over the River Thames, excepting with respect to the Lordship of the Soil or Surface, under low-water mark.(n) This right was exercised in the instance of the Lease or Patent, granted of the privilege of placing Mooring Chains in tiers, in the bed of the River, for the accommodation of Shipping; which was recently enjoyed by Lord Gwydir, and from which a considerable annual emolument was derived. By the Wet-Dock Act, ($ 35, 36) Lord Gwydir is required within six months, on receiving an adequate compensation, to surrender to His Majesty the rights and interests possessed by him, respecting the whole of the Mooring Chains; for the purpose of transferring such rights and interests for the use, benefit, and convenience of the Public, free from all rents and dues thereon; for which a compensation is to be made to the Crown. By $ 119 of the Act, the compensation to Lord Gwydir is to be made by the direction of certain Commissioners of compensation; and by § 152, the (n) The following transcript, found among the MSS. of Lord Treasurer Burleigh, in Queen Elizabeth's reign, has been quoted, to shew how far the soil and ground, under the River, belongs to the City. "Also, for proof of the Prince's interest, in Rivers flowing from the Sea, the Thames and Conservation thereof was not only given to the City of London, but, by their especial suit, the King gave therewith all the ground and soil under the same: Whereupon, if any that hath a house, or land adjoining, do make a Strand, Stairs, or such like, they pay forthwith a rent to the City of London, how high soever they be above the low-water mark." See Stow's Survey of London; vol. i. p. 35. amount U2 1 amount of this compensation, is to be, in the first instance, advanced out of the Consolidated Fund; and repaid thereto out of the rates raised by virtue of the Act. The appointment of these Commissioners, their Oath of Office, &c. are regulated by § 130, 131 and 132 of the Act By § 120, the compensation to be made to his Majesty, for relinquishing the rents and profits of the Mooring-Chains, as settled by the same Commissioners and the Treasury, and to be also advanced out of, and repaid to the Consolidated Fund, is to be paid into the Bank, on account of the Treasury, and applied in the same manner as money paid for the redemption of the Land-tax. By $37, After the surrender is thus made, the Lord Mayor and Corporation of London, or such person as they shall appoint, under the inspection and approbation of the Members of the Trinityhouse, are authorised and required, to repair and remove all or any of the Mooring Chains between London-bridge and Bugbey's-hole, and to cause others to be placed in their stead, in such situations, within the same limits, as shall appear to them and to the Trinity-house to be most advantageous for the Trade and Navigation of the River. With power also, (under the same inspection and approbation) to remove other Mooring Chains, on first making compensation to the Owners and Lessees for the injury they may by that means sustain. By§ 134, "In consideration of the great ac"commodation and Advantage, which the several "Works and Regulations, which the Act authorises to be made, will afford the Shipping and Trade of "the Port, and in consideration of the great charges " and expences, which will be occasioned by mak ing, building, erecting, and providing the Canal, Cuts, Sluices, Bridges, Roads, and other Works "authorised by the Act to be made by the Corpora" tion of London," the following Tonnage Duties are granted to the Crown, for the term of Fourteen Years, from August 1, 1799; payable by every Master, Owner, or Person having the charge of Ships and Vessels, trading to, frequenting, and using the Port of London, of which the intended Canal, Docks, and Works are to be part. per Ton. Ist, CLASS. Coasting Vessels, to or from any part of Great Britain, for every Voyage, both in and out inclusive 2d. CLASS. Vessels entering inwards from Denmark, Norway, or Lapland, (on this side of the North Cape) or from Holstein, Hamburgh, Bremen, or any other port in Germany, bordering on or near the Germanic Ocean, or from Holland, or any other of the United Provinces, or the Netherlands, France, (within Ushant) Guernsey, Jersey, Sark, Ireland, or the Isle of Man Vessels 3d. CLASS. Vessels entering inwards from Lapland (beyond the North Cape) Finland, Russia (without or within the Baltic Sea) Livonia, Courland, Poland, Prussia, Sweden, or any other Country within the Baltic : Vessels clearing outwards to the above 4th. CLASS. Vessels entering inwards from France : 5th. CLASS. Vessels entering inwards from Greenland, Gibraltar, France or Spain (within the Mediterranean) or any Country, Island, or Place, within or bordering on or near the Mediterranean or Adriatic Sea, or from the West-Indies, Louisiana, Mexico, South America, Africa, East-Indies, China, or any other Country, Island, or Place, within or bordering on or near the Pacific Ocean, or from any Country or Place whatsoever, to the Southward of 25 degrees of North latitude 3 Vessels Vessels clearing outwards to the above Countries per Ton. d. 3 EXEMPTIONS.-(By § 135.) Ships of War; or Ships and Vessels belonging to his Majesty or any of the Royal Family: Coasting Vessels under 45 Tons, registered Tonnage; Coasting Vessels, the principal part of whose Cargo shall be Corn; Fishing Smacks, Lobster and Oyster Boats; Vessels for Passengers; and Vessels or Craft navigating the River Thames, above and below London Bridge, as far as Gravesend only. These Rates and Duties are (by § 34) vested in his Majesty, &c. and are directed to be paid, when the Ships and Vessels enter inwards or clear outwards, or before they depart the Port, at the Customhouse of London, to the Collector appointed for that purpose, who shall pay the same into the Exchequer. On the credit of these Tonnage Duties (and to be repaid by the said Duties) § 151 of the Act authorises 72,000l. to be advanced from time to time, out of the Consolidated Fund, to the Chamber of the City of London, to be applied as follows : Ist. In defraying one moiety of the expence of obtaining the Act. 2d. In purchasing Houses, Buildings, Lands, &c. and defraying the Costs incident thereto, and in paying the necessary Charges and Expences of designing, laying out, making, and completing the Canal across the Isle of Dogs, and |