(3) Senators shall not speak to each other or otherwise interrupt the business of the Senate, or read any newspaper while the Journals or public papers are being read; or walk out of or across the Chamber when the President is putting a question, or when a Senator is speaking pass between him and the chair. (4) A Senator rising to debate or to present a petition or other paper, to give a notice, make a motion or report, shall address the President and shall not proceed further until recognized by the chair; he shall speak on the same subject but twice the same day without leave of the Senate; and where two or more Senators address the chair, the President shall name the Senator who is first to speak. (5) Every Senator shall be present within the Senate Chamber during the sessions of the Senate, unless duly excused or neces sarily prevented, and shall vote on each question stated from the chair unless excused by the Senate, or unless he has a direct per sonal or pecuniary interest in the event of such question. If any Senator refuses to vote, unless he be excused by the Senate, or unless he be interested, such refusal shall be deemed a contempt. (6) A Senator desiring to be excused from voting may, when his name is called, make a brief statement, not occupying over five minutes, of the reasons for making such request, and the question on excusing him shall then be taken without debate, and any Senator desiring to explain his vote upon a bill, may, when his name is called, be allowed a like opportunity. (7) In case a less number than a quorum of the Senate shall convene, those present are authorized to send the Sergeant-atArms, or any other person, for the absent Senators. (8) In all cases of absence of Senators during the sessions of the Senate the Senators present may take such measures as they deem necessary to secure the presence of the absentees, and in addition to suspension for a given period, may inflict such censure or penalty as they may deem just on those who shall not render sufficient excuse for their absence. 7. There shall be the following standing committees : To consist of fourteen members: Judiciary. To consist of thirteen members: To consist of twelve members each: Affairs of cities. Public service. Internal affairs of towns and counties and public highways. To consist of eleven members each: Taxation and retrenchment. Insurance. To consist of nine members each: Agriculture. Conservation. Public education. Commerce and navigation. Banks. Civil service. To consist of eight members each: Public health. Canals. To consist of seven members each: Military affairs. Penal institutions. Revision. Affairs of villages. Labor and industry. Privileges and elections. To consist of five members each: Public printing. The Committee on Public Service shall have the jurisdiction heretofore exercised by the Committee on Railroads, the Committee on Miscellaneous Corporations, and over legislation affecting the Public Service Commissions Law. The Temporary President and the Minority Leader shall be ex-officio members of the Committees on Finance, Judiciary, Affairs of Cities, Public Service, Internal Affairs and Public Education. A report may be made by six members or a majority of any of such committees, with the chairman of the committee voting therefor and less than six members opposed. [SENATE JOURNAL] 3 8. The Committee on Printed and Engrossed Bills shall examine all bills, amendments and resolutions which are required to be printed or engrossed, before they go out of the possession of the Senate, and make report when they find them correctly printed or engrossed before they are read the third time; they shall also compare such amendments as may be made in the Assembly to Senate bills, and that are concurred in by the Senate after they shall have been reprinted or re-engrossed in the Senate for the purpose of seeing if they are correctly printed or engrossed. No bill shall be passed unless it shall have been printed and upon the desk of each Senator in its final form at least three calendar legislative days prior to its final passage, unless the Governor or acting Governor shall have certified to the necessity of its immediate passage, under his hand and the seal of the State, nor unless the Committee on Printed and Engrossed Bills shall have reported that such bill is correctly printed and engrossed. All bills recalled from the Governor for the purpose of amendment, if amended, and all Senate bills amended by the Assembly, and returned to the Senate for its concurrence, and all bills amended by the report of a conference committee, shall be subjected to the provisions of this rule and the second clause of Rule 4. 9. The Committee on Revision shall examine and correct bills referred to it, for the purpose of avoiding repetitions and ensuring accuracy in the text and references. It shall also report whether the object sought to be accomplished can be secured with. out a special act under existing laws, or by enactment of a general law. 10. Every report of a committee made otherwise than by a majority of the committee present at the time the report is made, shall give the names of the members of the committee favoring such report. Every report of a committee upon a bill which shall not be considered at the time of making the same, or laid on the table by a vote of the Senate shall stand upon the general orders with the bill and be entered upon the Journal. OF GENERAL ORDERS AND SPECIAL ORDERS 11. The matters referred to the Committee of the Whole Senate shall constitute the general orders, and the business of the general orders shall be taken up as follows, viz.: When the chairman named by the President has taken the chair, the Clerk shall announce the title of each bill, with the printed number, or other matter, as it shall be reached in its order, when it may be taken up on the motion of any Senator without the putting of any question therefor, and be considered immediately, and so on until the calendar is exhausted, or a motion is carried that the committee arise. Any bill not so moved shall lose its preference for the day. 12. Whenever any bill or other matter is made a special order for a particular day, and it shall not be completed on that day, it shall, unless otherwise ordered, retain its place on the calendar, as a special order in the order of business in which it was considered; and when a special order is under consideration, it shall take precedence of any special order for a subsequent hour of the same day; but such subsequent special order may be taken up immediately after the previous special order has been dis posed of. OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 13. The rules of the Senate shall be observed in the Committee of the Whole, so far as they may be applicable, except limiting the number of times of speaking, and except that the ayes and noes shall not be taken. Such committee may strike out the enacting clause of a bill and report that fact to the Senate; and if the report be agreed to by the Senate, it shall be deemed a rejection of the bill. But whenever the committee is engaged in the investigation of any charges against any of its members the rules of the Senate shall apply. 14. Bills committed to the Committee of the Whole Senate shall, in Committee of the Whole, be read through by sections. The report shall state whether or not said bill has been amended in Committee of the Whole. After the report the bill shall be subject to debate and amendment before the question to agree with the report of the Committee of the Whole is submitted to the Senate; but such amendments only shall be in order as were offered and decided in the Committee of the Whole Senate, except by unanimous consent. 15. A motion that the committee rise and report progress on any bill shall always be in order, and shall be decided without debate. ! OF BILLS 16. Every bill shall be introduced by a Senator or on the report of a committee, or by message from the Assembly, and after its first and second reading, shall be referred to a standing or select committee, to consider and report thereon. When a bill is received as a message from the Assembly, and a Senate bill, identical therewith, is on the order of third reading in the Senate, or in the Committee of the Whole, the Assembly bill may be substituted for the Senate bill upon a vote of a majority of the Senate. A motion for such substitution shall be in order under the order of business of messages from the Assembly, motions and resolutions, or the order of business in which the Senate bill is. No private bill shall be introduced by a Senator, or on a report of a committee, unless accompanied by a memorial or petition signed and verified by the party or parties praying for the passage of the same, except by order of the Senate. Bills introduced by Senators shall be deposited at any time in a box to be known as the bill box, which shall be under the imme diate charge of the Clerk, and which shall be kept securely locked until all bills so deposited are removed by him, or by the deputy clerk authorized by him. Bills so deposited shall be given to the President of the Senate at his convenience before or at the opening of the session. They shall have their first and second reading in the order of business immediately after the presentation of peti tions and be referred by the President of the Senate to the appropriate committees with the consent of the Senate. The box shall be opened at any time during the session and the bills therein given to the President of the Senate on request of the Temporary President, when they shall have their first and second reading at any time prior to adjournment and be so referred. Bills may by unanimous consent be introduced from the floor of the Senate. Every bill introduced by a Senator shall be in duplicate and shall have indorsed thereon a statement of its title, with his name. The titles of all bills proposing amendments to the Greater New York Charter, or the Penal Code, the Code of Criminal Procedure, the Code of Civil Procedure, the Revised Statutes, the Consolidated Laws, or to any existing laws having a short title, when introduced, must quote the descriptive name of the |