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For College Classes and High School Teachers

Syllabus of United States
History 1492-1916

Ohio State University

Based primarily on Bassett's Short History of United
States, with numerous parallel readings.

The outline of President Wilson's first administration (not covered by Bassett's text) supplies the background for an understanding of American participation in the Great War.

Prof. Wallace Carson, of DePauw University, writes:

"I have found the Syllabus a constant and invaluable aid to students and instructor.".

Representative adoptions: Baker University, DePauw University, Monmouth College, Ohio State University, State Normal School at Mankato, Minn., Temple University, University of Cincinnati, University of Pittsburgh, Wabash College, Whittier College.

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Essentials in European History Series

This series explains the great economic, social, and political movements from the point of view of their influence on present civilization. Each of the books is intended for one year's work. The course is thoroughly in accord with college entrance requirements.


By S. B. HoWE. From earliest times to 1700.
New edition, thoroughly revised.
Ready in September.

By D. C. KNOWLTON and S. B. Howe.
From 1700 to the present. $1.50.
Just published.


Woodburn and Moran's "The Citizen and the Republic"
Presents liberal modern views of civics written in delightful
style. Ably discusses international relations.
For fourth year high school classes.


449 Fourth Avenue, New York

Columbus, Ohio

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New European History Maps

24 Large Wall Maps. Size: 40 inches wide, 30 inches long.


W. & A. K. Johnston have brought out an entirely new series of European History Maps - a series new from the ground up.

This new series is designed to show at a glance the chief political changes and national movements from the formation of the Roman Empire to the beginning of the Great War, 1914.

The subject matter for this new series was arranged by a committee of American Teachers of European History, supplemented by suggestions made by the European publishers.

This is the first set of European History Maps embodying important facts of European History as it is taught in American Schools, yet published in Europe where the art of Map Lithography has been developed to a greater degree of proficiency than in this country.

These new maps possess an inimitable softness and delicacy of coloring which only European Lithographers seem able to obtain.

The pleasing optical effect of the colorings makes the wording stand out so that it is clear and legible across the class room.

Both in subject matter and perfection of workmanship, these maps surpass anything ever before offered in European History Maps.

The low price of these maps will surprise you. Examine these maps while planning the subject matter for your teaching this year. Mail the coupon. It will bring you a folder of more complete information and detailed descriptions of each map in the series, or you may have a complete set sent on approval.



623 S. Wabash Avenue

Sole U. S. Agents for W. & A. K. Johnston

A. J. NYSTROM & Co. Gentlemen:

Please send complete information regarding the new European Map Series.

You may send a selection of the new Johnston's Mediaeval and Modern European History Maps for examination.

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With the co-operation of the National Bureau for Historical Service of Washington, D. C., THE HISTORY TEACHER'S MAGAZINE will publish during the period, September, 1917, to June, 1918, a series of about forty articles by well-known scholars.

The purpose of the papers will be to show to what extent, if at all, the teaching of history in American schools should be made to bear upon the present international situation of the United States.

Always the aim will be to prevent distortion of historical facts, and to show teachers how far a selection of significant facts is warranted by true historical method.

These articles will be published at the rate of four a month; one in each issue dealing respectively with Ancient, European, English, and American History. Roughly they will parallel the usual four high school courses.

The general preparation of the articles is under the supervision of committees, of which the following are chairmen : Ancient History, Prof. R. V. D. Magoffin, of Johns Hopkins University; European History, Prof. Dana C. Munro, of Princeton University; English History, Prof. Arthur L. Cross, of the University of Michigan; American History, Prof. Evarts B. Greene, of the University of Illinois Over thirty college professors and experienced secondary school teachers will contribute to the series.

Other features during the year will include a detailed syllabus for the study of European Nations, recommended by the Committee on Social Studies of the National Education Association; and a number of articles dealing with improved classroom methods.

Special Trial Subscription Rate

To introduce the MAGAZINE and this important series of articles to teachers not already subscribers, a special Trial Subscription Rate is offered of


Send remittance direct. to the publishers,


The regular subscription rate is Two Dollars a year, except to members of the American Historical Association and members of history teachers' associations, to whom a reduced rate of One Dollar is offered. Such subscriptions can not be received through agencies, but must be sent direct to the publishers or the secretaries of the associations.

Volume VIII. Number 7.


$2.00 a year. 20 cents a copy.

To Those Who Remain at Home

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To many a history teacher unable to join the forces in the field has come the question, What can I do? I have been trained in normal school, college, and graduate school in certain habits of research; I have acquired what I believe to be satisfactory pedagogical methods; I have stored my mind and notebooks with innumerable facts concerning the history of the past; I may even have developed a power of generalization and comparison which at times I call a philosophy of history. But can I make any of these expertnesses count for my country in the present struggle? They seem so impractical, so far removed from the battlefield conflicts that I am tempted to throw them all over and enter a munitions factory. I, who am willing to give my goods, my blood, and my life to the country-must I go on recounting these tales of forgotten days? What can I do?"

A partial answer to this question was given in THE HISTORY TEACHER'S MAGAZINE for June. Another answer is found in the announcement made by the National Board for Historical Service and the Committee on Public Information on another page of this issue.

But still another answer can be made to the question. The history teacher can effectively serve the country through the daily class-room work. This will require careful thought, much work in rearrangement of material and great care in the presentation of the facts.

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There is one sacrifice no historian must make. must not distort or pervert the facts of history to suit the present struggle. He must see things as they really were and are. This is not easy at any time; it is peculiarly difficult at such a time as this when to many people a slight distortion of facts may even seem a patriotic duty. Aggressive sovereigns like Louis XIV and Frederick the Great were usually able to find loyal subjects who could produce legal and historical arguments in support of policies already put into effect by their armies in the field. Similar things have happened in the present war and since history teachers are not less human than their fellowcitizens, we must all of us be on our guard against this mistaken view of patriotic duty. In the long run loyalty to the country, as well as loyalty to history, are best served by looking the facts squarely in

the face."

Yet in the class-room, as is pointed out in the Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Education, entitled, "History and the Great War: Opportunities for History Teachers," the conscientious teacher can

do much. (1) By training pupils in the "historical conception of their membership in a continuing community, more important than their own individual fortunes;" (2) by supplying a "larger and truer perspective" in movements of depression or of easygoing optimism; (3) by teaching the financial and economic experiences of other wars; (4) by training pupils and their parents to take an intelligent part in the decision of public questions, particularly by laying a foundation for sensible action in international relations, in an understanding of other nations; and (5) thus prepare citizens generally to accept the responsibility for a permanent “establishment of a better international order, a real society of nations."

What facts of history should be dwelt upon in order to attain these results? How can these results be obtained in a course in ancient or medieval history? These questions are answered in general terms in the Bulletin mentioned above. But they will receive more definite answers in the series of articles which begins in this issue of the MAGAZINE.

Under the auspices of the National Board for Historical Service four committees of professors and teachers of history have been organized, to consider the problems respectively of ancient, European, English, and American history. The chairmen of these committees are Prof. R. V. D. Magoffin, Prof. D. C. Munro, Prof. A. L. Cross, and Prof. E. B. Greene. With the assistance of many other workers these committees are preparing four series of articles which will appear in the MAGAZINE from the present number until June, 1918. An article for each one of the fields of history will appear in each issue, and the effort will be made to have all the articles roughly parallel the usual year's work in each subject.

Among the writers of the series are the following professors and teachers of history: E. B. Greene, St. G. L. Sioussat, T. C. Smith, C. R. Fish, E. D. Adams, James Sullivan, R. A. Mauer, F. L. Paxson, A. L. Cross, C. H. McIlwain, E. R. Turner, D. C. Munro, J. H. Breasted, R. V. D. Magoffin, A. T. Olmstead, W. L. Westermann, Arthur I. Andrews, The series is being prepared with the co-operation of the National Board for Historical Service, of Washington, D. C.

and others.

It is the earnest hope of all the scholars co-operating in this work that history teaching in America may retain in the present crisis not only its scholastic standards, but also that it will draw from the past examples which will be of enduring social value.

Ancient Egypt and the Modern World


Much modern history has been made since August, 1914, in the valley of the Somme in northern France. The soil of the battle-scarred hills overlooking the river is thickly sown with fragments of steel shells which have deeply penetrated the slopes and natural terraces made by the river ages ago, when it was at a higher level and before it had sculptured out its present valley and bed. These steel fragments buried here represent man's latest and most terrible effort in the art of self-destruction.

You may go to this valley when the guns are silent, and a few moments' work with a shovel on the gravel slopes along the brow of the upper terraces will uncover the gravels which were lapped by the river a hundred and fifty thousand years ago and more. If you know the proper places a little search will reveal among these gravels, flint fist hatchets, the earliest surviving weapons and handiwork of man, wrought not less than fifty thousand and perhaps a hundred and fifty thousand years ago. They are man's first devices, or at least the earliest that have survived to us, for hunting, for self-defence and for destruction of his kind. There they lie as you unearth them, side by side with the fragments of steel shells in the same gravels, and the whole sweep of human history lies between them. From the flint fist hatchet to the modern explosive shell of steel-what a story of human endeavor leads us age by age from the one to the other!

It is only as we view the career of man in a panoramic vista like this, that we gain impressions of the unity of that career in the long upward struggle toward civilization, the attainment of which we earliest discern on the Nile. The progress, and with it the discoveries which displaced the European's stone implements, and put into his hand the copper hatchet and dagger, were first achieved in Egypt. In that progress, among many other of its aspects, two processes of fundamental importance to the modern world may be discerned. The graves of the earliest Egyptians as we find them in the desert gravels along the margin of the Nile Valley, contain an equipment for the next world-an equipment in which we see the incoming of metal and the Nile-dweller's gradual conquest of the material world about him. That conquest went on with an effectiveness and completeness, leading to a mechanical and technical supremacy, which made the thirtieth century B. C., the greatest century in man's growing control of the material world before the nineteenth century A. D.

The first of these two processes was therefore the Egyptian's surprisingly extended conquest of the material world, which in the sovereign power and splendor of its great monuments, is comparable with cur own modern achivements in the conquest of our vast domain in North America. Besides the earliest

metal and the first sea-going ships, many things fundamental to our own material progress at the present day, as every one knows, were discovered or devised and developed by the Egyptians as their early power over the material processes of life expanded. Hand in hand with these went the growth of finer capacities of the human mind, as we see emerging the earliest writing, the first great architecture in stone, portrait sculpture of remarkable power in spite of the fact that it is the earliest known, decorative art which for the first time drew upon flowers and other vegetable motives for its fundamental forms, and brought the whole world of such natural beauty into decorative design for all time.

While all this had been going on, it had stimulated and itself had been greatly furthered by the second process, the development of a great social and administrative organization, resulting in the first human society organized on society organized on a large scale. After a long struggle for leadership among many petty states up and down the lower Nile between the First Cataract and the Sea, the result of the competition was the final triumph of Menes, the leader of the valley communities above the Delta, who conquered the Delta kings, and welded the upper and lower kingdoms into the first great nation of the early world. Enormous prestige was rapidly acquired by the Pharaonic house thus founded. Upon the imagination of the Egyptian there gradually dawned the unapproachable power and splendor of a supreme personality, involving with it also the conception of a great state, with which it was identical. For the control of the economic and social life of the prosperous Nile communities, the Pharoahs developed a detailed organization of local government, forming a vast administrative machine, the like of which did not arise in Europe until far down in the later history of the Roman Empire. In this first great fabric of human organization, the individual member of a community disappeared or was engulfed, and the state was supreme. Here, then, was manifested and developed for the first time that power of the state, unknown in the life of the primitive hunter with his fist hatchet on the banks of the Somme a power over life and death, to which millions of men are to-day unquestioningly bowing, as they sacrifice themselves and all that human life holds most dear, to international rivalries. This Egyptian organization of men into an elaborately detailed machinery of state, survived far down into Roman times, and had a profound influence on the early world, again illustrating the fundamental importance of the geographical fact that the Nile flows into the Mediterranean, and Egypt is part of the Mediterranean world.

The two processes which we have been discussing placed the Egyptian in control of forces, mechanical

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