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In travelling over so wide a Field, embracing such a variety of Objects, the attentive Reader will easily perceive, that the leading object of the Author has been to impress upon the Public mind the neces sity of a well-regulated Nautical Police, improved by a System of Legislation applicable to this Object.And also by a more general promulgation of the existing penal Statutes relative to the River Thames in particular, and to nautical Affairs in general.

The last of these objects has been accomplished in the general and interesting view which is given of the most important Laws and Regulations, respecting penal Police, as they relate to Navigation, Commerce, and Revenue.

For the accomplishment of the great and immediate advantages which are to secure, and render permanent the system of Police which has been formed, and so successfully carried into execution, the Legislature must be resorted to.

Of the importance of the object the Public will form a true estimate. Next to the utility of good and appropriate Laws to promote the security and comfort of society, is the establishment of a wellregulated Police to carry such Laws into execution. Without this crimes can never be prevented, or even materially diminished. - Without such an Institution there can be no effectual mode of Relief where the Public suffer wrongs and are aggrieved.-In a commercial Port where Property in Ships, Vessels, Craft,


and Merchandise amounts to the enormous value of Seventy Millions Sterling,* floating inwards and outwards in the course of a Year. - Where 13,400 Ships and Vessels arrive and depart within the same period, while no less than 22,500 Vessels of all descriptions form the aggregate number in this Trade of unparalleled magnitude, employing above Fifty Thousand Individuals in various nautical pursuits, it would seem evident that a permanent Police applicable to this object, alone must be a desidetum, in the attainment of which is involved the security of Commercial Property, against Fraud and Depredation; the Improvement of the Public Revenue; the Preservation of the Privileges of Innocence; and the Renovation of the Morals and Habits of the present and future Generations engaged in nautical Pursuits on the River Thames,

* See Page 23.




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Betwixt Norris Causeway 2 and Greenland Stairs. 1st. S }






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From Hospital Stairs round to opposite Perry's Docks, Blackwall.

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