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Message of the President of the United States to the Twenty-second Congress.-Second Session.

Fellow Citizens of the Senate,

and House of Representatives, It gives me pleasure to congratulate you upon your return to the Seat of Government, for the pur. pose of discharging your duties to the people of the United States. Although the pestilence which had traversed the old world has entered our limits, and extended its ravages over much of our land, it has pleased Almighty God to mitigate its severity, and lessen the number of its victims, compared with those who have fallen in most other countries over which it has spread its terrors. Notwithstanding this visitation, our country presents, on every side, marks of prosperity and happiness, unequalled, perhaps, in any other portion of the world. If we fully appreciate our comparative condition, existing causes of discontent will appear unworthy of attention, and with hearts of thankfulness to that Divine Being who has filled our cup of prosperity, we shall feel our resolution strengthened to preserve, and hand down to posterity, that liberty and that union which we have received from our fathers, and

which constitute the sources and the shield of all our blessings.

The relations of our country continue to present the same picture of amicable intercourse that I had the satisfaction to hold up to your view at the opening of your last session. The same friendly professions, the same desire to participate in our flourishing commerce, the same disposition to refrain from injuries, unintentionally offered, are, with few exceptions, evinced by all nations with whom we have any intercourse. This desirable state of things may be mainly ascribed to our undeviating practice of the rule which has long guided our national policy, to require no exclusive privileges in commerce, and to grant none. It is daily producing its beneficial effect in the respect shown to our flag, the protection of our citizens and their property abroad, and in the increase of our navigation, and the extension of our mercantile operations. The returns which have been made out since we last met, will show an increase during the last preceding year of more than 80,000 tons in our shipping,

and of near forty millions of dollars in the aggregate of our imports and exports.

Nor have we less reason to felicitate ourselves on the position of our political than our commercial concerns. They remain in the state in which they were when I last addressed you, a state of prosperity and peace, the effect of a wise attention to the parting advice of the revered Father of his country, on this subject, condensed into a maxim for the use of posterity, by one of his most distinguished successors, to cultivate free commerce and honest friendship with all nations, but to make entangling alliances with none. A strict adherence to this policy has kept us aloof from the perplexing questions that now agitate the European world, and have more than once deluged those countries with blood. Should those scenes unfortunately recur, the parties to the contest may count on the faithful performance of the duties incumbent on us as a neutral nation, and our own citizens may equally rely on the firm assertion of their neutral rights.

With the nation that was our earliest friend and ally in the infancy of our political existence, the most friendly relations have subsisted through the late revolutions of its government, and, from the events of the last, promise a permanent duration. It has made an ap. proximation in some of its political institutions to our own, and raised a monarch to the throne who preserves, it is said, a friendly recol. lection of the period during which he acquired among our citizens the high consideration that could then have been produced by his personal qualifications alone.

Our commerce with that nation is gradually assuming a mutually beneficial character, and the adL

justment of the claims of our citizens has removed the only obstacle there was to an intercourse not only lucrative, but productive of li terary and scientific improvement.

From Great Britain I have the satisfaction to inform you, that I continue to receive assurances of the most amicable disposition, which have, on my part, on all proper occasions, been promptly and sincerely reciprocated. The attention of that government has latterly been so much engrossed by matters of a deeply interesting domestic character, that we could not press upon it the renewal of negotiations which had been unfortunately broken off by the unexpected recall of our minister, who had commenced them with some hopes of success. My great object was the settlement of questions which, though now dormant, might hereafter be revived under circumstances that would endanger the good understanding which it is the interest of both parties to preserve inviolate, cemented as it is by a community of language, manners and social habits, and by the high obligations we owe to our British ancestors for many of our most valuable institutions, and for that system of representative government which has enabled us to preserve and improve them.

The question of our northeastern boundary still remains unsettled. In my last annual message, I ex. plained to you the situation in which I found that business on my coming into office, and the measures which I thought it my duty to pursue for asserting the rights of the United States before the sovereign who had been chosen by my predecessor to determine the question; and also the manner in which he had dispo. sed of it. A special message to the senate, in their executive capa. city, afterwards brought before

them the question, whether they would advise a submission to the opinion of the sovereign arbiter. That body having considered the award as not obligatory, and advised me to open a further negotiation, the proposition was immediately made to the British government; but the circumstances to which I have alluded have hitherto prevented any answer being given to the overture. Early attention, however, has been promised to the subject, and every effort on my part will be made for the satisfactory settlement of this question, interest ing to the Union generally, and particularly so to one of its members. The claims of our citizens on Spain are not yet acknowledged. Ön a closer investigation of them than appears to have heretofore taken place, it was discovered that some of these demands, however strong they might be upon the equity of that government, were not such as could be made the subject of national interference. And, faithful to the principle of asking nothing but what was clearly right, additional instructions have been sent, to modify our demands so as to embrace those only on which, according to the laws of nations, we had a strict right to insist. An inevitable delay in procuring the documents necessary for this review of the merits of these claims retarded this operation, until an unfortunate malady which has afflicted his Catholic Majesty, prevented an examination of them. Being now, for the first time, presented in an unexceptionable form, it is confidently hoped the applica.

tion will be successful.

I have the satisfaction to inform you, that the application I directed to be made for the delivery of a part of the archives of Florida, which had been carried to the Havana, has produced a royal order

for their delivery, and that measures have been taken to procure its execution.

By the report of the secretary of state, communicated to you on the 25th June last, you were informed of the conditional reduction, obtained by the minister of the United States at Madrid, of the duties on tonnage levied on American shipping in the ports of Spain. The condition of that reduction having been complied with on our part, by the act passed the 13th of July last, I have the satisfaction to inform you that our ships now pay no higher nor other duties in the continental ports of Spain than are levied on their national vessels.

The demands against Portugal for illegal captures in the blockade of Terceira, have been allowed to the full amount of the accounts presented by the claimants, and payment was promised to be made in three instalments. The first of these has been paid; the second, although due, had not, at the date of our last advices, been received, owing, it was alleged, to embarrassments in the finances, consequent on the civil war in which the nation is engaged.

The payments stipulated by the convention with Denmark have been punctually made, and the amount is ready for distribution among the claimants as soon as the board now sitting shall have performed their functions.

I regret that by the last advices from our chargé d'affaires at Naples, that government had still delayed the satisfaction due to our citizens, but, at that date, the effect of the last instructions was not known. Despatches from thence are hourly expected, and the result will be communicated to you without delay.

With the rest of Europe, our re

lations, political and commercial, remain unchanged. Negotiations are going on, to put on a permanent basis the liberal system of commerce now carried on between us and the Empire of Russia. The treaty concluded with Austria, is executed by his Imperial Majesty, with the most perfect good faith,and as we have no diplomatic agent at his court, he personally inquired into and corrected a proceeding of some of the subaltern officers to the injury of our consul in one of his ports.

Our treaty with the Sublime Porte is producing its expected effects on our commerce. New markets are opening for our commodities, and a more extensive range for the employment of our ships. A slight augmentation of the duties on our commerce, inconsistent with the spirit of the treaty, had been imposed; but on the representation of our chargé d'affaires, it has been promptly withdrawn, and we now enjoy the trade and navigation of the Black sea, and of all the ports belonging to the Turkish Empire and Asia, on the most perfect equali. ty with all foreign nations.

I wish earnestly, that in announcing to you the continuance of friendship, and the increase of a profitable commercial intercourse with Mexico, with Central America, and the states of the south, I could accompany it with the assurance that they all are blessed with that internal tranquillity and foreign peace which their heroic devotion to the cause of their independence merits. In Mexico, a sanguinary struggle is now carried on, which has caused some embarrassment to our commerce, but both parties profess the most friendly disposition towards us. To the termination of this contest, we look for the establishment

of that secure intercourse, so necessary to nations whose territories are contiguous. How important it will be to us, we may calculate from the fact, that even in this unfavourable state of things, our maritime commerce has increased, and an internal trade by caravans, from St. Louis to Santa Fe, under the protection of escorts furnished by the government, is carried on to great advantage, and is daily increasing. The agents provided for by the treaty with this power, to designate the boundaries which it established, have been named on our part; but one of the evils of the civil war now raging there has been, that the appointment of those with whom they were to co-operate has not yet been announced to us.

The government of Central America has expelled from its territory the party which some time since disturbed its peace. Desirous of fostering a favourable disposition towards us, which has on more than one occasion been evinced by this interesting country, I made a second attempt, in this year, to establish a diplomatic intercourse with them; but the death of the distinguished citizen whom I had appointed for that purpose, has retarded the execution of measures from which I hoped much advantage to our commerce. The union of the three states which formed the Re. public of Colombia has been dissolved; but they all, it is believed, consider themselves as separately bound by the treaty which was made in their federal capacity. The minister accredited to the federation, continues in that character near the government of New Granada, and hopes were entertained, that a new union would be formed between the separate states, at least, for the purposes of foreign intercourse,

Our minister has been instructed to use his good offices, whenever they shall be desired, to produce the reunion so much to be wished for the domestic tranquillity of the parties, and the security and facility of foreign commerce.

Some agitations naturally attendant on an infant reign have prevail. ed in the empire of Brazil, which have had the usual effect upon commercial operations, and while they suspended the consideration of claims created on similar occasions, they have given rise to new complaints on the part of our citizens. A proper consideration for calamities and difficulties of this nature has made us less urgent and peremptory in our demands for justice than duty to our fellow citizens would, under other circumstances have required. But their claims are not neglected, and will on all proper occasions be urged, and, it is hoped with effect.

I refrain from making any communication on the subject of our affairs with Buenos Ayres, because the negotiation communicated to you in my last annual message, was, at the date of our last advices, still pending, and in a state that would render a publication of the details inexpedient.

A treaty of amity and commerce has been formed with the Republic of Chili, which, if approved by the senate, will be laid before you. That government seems to be established, and at peace with its neighbours; and its ports being the resorts of our ships which are employed in the highly important trade of the fisheries, this commercial convention cannot but be of great advantage to our fellow citizens engaged in that perilous but profitable business.

Our commerce with the neigh. bouring state of Peru, owing to the onerous duties levied on our principal articles of export, has been on

the decline, and all endeavours to procure an alteration have hitherto proved fruitless. With Bolivia, we have yet no diplomatic intercourse, and the continual contests carried on between it and Peru have made me defer until a more favourable period, the appointment of any agent for that purpose.

An act of atrocious piracy having been committed on one of our trading ships by the inhabitants of a settlement on the west coast of Sumatra, a frigate was despatched with orders to demand satisfaction for the injury, if those who committed it should be found members of a regular government, capable of maintaining the usual relations with foreign nations; but if, as it was supposed, and as they proved to be, they were a band of lawless pirates, to inflict such a chastisement as would deter them and others from like aggressions. This last was done, and the effect has been an increased respect for our flag in those distant seas, and addi, tional security for our commerce.

In the view I have given of our connexion with foreign powers, allusions have been made to their domestic disturbances or foreign wars, to their revolutions or dissentions. It may be proper to observe, that this is done solely in cases where those events affect our political relations with them, or to show their operation on our commerce. Further than this, it is neither our policy nor our right to interfere. Our best wishes on all occasions, our good offices when required, will be afforded, to promote the domestic tranquillity and foreign peace of all nations with whom we have any intercourse. Any intervention in their affairs further than this, even by the expression of an official opinion, is contrary to our principles of international policy, and will always be avoided.

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