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The "American Catholic Quarterly Review" for July contains a most interesting article on "Medieval Warfare " by Darley Dale. The article is based on a study of old chronicles, records of sieges, etc., and gives a vivid picture of the military methods employed by the medieval warriors.

The September number of the "North American Review" is of especial interest to historians. Henry Rutgers Marshall discusses "War and Progress; " Willis Fletcher Johnson tells "The Story of the Danish Islands; " John Hays Hammond, Jr., outlines "The Future Mechanism of Warfare; " Oswald Garrison Villard attempts to unravel "The Mystery of Woodrow Wilson; " Editor Harvey analyses "The Political Situation," and David Jayne Hill's first article on "President Wilson's Administration of Foreign Affairs," a detailed and quite impartial criticism of the present administration, are all worthy of note.

Lacey Amy's "With the Canadians from the Front" ("Canadian Magazine " for September) is the first of a series of articles on the Princess Pats, and gives plenty of proof of the grim determination and splendid courage displayed by this regiment. The same magazine contains a picturesque study of the "Signories of the Saguenay," by Hidalla Simard.

The August "Contemporary Review" has a most entertaining article "On the Supernatural Element in History," by Harold Temperly. He urges that the marvels of all ages be subjected to proper historic criticism, and asserts that after such tests are applied legendary conceptions will prove to be truer than the traditional historic account.

Herman C. Smith's "History of the Church of LatterDay Saints," in the "Journal of American History," JulySeptember, contains some rather interesting and unusual illustrations.

HISTORY TEACHERS' ASSOCIATIONS. Additions to and corrections of the following list of associations are requested by the editor of the MAGAZINE: Alabama History Teachers' Association, T. L. Grove, Tuscaloosa, Ala., member of Executive Council.

American Historical Association-Secretary, Waldo G. Leland, Washington, D. C.

History Teachers' Association of Cincinnati, O.-Secretary, J. W. Ayres, High School, Madisonville, O.

History Section of Colorado Teachers' Association; Western Division, president, Elizabeth Chaney, Montrose; Southern Division, president, Lemuel Pitts, Denver; Eastern Division, president, Mark J. Sweaney, Colorado Springs.

History Teachers' Association of Florida-President, Miss Caroline Brevard, Woman's College, Tallahassee; secretary, Miss E. M. Williams, Jacksonville.

Indiana History Teachers' Association-President, Beverley W. Bond, Jr., Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.; secretary, D. H. Eilsenberry, Muncie, Ind.

Iowa Society of Social Science Teachers-President, Prof. G. B. Benjamin, State University of Iowa; secretary, Miss M. A. Hutchinson, West Des Moines High School.

Jasper County, Mo., History Association-Secretary, Miss Elizabeth Peiffer, Carthage, Mo.

Kleio Club of University of Missouri.

Association of History Teachers of Middle States and Maryland-President, Miss Jessie C. Evans, William Penn High School, Philadelphia; secretary, Prof. L. R. Schuyler, City College, New York City.

Mississippi Valley Historical Association, Teachers' Section-Chairman, A. O. Thomas, Lincoln, Neb.; secretary, Howard C. Hill, State Normal School, Milwaukee, Wis.

Missouri Association of Teachers of History and Government-Secretary, Jesse E. Wrench, Columbia, Mo.

Nebraska History Teachers' Association-Secretary, Julia M. Wort, Lincoln, Neb.

Miss Margaret McGill, Classical High School, Newtonville, New England History Teachers' Association-President, Mass.; secretary, Mr. Horace Kidger, 82 Madison Avenue, Newtonville, Mass.

New York City Conference-Chairman, Fred H. Paine, East District High School, Brooklyn; secretary-treasurer, Miss Florence E. Stryker, State Normal School, Montclair, N. J.

New York State History Teachers' Association-President, Edgar Dawson, Hunter College, New York City; secretary, R. Sherman Stowell, West High School, Rochester, N. Y.

History Teachers' Section of Association of High School Teachers of North Carolina-Chairman, Miss Catherine Albertson, Elizabeth City, N. C.

History, Civics and Social Science Section of North Dakota Educational Association-President, H. C. Fish, State Normal School, Minot; secretary, Miss Hazel Nielson, High School, Fargo.

Northwest Association of Teachers of History, Economics and Government-Secretary, Prof. L. T. Jackson, Pullman, Wash.

Ohio History Teachers' Association-Chairman, Wilbur H. Siebert, Ohio State University, Columbus; secretary, W. C. Harris, Ohio State University.

Political Science Club of students who have majored in history at Ohio State University.

Rhode Island History Teachers' Association—Secretary, A. Howard Williamson, Technical High School, Providence, R. I.


History Teachers' Association-President, Prof. R. G. Sears, State Normal School, Ada; secretary, Miss Jeanette Gordon, High School, Oklahoma City.

South Dakota History Teachers' Association-Secretary, Edwin Ott, Sioux Falls, S. D.

Tennessee History Teachers' Association Secretarytreasurer, Max Souby, Murfreesboro, Tenn.

Texas History Teachers' Section of the State Teachers' Association-President, Frederic Duncalf, Austin, Texas; secretary, L. F. McKay, Temple, Texas.

Twin City History Teachers' Association-President, Miss Medora Jordan, The Leamington, Minneapolis; secretary, Miss L. M. Ickler, 648 Delaware Avenue, St. Paul, Minn.

Virginia History Teachers' Section of Virginia State Teachers' Association-President, Prof. J. M. Lear, Farmville; secretary, Katherine Wicker, Norfolk, Va.

Teachers' Historical Association of Western Pennsylvania -Secretary, Anna Ankrom, 1108 Franklin Avenue, Wilkinsburg, Pa.

West Virginia History Teachers' Association-President, Charles E. Hedrick, Glenville; secretary, Dora Newman, of Fairmont.

Wisconsin History Teachers' Association Chairman, A. C. Kingsford, Baraboo High School; secretary, A. H. Sanford, La Crosse Normal School.



KRUEGER, FRITZ-KONRADN. Government and Politics of the German Empire. Yonkers, N. Y.: World Book Co., 1915. Pp. xi, 399. $1.00.

Mr. Krüger's little volume is a useful manual concerning German life and politics written from a strongly nationalistic point of view. The style and language are simple, and there is no attempt to go into detail unimportant for the general student of foreign governments. An effort is made to make German government more easily understood by the American reader by introducing frequent comparisons and contrasts with the governments under which our people live. Many pictures are given of the men who have helped to make modern Germany, and a number of charts present graphically the strength of the various groups of opinion which are the basis of German political life. At the end of each chapter is a short bibliography of easily accessible works to guide the student in further study. A critical bibliography, rather extended for so small a work, evidently intended for the beginner, concludes the volume. The book should be decidedly useful both for the student who wishes a brief elementary treatise on Germany and for the general reader. CHESTER LLOYD-JONES. University of Wisconsin.

MATHEWS, NATHAN. Municipal Charters: A Discussion of the Essentials of a City Charter. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1914. Pp. viii, 210. $2.00. Twenty-five years' connection with municipal affairs makes this volume by an ex-mayor of Boston one in which practical experience has greater emphasis than theory. The first ninety-three pages are devoted to commentary. Mr. Mathews considers most of the radical proposals for changes in municipal government ill advised. He considers that there are serious disadvantages in the radical extension of home rule to cities, and favors concentrating authority in the hands of a mayor rather than of a commission. In the light of Massachusetts experience, it is maintained that the municipal public services ought to be under the control of a State civil service commission. The chapters on administration emphasize the necessity of concentrating the responsibility for the work of the several departments in the hands of single officers. The latter portion of the book is devoted to a draft charter with notes and comments suggesting ways in which the charter may be modified to fit local conditions or preference for different forms of organization. Other works present in greater detail the descriptive material of the introductory chapters, but there are few detailed drafts of actual charters which better merit study than the one here presented. It is presented in cogent English, and embraces experience rather than theory. CHESTER LLOYD-JONES.

University of Wisconsin.

GOEBEL, JULIUS, JR., PH.D. The Recognition Policy of the United States. Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, Columbia University, LXVI, No. 1. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1915. Pp. 228. $2.00. This subject should never have been assigned for a doctor's thesis. It requires not so much the accumulation of a definite body of material, as a broad acquaintance with a vast field of fact, such as can come only with years of study and experience. More than the normal amount of

misinformation is scattered through its pages, and the evidences of lack of information are glaring. It is perhaps owing to immaturity also that the treatment is wrapped in subtility to the point that theory clogs rather than explains. One-third is devoted to theory alone. Nevertheless one feels Mr. Goebel's ability, and his work constitutes a contribution. To add that he is a sound thinker does not imply that one always agrees with him.

He has given a history of the United States policy with regard to the recognition of new States and new governments, but not recognition of belligerency. He attributes to Jefferson in large measure the development of the American policy of recognition on the de facto rather than the de jure basis, and considers American practice an influential factor in causing nations generally to abandon the principle of legitimacy in such cases. He considers American practice also potent in differentiating recognition from intervention, but his theoretical tendencies prevent his full realization of the difficulty in separating the two in fact.

Mr. Goebel believes emphatically in the desirability of the de facto system, but the glaring defect in his treatment is the lack of any discussion of the criteria which determine what government is de facto. It is possible that had he considered this phase of the subject more fully he might have classified Seward's recognition policy as an attempt to deal with this problem, rather than as a relapse toward legitimacy; yet his interpretation may be correct. At any rate, he finds that the United States reverted after Seward to the de facto policy, though exercising greater caution than before the Civil War. The Panama episode he considers not as determining a new policy, but, as President Roosevelt wished it to be considered, an exception due to exceptional conditions. It is probably rather with hope than with confidence he assigns President Wilson's Mexico policy to the same category. The fact that the question of recognition constantly occurs would render a departure from the enlightened principles heretofore established a matter of grave import, while the dangers attending a relapse into the discarded theory and practice of legitimacy would be no less real and substantial because it was made under the guise of promoting constitutionalism." CARL RUSSELL FISH.

The University of Wisconsin.

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TOWNE, EZRA THAYER. Social Problems: A Study of Present-Day Social Conditions. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1916. Pp. xviii+406. $1.00.

President Vincent, of the University of Minnesota, in a recent article, says: "A new conception is making its way into the study of citizenship. It is the philosophy of social evolution." The dawning of this new day has been marked by an agitation for a full year course in civics in which not only the principles of political science would be taught, but also those of social science. In response to this demand, there have appeared several books on elementary sociology, among them the one now considered.

The aim of this book is "to bring before the students of social problems the facts regarding present-day conditions; to indicate certain weaknesses in our social order; to show what has already been done and is being done toward elimination of these weaknesses; and to impress upon these students, through presentation of such facts, the possibilities of wise, sane, constructive, social action."

Professor Towne has treated the subject logically, simply, in a language readily comprehended by pupils of high school age. Technical terms are not used, and he has not indulged in abstract sociological theorizing. There is nothing objectionable in the manner of presentation which

would offend the most critical-a statement which cannot be made of most works on sociology when considered for high school use. The subjects treated are population, immigration, labor, unemployment, defectives and their treatment, prevention and punishment of crime, the family, the liquor problem, poverty, conservation of natural resources, of plant and animal life, and of human life.

Too many statistics are quoted in the text, some of which should have been relegated to the end of the chapter or to the end of the book. Perhaps, considering the nature of the subject treated, this might not have been desirable. A historical error appears to have been made where the author refers to the American, or Know Nothing Party, as though there were two distinct parties (page 48).

Copious references to authority are given, and an excellent bibliography is found at the end of the chapters, most of the material of which can be obtained by every school. At the end of each chapter are given references to supplementary reading and suggestive questions which lead to further investigation. In this book is given a chance to further socialize the course in civics. With the usual study of governmental forms for one part of the work, and "Social Problems," with attendant investigation for the remainder, a truly profitable year can be spent. If it should not seem desirable to give a year to citizenship, this book will be a valuable adjunct to the school library as a reference for civics, American history, or economics. W. H. HATHAWAY.

Riverside High School, Milwaukee.

FORDHAM, MONTAGUE. A Short History of English Rural Life. New York: Charles Scribners' Sons, 1916. Pp. xvi, 183. $1.25.

The author declares his book grew out of a countryman's lectures to English country people; it is certain that his account of country life reveals a countryman's sympathy for the subject as well as a scholar's grasp of it. Basing this study, in part, on his own original investigation, and in larger measure on the work of Vinogradoff, Prothero, Oman, Jusseraud and others, he has succeeded not only in summarizing helpfully and explaining clearly the varying and often perplexing aspects of rural industry in medieval England, but also in picturing vividly rural life in the different periods, and making plain the agencies and influences that brought about the changes in it. The relation, too, between changing rural conditions and the religious and political development of England is well brought out. Very helpful to high school teachers of history and well within the range of usefulness for their pupils, it is of distinct value for the general reader, and so deserves a place in both school and public library. Save for an excellent plan of a twelfth century manor, it is not illustrated.

SCHAEFFER, HENRY. The Social Legislation of the Primitive Semites. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1915. Pp. 245. $2.35.

This book is an admirable study of primitive Semitic social life as expressed in the legislation of Babylonia and in. Babylonian contract tablets, in the Hebraic code, in Mohammedan jurisprudence, and modern Arabic survivals. It is entirely scholarly in character, is written in the language of the doctoral dissertation-of which it is, in fact, an outgrowth-and makes no attempt at popular presentation. The frequent use of transliterated Hebraic, Babylonian and Arabic terms without explanation debars the book from recommendation as a reference work for high schools, and makes it rather difficult even for college use.

It should be in every college library, however, and will be found a profitable source of information by teachers of history who are interested in any phase of tribal development. It is especially useful to advanced students and teachers of sociology and ancient history.

The first four chapters present the laws of the family and inheritance under the Semitic patriarchal system. These are followed by single chapters on slavery, interest, pledges, the social problem, and poor laws. The last five chapters (10-14) center about the ancient Semitic system of land tenure and the closely related problems of taxation and tribute. Here especially Doctor Schaeffer has done a real service. The material which he presents must still be co-ordinated with the whole problem of ancient land tenure and its development. W. L. WESTERMANN.

University of Wisconsin.

SCHEVILL, FERDINAND. The Making of Modern Germany. Six public lectures delivered in Chicago in 1915. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1916. Pp. 259. $1.25, net. As the title indicates, this book is an amplification of six lectures delivered in 1915. Such a book has disadvantages, but for one wishing a brief, clear and readable survey of modern German, or rather Prussian, history it has great advantages. The author's thorough scholarship and his gift of incisive statement make the book very satisfactory. His first thirty pages deal with the rise of Brandenburg up to the time of Frederick the Great. Two-fifths of the space is used to carry the story to 1815, and the period since 1871 received the fullest treatment. In dealing with the causes of the present war, Dr. Schevill shows his sympathy with the moderate German point of view, but without any In several appendices he gives raving against England. convenient surveys of such problems as the Polish question, Alsace-Lorraine, etc. The book should prove useful to high school students. Ohio State University.


SCHMITT, BERNADOTTE EVERLY. England and Germany, 1740-1914. Princeton University Press, 1916. Pp. ix, 524. $2.00, net.

During the past two years hosts of war books have been published, but most of those touching the Anglo-German rivalry have been tinctured with bitterness. Dr. Schmitt takes sides with Great Britain, but only after a very thorough exposition of the historical evidence. He starts with a resumé of recent British imperial history and a longer survey of German government and policies, and especially of the recent German craze for expansion. Chapter V deals with the commercial rivalry between Germany and Great Britain. Here the author shows that in the five years before the war British trade and industry were more prosperous than ever before, and that British exporters were getting fully their share of the new business of the world. On the other hand, the economic condition of Germany was far from roseate." Hence to say that Britain was angry because Germany was getting ahead of her, and therefore made war on Germany, is a succession of brazen falsehoods, he claims.

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With Chapter VI the author takes up the history of diplomatic relations between England and Germany, on the whole friendly up to 1890, after that more and more unfriendly. He deals quite fully with the formation of the Ententes and the naval rivalry, and labors to disprove the German obsession that the great aim of British policy was to encircle Germany. Chapters X-XV comprise the latter

half of the book, and deal more fully with the near Eastern question and its influence on Anglo-German relations, the Moroccan disputes, especially that of 1911 and its effects, and the immediate causes of the great war.

Throughout the book Dr. Schmitt shows good mastery of the available sources of information. The book is quite readable and very informing. Most of the facts he brings out can be found in other places, but nowhere so conveniently as here. The book is well worth the attention of the general reader, and will prove a useful reference work for school libraries. CLARENCE PERKINS.

Ohio State University.

CHARNWOOD, GODFREY R. B., BARON. Abraham Lincoln. (Makers of the Nineteenth Century, edited by Basil (Williams.) New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1916. Pp. VII, 479. $1.75.

This is a book no intelligent person interested in American history can afford to leave unread. It is the most complete and satisfying interpretation of Lincoln, and its style far surpasses all but a few of the volumes in which one must seek our history. It does not give a complete narrative, and its quality unfits it for the high school student, but it is to be hoped that few high school students in the future will fail to receive some of its benefits, through the medium of their teachers. CARL RUSSELL FISH. University of Wisconsin.

RUSSELL, WILLIAM F. Economy in Secondary Education. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1916. Pp. viii, 74. 35 cents.

This little monograph in the Riverside Educational Series offers suggestiveness not alone to the principal and superintendent, but to the teacher as well, for especially the topics, economy through an increase of time devoted to study, economy through an improvement of instruction, and economy through the organization of the program of study, are closely related to the aims and efforts of all teachers. To the last named topic, especially large space is given, and an effective presentation is made of the need of readjustment of organization of the twelve grades of elementary and secondary schools to avoid present waste through vain repetition of subject matter, and through imperfect articulation of the lower and upper groups of these grades. The declared need of thoroughgoing revision of program thrusts on the teachers of history such questions as these: Is history in the higher grades sufficiently built upon that which is taught in the lower? If all other subjects in the seventh and eighth grades are to be challenged anew, as to their right to a place there, must not inquiry be made again as to what units of history and civics can best be taught there? Can we not more advantageously adapt our program of history and civics to that great majority of pupils who do not reach the senior year of high school. Thought along these and parallel lines is suggested and well directed by this little book.

ALLEN, GEORGE H. The Great War: Causes of and Motives For. With an introduction by William Howard Taft. Volume I. Second edition, revised. Philadelphia: George Barrie's Sons, 1915. Pp. xxx, 377. $5.00.

Of the many volumes dealing with the Great War, few, in the reviewer's judgment, have presented the causes of that gigantic struggle more fully and more impartially than the work under survey.

Doctor Allen divides the causes of the war into two classes, potential and positive. Among the potential causes, the author lists racial prejudices, conflicting geographic and ethnographic boundaries, bitterness due to former wars, rival colonial ambitions, naval competition between Germany and Great Britain, German so-called welt-politik, international suspicion, and the irreconcilable interests of Teuton and Slav in the Balkan peninsula.

In an extensive chapter, the author describes the tangled skein of affairs and rival polices in the Balkans which culminated in the tragedy at Sarajevo, the immediate or positive cause of the war.

The attempts of Germany to preserve the general peace on the basis of absolute non-interference between Austria and Serbia-the only basis on which, according to the evidence, she made any such effort-and the earnest but fruitless efforts of Great Britain to secure a conference for mediation and conciliation are described with fulness and sympathy. The outrage on Belgium-the immediate cause of Great Britain's entrance into the war-and the motives which determined the course of Japan, Turkey and Italy, are clearly presented. Italy's case is discussed with especial keen and discriminating insight.

Doctor Allen thinks commercial rivalry a negligible factor in causing the war. He holds the evidence insufficient to prove that the Teutonic powers deliberately provoked the war, though he inclines to the belief that they thought the opportunity good to obtain their aims without war. He is sympathetic with Germany's welt-politik. He considers her culpably responsible, however, in not supporting Earl Grey's efforts for mediation and conference. He believes Russia incurred grave responsibility in ordering general mobilization.

The volume contains many items of interest. For example, it will surprise many to learn that Russia publishes annually a larger number of books than the United States and Great Britain combined; that the Bank of Russia, when the war began, had “ the largest agglomeration of the precious metals in any repository in the world” (page 59); that Constantinople is of insignificant commercial importance compared with its strategic value.

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Certain details should be noted. The comparative table of statistics (page 79) would be improved by the inclusion of Russia, Austria, Italy and Japan. 'Scutari" is erroneously used in the title to the illustration on page 332. The Triple Alliance was formed in 1882, not 1883 (page 31). Some will be disposed to question the statement that "the Kaiser has probably been a sincere friend of peace, especially with England" (page 139). It would seem that in a volume of this sort some discussion should have been included of the philosophy of Nietzsche, Treitschke, von Bernhardi and others; except for the barest mention, however, the subject is omitted.

The work is profusely illustrated, some illustrations being in color. It is well supplied with numerous and valuable maps. The index is a makeshift. There is no bibliography. The publishers have done their full part to make the work a success; it is well bound, and print and paper are of unusual excellence.

To any who desire a full, readable, instructive and nonpartisan account of the causes of the war, this volume can be strongly recommended. If the remaining volumes in the series prove as able as the one reviewed, the whole will form a valuable adjunct to any library.

State Normal School, Milwaukee.



28 TO NOVEMBER 25, 1916.

American History.

Alvord, Clarence W. The Mississippi Valley in British
Politics. Cincinnati: A. H. Clark Co. $10.00, net.
Beck, James M. The United States and the War. N. Y.:
Pennsylvania Society. 46 pp. $1.00.

The War and humanity. N. Y.: Putnam. 322 pp. $1.50,


Betz, Gottlieb. Die Deutschamerikanische patriotische Lyrik der Achtundvierziger und ihre historische Grundlage. N. Y.: G. E. Stechert. 131 pp. (3 pp. bibl.). $1.50, net.

Buckingham, Thomas. Roll and journal of Connecticut service in Queen Anne's War, 1710-1711. New Haven, Ct.: Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor Press. 62 PP. $3.50, net. Carnegie Library, Pittsburg, compiler. Pittsburg in 1816. Pittsburg: The Library. 75 pp. 5 cents.

Concord and Lexington. [Collection of views.] Boston: Hudson Print Co. 40 pp. 25 cents.

Cottman, G. S., and Hyman, M. R. Centennial history and handbook of Indiana. Indianapolis: M. R. Hyman. 464 pp. $5.00, net.

Hamilton, Alexander. The fate of Major André; a letter to John Laurens. N. Y.: C. F. Heartman. 22 pp. $2.50, net.

Holland, Rupert S. Historic events of colonial days. Phila.:
Jacobs. 320 pp. $1.50, net.
Macdonald, William, editor. Documentary source book of
American History, 1606-1913. [New enl. edition.]
N. Y.: Macmillan. 648 pp. $1.75, net.
Moores, Charles W. The history of Indiana for boys and

girls. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin. 72 pp. 65 cents, net. Nicolay, Helen. Our nation in the building. N. Y.: Century Co. 521 pp. $2.50, net.

Notes of a tour through the western part of the state of New York, 1829, 1830. Rochester, N. Y.: G. P. Humphrey. 55 pp. $1.25.

Rambles about historic Brooklyn. Brooklyn, N. Y.: Brooklyn Trust Co. 54 pp.

Robinson, William A. Jeffersonian Democracy in New Eng

land. New Haven: Yale Univ. 190 pp. (7 pp. bibl). $2.00, net.

Sears, Clara E., compiler and editor. Gleanings from old Shaker journals. Boston: Houghton, Mithlin. 298 pp. $1.25, net.

Ancient History.

Dio Coccelanus Cassius. Dio's Roman History. In 9 vols. Vol. 4. [Loeb Class. Lib.] N. Y.: Putnam. 502 pp. $1.50, net.

Droop, John P. Archæological excavation. N. Y.: Putnam. 80 pp. $1.00, net.

Hoffman, Samuel A. A handbook of ancient history. Chicago: Curtis-Johnson Print. 171 pp. 75 cents.

European History.

Barker, John E. The foundations of Germany. N. Y.: Dutton. 280 pp. $2.50, net.

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Gade, John H. Charles the Twelfth, King of Sweden. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin. 370 pp. (3 pp. bibl.). $3.00, net. Graebner, Theodore. "Here I Stand; narratives and sketches from Reformation days. N. Y.: E. Kaufman [22-24 N. Williams Street]. 62 pp. 25 cents. Kohler, M. J., and Wolf, Simon. Jewish disabilities in the Balkan States. N. Y.: American Jewish Hist. Soc. 170 pp. $1.50.

Orvis, Julia S. A brief history of Poland. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin. 35 pp. $1.50, net.

Robertson, J. G., and Bartholomew, J. G. An historical

atlas of Modern Europe from 1789 to 1914. N. Y.: Oxford Univ. 24 pp. $1.15, net.

Vinogradov, Pavel G. Self government in Russia. N. Y.: Dutton. 118 pp. $1.25, net.

The Great War.

Boyd, William. With a field ambulance at Ypres. N. Y.: Doran. 110 pp. $1.25, net.

Buswell, Leslie. Ambulance No. 10; personal letters from the front. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin. 155 pp. $1.00,


Cesare, O. E. One hundred cartoons. [Pro-Ally cartoons on the war.] Boston: Small Maynard. 199 pp. $3.00, net.

Doyle, Arthur C. A visit to three fronts; glimpses of the British, Italian and French lines. N. Y.: Doran. 93 pp. 50 cents, net.

Eastman, Max. Understanding Germany. N. Y.: Kennerly. 169 pp. $1.25, net.

Franc-Nohair, and Delay, Paul. L'Armée française sur le front. N. Y.: Oxford Univ. 48 pp. 20 cents, net. Grant, Madison. The passing of the great race. N. Y.: Scribner. 245 pp. (31⁄2 pp. bibl.). $2.00, net. Hunt, Edward E. War-bread; a personal narrative of the war and relief in Belgium. N. Y.: Holt. 374 pp. $2.00, net.

Macnaughtan, Sarah. A woman's diary of the War. N. Y.: Dutton. 168 pp. $1.00, net.

Massart, Jean. Belgians under the German eagle. N. Y.:
Dutton. 368 pp. $3.50, net.

Raemaekers, Louis. Raemaeker's Cartoons. Garden City,
N. Y.: Doubleday, Page. 305 pp. $5.00, net.
Reconly, Raymond (Captain X) General Joffre and his
battles. N. Y.: Scribner. $1.25, net.

Reventlow, Count Ernst zu. The vampire of the continent.
N. Y.: Jackson Press. 225 pp. $1.25, net.
Rosher, Harold. With the flying squadron. N. Y.: Mac-
millan. 149 pp. $1.25, net.

Scott, J. B., editor. Diplomatic documents relating to the outbreak of the European War. 2 vols. N. Y.: Oxford Univ. 767, 771-1516 pp. $5.00, net.

Sheahan, Henry. A volunteer police. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin. 217 pp. $1.25, net.

Yohannan, Abraham. The death of a nation; or the ever persecuted Nestorians or Assyrian Christians. N. Y.: Putnam. 170 pp. (3 pp. bibl.). $2.00, net.

English History.

Bagwell, Richard. Ireland under the Stuarts and during the Interregnum. In 3 vols. Vol. 3, 1660-1690. N. Y.: Longmans. 351 pp. $5.00, net.

Currey, C. H. British colonial policy, 1783-1915. N. Y.: Oxford Univ. 266 pp. 85 cents, net.

Joy, Maurice, editor. Account of the Irish Rebellion of 1916 and its martyrs. N. Y.: Devin-Adair Co. 427 pp. $2.50, net.

Le Strange, Hamon. Le Strange Records, 1100-1310.
N. Y.: Longmans. 407 pp. $7.00. net.
Mackie, R. L. Scotland. N. Y.: Stokes. 587 pp. $3.00,

Martin, Chester B. Lord Selkirk's Work in Canada. N. Y.:
Oxford Univ. 240 pp. (7 pp. bibl.). $2.90, net.
Onions, Charles T., editor. Shakespere's England. 2 vols.
N. Y.: Oxford Univ. 546, 610 pp. $10.00, net.
Redmond Howard, L. G. Six days of the Irish republic.
Boston: Luce. 131 pp. $1.00.

Tout, Thomas F. The English civil service in the fourteenth century. N. Y.: Longmans. 32 pp. 40 cents,


Vinogradov, Pavel G., editor. Oxford studies in social and legal history. Vol. 5.

The Black Death, by A. E. Levitt and A. Ballard.
Rural Northamptonshire under the commonwealth, by
R. Lennard. N. Y.: Oxford Univ. 220 + 135 pp.
$4.15, net.

Williams' Library, London. The seconde parte of a register; being a calendar of manuscripts under that title intended for publication by the Puritans about 1593, and now in Dr. Williams' Library, London. 2 vols. N. Y.: Putnam. 312, 328 pp. (4 pp. bibl.). $6.50, net.

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