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Our pages have been unexpectedly filled up, so as to exclude son articles which were ready, and to give less variety to the number than we intended. We are indebted to our correspondents for several articles, which we are compelled to defer, some on account of their late arrival. On the intercourse of officers and students in our colleges '-' Rewards and Punishments - What many teachers can do'-' A Dialogue,' &c. ' Differential or individual Education,' and Defects of American Schools, not yet sufficiently examined. We hope those who have given promises will not forget to send soon; and we shall be gratified to receive simple accounts of recitations and experiments, discipline and methods of instruction, from all practical teachers who receive our work.

A reply to Miss S. W. has been for some time at our publisher's.


The copartnership in the Bookselling and Publishing business heretofore existing between the subscribers is, by mutual consent, this day dissolved,

BOSTON, Nov. 1, 1834.




The subscriber having purchased of MR. JOHN ALLEN his interest in the business heretofore conducted under the firm of ALLEN AND TICKNOR, will continue the same business, in all its branches, at the old stand, corner of Washington and School Streets. NOVEMBER 1, 1834.



THE ensuing Winter Term will commence on Wednesday, the 29th day of October, and continue twenty-five weeks, including a recess of one week. None are received under the age of fourteen years.

It is desired that the pupils, af entrance, should possess a thorough knowledge of mental and written arithmetic, geography, and the history of the United States. Miss GRANT will be absent from Ipswich till a short time before the commencement of the term. It being important that all the applications be made before the middle of October, they may be addressed to Miss MARY LYON, though she will not be connected with the institution during the winter. In connection with the application, the name, age, attainments and moral character of the candidate for admission should be stated. As the number will be limited, it is important, in case of a failure after an engagement has been made, that information be coinmunicated without delay. It will be expected, except in extraordinary cases, that the pupils will enter at the commencement of the term, and remain till the close, unless prevented by sickness.

Board, including washing and lights, $1,75 a week. Tuition for the term, $15. The tuition and $25 of the bill for board and fuel, to be paid at entrance, the remainder at the close of the term.






It has already arrived at the close of its second year of publication. But as it is about to appear under new auspices, we take the liberty to present its claims again for your patronage. The conduct of the Magazine is under the control of thirty physicians of Boston and vicinity, under the name of prorprietors, who choose its Editors, and feel themselves pledged to contribute for its support. It is now under the editorial care of Dr. J. B. FLINT, of Boston, Dr. E. BARTLETT, of Lowell, and Drs. A. A. GOULD and E. G. DAVIS, of Boston. To ensure valuable communications, the publishers offer one dollar a page for all original matter approved by the Editors. With such prospects of an interesting and well conducted Journal, we confidently solicit the patronage of the Public.

TERMS:-Published on the 1st and 15th of every month, at $4,00 per annum, payable on delivery of the third number.

DISSECTOR'S GUIDE, OR STUDENT'S COMPANION; illustrated by wood cut, clearly exhibiting and explaining the dissection of every part of the human body; by EDWARD WILLIAM TUSON, F. L. S., member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London, &c. &c. First American edition, with additions; by WINSLOW LEWIS, Jr., M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy to the Medical School at Harvard University.

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