THE TRINITY CORPORATION was first founded in the year 1515, by Sir Henry (or as some say Sir Thomas) Spert, Knight, (a) Comptroller of the Navy, to King Henry VIII. This Body received their first Charter from the same Monarch, in the Fourth Year of his reign; which confirmed to them not only the Antient Privileges of the Mariners of England (which had been incorporated before) but also their several valuable Possessions at Deptford. The object of this foundation was the increase and encouragement of Navigation; the good Government of Seamen; and the better Security of Merchant Ships, for which purpose a power is granted them in their Charter, to make Bye-Laws. By the Statute, 8 Eliz. cap. 13. (A. D. 1565) This respectable Body is recognized by the Legislature, as-" A Company of the chiefest and most ex 66 pert Masters of Ships, who are incorporated within "themselves, charged with the Conduction of the "Queen's Majesty's Royal Navy, are bound to fore"see the good Increase and Maintenance of Ships, " and of all kind of men, traded and brought up by "Water-Craft, most meet for her Majesty's Ser (a) A Sir Thomas Spert, Knight, is mentioned in the Statute, 27 Henry VIII. cap. 18. for the preservation of the River Thames, as "having the Office, and Ordering of and for ballasting of Ships." "vice." "vice." The Preamble of the Act also states,That "forasmuch as by the destroying and taking away certain Steeples, Woods, and other marks stand"ing upon the Main Shores adjoining to the Sea"Coasts of this Realm, of England and Wales, being as "Beacons and Marks of Antient Time, accustomed for "Seafaring Men, to save and keep them and the در Ships in their charge from sundry Dangers there"to incident: divers Ships, with their Goods and "Merchandise, in sailing from Foreign Parts to"wards this Realm of England and Wales, and especially to the Port and River of Thames, have by lack of such Marks of late years been miscar"ried, perished, and lost in the Sea, to the great "detriment and hurt of the Common Weal, and the perishing of no small number of people:" To remedy these inconveniences the Trinity Corporation are authorised at their will and pleasure, and at their own cost, to set up as many Beacons, Marks, and Signs for the Sea, in such places of the Sea-Shores, and Uplands near the Sea-Coasts, or Forelands of the Sea, only for Sea-Marks, as to them shall seem requisite; whereby the Dangers may be avoided, and the Ships the better come into their Ports without peril.-Power is also given at the Costs and Charges of the Corporation, to maintain and renew the said Sea-Marks. The same Act prohibits the removing or taking down any Steeples, Trees, &c. standing as Beacons or Sca-Marks; under penalty of 100%. or in default of Payment, the Offender to be ipso fucto considered as an Outlaw. It also authorises the Trinity Corporation to license Mariners and Seamen dwelling about the River Thames, as well between their Voyages as at other times, to row their own Wherries, or any other Wherries by them hired, or wherein they shall be employed to work up and down the said River Thames, to apply and follow the ordinary passing and carrying the Queen's Majesty's People to and fro, as other Watermen, commonly called Wherrymen, are accustomed to do." That these Mariners may "thereby the better keep and refrain themselves "from. Folly, Idleness, and Lewd Company; and " for the Relief of them, their Wives, and Children." In the year 1685, King James II. confirmed all his Predecessors had done in favour of this Society, by a new Charter, incorporating them by the name of-The Master, Wardens, and Assistants of the most Glorious and Undivided Trinity, of St. Clement, in the Purish of Deptford Strond, in the County of Kent. The Corporation consists of a Master, Deputy Master, (b) Four Wardens, Eight Assistants, and Seventeen Elder Brethren, who manage the whole Affairs of the Institution: There are also an indefinite num (6) The Right Honourable William Pitt, present MasterRobert Preston, Esq. M. P. Deputy Master. ber ber of Younger Brethren, composed of Nautical Men who have certain privileges and immunities granted' to them, such as being exempted from either serving in or contributing to the expence of the Militia, or serving on Juries and Inquests. (c) Their House and Offices have been recently removed to Tower Hill, where the Meetings of the Corporation are held every Thursday, and where there are various Officers under the direction of a Secretary, constantly in attendance. Under the authority of this Charter of King James II. the Corporation made certain Bye-Laws, which were confirined by the Lord High Chancellor, and the Judges, on the 24th of June 1687 (by Virtue of the Stat. 19 Henry VII. cap. 7.) Of these Bye-Laws the following is an Abstract : Ist. Every Master, Pilot, or other Seaman, refusing to appear when he shall be summoned before the Corporation, shall forfeit as follows, the Master or Pilot, 135. 4d, and Mariners, 2s. 2d. Every Mariner going to Sea, without paying the Duties, as they ought, to the Corporation, shall pay double on their return, in addition to what may arise on the new Voyage. .1 3d. Every Ship-master and every Mate, who shall not be on board their respective Ships in the River Thames, at or above Blackwall, while the Ship is lading or discharging, to see the Merchandise orderly and safely received or deli (c) Srow's History of London. 22 vered, vered, shall forfeit 65. 8d. for every Offence. - If below Blackwall, the Master or Mate shall be on board three times a week, or every other day, or forfeit the like Penalty. The Master, Boatswain, Gunner, or Carpenter, or two of them, shall lie on board, while the Ship shall have any Goods remaining in her, on forfeiture of 57. 4th. Every Ship-Master drying their Bread-Rooms in the night, or keeping any fire therein in the night, to forfeit 5l.[Another part of this Bye-Law related to the receipt and discharge of Gunpowder, and the melting of Pitch, &c. now regulated by the Statute, 5 Geo. II. cap. 20.] 5th. [This Article of the Bye-Laws respected the unshotting and firing of Guns, now also regulated by the same Stat. 5 Geo. II. cap. 20.] 6th. Every Ship-master homeward-bound, who shall permit persons navigating Bumboats, carrying Fruit, Wine, and Strong Waters, to come on board their Ships; or who shall suffer the Dirt of their Ships to be put into their own Boats, at unseasonable hours of the day, or to be thrown over-board in the River, shall forfeit 20s. 7th. Every Master who shall suffer Goods to be taken in or heaved out of his Ship, without having a Sail nailed to the cell of the Port, or (if a small Vessel) to the Gunnel, to overhang the side of the Lighter, shall forfeit 205. 8th. Every Person refusing or hindering any Officer or Person appointed by the Corporation, on shewing his authority under the Common Seal, from coming on board of his Ship in the day-time, to search for Powder, Guns unshotted, heating of Pitch, Tar, &c, or to examine whether Bread-Rooms are dried at unlawful 'hours, or Persons navigating Bumboats, come on board, to forfeit 5/.-[By Stat. 5 Geo. II. cap. 20. § 5, the Person appointed must |