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tories or dominions they may reside. They shall be exempt from all compulsory military service, by sea or by land, and from all forced loans or exactions, or military requisitions, nor shall they be compelled to pay any ordinary contribution, greater than what may be paid by the citizens or subjects of either power, under any pretext whatever.

Art. 10. Each of the two contracting parties shall be at liberty to appoint consuls for the protection of their commerce, to reside in the territories and dominions of the other party; but previous to any consul acting as such, he shall be approved and admitted, in the usual form, by the government to whom he may be sent; and any of the contracting parties can except from the residence of consuls such particular parts as either of them may think proper to except.

Art. 11. For the better security of commerce between the citizens of Colombia and the subjects of his Britannic majesty, it has been agreed, that if at any time any interruption of their amicable commercial intercourse should unfortunately take place, or in any case of any rupture happening between the two contracting parties, the citizens or subjects of either of the two contracting parties, resident in the territories or dominions of the other, shall have the privilege of remaining or continuing their traffic there, without any kind of interruption, so long as they shall conduct themselves peaceably, and shall not commit any offence against the laws; and such of their effects and property as may be already confided to private individuals, or to the state, shall not be subject to

seizure or sequestration, or any other demands, other than what are made upon similar effects or property belonging to the citizens or subjects of the state in which they may reside.

Art. 12. The citizens of Colombia shall enjoy throughout all the dominions of his Britannic majesty, a perfect and unlimited liberty of conscience, and the exercise of their religion, publicly or privately, in their own houses, or in the chapels or places of worship destined for that purpose, conformably to the system of toleration established throughout the dominions of his Britannic majesty. In like manner the subjects of his Britannic majesty resident in the territories of Colombia, shall enjoy the most perfect and entire liberty of conscience, without being in any manner exposed to be molested, disquieted, or disturbed on account of their religious belief, nor in the free exercise of their religion, provided it be performed in their private houses, and with the reverence due to the divine worship, respecting the laws, usages, and customs established. The subjects of his Britannic majesty shall also have the liberty of interment for such of them as die in the said territories of Colombia, in such places as they may deem fit and proper to establish for such purpose, with the consent of the local authorities; and the funeral or burial places of the dead shall not be violated in any manner, nor on any pretext.

Art. 13. The government of Colombia engages to co-operate with his Britannic majesty to obtain the total abolition of the slave trade, and to prohibit, in the most effectu

al manner, all persons inhabiting the territories of Colombia, from taking any part in such traffic.

Art. 14. And inasmuch as it is convenient and necessary to facilitate to the utmost, a mutual good understanding between the two contracting parties, and to remove beforehand every kind of difficulty, and that other articles may be proposed and added to the present treaty, which, for the want of time, and the pressure of circumstances, cannot now be drawn up with the proper precision, it has been agreed, and is hereby agreed, on the part of both powers, that they shall mutually endeavor, with the least possible delay, to treat and agree upon the articles that may be found wanting in this treaty, and which may be judged mutually advantageous; and such articles, when they are agreed upon and duly ratified, shall form part of the present treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation.

Art. 15th. The present treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, shall be ratified by the president or vice-president, entrusted with the executive power of the republic of Colombia, with the consent and approbation of the congress of the same, and by his majesty the king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in London within six months from the present day, or sooner if possible.

In testimony of which, the respective plenipotentiaries have mutually signed and sealed these pre


Given in the city of Bogota, the eighteenth day of the month of April, in the year of our Lord one

thousand eight hundred and twentyfive.


PEDRO BRICENO MENDEZ, JOHN POTTER HAMILTON, PATRICK CAMPBELL. Additional Article. Insomuch as, in the present state of the Colom. bian marine, it would not be possible for any Colombian to take the benefit of the reciprocity established in the fifth, sixth, and seventh articles of the treaty signed this day, if that part which stipulates that, in order to be considered as a Colombian vessel, the vessel must have been really built in Colombia, it has been agreed, that for the space of seven years, reckoned from the date of the ratification of this treaty, all vessels, wherever they may have been built, that are bona fide the property of one or more of the citizen of Colombia, and whose captain and three-fourth parts of the mariners, at the least, are Colombian citizens, except in those cases especially provided for by law, shall be considered as Colombian vessels. His majesty, the king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, reserving to himself the right, at the end of the said term of seven years, to enforce the principle of mutual restriction stipulated in the seventh article above referred to, if the interests of the British shipping should be injured by the present exception of that reciprocity in favor of Colombian vessels.

The present additional article shall have the same force and validity as if it had been inserted, word for word, in the treaty signed this day it shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged at the same time.


In faith of which, the respective plenipotentiaries have severally signed and put their seals to it.

Given in the city of Bogota, the eighteenth day of the month of April, in the year of our Lord one

thousand eight hundred and twentyfive.



The following extracts are made from an answer made by MR. CANNING. to the remonstrances of the Spanish Ambassador in London, against the new relations which the British government had formed with the new American governments. "The separation of the Spanish colonies from the mother country has neither been our work, nor the object of our desires; it has been caused by events in which the English government took no part, but which, we think, might have been prevented, if our advice had been listened to in time.

"But this separation has produced a state of things to which the British government must adapt its measures and its language not precipitately, but with mature reflection and circumspection.

"The continuing to call by the name of a Spanish possession, a territory in which Spanish power and occupation have been extinguished, can be of no practical utility to the mother country, and may endanger the peace of the world."

"It cannot be denied that even in 1813, Great Britain would have made peace with Bonaparte, if he had not been so immoderate in his pretensions; Spain cannot be ignorant, that even since the fall of Bonaparte it was a question among the allies, whether it would be proper to place on the throne of France a sovereign who was not a Bourbon."

"All political communities are responsible to each other for their conduct that is, they are all under

an obligation to fulfil their established international duties, and to indemnify any violation of the rights of others committed by their citizens or subjects. Now, since the mother country must continue to be responsible for acts over which it cannot exercise the shadow of authority, the inhabitants of those countries whose political independence has been established, but whose title has not been recognized, must be placed in a situation in which they are responsible for their actions, or must be punished like pirates placed beyond the pale of law, for those deeds which supply a ground of complaint to other nations. In the first part of this alternative, the total irresponsibility of the states not recognized is too absurd to be maintained; and in the last, the treatment of their inhabitants as pirates is too monstrous to be applied to a great portion of the habitable globe.

"M. Zea says, that the king of Spain will never recognize the new states of Spanish America, and that his majesty will not cease to employ force of arms against his rebel subjects in that part of the world.

"We have neither the pretension nor the desire to control the conduct of his catholic majesty-but this declaration of M. Zea is a complete justification of our con

duct, as it proves that we have seized the proper moment to put our relations with the new states upon a firm footing. A further delay on our part could not have satisfied Spain, or produced any benefit, seeing that Spain has decidedly pronounced herself against all arrangement, under any circumstances, or at any time; and that she is resolved upon interminable war with her ancient colonies.

"The undersigned is also charged to declare to the ministers of Spain, that it was not a sentiment of ill-will, nor even of indifference towards the interests of his catho

lic majesty, which dictated the measures of the English government-that his Britannic majesty will not cease to entertain the most anxious wishes for the prosperity of Spain, and that his majesty is still disposed to renew, and has commanded the undersigned to renew, to the government of his catholic majesty, the offer of the good offices of his majesty to bring to an issue any amicable arrangement which may be practicable between his catholic majesty and the countries of America which have separated from Spain."


The following is the King's SPEECH, delivered on opening the Chambers, January 31.

Gentlemen-It is with genuine satisfaction that I find myself again among you. Watchful of the public sentiment, and of the course of things, I have concluded that no serious considerations required that the period at which your meeting was to take place, should be has tened. My foresight has been justified, and I am happy in not having abridged the repose on which you had a right to calculate.

Death has just stricken in the midst of his career, one of our most magnanimous allies-this loss has profoundly afflicted my heart. I receive from his successor, and from all other powers, the most positive assurances of the continuation of their friendly dispositions; and I have the conviction that nothing will alter the good understanding existing between my allies and myself, for the repose of the nations.

I have concluded with his Britannic majesty, a convention which will render less burdensome the conditions now attached to the reciprocal navigation of the two kingdoms and their colonies. I anticipate from the arrangement, advantageous results for our maritime commerce.

I have resolved at last, to settle (fixer) the fate of St. Domingo. The time had arrived for closing so dangerous a sore, and to put an end to a state of things which compromitted so many interests. The final separation of that colony, lost to us for thirty years, will not dis turb the security of those we retain.

A law for the apportionment of the indemnity which I have stipulated for the ancient inhabi tants, becomes necessary. It will be proposed to you.

I shall cause to be submitted to

you immediately, the accounts for 1824-a sketch of the receipts and expenses for 1825, and the budget of 1826.

The development of our commerce, and of our industry, which from day to day is adding to the product of the taxes on consumption and operations, will permit an amelioration of the condition of the ministers of our holy religion, to increase the funds for other services, and in addition to the decrease which has already been made this year in the direct taxes, will allow a further diminution of nineteen millions. (About $3,800,000.)

You will rejoice with me, gentlemen, to find thus, in the progress of our internal prosperity, the means of reducing those charges which weigh most heavily on the tax payers.

Legislation should provide for the successive improvements of all the wants of society. The progressive cutting up (morcellement) of landed estates, essentially contrary to the spirit of a monarchical government, would enfeeble the guarantees which the charter gives to my throne and to my subjects.

Measures will be proposed to you, gentlemen, to re-establish the uniformity which ought to exist in the political and in the civil law, and to preserve the patrimony of families, without restricting, however, the liberty of disposing of one's goods.

The preservation of families brings about and secures political stability, which is the first want of states, and which particularly is that of France, after so many vicissitudes.

You will second me, gentlemen, in the accomplishment of the plans I have meditated, and in assuring more and more the happiness of the people whom Divine Providence has committed to my care. You will not be more disturbed than myself by that thoughtless restlessness which still agitates some bosoms in spite of the security we enjoy. This security shall not be impaired, gentlemen; rely upon my watching, with equal solicitude, over all the interests of the state, and that I shall know how to conciliate the exercise of all legal liberty, with the maintenance of order, and the suppression of licentiousness.


MANIFESTO OF THE EMPEROR NICHOLAUS I. Petersburg, Dec. 26. Whereas his imperial highness, the grand duke Constantine, has declared that he will resolutely adhere to his former abdication of the imperial crown, the grand duke Nicholaus has, to-day, ascended the throne of the Russian empire, and all the proper authorities, and the different divisions of the army, have taken the oath of fidelity to his im

perial majesty. In reference to this important event, the following imperial manifesto has appeared:

Manifesto.-By the grace of God, Nicholaus I., emperor and autocrat of all the Russias. In the grief of our heart, amidst the general pain which oppresses us, our imperial house, and our beloved country, we can only bend before the impenetrable decrees of the Almighty, and

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