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-Misdemeanors under the Bumboat Act, which are transportable Offences for Fourteen Years, to be deemed Felonies, that the Procedure may be prompt as in Felonies, instead of dilatory as in Misdemeanors.

XII. The Privileges of the City of London, secured by specific Clauses.

The advantage, resulting from a System of Legislation, so peculiarly adapted to the great object of renovating the morals of the Labouring Classes on the River Thames, aided by pecuniary energy, and by powers calculated, more to counteract the Designs of evil-disposed persons by embarrassing them at all points, than to punish, may be anticipated; and its effect will be the prevention of Depredations, not only on the River, Quays, and Warehouses, but in all situations where they were formerly committed.

Upon this basis will of course be erected an improved System of Police Economy, in which will be combined every thing that can tend to give utility and effect to the Design.

In the Judicial Department, the best possible arrangements will of course be made, that Public Justice may be administered without interruption, and as heretofore, with purity, caution and regularity.

The Magistrates thus assisted by apposite Powers, will not only feel confident in the execution of the trust reposed in them, but will experience an additional degree of satisfaction, in prosecuting the labours which their duty imposes.


Placed by Legislative Authority on certain and permanent ground, the anxiety to accomplish the great objects which are in view, will operate upon pure and intelligent minds as a strong stimulus to exertion, in giving vigour and correctness to every Department in the System.

The Land Constables will of course be increased, so as to render them competent to guard every avenue to and from the River, to embarrass criminal People in the transit of stolen Property; and to render the trade of Pillage too hazardous and unprofitable to be followed.

The River Patroles will, in like manner, be so augmented as to render their Surveys effectual in every part of the River, from Westminster Bridge to Blackwall.

Constant and regular Police Guards, properly instructed and controlled by Superior Officers, will form a chain of Protection on both sides of the River, wherever Commercial Property is exposed to danger, either in Craft or upon the Quays and Wharfs, with the advantage of a relief every six hours.

The discharging Department will undergo many useful improvements, from the more effectual control of the Master and Working Lumpers, who will be completely restrained from those acts of Pillage, to which they have been so long accustomed, while by means of a fair competition, this necessary labour will be obtained at a moderate expence. The useful Functions of the Commissioners will contribute, in




an eminent degree, to the general benefits which cannot fail to result from the combined efforts of men of enlightened minds, having no object in view but the Public good. Under this Patriotic Influence, the Powers granted them to make Ordinances and Byelaws must be employed for the most useful purposes.

In the complete Formation therefore, of this important Design, may be reasonably expected every benefit to the Individual and the Public, which can result from the Security of Commercial Property, the preservation of his Majesty's Stores, the increase of the Revenues of the Crown, and the general improvement in the morals of a vast Body of People: returning at least fifty fold, on the pecuniary sacrifice which is proposed: -while an important example is thus held out to every other great Commercial Port in the Kingdom, as well as to his Majesty's Dockyards and other Repositories, exhibiting and demonstrating, by what means the same benefits may be extended generally, wherever Depredations, Embezzlements, or Frauds, have been found to prevail.

These elucidations of a most important subject, it is earnestly to be hoped, will produce the desired


The Fabric being thus raised, and all difficulties removed, which depended on Labour, Investigation, and Legislative Arrangements, it remains now for his Majesty's Ministers and the Commercial Body to lay the Key-stone of the Design.

In accomplishing this object, they will have the triumph and satisfaction of having contributed, in ant eminent degree, to the Improvement of Morals, and the Prevention of Crimes, and they will deserve the Thanks of the Nation, and the Gratitude of Posterity.




General Statement of the various Authorities, entitled to exercise Jurisdiction on or near the River Thames. -1st. The King. -2d. The Lord Mayor and Corporation of London, as Conservators of the River, Sc.-3d. The Corporation of the Trinity-house.Ath. The West-India Dock Company.-5th. The Boards of Custom and Excise. 6th. The Lord Mayor and Aldermen as Magistrates, and the other Justices of the Peace, in the several Counties and Cities on, and near the River; in taking cognizance of Offences punishable by the Statute Law of this Kingdom. The power of the Crown considered separately. Most of its Rights in the River Thames, granted to the Corporation of London by various Charters, and confirmed by Acts of Parliament.The inconvenience attending such grants. The privilege of Mooring-Chains reserved by the Crown. -The Grantee thereof compelled to sell his interest by the Wet-Dock Act, 39 Geo. III.(n)-The provisions of the Act on that subject explained. The Tonnage Duties granted to the Crown by that Act, and their application also detailed and explained.

(n) Cap. Ixix of the Series of public local-and-personal Acts; which are distinguished, in the quarto edition of the Statutes, by being placed after the public general Acts; and, in citation, by the Chapters being thus marked by Roman numerals.

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