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amend the Tax Law, in relation to imposing a tax upon and with respect to incomes,"" which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on finance.

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Mr. Whitley introduced a bill (Int. No. 125) entitled "An act to amend the Election Law, in relation to voting by absentees,' which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 126) entitled "An act to consolidate the New York State Convention of Universalists and the Trustees of the New York Universalist Relief Fund," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

Mr. Gibbs introduced a bill (Int. No. 127) entitled "An act conferring jurisdiction upon the Commissioners of the Land Office to release, grant and convey in perpetuity or otherwise certain lands under the waters of the Niagara river situate in the city of Buffalo in the county of Erie and State of New York, to Martha E. Bullymore of Buffalo, New York, and to her heirs, devisees and assigns, which lands under water are opposite her uplands, but separated therefrom by the lands of the State of New York, forming a part of the Erie canal," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on finance.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 128) entitled "An act to amend chapter five hundred and sixty-two of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety, entitled 'An act to revise the charter of the village of Alden,' generally," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of villages.

Mr. Brown moved that the committee on finance be discharged from the consideration of Senate bill (No. 30, Int. No. 30) entitled "An act making appropriation of money to be distributed by the Commissioner of Agriculture to certain counties of the State.'


The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative.

On motion of Mr. Brown, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended, and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Said bill was then read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly and request their concurrence therein.

Mr. Lockwood offered the following:

Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That there shall be printed one thousand additional copies of the preliminary report of the committee appointed to investigate housing and ice conditions of the State, dated January 7, 1920.

Ordered, That said resolution be referred to the committee on finance.

Mr. Walters moved that the Senate do now adjourn.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative. Whereupon, the Senate adjourned.


The Senate met pursuant to adjournment.

Prayer by Rev. W. H. Kephart.

The journal of yesterday was read and approved.

Mr. Fowler introduced a bill (Int. No. 129) entitled "An act

to amend the Conservation Law, in relation to the development of hydraulic power for the State," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on conservation.

Mr. Whitley introduced a bill (Int. No. 130) entitled "An act to amend the General Construction Law, in relation to holidays," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

Mr. G. L. Thompson introduced a bill (Int. No. 131) entitled "An act to amend the Conservation Law, in relation to the open season for cottontail rabbits," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on conservation.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 132) entitled "An act to amend the Conservation Law, in relation to destroying or robbing nests," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on conservation.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 133) entitled "An act to repeal sections sixteen and seventeen of the Tax Law and section fifty-seven of the Conservation Law, relating to reforestation and the assessment and taxation of reforested lands," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on conservation.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 134) entitled "An act to amend the Town Law, in relation to preventing and fighting forest fires," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on conservation.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 135) entitled "An act to amend the Conservation Law, in relation to black, gray and fox squirrels," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on conservation.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 136) entitled "An act to amend the Town Law, in relation to appropriating funds for control of white pine blister rust," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on conservation.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 137) entitled "An act to amend the

Workmen's Compensation Law, in relation to certain officers and employees of the Conservation Commission," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on conservation.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 138) entitled "An act to amend the Conservation Law, in relation to forest fire prevention," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on conservation.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 139) entitled "An act to amend the Conservation Law, in relation to the importation and raising of game," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on conservation.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 140) entitled "An act to amend the Conservation Law, in relation to definitions," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on conservation.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 141) entitled "An act to amend the Conservation Law, in relation to dogs to be licensed," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on conservation.

Mr. Walton introduced a bill (Int. No. 142) entitled "An act to amend the Code of Criminal Procedure, in relation to probation officers and probation," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on codes.

Mr. Gibbs introduced a bill (Int. No. 143) entitled "An act to amend the charter of the city of Buffalo, in relation to taxation," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of cities.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 144) entitled "An act to amend chapter five hundred and sixty-two of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety, entitled 'An act to revise the charter of the village of Alden,' in relation to contracts for lighting the streets," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of villages.

Mr. Sage introduced a bill (Int. No. 145) entitled "An act to amend chapter four hundred and fourteen of the Laws of nineteen hundred and eighteen, entitled 'An act to create a State commission to inquire into the subject of retirement pensions, allowances and annuities for State and municipal officers and employees, and making an appropriation therefor,' in relation to the report of the commission," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time.

On motion of Mr. Sage, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended, and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Gibbs introduced a bill (Int. No. 146) entitled “An act to amend the Judiciary Law, in relation to the admission to practice of attorneys and counsellors-at-law," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

The Assembly sent for concurrence the bill (No. 53, Rec. No. 2) entitled “An act making appropriation of money to be distributed by the Commissioner of Agriculture to certain counties of the State," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on finance.

Mr. Brown moved that the committee on finance be discharged from further consideration of said bill.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative.

On motion of Mr. Brown, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended, and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Said bill was then read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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