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Pilots for Ships up the River Thames, must be licenced by the Trinity-House at Dover.

SECT. II.-Respecting Revenue Officers.. Every Ship-Master * on approaching the Port of London, inward-bound, (ordepartingoutward-bound,) is to bring to at the usual places to receive Revenue Officers on board, for the purpose of examining the Cargo, who are to have access to every part of the Ship; and if the keys of chests, &c. are not delivered to them, or the places where the goods are stowed are not opened, the Tidesmen are authorized to send for their Superior Officers, who may open them.-Penalty 100l.-By the Act 27 Geo. III. cap. 13.

By the Stat. g Geo. II. cap. 35, If any Officer of the Customs or Excise, being on board of any Vessel within the limits of any Port, be forcibly hindered or beaten in the execution of his Office, the party or parties offending shall, on conviction, be transported for seven years:-And by 19 Geo. II. cap. 34, If any person shall shoot, maim, or dangerously wound any Officer of the Revenue, on attempting to go on board of any Vessel within the..

* On coming within Four Leagues of the Coast, every Ship-Master is bound by the Act of 27 Geo. III. cap. 13. under a penalty of 100l. to produce his Manifest to the First Custom-House Officer coming on board, who shall certify the production on the back thereof. He shall also furnish the said Officer with a Copy, who shall transmit the same to the Collector of the Port where the Goods are consigned, under the like penalty of 100l,

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limits of the Port of London, (or any other Port,) or after such Officer is on board in the execution of his office, such offender or offenders, on conviction, shall suffer death. And further, by 24 Geo. III. stat. 2. cap. 47, If any person on shore, or on board of any Ship, Vessel, or Boat, shall maliciously shoot at any Ship, Vessel, or Boat, or maim or wound any Officer belonging to the Navy, or to the Customs or Exercise, within the limits of the Port of London, (or any other Port in Great Britain, or within four leagues of the Coast,) while such Officers are attempting to go on board-or while on boardor returning, or otherwise acting in the execution of their duty, every offender shall, on conviction, suffer death; and further, by the Act of 19 Geo. III. cap. 28, If any person shall assault, resist, oppose, molest, or hinder any Officers of Customs or Excise, in Seizing any Goods liable to be Seized, or shall by force or violence rescue, or cause to be rescued, any of the said Goods after being Seized, or shall attempt to do so; or after such Seizures made, shall break or damage any Casks or Packages, where the same are contained; the parties offending, on conviction, may be imprisoned, in the House of Correction, for three months.

SECT. III.-Time allowed to pass from Gravesend to London.

By 13 & 14 Car. II. cap. 11. No Ship arriving from beyond Sea, shall be above three days coming from Gravesend to her place of discharge, in the River Thames, without touching at any Wharf, Quay, or Place adjoining to either shore, between Gravesend and Chester's Quay, unless hindered by contrary winds, or other just impediment, to be allowed by the principal Officers of the Customs.

SECT. IV.-Respecting Guns fired and shotted. By the Act of 5 Geo. II. cap. 20, No Commander, or other Officer of any Ship, (except his Majesty's Ships,) while in the River Thames, shall permit any Gun to be fired before sun-rising or after sun-setting, under the penalty of 101. for every Gun so fired; nor shall any Gun be shotted after any Ship or Vessel shall be in the River Thames, between Blackwall and London Bridge, under the penalty of 51. for each Gun so kept shotted.

SECT. V.-Respecting Gun-powder, and when and where to be landed.

By the Act of 5 Geo. II. cap. 20, and 12 Geo. III. cap. 61, The Commander of every Ship or Vessel arriving within the Port of London, (not being in his Majesty's Service,) is bound to Land all the Gunpowder on board, except 25lb. either before the arrival of such Ship or Vessel at Blackwall, or within twenty-four hours, (in case the weather will permit,) after coming to anchor there, or at the place of unlading.-Nor shall any Ship-Master, or other

person on board, receive on board of any outward



bound Vessel, more than 25lb. of Gun-powder, be-
fore such Vessel falls down to Blackwall, on pain of
forfeiting, in both cases, all the Gun-powder found
on Board above 25lb. and also, in either case, 2s.
for every pound of Powder found on Board above
the said 25lb. which is allowed, and no Gun-
powder, (exceeding 100 pounds,) shall be conveyed
by water in any Barge, Boat, or other Vessel, (ex-
cept in Vessels with Gun-powder imported from,
or to be exported to any place beyond Sea, or
going Coastwise,) that hath not a close deck, and
which shall not be covered besides with Raw Hides
or Tarpaulins; and all Gun-powder, water-borne
as aforesaid, shall be in barrels closed, joined, or
hooped, without any Iron about them; and each barrel
shall contain no more than 100lb. of Gun-powder,
and not more than 200 barrels shall be conveyed in
any Boat or Barge at the same time. All Gun-
powder carried or removed in any other manner
than before prescribed, is liable to be seized, and
forfeited to the use of the person seizing the same.

SECT. VI.-Regulations respecting Ships mooring at
St. Saviour's Dock.

By the Act of 5 Geo. II. cap. 20, It is enacted, that in case any Ship or Vessel shall be laid up "or moored in the mouth, or any part of St. Saviour's Dock, in the County of Surrey; (except such Vessels as shall be lading or taking in, or unlading or delivering their Cargoes respectively; and also ex


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cept such Vessels, not exceeding two in number, at any one time, as shall lie at the Yard called Shipwright Yard, at the North-West Corner of the said Dock, during the time such Ships and Vessels shall be repairing, and no longer,) the Master or Owner of every such Ship or Vessel so laid up or moored, shall forfeit and pay for every day, such Ship or Vessel shall so continue to be laid up and moored, (unless for the purposes aforesaid,) the sum of 20s. to the Poor of the Trinity Corporations.

SECT. VII.-Vessels trading to Foreign Parts not to remove from the Stream, except to the Legal Quays. By the Act of 19 Geo. III. cap. 48, If any Vessel coming from foreign parts within the limits of the Port of London, shall be removed out of the Stream, except to the Lawful Quays, before all the Goods are discharged out of such Vessels, or of any Vessel outward-bound to foreign parts, having Goods on board, shall be removed out of the Stream, except to the said Lawful Quays, unless upon any accident or emergent occasion, to be made known to the Commissioners of the Customs, and obtaining their consent, the Master, or Person having charge such Vessel, shall forfeit 100l. for each offence.

SECT. VIII.-Regulations with respect to Ships laden with Tobacco.

By the Act of 29 Geo. III. cap. 68, All Vessels arriving with Tobacco, shall be moored in that part


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