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of advice and information, which may arise from your local and nautical knowledge in facilitating the discharge, in preventing unnecessary expences, in controlling every disposition manifested on the part of the Lumpers, to injure the Casks and Packages, or to lay or execute plans for obtaining Plunder.

Where disputes arise between the Commanding Officer on board, or others, and the Lumpers, you will use your best endeavours to compose and reconcile all these differences, that the Work may go on with expedition and harmony.

You will at no time remain longer on board of any one Ship than the nature of your duty requires, and on no account longer than you can be employed usefully to the Institution.

Article 3d. It will be your duty to keep an attentive eye on all Lighters receiving Sugars and other Goods from Ships under your charge, that no evil practice may be permitted to go on while lading; and afterwards to see that each Lighter is furnished with a Tarpaulin to protect the Cargo from damage; and also, that no Lighterman is suffered to loiter and wilfully to lose the Tide.-And further, that a Marine Police Constable with a Printed Bill properly filled up, shall always accompany each Lighter. And if Tarpaulins are wanting, or any thing amiss respecting the arrangements established with respect to Lighters, shall come to your knowledge, you will report the same immediately to the Magistrates.

Article 4th.-In your nightly Surveys of the River, for the purpose of visiting the Ships of your division, you will also visit the Wharfs where the Lighters with Sugars, and other Commercial Property are lying, not only for the purpose of seeing that every thing is safe, but also as a check upon the Police Guards stationed upon the Quays and on the said Lighters, who are to be hailed, and if not found upon duty, their want of vigilance to be reported next morning. And on boarding the different Ships in your division, during which, if any Ship Constable, shall not answer at your call, and shall be found in bed or asleep, and not walking the Deck, you will report the same to the Magistrates in the morning.


Article 5th. In the general execution of your duty, you will conduct yourself in such a manner as not only to deserve the confidence of the Magistrates as a vigilant and attentive Officer, but to impress upon the minds of Consignees, ShipOwners, and Ship-Masters, a due sense of the advantages derived to the Port of London in general, and to the protection of Commercial Property in particular, from your zeal and vigilance in the execution of these and all other Instructions you may receive from the Magistrates. For this purpose, you will ever keep in view that you are Superior Officers, and that as a greater trust is reposed in you, more extraordinary exertions will be expected. And that while Depredations exist upon the River, these exertions can only be manifested and proved by your success in detecting Offenders, and in bringing them to Justice.

INSTRUCTIONS to Land-Officers in the Service of the Marine Police Institution, being sworn and admitted_as Constables, and having Deputations under the Authority of the Act of the 2nd Geo. III. cap. 28.

You are constantly to keep in your recollection, that you have taken a Solemn Oath " on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God," That you shall well and truly serve our Sovereign Lord King George in the Office of a Constable forTM one year, or until you shall be discharged in due course of Law, (or shall cease, in consequence of Resignation or Dismission, to be in the Service of the Magistrates of the Marine Police Establishment,) for the purpose of performing these duties belonging to the Office of a Land and River-Officer, in detecting Felonies, Larcenies, and Misdemeanors, committed in Ships, Vessels, and Craft, in and upon the River Thames; and

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and in seizing and apprehending persons who may have in their possession any part of the Stores, Furniture, or Cargoes of the said Vessels or Craft which may reasonably be suspected to have been stolen: And all other duties connected with your situation as Thames Police Officers.

In the execution of the Office, and powers with which you are thus invested, you promise and swear to conduct yourselves with the utmost purity, discretion, and vigilance. That you are not directly or indirectly to receive any Money, Goods, or Property of any kind, or the promise of any reward for, and in consideration of your conniving at any criminal or improper design, or concealing from the Magistrates any thing injurious to the ends of Publice Justice, or the prevention of Criminal Offences. And further, that you shall bear true allegiance to our Sovereign Lord King George, and defend his Person, Crown, and Dignity, against all his enemies and opposers whatsoever; and obey the Orders and Instructions of the Magistrates presiding at the said Marine Police Office-so help you


Ist.-You are ever to keep in view, that in executing the duties of your Office, you are to demean' yourself with the utmost propriety and decorum, and with the greatest attention to accuracy, prudence, and discretion.

To permit no temptation to seduce you into a state of intoxication, on pain of immediate dismission: you are never to be off your guard, or manifest any harshness or severity in the execution of your duty, while at the same time you conduct yourself with zeal, firmness, and caution, in all matters intrusted to your care, taking the Laws of the Land constantly for your guide.

You are on no occasion to shew your Arms with a view to excite terror; and they are never to be used on any occasion but in your own defence.

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2nd. You are to receive no fee or gratuity from any person whatsoever, for any duty you perform. Neither are you to receive any reward for Services however meritorious, unless with the previous consent of the Magistrates.

3d.-In executing your duty as a Land-Officer,

You are authorised (being a Constable duly admitted and sworn,) " to apprehend and detain, or cause to be apprehended and detained all and every person or persons who may reasonably be suspected of having or carrying, or any ways conveying any Ropes, Cordage, Tackle, Apparel, Furniture, Stores, Materials, or any part of any Cargo or Lading stolen or unlawfully procured from or out of any Ship or Vessel in the River Thames; and also, to seize and detain in some place of safety, such Merchandise, Goods, Stores, and things aforesaid; and as soon as conveniently may be, convey, or cause the persons so apprehended, to be conveyed before any one or more Justice or Justices of the Peace for any County, City, Division, Liberty, or place adjoining the said River."

4th.-By Virtue of a Search Warrant, under the Act of the 2nd Geo. III. cap. 28, granted by any Magistrate having legal Jurisdiction, you are duly authorised in the day time, to search any Dwelling-house, Warehouse, Out-house, Yard, Garden, and place; and if any such Goods, Stores, or Things, shall be found therein, suspected to be stolen or unlawfully come by, or taken from any Ship or Vessel in the said River, to cause the same to be deposited or kept in some place of safety, and also, to cause the Person or Persons, in whose House, Warehouse, Out-house, Yard, Garden, or other Place, the same shall be found to be brought before such Magistrates, or other Justice or Justices of the Peace, to be dealt with according

to Law.

In executing this duty (the Warrant being directed to all


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Officers in general) it will be proper, that you call upon some
Officer acting for the time being, as a Constable or Head-
borough in the Parish or Place where the Warrant directs you
to search, that he may be at all times present, aiding and assist
ing in the said search.

5th. If in the course of your duty in patroling the Streets, Lanes, Slips, Passages to the River, and other Places within your Jurisdiction, you discover or receive informations, which may enable you to discover and ascertain, that any Person or Persons, who shall have purchased or received any part of the Cargo or Lading of any Ship or Vessel, or any Goods, Stores, or Things, of or belonging to any Ship or Vessel in the said River, knowing the same to be stolen or unlawfully come by, or shall privately buy or receive any such Goods, Stores, or Things, or any part of such Cargo or Lading, by suffering any Door, Window, or Shutter, to be left open or unfastened, between Sun-setting and Sun-rising, for that purpose, or shall buy or receive the same in a clandestine manner, from any Person or Persons whatsoever: You shall forthwith lodge an information before the Magistrates, that legal steps may be pursued to bring the Offenders to Justice.

6th. In executing the Laws which have now been explained to you, the utmost attention must be paid to the Jurisdiction of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London. If an Offence is committed in your view, within that Jurisdiction, the Party offending must be immediately handed over to a City Officer, (unless you are yourself a Constable within this Jurisdiction) and by him carried before the Lord Mayor or some other of the Aldermen, who are alone authorised to take cognizance of the Offence: It will, however, be your duty on such occasions, to attend as a Witness to maintain your charge, and to give Evidence.


In executing occasionally the Duties of extra River Officers.
1st. You are authorised by virtue of your Deputation, under

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