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out of olde felles as men ferth ometh of the nerve con fio yeer to yete In out of olde botes in good ferth meth of the nerve forence that men leve EX LIBRIS WM DALLAM ARMES

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Sincere work is good work, be it never so

humble; and sincere work is not only an inde-
structible delight to the worker by its very genu-
ineness, but is immortal in the best sense, for it
lives forever in its influence. There is no good
Dictionary, not even a good Index, that is not in
this sense priceless, for it has honestly furthered
the work of the world, saving labour to others,
setting an example to successors.
consciousness of faithfulness even to the poor
index-maker may be a better reward than pence
or praise.


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