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stables shall be applied for, to protect the Cargo, and the Tackle, Apparel, and Stores, of the Ship; and two Shillings per Ton shall be advanced for the purpose of defraying the weekly Wages of the Lumpers, until the amount can be finally adjusted. Each Constable to receive 2s. 6d. per day, and 2s. 6d. per night; to be reduced to Half-pay after the first week, during the period the Ship is not working. The full amount of the actual Disbursements, and no more, shall be ultimately paid by the Ship-Owners, with 5 per cent. on the same, to defray the extra Expences incurred by the Lumping System.

Conditions to be complied with by the Marine Police Institution.

I. A faithful account shall be kept of the Disbursement of the Money deposited, and an exact statement of the same furnished to the Ship's Husband, and the Balance of the Amount either paid or received when the Discharge is finished; placing against such deposit the actual advances made to the Lumpers and Constables, with 5 per cent. on the Amount of the Disbursements, to defray the expence of the Officers and Clerks, who must necessarily be employed to conduct the Lumping Department; every pecuniary benefit to the Institution being disclaimed.

II. In all cases where Ships are placed under the Cognizance of the Institution by means of Constables and Lumpers, such Ships, with their Cargoes, Tackle, Apparel, and Stores, shall be entitled to the daily and nightly inspection of the Boat Surveyors and River Guards, gratis; and also to the assistance of such Boat Surveyors (being old Ship Masters) in occasionally overlooking the progress of the Discharge, and promoting whatever may contribute to Security and Dispatch. Where Ships are not placed in this manner under the Institution, no assistance or protection whatsoever can be afforded.

I approve of the Rates and Conditions herein-before mentioned
in Behalf of the Owners of the Ship
Witness my Hand, this

Day of

No. VI.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS to Marine Police Surveyors, having Deputations under the Authority of the Act of the 2nd Ges. III. cap. 28.

You are constantly to keep in mind, that on your appointment to the Office of a Surveyor, you took a Solemn Oath on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God: That you shall well and truly serve our Sovereign Lord King George in the Office of a Constable for one year, or until you shall be discharged, or shall cease to be in the employment of the Marine Police Institution, for the purpose of preventing and detecting Felonies, Larcenies, and Misdemeanors, in Ships, Vessels, and Lighters, in and upon the River Thames. -That you are not directly or indirectly to connive at any of the said Offences, but to seize and detain the Offenders when detected by yourself or others in any act of Criminality. -That you are to be regular and punctual in the execution of your duty, in conformity to the Instructions which you receive from the Magistrates. That you will not receive directly or indirectly any Money, Goods, or Property of any kind, for, or in consideration of your conniving at any criminal or improper design, or of concealing any evil practice which may come within your knowledge; but shall conduct yourself with the strictest fidelity in the execution of the duty assigned you.

And you further swear, that you will bear true allegiance to our Sovereign Lord King George, and defend his Person, Crown and Dignity, against all his enemies and opposers whatsoever, and obey the orders of the Magistrates presiding at the Marine Police Office, and all others whom they may set over you--so help you GOD.


Article 1st. You are appointed Sitter in one of the Boats belonging to this Institution; in which, assisted by two Watermen or Rowers under your direction and controul, you are to take your regular turn of duty in perambulating the River Thames from London Bridge to Blackwall, agreeably to a rota which is laid down. In executing this duty, it is expected and required that you should be regular and punctual, departing from the Station at the back-stairs of the Office at the precise hour that is fixed; and after visiting every part of the Pool and the different tiers of Shipping and Craft in that part of the River which is within the limits assigned you, for the number of hours specified in the rota of duty, then you are to return again to your Station at the Office, to be succeeded by the other Surveyors, whose duty commences at the period that yours is completed: so that at all times, both by day and night, there shall be constantly two Boats upon the River.


Article and. In executing this important trust, it is required of you to be watchful and vigilant in detecting and apprehending all persons offending against the Laws now in being, respecting Felonies, Larcenies, and Misdemeanors, committed on the River Thames within the limits prescribed.

By the Act of the 2nd George III. cap. 28, You are authorised " to apprehend and to detain all persons on board of any Bumbout, and also to seize, search, and detain in some place of safety such Boat, and the Tackle, Apparel, Furniture, and Lading thereof; and the person or persons so apprehended. shall, (as soon as conveniently may be,) be conveyed before the Justice or Justices having Jurisdiction. In all cases where such Bumboats shall Navigate on the said River Thames, for the purpose of Selling, Bartering, Exchanging, or exposing to Sale, to and among the Seamen and Labourers employed in and about Ships, Vessels, and other Craft in the said River Thames, any Liquors, Slops, Tobacco, Brooms, or any Fruit, Greens, Gingerbread, or other such like Ware: or who shall Sell, Barter, or expose to Sale as aforesaid, such Articles, in or from, or out of any Bumboat or other Boat, other than and except such Boats as shall be entered in the Office of the Trinity Corporation, and shall be used and navigated for the purposes aforesaid


aforesaid in the day time between Sun-rising and Sun-setting only. Or where persons navigating such Boats as aforesaid, shall take in Exchange, or by way of Barter, or shall unlawfully receive or procure to be delivered to them, any Ropes, Cordage, Tackle, Apparel, Furniture, Stores, or Materials, or any part of the Cargo or Lading of any Ships or Vessels in the said River Thames: Or in cases where any Bumboat or other Boat shall be found Navigating for the purposes aforesaid, from London Bridge to the Lower Hope Point, and shall not be entered by the Owner, or Owners thereof, with the Corporation of the Trinity-house, and who shall not have marked his or their Christian and Surnames, and place or places of Abode, on the said Boat."

That all such Offenders on being brought before the Justice or Justices, may be dealt with as the Law directs.

The said Act also authorises you, to stop, search, and detain in some place of safety, any Boat which there shall be reason to suspect, has any Ropes, Cordage, Tackle, Apparel, Furniture, Stores, Materials, or any part of any Cargo, or Lading, stolen or unlawfully procured from or out of any Ship or Vessel in the said River Thames; and also, to apprehend and detain any person who may be reasonably suspected of having or conveying any such Goods, Stores, or things in such Boats, and such person or persons so apprehended, shall be as soon as conveniently may be, conveyed before any one or more Justice or Justices of the Peace, for the County, City, Division, or Liberty, or place adjoining the said River." -To be dealt with as the Law directs.

The same Act further authorises you, " to apprehend all persons who shall be discovered Cutting, Damaging, or Spoilingany Cordage, Cables, Buoy-Ropes, Headfasts, or other Fasts, fixed to any Anchor, or Moorings, belonging to any Ship or Vessel at Anchor or Moorings in the said River Thames, or any Ropes used for the purpose of Mooring or Rafting Masts or Timber, or shall be aiding or assisting therein with an intent


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to steal the same; and to convey such Offenders before the Justice or Justices as aforesaid," to be dealt with according to Law. By the Act of the 32nd Geo. II. cap. 16, You are authorised to give information to a Justice of the Peace in all instances where you discover any Ship-Master, or other person, receiving or putting on board any Ballast, without having previously made a due entry of the same at the Ballast-Office of the Trinity Corporation; and who have not paid to the said Corporation one penny per Ton for the same, or who shall receive or put on board any Ship or Vessel any greater quantity of such Ballast than shall be so entered and paid for.

By the same Act, you are authorised to give Information in all cases where Vessels inward bound shall unlade or throw out Ballast in the River, and shall not land the same on some common Wharf or Quay near the same, at the expence of the Owner or Master, or into Lighters belonging to the said Corporation.

In the execution of these duties, you are protected by the said Act of 2 Geo. III. against all persons attempting to obstruct you :-It being enacted, " that all persons so obstructing, and all such as shall act in their assistance, shall, on conviction on the oath of two credible witnesses, be transported for seven years." It becomes therefore your duty, when such Offences are attempted, first to warn the parties of their danger, and if an actual obstruction takes place, to bring the Offender to Justice.

Article 3d. In the course of your duty upon the River, if you should discover that the Master or Commander of any Ship or Vessel (contrary to the Act of 5 Geo. II.) outward-bound, shall receive on board any Gunpowder, (not being a Ship in His Majesty's Service,) in any part of the said River above, and not against or below Blackwall, you are authorised to lodge an Information against the Offender or Offenders, that they may be dealt with according to Law.

And in like manner, if (contrary to the said Act,) you discover that the Master or Commander of any Ship or Vessel

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