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The spring meeting of the Indiana History Section of the Indiana State Teachers' Association was held in Indianapolis, March 2 and 3. The program for Friday afternoon was as follows: "Some Phases of the Indiana Fugitive Slave Law of 1850," by Charles H. Money, Manual Training High School; "Populism in Indiana," by Hallie Farmer, Muncie High School; "A Chapter in Indiana Pension History," by John W. Oliver, Department of Indiana History and Archives; "Extra Legal Activities of Governor Morton," by Olin D. Morrison, Indiana University. The following addresses were given on Friday evening: "The Labor Problem in Indiana Politics," by Ray S. Trent, Extension Division of Indiana University; "An American Attitude in International Affairs," by Thomas F. Moran, Purdue University.

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On Saturday morning the business session was held. Two papers, one by J. R. H. Moore, on Some Conclusions Drawn from My Experience in Teaching Indiana History," and the other, by Charles H. Money, on Suggestions for the Fall Meeting," were read. The following reports were also read: Report of the Committee on the Correlation of History and Civics, by W. O. Lynch, chairman, State Normal School, and Report of the Committee for the Revision of the Course of Study in History in the Secondary Schools, by Harlow Lindley, chairman, Earlham College. The papers and reports gave rise to interesting and spirited discussions. A report of much importance was made by the Committee for the Revision of the Course of Study in History in the Secondary Schools. The report, which was adopted, is as follows:

1. The committee recommends that the State Board of Education be asked to adopt a two years' course of European history, including an introductory treatment of ancient and Oriental history. The committee recommends that the first year's work should extend to 1648 A. D., and that the second year's work should extend from 1648 to 1914.

2. The committee recommends that the third year's work should be American history and civics, placing the emphasis of the first half year on the development of the American nation from 1760 to 1876, and the second half year on recent United States history and civics. (For this year's work the committee recommends a single text-book, dealing with the period before 1876, mainly historical, and treating the later period from the point of view of contemporary problems.)

3. The committee recommends that social and economic history be given at least as much attention as political history.

4. The committee recommends that every topic discussed in all this work shall be treated so as to show its connection with present American life and institutions, whenever it seems to the teacher valuable for the pupil.

5. The committee recommends that if Sections 1-4 be agreed to by the History Section, a statement of these guiding principles be presented immediately to the State Board of Education with the recommendation that they be used as a guide in the adoption of text-books in history a year hence.

6. The committee further recommends that on the adoption of new text-books in history, a committee be author

ized to prepare an outline and syllabus which will serve as a guide to teachers in carrying out the recommendations of Sections 1-4.

The meeting was well attended, sixty teachers from various parts of the State being registered. The papers and addresses were of much interest and the sessions were attended by a number of persons not connected with history teaching. Prof. Beverley W. Bond, Jr., of Purdue University, presided over the meetings, and Miss Josephine M. Cox, of Shortridge High School, Indianapolis, was secretary and treasurer. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: President, J. V. Masters, Rushville, Ind.; vicepresident, Miss Hallie Farmer, Muncie, Ind.; secretarytreasurer, Charles H. Money, Indianapolis. Additional members of the Executive Committee are: Professor L. H. Gibson, Crawfordsville, Ind., and Prof. Harriotte C. Palmer, Franklin, Ind.



FOWLER, H. N. The History of Sculpture. New York: The
Macmillan Co., 1916. Pp. xxvi, 445. $2.00.

HAMLIN, A. D. F. The History of Ornament, Ancient and Medieval. New York: The Century Co., 1916. Pp. xxiv, 406. $3.00.

For others than those specializing in the history of art these books have value. In every town where ancient history and medieval history are taught present-day architecture together with mural art constitutes an element of the environment of teacher and pupils which may often be advantageously related to aspects of history that are being studied in the class-room. To be able to point out concrete evidences of the obligations of one's own community to Egypt or Babylon or Greece or medieval Europe is to be able to enrich materially for one's boys and girls the subject of history. Such books as these equip the teacher for such service as well as assist otherwise in the interpretation of the text-book material. Both of them are lavishly illustrated and both may be accepted as authoritative. The former begins its account of the history of sculpture with the ancient Orient, including the Far East of Japan, China and India. The latter, beginning with primitive and savage times, and treating ornament as synonymous with decorative design, interprets for the reader the motives and the principles of the art expressed in ancient pottery and vases, and especially in the many forms of structural work of ancient and medieval peoples from the times of the Egyptians and Babylonians down through the Gothic period of architecture.

CALLAHAN, JAMES M. Semi-Centennial History of West

Virginia. Charleston, W. Va.: Semi-Centennial Commission of West Virginia, 1914. Pp. 594. $1.75, net. To libraries, $1.00.

The first 302 pages of this book, two volumes in one, constitute the State history by Professor Callahan. The remainder is made up of articles by various contributors on subjects related to the natural resources and people of the State. The historical sketch may be said to begin with the Indian treaty of Fort Stanwix. Then follows a good account of the struggle of the Western with the Eastern part of the State in the two conventions of 1829-30 and 1851, giving in full the votes of each section on the more important issues. A rather surprising omission is that regarding the legislative debate or slavery in Virginia in

1831, which Professor Ambler has told so well. The account of the first Wheeling Convention and political events following are told without bias, and the author steered entirely clear of the controversy regarding the dismemberment of Virginia either to justify or condemn. The chief criticism of the history is that the author has not fully grasped or has not forcibly told the whole story of sectionalism in Virginia, which is to be an important topic in any history of West Virginia. But the story of the marvelous economic development of the State is an exhaustively told as can be expected within the limitations of this work. A good-sized section deals with the Virginia debt controversy. A feature that distinguishes it as a useful reference book is the series of maps which illustrate at a glance the votes on measures by counties; those opposite pages 150, 242, 246 and 247 are good examples. It is to be regretted that the author felt justified in economizing space to omit footnote references. A not very discriminating bibliography without comment appears at the close. One is impressed with the large number of local histories cited, many of which must not be authoritative; the better ones should have been noted and all the materials classified. Several reprints of acts relating to the formation of the State appear in an appendix. Numerous photographic illustrations of scenes in the State are distributed throughout the book. As the work has somewhat of a co-operative nature, slight personal touches appear that would not be expected in a straightforward history where only one person is responsible. Poetry and even the menu card of the semi-centennial dinner are printed.

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KITSON, HARRY D. How to Use Your Mind. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1916. Pp. 216. $1.00. Written by an instructor in psychology in the University of Chicago to serve the needs of students and teachers in the administration of supervised study, it presents in twelve brief chapters the nature of the intellectual problems confronting the freshmen, and suggests practical modes of attack upon them. Advice is given as to note-taking, formation of habits of study, ways of assisting and strengthening the memory and power of attention, preparation for examination, and the securing of such conditions of body as shall make for effective study. Other chapters describe intellectual processes which the student must employ successfully. Experts speak favorably of this book, which use with students also approves.

NEWTON, CAROLINE CLIFFORD. Once Upon a Time in Connecticut. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1916. Pp. vii, 140. 60 cents.

Published under the auspices of the Colonial Dames of Connecticut and with the endorsement of Professor C. M. Andrews, of Yale University, this constitutes very serviceable supplementary reading material in colonial history for grades below the high school. Well narrated accounts are given of a dozen incidents memorable in our nation's history. "Nathan Hale," "Old Wolf Putnam," "Three Judges," "The House of Hope" and The Charter Oak" are some typical titles of its chapters. A dozen excellent illustrations, and at the end of each chapter good brief lists of references, add value to the book.

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STRYIENSKI, CASIMIR. The Eighteenth Century. Translated from the French by H. N. Dickinson. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1917. Pp. 345. $2.50. This is the fourth volume of The National History of France," edited by Fr. Finck-Brentano, who has himself assumed the authorship of the volume on the Middle Ages. Other collaborators are J. E. C. Borley. in an introduction; L. Batiffol, on the century of the Renaissance; Jacques Boulanger, on the great century, and Louis Madelin, in two volumes, one on the French Revolution, and the other on the Consulate and the Empire.

The tendency of these scholars to a more favorable attitude toward the institutions of monarchical France is well known. Speaking of the development of the modern spirit and the revolution, the author of the present volume says: "Soon a lamentable ruin was all that remained of the ancient edifice; our Acropolis was destroyed, and like that of Athens became but a shrine for pilgrims where some might mourn the vanity of human things, others to raise the song of victory." Unfortunately, the picture of the eighteenth century, even by this admirer of the old order, is far from endearing it to us. The approach is altogether from the personal side. There are pages devoted to the King and the details of his daily life, while the great social and intellectual movements of the age are given short shrift. It is old-fashioned history with some evidence of literary merit. WM. E. LINGELBACH.

University of Pennsylvania.

CARLTON, ROBERT (Baynard Rush Hall). The New Purchase. Edited by James Albert Woodburn. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1916. Pp. xxxii, 522. $2.00.

This reprint of a volume long out of print was brought out in connection with the recent centennial celebration of Indiana's admisison to Statehood. That which gives the book its title was a tract of land acquired by the United States Government from the Indians in 1818, and from it thirty-seven of Indiana's counties were eventually made in whole or in part. To this region Mr. Hall, a Presbyterian clergyman and graduate of Union College and Princeton Theological Seminary, came in 1822 attracted by the opportunity to teach in the Indiana Seminary, recently established by the legislature of the State. This institution eight years later became Indiana College, and in 1838 Indiana University. Though by the time of his coming Indiana had been a State six years, the region of his residence was primitive wilderness, and during his stay of nearly ten years his life was that of a pioneer. His book is a record of his various experiences, and thus is a tale of the backwoods, an account of pioneer days and ways, and a picture of the Middle West in its beginnings. Though it sparkles with whimsical humor and interesting incident, it is characterized by fidelity to fact, and constitutes source material of high order of excellence. The editor calls it "an imperishable Indiana classic," and other competent critics support him in this judgment.

LORD, ROBERT HOWARD. The Second Partition of Poland. A Study in Diplomatic History. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1915. Pp. xxx, 586. $2.25.

This book is a worthy continuation of a notable series of scholarly works. Dr. Lord has made a very thorough study of a great mass of original source material little known to most American scholars and produced an excellent monograph. He comes to the conclusion that the Second Partition of Poland was not forced on the Tsarina Catherine II by Prussia, but was due rather to her own secret plans. In

a number of other matters, the author presents views more or less different from those generally accepted up to now, and substantiates them by extensive references to the original sources and by a collection of documents at the close of the book. The introduction and the first chapter (pages 3-63) are devoted to a good survey of conditions in Poland in the eighteenth century and the general international conditions affecting the partitions. These chapters are good reading for the more mature high school students of modern European history, but the main part of the book is too detailed for effective use in high schools. Ohio State University.


BRYAN, WILHELMUS BOGART. A History of the National Capital. Vol. II. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1916. Pp. xx + 642. $5.00.

This volume is uniform in style, mechanical makeup and general purpose with the first, appearing about two years ago and reviewed in this MAGAZINE soon after the publication (Vol. VI, page 126). The first volume brings the narrative of the history of our Capital from the founding down to the close of the War of 1812 or thereabouts, and this volume carries the account to 1878. The period covered by the latter is perhaps far the more interesting. The work of research, careful detail, footnote annotation is well done in this, as was the case with its predecessor. A wealth of facts regarding Washington is painstakingly brought together. The criticisms of the former volume apply in general to the present volume. There is no logical division into chapters merely mechanical divisions. Of course, this statement must be modified by the statement that the whole is done chronologically, and hence the chapters in a way point to periods. It gives a wonderful amount of detail regarding the buildings, streets, railways. Too, it does not neglect the political and social events that have any bearing on the history of the place. As instances, the slavetrade in the District and debates in Congress relating to the District are carefully noted.

But considering the voluminousness of the set and the expense, perhaps it will not reach as large a part of the general reading public as it deserves. The author might meet that need by a smaller condensed work. On the other hand, we must not overlook the fact that as a complete history of our National Capital the author has rendered a decidedly valuable historical service by not condensing it at all. H. M. HENRY.

Emory and Henry College, Virginia.

LIPSON, E., M.A. Europe in the Nineteenth Century. An Outline History. London: A. and C. Black, 1916. Pp. iii, 298.

This brief history of the last century disclaims at the outset any effort at a treatment of the international features of European history. The author sets out rather to give a concise and connected account of the internal development of the chief European States after the fall of Napoleon." (P. ii.) The plan is adhered to faithfully, but the execution is indifferent, and the American reader will not find anything here to entice him from the works on this period of European history already known and better done. To cite only as one example of evidence of the lack of a clear and comprehensive grasp of his subject, the muddled treatment of the Prussian revolutionary movement in 1848 may be cited. The Combined Diet of the Provincial Estates was summoned in 1847, and therefore not “as a consequence of the March Days" in 1848. What was summoned in 1848 was a Constituent Assembly. As a matter of emphasis it would be better to give at least a little more than a general

statement in one sentence to the Prussian Constitution of 1850, since it is still with slight modifications the fundamental law of the Prussian State, and abbreviate somewhat the account of the futile and uninteresting efforts at reorganization in Germany in 1850. University of Pennsylvania. WM. E. LINGELBACH.

HISTORY TEACHERS' ASSOCIATIONS. Additions to and corrections of the following list of associations are requested by the editor of the MAGAZINE: Alabama History Teachers' Association-Secretary, D. G. Chase, Birmingham.

American Historical Association-Secretary, Waldo G. Leland, Washington, D. C.

California History Teachers' Association-Chairman, Clifford E. Lowell, Berkeley.

History Teachers' Association of Cincinnati, O.-Secretary, J. W. Ayres, High School, Madisonville, O.

History Section of Colorado Teachers' Association; Western Division, chairman, Mrs. K. A. Morrison, Gunnison; Southern Division, chairman, Max Morton, Pueblo; Eastern Division, chairman, Archibald Taylor, Longmont.

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History Teachers' Association of Florida-President, Miss Caroline M. Brevard, Woman's College, Tallahassee; secretary, Miss E. M. Williams, Jacksonville.

Indiana History Teachers' Association-President, J. V. Masters, Rushville; secretary, Charles H. Money, Indianapolis.

Iowa Society of Social Science Teachers-President, Prof. G. B. Benjamin, State University of Iowa; secretary, Miss M. A. Hutchinson, West Des Moines High School.

Jasper County, Mo., History Association-Secretary, Miss Elizabeth Peiffer, Carthage, Mo.

Kleio Club of University of Missouri.

Association of History Teachers of Middle States and Maryland-President, Miss Jessie C. Evans, William Penn High School, Philadelphia; secretary, Prof. L. R. Schuyler, City College, New York City.

Mississippi Valley Historical Association, Teachers' Section-Chairman, A. O. Thomas, Lincoln, Neb.; secretary, Howard C. Hill, State Normal School, Milwaukee, Wis.

Missouri Association of Teachers of History and Government-Secretary, Jesse E. Wrench, Columbia, Mo.

Nebraska History Teachers' Association-Secretary, Julia M. Wort, Lincoln, Neb.

New England History Teachers' Association-President, Miss Margaret McGill, Classical High School, Newtonville, Mass.; secretary, Mr. Horace Kidger, 82 Madison Avenue, Newtonville, Mass.

New York City Conference-Chairman, Fred H. Paine, East District High School, Brooklyn; secretary-treasurer, Miss Florence E. Stryker, State Normal School, Montclair, N. J.

New York State History Teachers' Association-President, Edward P. Smith, North Tonawanda; secretary, R. Sherman Stowell, West High School, Rochester, N. Y. History Teachers' Section of Association of High School Teachers of North Carolina-Chairman, Miss Catherine Albertson, Elizabeth City, N. C.

History, Civics and Social Science Section of North Dakota Educational Association-President, H. C. Fish, State Normal School, Minot; secretary, Miss Hazel Nielson, High School, Fargo.

Northwest Association of Teachers of History, Economics and Government-Secretary, Prof. L. T. Jackson, Pullman, Wash.

Ohio History Teachers' Association-Chairman, Wilbur H. Siebert, Ohio State University, Columbus; secretary, W. C. Harris, Ohio State University.

History Club of Ohio State University-Chairman, Florence E. Heyde, Columbus, O.

Political Science Club of students who have majored in history at Ohio State University.

Pacific Coast Branch of American Historical AssociationSecretary, Prof. W. A. Morris, Berkeley, Cal.

Rhode Island History Teachers' Association-Secretary, A. Howard Williamson, Technical High School, Providence, R. I.

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Texas History Teachers' Section of the State Teachers' Association-President, Frederic Duncalf, Austin, Texas; secretary, L. F. McKay, Temple, Texas.

Twin City History Teachers' Association-President, Miss Medora Jordan, The Leamington, Minneapolis; secretary, Miss L. M. Ickler, 648 Delaware Avenue, St. Paul, Minn.

Virginia History Teachers' Section of Virginia State Teachers' Association-President, Prof. J. M. Lear, Farmville; secretary, Miss Zadie H. Smith, High School, Portsmouth, Va.

Teachers' Historical Association of Western Pennsylvania -Secretary, Anna Ankrom, 1108 Franklin Avenue, Wilkinsburg, Pa.

West Virginia History Teachers' Association-President, Charles E. Hedrick, Glenville; secretary, Dora Newman, of Fairmont.

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27 TO FEBRUARY 24, 1917.

American History.

Anderson, August. Hyphenated; the life story of S. M. Swenson. [History of early Swedish settlers in Texas from 1838.] Austin, Tex.: [The Author]. 290 pp. $1.50.

Hewitt, Louise, compiler. Historic Trenton. Trenton, N. J.: C. L. Traver. 103 pp. $1.00, net.

Huxford, Folks, compiler and editor. History of Clinch County, Georgia. Macon, Ga.: J. W. Burke Co. 309 pp. $1.75.

Johnson, Rossiter. The fight for the Republic. Events in the war of secession. N. Y.: Putnam. 404 pp. $2.50, net. Kellogg, Louise P. Early narratives of the Northwest. N. Y.: Scribner. 394 pp. $3.00, net. Locke, Emma P. B., editor. Colonial Amherst. Milford, N. H.: W. B. and H. B. Rotch. 122 pp. $1.25, net. McCook, Arthur R. New American history and government outlines. Chicago: Beckley Cardy Co. 112 pp. 25


Mann, Herman. Life of Deborah Sampson, the female soldier in the war of the Revolution. Tarrytown, N. Y.: W. Abbatt. 191 pp. $5.10.

Parker, William T. Annals of old Ft. Cumming's, New Mexico, 1867-68. Northampton, Mass.: [The Author]. 56 pp. $1.50, net.

Waterman, John H. General history of Seward County, Nebraska. Beaver Crossing, Neb.: [The Author]. 291 pp. $1.50. Wheeler, Everett P. Sixty years of American Life, 18501910. N. Y.: Dutton. 489 pp. $2.50, net.

English History.

Cunningham, William. The progress of capitalism in England. N. Y.: Putnam. 144 pp. (6 pp. bibls.). 90 cents, net.

Klein, Arthur J. Intolerance in the reign of Elizabeth, Queen of England. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 218 pp. (18 pp. bibls.). $2.00, net. Jackman, William T. in modern England.

The development of transportation 2 vols. N. Y.: Putnam. 460, 360 pp. (62 pp. bibls.). $7.25, net.

Tedder, Arthur W. The navy of the Restoration from the Death of Cromwell to the Treaty of Breda. N. Y.: Putnam. 234 pp. (39 pp. bibls.). $2.25, net.

European History.

Giordani, Paolo. The German colonial empire. N. Y.: Macmillan. 156 pp. $1.00, net.

Hazen, Charles D. Modern European History. N. Y.: Holt. 650 pp. $1.75.

Jordan, David Starr. Alsace-Lorraine: a study in conquest. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Co. 113 pp. $1.00, net. Leslie, Shane. The Celt and the world; a study of the relation of Celt and Teuton in history. N. Y.: Scribner. 224 pp. $1.25, net.

The Great War.

Bryce, James, Viscount, and others. The war of democracy;

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the Allies' statement. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday University

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Page. 440 pp. $2.00, net. Currie, Col. J. A. "The Red Watch; with the first Canadian division in Flanders. N. Y.: Dutton. 294 pp. $1.50, net.

Gibbs, Philip. The battles of the Somme. N. Y.: Doran. 377 pp. $2.00, net.

Hurgronje, Christian S. The revolt in Arabia. N. Y.: Putnam. 150 pp. 75 cents, net.

I accuse; by a German. N. Y.: Grosset & Dunlap. 445 pp.

75 cents.

Palmer, Frederick. My second year of the war. N. Y.: Dodd, Mead. 404 pp. $1.50, net.

Spiegel, von und zu Peckelsheim, Edgar Baron. The adventures of U-202, an actual narrative [by her commander]. N. Y.: Century Co. 202 pp. $1.00, net. Visscher, Charles de. Belgium's case. N. Y.: Doran. 164

pp. (31⁄2 pp. bibls.). $1.00, net.

Wells, Herbert G. Italy, France and Britain at War. N Y.: Macmillan. 285 pp. $1.50, net.


U. S., Lib. of Congress. A list of American Doctoral dissertations printed in 1915. Wash., D. C.: Gov. Pr. Off. 160 pp. 30 cents.

Wragg, H., compiler and editor. Letters written in war

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of Colorado


Fourteenth Summer Session, June 25 to August 4, 1917

In the foothills of the Rockies. Ideal conditions for summer study and recreation. Courses in thirty departments, including Medicine, Able faculty. Eminent lecturers. Ophthalmology and Engineering. Attractive course for teachers, Tuition low. Living expenses reasonable. Catalogue on application to Registrar.

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time, XV-XIX centuries. N. Y.: Oxford Univ. 266 pp. The History Teacher's Magazine

75 cents, net.


Bancroft, George, and Sparks, Jared. Correspondence of George Bancroft and Jared Sparks, 1823-1832. Northampton, Mass.: Smith College. 143 pp. 50 cents. Dellenbaugh, F. S. George Armstrong Custer. N. Y.: Macmillan. 188 pp. 50 cents, net.

Hannay, Daniel. Porfirio Diaz. N. Y.: Holt. 319 pp. $2.00, net.

Coolidge, Lewis A. Ulysses S. Grant. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 596 pp. $2.00, net.

Rare Lincolniana. Tarrytown, N. Y.: W. Abbatt. 71 pp. $3.30.

Login, E. Dalhousie. Lady Login's Recollections, 18201904. [Author was wife of an East Indian official.] N. Y.: Dutton. 345 pp. $4.00, net.

Saunders, E. M. The life and letters of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Tupper. In 2 vols. N. Y.: Stokes. 319, 298 pp. $7.50, net.

Government and Politics.

Forman, Samuel E. Government in Illinois. N. Y.: Century Co. 60 pp. 10 cents. Goodnow, Frank J. The American conception of liberty and government. Providence, R. I.: Brown Univ. 63 pp. 50 cents.

McCarthy, Charles, and others. A manual for teachers of civics in upper grammar grades [etc.]. N. Y.: Thompson, Brown & Co. 29 pp. 25 cents.

Merriman, Roger B. The Monroe Doctrine; its past and 15 cents, present status. N. Y.: Oxford Univ. 24 pp. net. Oklahoma University, Univ. Ex. Div., Depts. of Pub. Discussion and Debate. The Monroe Doctrine. Norman, Okla.: The University. 146 pp. (9 pp. bibls.). 10


Published monthly, except July and August, at 1619-1621 Ranstead Street, Philadelphia, Pa., by MCKINLEY PUBLISHING CO.


PROF. HENRY JOHNSON, Teachers' College, Columbia University, Chairman.

PROF. FRED. M. FLING, University of Nebraska.

MISS ANNA B. THOMPSON, Thayer Academy, South Braintree, Mass.

PROF. FREDERIC DUNCALF, University of Texas.
PROF. O. H. WILLIAMS, University of Indiana.
DR. JAMES SULLIVAN, Director of Archives and History, New
York State Department of Education.

ALBERT E. McKINLEY, Ph.D., Managing Editor

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, two dollars a year; single copies, twenty cents each.

REDUCED RATE of one dollar a year is granted to members of the American Historical Association, and to members of local and regional associations of history teachers. Such subscriptions must be sent direct to the publishers or through the secretaries of associations (but not through subscription agencies).

POSTAGE PREPAID in United States and Mexico; for Canada, twenty cents additional should be added to the subscription price, and for other foreign countries in the Postal Union, thirty cents additional. CHANGE OF ADDRESS. Both the old and the new address must be given when a change of address is ordered. ADVERTISING RATES furnished upon application.

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