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Section 102 of The Loan Corporations Act (R.S.O. 1897, c. 205) provides as follows:

Registrar not to vouch for

financial convency of any

dition or sol





102. (1) The Registrar shall not in any initial or renewal certificate of registry or in any other publication, or otherWise, vouch for the solvency or financial standing of any corporation; nor shall the printing of a corporation's statement in the Registrar's report, operate, or be any wise construed as a warranty of solvency.

(2) No corporation shall under penalty of becoming disentitled to registry, circulate, publish, print or make any statement or representation contrary to the intent of this section; and any auditor, officer, servant, employee or agent of the corporation who uses any such contrary statement or representation for the purpose of obtaining or transacting business shall be guilty of an offence, and shall upon summary convietion thereof before any Police or Stipendiary Magistrate or two Justices of the Peace having jurisdiction where the offence was committed be liable as for an offence against seetion 117 of this Act; and the procedure and penalty prescribed by the said section shall apply in the case of an offence committed against this section.'




Note.-By comparing with this form the statement actually made by each company and printed within, the fulness and completeness of the company's statement may be tested.

The following is a copy of the form supplied to each Loan Corporation for purposes of its Annual Statement for the year ending 31st December, 1905.

The Annual Statement and Duplicate (each duly completed, with its schedule) are to be filed with the Registrar of Loan Corporations for Ontario, (Department of Insurance, Parliament Buildings), Toronto, on or before the first day of March, 1906, subject to a penalty of $50 for each day of default in filing, as provided by "The Loan Corporations Act," Section 99. In each of the statements there should be enclosed a certified copy of any statement or statements made by the Directors to the Shareholders during the year 1905, including a copy of the Auditors' Certificate. Ibid., Secs. 93, 100.

The above duplicates should be accompanied by a cheque for $5 (filing fee) drawn payable to the Provincial Treasurer of Ontario.



Of the condition and affairs of the (Name of Corporation) at the 31st December, 1905, and for the year ending on that day, made to the Registrar of Loan Corporations for the Province of Ontario, pursuant to the laws of the said Province. The Corporation was incorporated under the laws of

day of...



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on the.....

.in the (City, Town or .of.


The Head Office of the Corporation is at No. (Name of Street).... Village). in the (Province. State, etc,). The Chief Agency for Ontario (if the Corporation's Head Office is elsewhere than in Ontario) is situated at No.... (Name of Street). .Street in the (City, Town, etc.). in the Province of Ontario. The Chief Agent and Attorney for Ontario (if the Corporation's Head Office is elsewhere than in Ontario) is (Name)..... .and his address is. .in the Province of Ontario. The Board is constituted of. .Directors, holding office for the term of... ..years. The Directors and Chief Executive Officers of the Corporation at the 31st December, 1905, were as follows: CURRENT TERM OF Office.

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A. Permanent Capital Stock: Total amount authorized, $

Total amount subscribed, $

as more Particularly set out in Schedule A hereto. (Page 7 of this Form.)
B. Terminating or Withdrawable Stock.

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Summary of Terminating or Withdrawable Stock in force 31st December, 1905.

Total as above.

Shares Fully Paid Stock.... .at $
Shares "Prepaid" Stock (other
than above)...
Shares Instalment Stock (payable
by fixed periodical payments at $



No. of Shareholders.
per Share......$ on which shareholders
per Share.. $ on which

Of which there has been credited to loan fund.

have paid in

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[ocr errors][merged small]
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Total amount distributed or credited to Terminating or Withdrawable Stock in 1905.

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*A. Permanent Capital Stock or Shares.

1. (a) Ordinary Joint Stock Capital. fully called; Total called $.


paid thereon

2. (b) Ordinary Joint Stock Capital. . called: Total called §. paid thereon


3 (c) Ordinary Joint Stock Capital.. . called Total called $. paid thereon


(cc) Jomt Stock Capital paid in advance of calls †.

4. (d) Dividends declared in respect of (1), (2) or (3), but not yet paid.

5. (e) Unappropriated profits in respect of (1), (2) or (3)..

6. (f) Reserve Fund in respect of (1), (2) or (3)

7. (g) Contingent Fund in respect of (1), (2) or (3).

8. (h) Instalment Permanent Stock (payable by fixed periodical payments): Total

subscribed $......on which has been paid.

9. (i) Dividends declared on (8) but not yet paid...

10. (j) Unappropriated profits on (8).

11. (k) Reserve Fund in respect of (8)

12. (1) Contingent Fund in respect of (8).

13. (m) Instalments or premiems on (8) paid in advancet.

NOTE.-Liabilities reported in 1904 under A, but written off in 1905 (not extend-
ed), $...

B. Terminating Capital Stock or Shares.

14. (a) Fully paid stock, less shown in (24): Total in force... carried to Loan Fund...

shares at $. ..per share

15. (b) Profits or accrued interest on (14), less shown in (25) and credited or appropriated but not yet paid..

16. (c) Profits or accrued interest on (14), less shown in (25) and not credited or appro


17. (d) Prepaid Stock, less shown in (24): Total in force......shares at $.... per share on which has been paid into Loan Fund..

18. (e) Profits or accrued interest on (17), less shown in (25), and credited or appropriated but not yet paid...

19. (f) Profits or accrued interest on (17), less shown in (25), and not credited or appropriated

20. (g) Instalment Stock, less shown in (24); Total issue now in force.

shares at $.. per share on which has been paid in all $... of which sum there has been paid into the Loan Fund..


21. (h) Profits or accrued interest on (20), less shown in (25), and credited or appropriated but not yet paid...

22. (i) Profits or accrued interest on (20), less shown in (25), and not credited or appropriated.

23. (j) Instalments or premiums paid on (20) in advance†.

NOTE.-Liabilities reported in 1904 under B, but written off in 1905 (not extend-
ed) $..

24. 25. Liability in respect of Terminating Stock or Shares (Fully-paid, Prepaid or In-
stalment), other than shown in (14). (17) and (20), as to which the Cor-
poration has received notice of withdrawal, but at 31st December, 1905, had
not paid off, viz.:-

24. Principal sum due by Corporation.....

25. Interest, Profits or Dividends due by Corporation..

C. Liability to Stockholders or Shareholders other than as shown under A or B, viz.:26...


27. Deposits (including unclaimed deposits). Payable on Demand, $...... Payable on

Notes, $.....

28. Interest on deposits, due or accrued, or capitalized...

(a) Interest due and accrued on 3 (cc); or on 13 (m); or on 23 (j).

29. Debentures issued in Canada..

30. Interest due and accrued on (29).

31. Debentures issued elsewhere than in Canada.

32. Interest due and accrued on (31)..

33. Debenture stock issued in Canada..

34. Interest due and accrued on (33)..

35. Debenture stock issued elsewhere than in Canada.

36. Interest due and accrued on (35)..

37. Owing to Banks (including interest due or accrued).

38. Due on Bills payable other than (37), including interest due or accrued.
39. Due on Loans in process of completion or to pay assumed mortgages..
40. Other liabilities to the public, viz.:—


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