4th. To appoint, in conjunction with the Governors of Christ's Hospital, and to regulate and control Carroons or privileged Carts, 420 in number, to convey Merchandise to and from the Landing Places, to the Repositories of the Merchants; about 600 in all, including Servants. III. Functions applicable to the Measurement of Coals, 1st. To appoint sworn Meters, for measuring Coals 2d. To appoint Corn Meters, and to regulate and control the Importation of this important necessary of Life. 3d. To appoint Measurers for Salt, and also Fruit and Vegetables, water-borne on the Thames. IV. Functions applicable to the Garbling, Package, Scavage, Balliage, and Portage, of Merchandise exported and imported. 1st. An old Law of James I. for the well-garbling of spices in London, (Stat. 1. Jac. I. cap. 19.) (y) The directions of the Charter of 12 Jac. I. with respect to this necessary Article of Subsistence, are not unworthy attention at the present time. being by length of time, found useless, if not prejudicial, was repealed, by Stat. 6 Ann. c. 16. and an equivalent was given to the City of London, for the Profits formerly made of the Garbler's Office, by laying a Tax of 40s. yearly, to be paid to the Chamberlain of London by all Brokers; nevertheless, The Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council, may still, if they think fiting, appoint a Garbler who, at the request of the Owner of any Spices or Drugs garbleable, and not otherwise, shall garble the same, at such Fees as the Lord Mayor, &c. may appoint. 2d. The privileges of the Package of Cloths and certain other outward-bound Goods of Foreign Merchants, Denizens or Aliens; of Scavage (i. e. Shewage or Surveying) of certain Goods imported by Foreign Merchants; of Balliage, or Delivery of Goods of such Merchants to be exported upon and through the River Thames, and upon any Wharf or Shore thereof; and also the Portage of Wool, Tin, and other Articles, (imported or exported by such Merchants,) to and from the Thames, and to and from the Warehouses of such Merchants: All these are confirmed to the City by Charter, of the 15th of September, 16 Charles II; and certain Rates and Duties are appointed by a Schedule to that Charter, to be paid accordingly.(x) (2) These Duties are stated at length in STEEL'S Ship-Master's Assistant. These Functions are of great moment, and from their accurate and proper execution, advantages of a very extensive nature are to be derived by the Community; while in the present state of Society, and from the magnitude of the Commercial Interests of the Port, infinite mischief and inconvenience must result from a relaxed or inattentive execution of the important Duties which the City of London has imposed upon itself. To the individuals who compose the respectable Body of the Corporation of London, the utmost confidence is due, both on account of their integrity and talents; but in their private capacity no responsibility attaches, while in their Corporate Situation, the obligation to perform a Duty is considered to extend no further than to make an order, "that it shall be carried into effect." Whether therefore, in the execution there is merit or demerit, is not an object of Inquiry or Cognizance, unless some gross misconduct urges a complaint or accusation. An Individual follows up his directions, and sees that they are carried pointedly into execution. Where an onus or responsibility rests there is Security: Where it does not, in spite of the best Guards that can be devised, and even the best and most patriotic intentions on the part of many of the Individuals, who compose great Public Bodies, relaxation will be manifest, and inconveniences will consequently be felt by the Public. A hope A hope however may be indulged, that from the collected view in which these important Functions have been placed, and from the great consequence of an uninterrupted conscientious execution, many worthy Members of Society, who now are or hereafter may become Members of the Corporation of London, will feel impressed with the weight of the trust committed to their charge; and by a zealous and patriotic regard to the Public Good, counteract those inconveniences and obstructions which this species of superintendance generates in this and every other Country, where Commerce is concerned. CHAP. CHAP. XII. Powers and Functions of the TRINITY-HOUSE CORPORATION, as relating to the Thames and Port of London. Their original Foundation and Incorporation.The Stat. 8 Eliz. cap. 13. Their Charters and Bye-Laws. Recapitulation of their Powers, by Charter and Antient Statutes, under Eight different Heads. Their Power, as to Pilots, enlarged and confirmed, by Stat. 5 Geo. II. cap. 20.-An Abstract of that Act, as relates thereto :-and to Gunpowder, Sc.-Abstract of the Act 6 Geo. II. cap. 29. for Regulating Lastage and Ballastage.-Rates payable to the Corporation for Ballast.-Abstract of the Act 32 Geo. II. cap. 16. for further regulating Ballast and preventing the accumulation of Dirt, Rubbish, &c. in the River :- An important Clause of that Act, to be observed by House-Keepers in London, to prevent Dirt being thrown in the Streets and Kennels.-Powers of the Trinity Corporation, under the Bumboat Act, 2 Geo. III. cap. 28.-Under the Wet-Dock Act, 39 Geo. III. cap. Ixix.-Respecting Light- Houses, and the Dues payable to the Corporation, by Ships passing the same. --Recapitulation of the Powers and Privileges of the Corporation, by Modern Statutes, under Eight Heads. Concluding Observations on the great Credit due to the Members of the Corporation, for their attention to the performance of their various Duties. .. THE |