Слике страница
[blocks in formation]

Nueces [S.], nwā-sēs.

Ocklawaha [I], ŏk-lă-wāh-hah.

Odeneal [E.], ō-děn-ēl.
Ogechee [I], ō-ge-chē.
Oglethorpe [E.], ō-gel-thorp.
O'Hara [E.], ō-hahr-ră.
Ojeda [S.], o-ha-dă.

Okeechobee [I], ō-kē-chō-bē.
Oldham [E.], õld-ăm.

Olustee [E.], ō-lus-tē.
Oneidas [I., o-ni-das.

Opecancanough [I.], ō-pě-kăn-kan-ō.

Orapax [I.], Ŏr-ă-păx.
Osceola [I., os-sē-ō-lā.
Oswald [E], Ŏs-wawld.
Otis [E.], ō-tis.

Oxenstiern [Sw.], ōks-en-stērn.
Pascua Florida [L.], pahs-koo-a flor-

Patapsco [1.], på-tăp-skō.
Patuxent [I], pă-tŭks-ěnt.
Pauw [G.], paw.

Pedro Melendez [S.], pā-drā mā-lenděth.

Pemaquid [I], pĕm-a-kwĭd,
Pepperell [E.], pĕp-pĕr-ěl.
Pequod [I], pē-kwŏd.
Perote [S.], pa-rō-tě.
Philippine [E.], fil-ip-in.
Pigot [E.], pig-ot.
Pinta [S.], pen-tă.

Piscataqua [I], pis-kǎt-ǎ-kwǎ.
Pitcairn [E.], pit-kārn.
Pizzaro [S.], pē-thahr-rō.
Pocahontas [I.], põk-ă-hon-tǎs.
Poictiers [F.], pwah-tē-a.

Point au Trembles [F.]; pwăn to


Ponce de Leon [S.], pōn-thã dã


Pontchartrain [F.], pōn-shahr-trān.
Porto Rico [S.], pōr-tō re-kō.
Poutrincourt [F.], poo-trăn-koor.
Powhatan [I], pow-hat-an.
Presque Isle [F.], prěsk-ēl.
Prevost [E.], prèv-ost.
Prideaux [F.], prid-ō.
Puebla [S.], pwěb-lah.
Pulaski [Pol.], poo-lahs-ki.
Quantrell [E.], kwahn-trel.
Queretaro [S.], kā-rā-tah-rō.
Rahl [G.], rahl.

Raleigh [E.], raw-li.

Ratcliffe [E.], răt-klif.
Rawdon [E.], raw-dŭn.
Raymbault [F.], rām-bō.
Revere [E.], re-věr.
Rhett [E.], rět.

Riall [E.], ri-ăl.
Ribault [F.], rē-bō.

Roberval [F.], rōb-ēr-vahl.
Rochambeau [F.], rổ-shăm-bỏ.
Rochelle [F], rō-shěl.

Roderigo Triana [S.], rōd-rē-gō trē


Rosecrans [G.], rōs-krahns.
Ryswick [G.], rēs-wik.
Salkehatchie [I.], săl-kě-hăch-ē.
Saltillo [S.], sahl tēl-yō.
Samoset [I.], săm-o-sét.
San Cosme [S.], sahn kōs-mā.
Sandys [E.], săn-dis.

San Jose [S.], sahn hō-sā.

San Juan d'Ulloa [S.], sahn hwahn dool-ō-ah.

San Miguel [S.], sahn mĭg-oo-āl.
Santa Maria [S.], sahn-tă mah-rē-ă.
Sassacus [1.], sǎs-săk-us.
Sayle [E.], sal.

Schenectady [I], skě-něk-tă-dí.
Schuyler [E.], ski-lĕr.
Selish [I], se-lish.

Seminoles [I], sěm-Ĭ-nōlz.
Semmes [E.], sěmz.
Seville [S.], sē-vil.
Seward [E], soo-ahrd.
Sheaffe [G.], shăf-fě.
Shirley [E.], shŭr-lí.

Shoshonees [I], shō-shō-nēz.
Sigel [G.], se-gěl,
Sioux [I.], soo.
Sloughter [E.], slō-těr.
Sothel [E.], sŏth-ěl.
Squanto [I], skwahn-tō.

St. Augustine [E.], sant aw-gus-tēn.
Steuben [G.], stū-běn.
Stirling [E.], stùr-ling.
St. Leger [F.], sānt lěj-ĕr.
Stoughton [E.], stō-tun.
St. Pierre [F.], săn pe-ār.
Streight [F.], strāt.
Stuyvesant [G.], sti-věs-ănt.
Subercase [F.], sẽ-bĕr-kahs.
Suwanee [I], soo-wahn-ē.
Talladega [I], tahl-lă-dē-gă.
Tallapoosa [I], tăl-lă-poos-ă.

Tallushatchee [I.], tăl-lŭs-hăch-ē.
Tamanlipas [S.], tahm-aw-le-păs.
Tanacharisson [L.], tăn-ă-kăr-is-săn.
Tarleton [E.], tahrl-tŭn.
Teche [F.], těsh.
Tecumtha [I.], tẽ-kim-thă.
Thames [E.], těmz.
Theresa [G.], tĕr-es-ă.

Karlsefne [N.], tōr-fin

kahrl-sef ně.

Thorstein Erickson [N.], tōr-stīn ĕrĭk-sun.

Tituba [I], ti-too-bă.
Tohopeka [I], tō-hō-pē-kǎ.
Tomo-Chichi [I.], to-mo-che-chi.
Tortugas [S.], tor-too-gahs.
Tuscaroras [I], tŭs-kǎ-rō-rahz.
Van Rensselaer [E.], văn ren-se-lahr.
Van Twiller [G.], văn twel-lěr.
Vasco de Gama" [P.], vahs-kō

Vaudreuil [F.], võ-drü-ël.
Vaughan [E.], vawn.

Vera Cruz [S.], vã-rah kroes.
Vergennes [F], věr-zhěn.
Verhulst [G.], vār-hoolst.
Verrazzani [It.], vĕr-rat-tsah-ni.
Wadsworth [E.], wods-wŭrth.

Wahoo [I.], waw-hoo. Wainman [E.], wān-măn. | Walloons [G.], wahl-loonz. Wampanoags [I.], wahm-păn-ō-agz. Warwick [E.], wahr-rick. Washita [F.], wosh-i-taw. Waymouth [E.], wă-mŭth. Weehawken [I.], wē-hawk-ěn. Weitzel [G.], wīt-zěl. · Welde [E.], wel-dě. Whalley [É.], hwahl-li. Whinyates [E.], hwin-yāts. Whitefield [E.], hwit-feld. Wingina [I], win-gē-nă. Winthrop [E.], win-thrup. Wilkes [E.], wilks.


Withlacoochie [I.], with-lă-koo-chē.

Worcester [E.], woos-těr.

Wouter [G.], woo-těr.


Wyatt [E.], wi-ăt.

Xeres [S.], ha-rêth.

Yamacraws [I.], yahm-ă-krawz.

Yamassees [I], yă-măs-ēz.
Yeamans [E.], yē-mǎnz.
Yeardley [E.], yŭrd-li.

Youghiogheny [I.], yŏh-hō-gā-ni.
Yusef [Moorish], yoo-sef.
Zenger [G.], zĕn-gĕr.


Abenakis, The, War with, 93, 98.

Argall, Samuel, Expeditions of, 61, 62.
Abercrombie, General, Expedition of Arkansas, Organization of, 266; admission

against Ticonderoga, 173.
Acadia, Name of, 34; ruin of, 168-169.
Adams, John, Predicts American Inde-
pendence, 180; nominates Washington
for general-in-chief, 190; member of
committee to draft Declaration, 194;
commissioner to Paris, 227; Vice-Pres-
ident, 232; elected President, 237; admin-
istration of, 238-240; death of, 268.
Adams, John Quincy, Secretary of State,
264; elected President, 267; sketch f,
administration of, 268-269; death

of, 289.
Adams, Samuel, Speaks out for liberty, 185.
Adot, M., Evil influence of in United States,

Adolphus, Gustavus, Plans an American
colony, 105.

Aix-la-Chapelle, Treaty of, 101.
Alabama, Admission of, 266.
Alabama, The, Career of, 333.

Alabama Claims, The, Settlement of, 345.
Alaska, Purchase of, 341.

of, 274.

Arnold, Benedict, At Ticonderoga, 188; ex-
pedition of against Quebec, 191; heroism
of, 204; treason of. 219; in Virginia, 222.
Arthur, Chester A., elected Vice-President,
359; accedes to the presidency, 365;
sketch of, 365; administration of, 365-
Atlanta, Capture of, 329.

Bacon, Nathaniel, Rebellion of, 70.
Balboa, Discovery of the Pacific by, 20.
Baltimore, Siege of, 260; attack on Union
soldiers in, 302.

Baltimore, Lords, Colonize Maryland, 145.
Bank of the United States, Organization

of, 234; expiration of charter of, 263; re-
chartering of vetoed by Jackson, 271;
new charter of vetoed by Tyler, 278.
Banks, N, P., In West Virginia, 315; in com-
mand of the Red River expedition, 327.
Barclay, Robert,Governor of New Jersey,137.
Barlow, Arthur, Voyage of, 39.

tomont, Earl of, Governs New York, 116.

Algiers, Tribute paid to, 237; brought to Bennington, Battle of, 203.
terms, 263.

Algonquins, The, Territorial position of, 12.
Allen, Ethan, Expedition of against Ticon-
deroga, 188.

Amendments to Constitution, Notice of,
232; passage of fourteenth and fifteenth,

Amherst, General, Commander-in-chief in
America, 174.

Amidas, Philip, Voyage of, 39.

Berkeley Sir William, Governor of Vir-

ginia, 67; vengeance of, 71; proprietor
of New Jersey, 134.

Black Hawk, War, The, Account of, 272.
Blaine, James G., Secretary of State, 362.
Blockade, The question of in Europe, 245.
Bonaparte, Napoleon, Policy of toward the

United States, 239: sells Louisiana, 242;
measures of against Great Britain, 245;
issues Milan Decree, 245.

Amnesty Proclamation, The, Account of, Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon, Intrigue of re-

Anderson, Robert, At Fort Sumter, 302.
Andro, John, Connection of with Arnold's
treason, 220.

specting Mexico, 340.

Boone, Daniel, Colonizes Kentucky, 235.
Booth, John Wilkes, Assassination of Lin-
coln by, 337.

Andros, Sir Edmund, Career of in America, Boston, Founded, 77; occupied by the Brit-

91, 112, 114, 124, 129, 132, 137.

Antiotam, Battle of, 319.

Anti-Federalist Party, The, Rise of, 230.
Archdale, John, Governor of South Caro-
lina, 154.

Arctic Explorations, Account of, 293.

[blocks in formation]

Chapultepec, Battle of, 287.

Bragg, Braxton, At Murfreesborough, 315; | Chandler, Zachariah, Death of, 361.
at Chickamauga, 322; at Lookout and
Missionary Ridge, 322-323.
Brandywine, Battle of, 205.
Breckinridge, John C., Vice-President, 296;
in command in the Shenandoah Valley,

Brown, John, Insurrection led by, 298.
Bryant, William Cullen, Death of, 356.
Buchanan, James, Elected President, 296;
sketch of, 297; administration of, 297-300.
Buckner, S. B., At Fort Donelson, 312.
Buena Vista, Battle of, 285.

Bull Run, Battles of, 308, 318.

Charles I., Relations of with American col-
onies, see Massachusetts and Virginia.
Charles II., Relations of with American col-
onies, see Massachusetts and Virginia.
Charleston, Founding of, 153; taken by the
British, 217; evacuation of, 225; siege of,
323; capture of by Sherman, 330.
Charter of New England, Account of, 76.
Charter Oak, The, Story of, 91, 125.
Chase, Salmon P., Secretary of the Treas-
ury, 301; presides at the impeachment
trial of Johnson, 342; death of, 349.

Bunker Hill, Fortification of by Americans, Cherokees, The, Territorial position of, 12;
188; battle of, 189.

war with, 177; difficulties with, 272.
Burgesses, House of, Establishment of, 63; Chesapeake, Bay of, Exploration of by
scene in, 181.

John Smith, 56.

Burgoyne, General, Invasion of, 202; capit- Chesapeake, The, Affair of, 245.

ulation of, 204.

Burnside, Ambrose E., In command of the
Army of the Potomac, 319; at Freder-
icksburg, 319.
Burr, Aaron, Elected Vice-President, 240;
kills Hamilton, 244; conspiracy of, 244.
Butler, B. F., At New Orleans, 314; at Ft.
Fisher, 332; at Bermuda Hundred, 334.

Cabinet, The, Organization of, 234.
Cable, The Atlantic, Laying of, 297, 340.
Cabot, John, Voyage of, 35.
Cabot, Sebastian, Voyage and explorations
of, 36.

Calhoun, John C., Secretary of War, 264;
Vice-President, 267; as a nullifier, 271;
death of, 294.

Chicago, Burning of, 345.
Chickamauga, Battle of, 322.
Chicora, Old name of Carolina, 23.
Chinese Embassy, Established at Washing-
ton, 357.

Chippewa, Battle of, 258.
Churubusco, Battle of, 287.

Civil Rights Bill, The, Passage of, 342.
Civil War, The, Causes of, 303-306; history
of, 306-336.

Citizenship, English views of, 245.
Clarke, John, Colonizes Rhode Island, 128;
services of, 129.

Clarke, William, Exploring expedition of,

Clayborne, William, Career of in Mary-
land, 144-147.

California, Discovery of gold in, 288; organ-
ization of, 291; admission of, 292.
Californians, The, Territorial position of, 12. Clinton, George, Vice-President, 244.
Calvert, Sir George, Sketch of, 144.
Calvert, Sir Cecil, Colonizes Maryland, 145.
Camden, Battle of, 218.

Clay, Henry, Secures the passage of Omnibus
Bill, 291; death of, 294,

Canadian Insurrection, The, Account of,

Clinton, Sir Henry, Attempt of to save
Burgoyne, 204.

Coddington, William, Sets up Israel in
Rhode Island, 128.

Colfax, Schuyler, Vice-President, 343.

Canonchet, Notice of, 87; execution of, 90. Coligni, Mentioned, 32.

Canonicus, Notice of, 78.

Cape Breton, Conquest of, 101.
Carpenter, Matt. H., Death of, 361.

Cartier, James, Voyage of, 30.

Colonies, The American, Dispute of with
Great Britain, 179-186; independence of,
195, 227.

Carteret, Sir George, Proprietor of New Colonization Society, The, Organization
Jersey, 134.

of, 263.

Colorado, Admission of, 352.

Carver, John, Leader of the Pilgrims, 47; Columbia, District of, Organization of, 240.
death of, 73.
Columbus, Christopher, Sketch of, 18; dis-
covery of America by, 19; misfortunes
of, 20.

Census, of 1790 and 1800, 240; of 1810, 248;

of 1870, 344; of 1880, 360.

Cerro Gordo, Battle of, 286.

Centennial of American Independence, Comanches, The, Territorial position of, 12.
Account of, 350.

Concord, Battle of, 187.

Confederation, History of, 229-230.

Champe, Sergeant John, Attempt of to Congress, The First Colonial, Meeting of,
capture Arnold, 222.

Champion Hills, Battle of, 321.

Champlain, Samuel, Career of in Amer-
ica, 34.

Chancellorsville, Battle of, 324.


Congress of the Revolution, Assembling
of, 186.

Connecticut, Colonization of, 120; history
of, 120-126.

Constitution of the United States, Analy-
sis of, 231; adoption of by the States, 232;
text of, see Appendix.

Constitution, The, Affair of, 250.
Cooper, Sir Ashley, Proprietor of Carolina,


Cordova, Explorations of, 22.

Corinth, Battle of, 315.

Cornbury, Lord, Governor of New York,

Cornwallis, Lord, Pursues Washington
across New Jersey, 198; at Princeton,
201; at Brandywine, 205; in Carolina,
223; in Virginia, 225; surrender of at
Yorktown, 226.

Cortereal, Gaspar, Voyages of, 28.

Draft, The, Ordered by Congress, 325.
Drake, Sir Francis, Career of, 38; carries off
Raleigh's colony, 40.

Dred Scott Decision, The, 298.

East India Company, The Dutch, Men-
tioned, 49.

Eaton, William, Campaign of in Africa, 243.
Emancipation Proclamation, Issued by Lin-
coln, 320.

Embargo Act, The, Passage of, 245.
Erickson, Lief, Discovers America, 15.
Erickson, Thorwald and Thorstein, 16.
Ericsson, John, Invents Monitor, 313.
Esquimaux, Territorial position of, 12.
Eutaw Springs, Battle of, 224.

Cortez, Fernando, Conquest of Mexico by, Fair Oaks, Battle of, 317.

Cotton Gin, The, As a factor of the Civil
War, 304.

Cranfield, Edward, Governor of New Hamp-
shire, 91; career of in the province, 132.
Credit Mobilier, The, Uproar concerning,

Farragut, Admiral, On the Mississippi, 314;
capture of Mobile by, 331.

Federalist Party, The, Rise of, 230.
Field, C. W., Lays Atlantic cable, 297.
Fields, James T., Death of, 361.
Fillmore, Millard, President, 291.
Financial Crisis, of 1873, 348.

Creeks, The, War with, 254; difficulties Five Forks, Battle of, 336.
with, 268.

Cromwell, Oliver, Relations of with Vir-
ginia, 67; favors New England, 83.
Crown Point, Expedit'n of Johnson against,
170. .

Cuba, Difficulties concerning, 292.

Dakotas, The, Territorial position of, 12.
Dale, Sir Thomas, Governor of Virginia, 60.
Dare, Virginia, Birth mentioned, 41.
Darrah, Lydia, Story of, 206.

Davis, Jefferson, President of the Confed-
eracy, 299; sketch of, 308; flight of from
Richmond, 336; capture and trial of, 336.
Daye, Stephen, First printer in America, 81.
Dearborn, Henry, Commander-in-chief of
American army, 249.

De Ayllon, Discovery of Carolina by, 23.
Decatur, Commodore, In the Mediterra-
nean, 263.

Florida, Colonization of, 27; cession, 265;
admission of, 281.

Forrest, N. B., Raid of, 327.
Fort Donelson, Capture of, 312.
Fort Du Quesne, See Fort Pitt.
Fort Fisher, Capture of, 332.
Fort Jackson, Capture of, 314.
Fort Le Boeuf, Affairs at, 163.
Fort McHenry, Defense of, 260.
Fort Meigs, Siege of, 253.
Fort Mifflin, Defense of, 206.
Fort Moultrie, Attack on, 194.
Fort Nassau, Built, 134.

Fort Necessity, Built and defended by
Washington, 165.

Fort Orange, Building of, 50, 103.
Fort Pitt, Built, 164; taken by English, 174.
Fort St. Philip, Capture of, 314.
Fort Sumter, Bombardment of, 302.
Fort William Henry, Siege of, 172.

De Gama, Circumnavigation of Africa by, France, Possessions of in America, 172; in-


De Gourges, Settles with the Spaniards, 33.
De Kalb, Baron, Fights for liberty, 202;
killed, 218.

Delaware, Colonization of, 105; secession

of from Pennsylvania, 142.

cites the colonies to rebel, 179; alliance
of with U. S., 208; difficulties with, 238.
Franklin, Benjamin, Plans Union for Amer-
ica, 166; favors liberty, 181; at the court
of Louis XVI., 208; sketch of, 209.
Fredericksburg, Battle of, 319.

De Leon, Ponce, Discovery of Florida by, Fremont, John C., Explorations of, 284.


Demagogues, Influence of, 306.

French, The, Explorations and settlements
of in America, 29-35, 161–162.

Democratic Party, The, Comes into power, Frobisher, Martin, Voyages of, 37.


De Monts, In America, 34.

De Soto, Ferdinand, Explorations of, 24-26.
Detroit, Capture of by the British, 250.
Doniphan, Colonel, Campaign of, 285.
Dorr Insurrection, The, Account of, 278.
Douglas, Stephen A., Favors popular sov-
ereignty, 295.

Fulton, Robert, Invents steamboat, 246.

Gadsden Purchase, Account of, 295.
Gage, General, Occupies Boston, 186.
Garfield, James A., Elected President, 359;
sketch of, 362; administration of, 362-365;
assassination of, 364.

Gates, Horatio. In the North, 204.

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