: and the Cuts, and other Works, authorised to be made and done by the Corporation of London. 3d. In paying all the necessary expences of attending, managing, regulating, maintaining, repairing, and preserving the same Canal, and other Works, for the term of three years next after notice shall be given, that the Canal is ready for use, and until the transit-rates (mentioned in a subsequent Chapter) shall become payable to the Corporation. V 4th. In paying, during the said three years, such yearly and other sums, as may be payable by the Corporation of London, for compensation for losses and deficiencies of Tythes, Taxes, Sewer Rates, and other Rates and Assessments. On the credit of these Tonnage Duties, the Act (§152) also authorises advances to be made from the Consolidated Fund, to the Commissioners for compensations (to be replaced from the said Duties) of such sums of money as may be necessary to pay the Compensations directed by the Act; including those to the Crown, and Lord Gwydir, in respect of the Mooring Chains; and for defraying the expence of ascertaining the same. By § 154 of the Act, the monies raised by the said Tonnage Duties, are directed to be applied and disposed of in the following manner : So much thereof shall be paid into the Chamber of London, as shall be sufficient from time to time, not only for defraying the necessary Costs and Charges of maintaining and repairing, altering and renewing the Mooring Chains in the River Thames, and laying down new ones when necessary: But also for paying the Salaries and Wages of Harbour-Masters and their Assistants, pursuant to the Act: which Expences and Salaries are directed to be paid by the Corporation accordingly. After the above payments into the Chamber of London, the residue of the monies arising from the said Tonnage Dues is to be applied in repaying to the Consolidated Fund the sums advanced in pursuance of the Act, as already specified, with 5 per cent. interest on the same ; and when these advances are fully repaid, the said residue is to be invested in Stock, in the names of the Chamberlain, Town Clerk, and Comptroller of London, for the time being, who shall invest the yearly Dividends in their names in the like manner, for the purpose of accumulation; until the Dividends of the Stock purchased by such accumulation, shall be sufficient for the payment of the Expences of the Mooring-Chains, and of the Salaries of the said Harbour-Masters and their Assistants. And when the Dividends are sufficient to answer those purposes, the Rates and Duties imposed by the Act are to cease and determine. Such are the Functions exercised by the Crown, respecting the Police and other Regulations of the River Thames and the Port of London. It is however to be observed, that the chief part are created by the Wet-Dock Act, and are of a temporary nature; so that in consequence of this Act, when the money to be advanced by Government is refunded, every right of interference, on the part of the Crown, except what relates to the Lordship of the Soil under the River, and : and the general rights of Sovereignty, which are reserved, will be totally relinquished.(0) 1 It remains therefore, to explain at length the Powers and Functions of the respective Public Bodies, and Persons already alluded to, as exercising jurisdiction on or near the River, viz:-The Lord Mayor, and Corporation of London: The Trinity House: The West-India Dock Company: The Boards of Customs and Excise: And the Justices of Peace, in their respective Jurisdictions, under various Acts of Parliament. These will form the subject of the five following Chapters of this Work. (0) By § 175 of the Act, all the Rights, Interests, Privileges, Franchises, and Authority of his Majesty and his Successors, except as to the Mooring Chains, are reserved.-And by § 176, power is also reserved to the Lords of the Admiralty, to lay Chains, &c. for mooring Ships or Vessels, belonging to his Majesty, in any part of the River below Greenland Dock. CHAP. CHAP. ΧΙ. The Powers and Functions of the LORD MAYOR and CORPORATION of the City of LONDON, as applying to the Police of the River Thames and the Port of London.-Appointed Conservators of the River, by successive Charters. -The local extent of their Jurisdiction. The deputy Water-Bailiff's Duty.The inefficacy of the mode of proceeding by the Courts of Conservancy. The Regulations of the Fishery, by Statutes, 9 Ann, cap. 26. 30 Geo. II. cap. 21. and 33 Geo. II. cap. 27. -The Advantages of summary Proceedings in small Offences. Exclusive Jurisdiction of the Corporation, a Burthen to themselves and an Evil to the Community.-A General Review of the Specific Rights and Privileges of the Corporation, and of the Instances in which they have been exercised:-Observations thereon. -The continual Decrease in the Depth of the River, attributable to the want of a proper Responsibility attaching somewhere. The Powers conferred, and the Duties imposed on the Corporation, by the WET-DOCK Аст, detailed and explained. -The Transit-Rates payable under that Act, to the Corporation. The Control exercised by the Corporation, by virtue of several Charters, over certain classes of Labourers, and in the garbling, package, scavage, balliage, and portage of Goods, exported and imported:-As also respecting respecting Carts:-Tackle-House Porters: Ticket Porters; and the Watermen's Company. General Recapitulation of the various Functions and Duties of the Corporation. Concluding Reflections. KING RICHARD I. in the Eighth Year of his Reign, A. D. 1196, granted to the City of London a Charter, for which they paid him Fifteen Hundred Marks. This is the first Charter, by which the Corporation of London claims the Jurisdiction and Conservancy of the River Thames. As it did not prescribe any Bounds, or limit the Extent, over which the City was to take Cognizance, but transferred to the City, all the Right and Jurisdiction before then enjoyed by his Majesty's Keeper of the Tower; it was inferred, that the City's Right of Jurisdiction included the whole River, from its junction with the Sea Eastward, so far Westward as it is known by the name of the Thames. But, in consequence of the loose expressions of this grant, both the extent of the City's Jurisdiction, and the objects of their Power, were, from time to time, so much contested, particularly by the Keeper of the Tower, that it was found needful to explain and amend this Charter, by many others subsequent: In several of these, and for a long succession of time, the extent of the City's Jurisdiction on the River Thames, has been recited and admitted to extend from Colne Ditch, a little Westward |