FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1920 The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Mr. Ferris in the chair. The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Mullan introduced a bill (Int. No. 251) entitled "An act to amend the General City Law, in relation to appropriations for pension funds," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of cities. Mr. Ferris introduced a bill (Int. No. 252) entitled “An act to amend chapter twenty-nine of the Laws of nineteen hundred and eight, entitled 'An act to incorporate the city of Glens Falls,' in relation to records heretofore filed in the town clerk's office of the town of Queensbury," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of cities. The Assembly returned the Senate bill (No. 145, Int. No. 145) entitled “An act to amend chapter four hundred and fourteen of the Laws of nineteen hundred and eighteen, entitled 'An act to create a State commission to inquire into the subject of retirement pensions, allowances and annuities for State and municipal officers and employees, and making an appropriation therefor;' in relation to the report of the commission." Also, Senate bill (No. 156, Int. No. 156) entitled "An act to amend chapter eight hundred and eighty-two of the Laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, entitled 'An act to incorporate the village of Green Island, and for other purposes,' in relation to annual village elections, and the appointment and compensation of election officers," with a message that they have concurred in the passage of the same. Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bills to the Governor. Mr. Walters moved that the Senate do now adjourn until 8:30 P. M., Monday, February 2. The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative. Whereupon, the Senate adjourned. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1920 The Senate met pursuant to adjournment. Prayer by Rev. Lawrence R. Kelly. The journal of Friday, January 30, was read and approved. Mr. Dunnigan introduced a bill (Int. No. 253) entitled "An act to authorize the construction of a bridge over the East river between the boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Queens within the city of New York," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of cities. Mr. Law introduced a bill (Int. No. 254) entitled "An act to amend chapter six hundred and sixty-seven of the Laws of nineteen hundred and ten, entitled 'An act to amend, revise and consolidate the charter of the village of Ossining,' generally," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of villages. Mr. Pitcher introduced a bill (Int. No. 255) entitled "An act to amend the Election Law, in relation to designating petitions and acknowledgments," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary. Also, a bill (Int. No. 256) entitled "An act to amend chapter five hundred and sixty-four of the Laws of nineteen hundred and ten, entitled 'An act to provide for county roads in certain counties,' by extending the provisions of such act to any county not wholly included within a city," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on internal affairs of towns, counties and publichighways. Also, a bill (Int. No. 257) entitled "An act to amend the Election Law, generally," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary. Mr. Walton introduced a bill (Int. No. 258) entitled "An act making an appropriation for the construction of Barge canal terminals at certain places on the Hudson river as authorized by [SENATE JOURNAL] 13 chapter five hundred and fifty-five of the Laws of nineteen hundred and eighteen," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on finance. Mr. Dodge introduced a bill (Int. No. 259) entitled "An act to amend the Greater New York charter, in relation to orders, requirements, decisions and determinations of the tenement house commissioner, relating to the construction or alteration of or the making of structural changes in tenement houses, and authorizing the board of appeals to hear and determine appeals from such orders, requirements, decisions and determinations, and, in passing upon such appeals, to vary or modify any law, rule or regulation relating to the construction or alteration of or the making of structural changes in tenement houses," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of cities. Mr. Sage introduced a bill (Int. No. 260) entitled "An act reappropriating the unexpended balance of appropriation made by chapter twenty-eight of the Laws of nineteen hundred and eighteen for the payment of costs of construction, advertising, engineering and miscellaneous expenses incurred and to be incurred in connection with the completion of the improvement of the Cayuga and Seneca canals," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on finance. Also, a bill (Int. No. 261) entitled "An act to amend the Civil Service Law, in relation to retention in office," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on civil service. Also, a bill (Int. No. 262) entitled "An act making appropriations for the contributions of the State for the repair and improvement of town highways in accordance with the requirements of section one hundred and one of the Highway Law, and chapter one hundred and thirty-seven of the Laws of nineteen hundred and eleven, and the repair and improvement of highways and bridges on Indian reservations in accordance with section one hundred and fifty-nine of the Highway Law," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on finance, Also, a bill (Int. No. 263) entitled "An act making an appro priation for the suppression and control of influenza and other diseases of the respiratory tract," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time. On motion of Mr. Sage, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended and said bill ordered to a third reading and referred to the committee on finance, retaining its place in the order of third reading. Mr. Sage moved that the committee on finance be discharged from further consideration of said bill and that the same be restored to its place on the order of third reading. Also, a bill (Int. No. 264) entitled "An act to confer jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to hear, audit and determine the alleged claim of the Iron Ledge Company against the State for alleged breach of contract for highway improvement," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary. Mr. G. L. Thompson introduced a bill (Int. No. 265) entitled “An act to amend the Election Law, in relation to the nomination of candidates for the office of judge or justice of a court of record and the form of the general official ballot," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary. Mr. Lowman introduced a bill (Int. No. 266) entitled "An act to amend chapter one hundred and eleven of the Laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-one, entitled 'An act to amend the several acts incorporating the village of Owego, in the county of Tioga,' in relation to taxes," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on affairs of villages. Mr. Mullan introduced a bill (Int. No. 267) entitled "An act to amend the Conservation Law, in relation to the taking of raccoon," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on conservation. Also, a bill (Int. No. 268) entitled "An act making an appropriation for terminal and facilities for Barge canal traffic at Rochester," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on finance. Mr. Dodge introduced a bill (Int. No. 269) entitled “An act to amend the Code of Civil Procedure, in relation to parties to an action relating to rates and charges of a public service corporation," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent. was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on codes. Mr. Davenport introduced a bill (Int. No. 270) entitled "An act to amend the Tax Law, in relation to the number, term of office and compensation of the members of the State Tax Commission, and making an appropriation therefor," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on finance. Also, a bill (Int. No. 271) entitled "An act to amend chapter one hundred and ninety-three of the Laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-two, entitled 'An act to incorporate the Psi Chapter of the Psi Upsilon Fraternity in the village of Clinton, in the county of Oneida, in the State of New York," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary. Mr. Sage introduced a bill (Int. No. 272) entitled "An act to limit the diversion of water from Lake Erie and Niagara river for use in developing hydraulic power, notwithstanding the provisions of chapter two hundred and fifty-nine of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, chapter seven hundred and seven of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-three, chapter seven hundred and twenty-two of the Laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-four, and chapter five hundred and thirty-nine of the Laws of nineteen hundred and two, and acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, and to repeal inconsistent provisions of law; and to confer jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims in regard to alleged claims, if any, arising hereunder," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time. On motion of Mr. Sage, and by unanimous consent, the rules were suspended, and said bill ordered to a third reading and referred to the committee on finance, retaining its place in the order of third reading. |