part of their Jurisdiction. - Nature of the
Regulations of the Fishery. The advantages
of Summary Proceedings. Exclusive Jurisdic-
tion of the Corporation, a burthen to themselves,
and an evil to the Community. - A General Re-
view of the Specific Rights and Privileges of
the Corrporation, and of the instances in which
they have been exercised: Observations
thereon. The Powers conferred, and the Du-
ties imposed on the Corporation by the Wet
Dock Act, detailed and explained:--The Tran-
sit Rates payable under that Act to the Corpo-
ration. The Power of the Corporation over
certain classes of Labourers; and in the Garb-
ling, Package, Scavage, Balliage, and Port-
age of Goods:-As also, respecting Carts-
House-Porters - Ticket-Porters-
And the Watermen's Company. - General Reca-
pitulation, and Concluding Reflections