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county of Yates, in relation to the salary and expenses of the present incumbent as county superintendent of highways in such county," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 171) entitled "An act to legalize, ratify and confirm the action of the several boards of supervisors of the county of Yates in auditing the accounts of the county treasurers of such county," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

Mr. Dodge introduced a bill (Int. No. 172) entitled “An act to amend the Penal Law, in relation to unauthorized wearing or use of badge, name, title of officers, insignia, ritual or ceremony of certain orders and societies," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on codes.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 173) entitled "An act amend the Greater New York charter, in relation to salaries of the officers and members of the uniformed police force of such city," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of cities.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 174) entitled "An act to amend the Greater New York charter, in relation to salaries of officers and members of the uniformed force of the fire department of such city," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of cities.

Mr. Knight introduced a bill (Int. No. 175) entitled "An act to amend the Labor Law, in relation to stories of buildings and required exits," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on labor and industry.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 176) entitled "An act to amend the State Charities Law, in relation to change of name of the Craig Colony for Epileptics," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 177) entitled "An act to amend the Public Service Commissions Law, in relation to interchange of facilities by common carriers," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on public service.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 178) entitled "An act to amend the Labor Law, in relation to bureaus," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on labor and industry.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 179) entitled "An act to amend the Labor Law, in relation to stories of buildings, floor area and required exits," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on labor and industry.

Mr. Kaplan introduced a bill (Int. No. 180) entitled "An act to amend the Penal Law, in relation to practicing the business of accounting under a copartnership name," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on codes.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 181) entitled "An act to amend the Business Corporations Law, in relation to the practice of accounting," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judici


Mr. Ferris introduced a bill (Int. No. 182) entitled "An act to amend the Highway Law, in relation to auto trucks and trailers,” which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on internal affairs of towns, counties and public highways.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 183) entitled "An act to amend the Town Law, in relation to town charges in certain towns," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on internal affairs of towns, counties and public highways..

The Assembly returned the resolution requesting the Public Service Commission of the First District to report result of his investigation of the traction situation in First District, with a message that they have concurred in the Senate amendments thereto.

Ordered, That said resolution be returned to the Assembly. The Governor at the hands of his secretary transmitted to the Senate a communication from the Public Service Commission of First and Second District respectively, relative to legislation now pending in Washington for the return of the railroads to the former owners.

(See Executive Journal.)

Ordered, That said communication and accompanying message of the Governor be printed as a Senate document and referred to the committee on public service.

The Governor also transmitted to the Senate the preliminary statement of the Commission on the high cost of living and the report of the Fair Price Committee of the City of New York.

(See Executive Journal.)

On motion of Mr. Walker, it was ordered that the said statement and report, together with the accompanying message of the Governor be printed as a Senate document and referred to the committee on agriculture.

Mr. Law moved that the committee on the judiciary be discharged from the consideration of Senate bill (No. 47, Int. No. 47) entitled "Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and Assembly, proposing an amendment to the Constitution, in relation to taxation," and that the said bill be amended, reprinted and recommitted to the committee on the judiciary.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative.

Mr. Towner moved that the committee on finance be discharged from the consideration of Senate bill (No. 73, Int. No. 73) entitled "An act to amend the Executive Law, in relation to the department of State police," and that the said bill be amended, reprinted and recommitted to the committee on finance.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative.

Mr. Towner moved that the committee on finance be discharged from the consideration of the nomination of Charles Morschauser as an additional judge of the Court of Claims.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative.

Mr. Towner moved that the said nomination be confirmed. The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative.

Mr. Sage moved that the Senate do now adjourn.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative. Whereupon, the Senate adjourned.


The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Rev. John Beilness.

The journal of yesterday was read and approved.

Mr. Whitley introduced a bill (Int. No. 184) entitled "An act to amend the Personal Property Law, in relation to certain gifts for charitable, educational and quasi-public uses," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 185) entitled "An act to amend the Real Property Law, in relation to certain grants for charitable and quasi-public uses," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

Mr. Twomey introduced a bill (Int. No. 186) entitled "An act to authorize the assessment of real property acquired by the State of New York for Barge canal terminal purposes within the city of New York, for benefit derived by said lands by reason of the opening or physical improvement of streets and avenues," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on finance.

Mr. Burling introduced a bill (Int. No. 187) entitled “An act to amend chapter one hundred and eighty-two of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, in relation to the salary of the police commissioner," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of cities.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 188) entitled "An act to amend chapter one hundred and eighty-two of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, in relation to the salaries of the assessors of the city of Mount Vernon," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of cities.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 189) entitled "An act to amend chapter four hundred and eighty-two of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, entitled 'An act to incorporate the city of Mount Vernon,' in relation to the salary of the receiver of taxes and assessments," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of cities.

Mr. Yelverton introduced a bill (Int. No. 190) entitled "An act to amend chapter six hundred and seventeen of the Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, entitled 'An act to incorporate the Round Lake Camp Meeting Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the Troy Conference,' by providing for the establishment of a fire district within the grounds of Round Lake Association in the town of Malta, Saratoga county," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 191) entitled "An act to amend chapter fifty-three of the Laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled 'An act to provide for erecting and completing an addition to the town hall in Saratoga Springs, '" which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of cities.

Also, a bill (Int. No. 192) entitled "An act to confer jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear, audit and determine certain claims against the State for damages alleged to have been sustained by reason of the overflow of the canalized Mohawk river at and near Schenectady, by reason of the alleged negligent construction and maintenance of the Vischer's Ferry dam, the six months statute of limitations having run against said claims,' which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

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