro. or ref........relative pronoun repub......republican physiol.....physiology, physi- Rev. V..... Revised Version) rec. sec .recording secretary Ref. Reformed refl reflex reg..... repr .representing Rev. Revelation Rev. The Reverend pron.......pronunciation, pro- Scrip....... Scripture [s], Scrip nounced tural prop.......properly pros. ...prosody Prot....... Protestant Prov.or Pr. Provençal. ίτον... Proverbs prov. ..province, provincial Prov. Eng.. Provincial English Prus....... Prussia, -n Ps.......... Psalm, Psalms psychol....psychology sculp.......sculpture S. D........ South Dakota Se...... .Selenium sec.. secretary sec. .section Sem. Semitic Sep. September Serv Shaks... Servian Shakespeare Si.......... Silicon |