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1850. Descent of Lopez on Cuba. July 9, Death of the president. Fillmore succeeds.

1852. Difficulty with England on the fishery question.

1853. Pierce inaugurated, fourteenth president. World's Fair. Perry enters the Bay of Jeddo.

1854. The Japanese make a treaty with the U. S. Kansas and Nebraska Bill passed. Missouri Compromise repealed.

1855. Troubles in Kansas.

1857. Buchanan inaugurated, fifteenth president.

Mormon Rebellion.

Revulsion in business.

1859. Expedition to Paraguay. John Brown seizes the U. S. arsenal at Harper's Ferry; is taken and, with six companions hanged.

1860. Arrival of Japanese embassy. Dec. 20, Secession ordinance passed by South Carolina.

1861. JANUARY 9, Mississippi secedes; 11, Alabama and Florida secede; 19, Georgia secedes; 26, Louisiana secedes.

FEBRUARY 1, Texas secedes; 4, Peace Conference assembles at Washington-"Confederacy" formed at Montgomery, Ala.; 8, Davis elected provisional president of "the Confederate States ".

MARCH 4, Lincoln inaugurated, sixteenth president.

APRIL 13, Fall of Sumter; 15, President calls for 75,000 men; 17, Virginia
secedes; 18, Confederates seize Harper's Ferry; 19, Volunteers at-
tacked in Baltimore; 20, Confederates seize Norfolk navy-yard.
MAY 3, President calls for 82,748 men; 6, Arkansas secedes; 20, North
Carolina secedes.

JUNE 3, Union victory at Philippi, Va.; 8, Tennessee secedes; 10,
Union repulse at Big Bethel, Va.; 11, Union victory at Romney, Va.
JULY 5, Battle near Carthage, Mo.; 11, Union victory at Rich Mountain,
Va.; 14, Union victory at Carrick's Ford, Va.; 20, Confederate Con-
gress meets at Richmond; 21, Union defeat at Bull Run, Va.

AUGUST 10, Battle of Wilson's Creek, Mo.; 29, Forts at Hatteras Inlet,
N. C., captured.

SEPTEMBER 10, Union victory at Carnifex Ferry, Va.; 20, Confederates
take Lexington, Mo.

OCTOBER 21, Union defeat at Ball's Bluff, Va.

NOVEMBER 7, Battle of Belmont, Mo.-Capture of Port Royal, S. C.; 8,
Seizure of Mason and Slidell.

DECEMBER 20, Union victory at Dranesville, Va.; 30, N. Y. banks sus-
pend specie payments.

1862. JANUARY 19, Union victory at Mill Springs, Ky.

FEBRUARY 6, Capture of Fort Henry, Tenn.; 8, Capture of Roanoke Island, N. C.; 16, Capture of Fort Donelson, Tenn.; 22, Davis inaugurated for a term of six years.

MARCH 6-8, Battle of Pea Ridge, Ark. ; 8, Ram Virginia sinks the Cumberland and Congress; 9, Engagement between the Monitor and Virginia; 14, Capture of Newbern, N. C.; 23, Union victory at Winchester, Va. APRIL 4, McClellan commences his Peninsular campaign; 6, 7, Battle of Shiloh; 7, Capture of Island No. 10, Miss. River; 11, Capture of


Fort Pulaski, Ga.; 25, Capture of Beaufort, S. C.-Capture of New
Orleans; 28, Capture of Forts Jackson and St. Philip, La.
MAY 4, Yorktown, Va., taken; 5, Union victory at Williamsburg, Va.;
9, Pensacola taken; 10, Gen. Wool takes possession of Norfolk, Va.;
30, Corinth, Miss., taken; May 31, June 1, Battle of Fair Oaks, or
Seven Pines.
JUNE 3, Lee assumes command before Richmond; 6, Surrender of Mem-
phis, Tenn.; 25, Battle of Oak Grove, Va., commencing the seven days'
struggle; 26, Battle of Mechanicsville, Va.; 27, Battle of Gaines's
ill, Va.; 29, Battle of Savage's Station, Va.; 30, Battles of White
Oak Swamp and Charles City Cross Roads, Va.

JULY 1, Battle of Malvern Hill, Va.; President calls for 300,000 more men.
AUGUST 9, President calls for 300,000 additional troops-Union victory at

Cedar Mountain; Aug. 26-Sept. 1, Pope's battles between Manassas
and Washington; Aug. 30, Union defeat at Richmond, Ky.
SEPTEMBER 6, Lee's army invades Maryland; 14, Union victory at South
Mountain, Md.; 15, Capture of Harper's Ferry by "Stonewall Jack-
son"; 17, Union victory at Antietam Creek, Md.-Union defeat at
Munfordsville, Ky.; 19, Union victory at Iuka, Miss.

OCTOBER 4, Confederates repulsed at Corinth, Miss.; 8, Union victory at Perryville, Ky.

DECEMBER 13, Union repulse at Fredericksburg, Va.; 29, Union repulsc at Vicksburg, Miss.; 31, Battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn. (Dec. 31-Jan. 3, 1863.)

1863. JANUARY 1, Emancipation Proclamation; 11, Capture of Arkansas Post, Ark. APRIL 7, Naval attack on Fort Sumter, S. C.; 17, Grierson's raid in Miss. (April 17-May 1.)

MAY 1, Union victory at Port Gibson, Miss.; 2, 3, Union defeat at Chan-
cellorsville, Va.; 3, Confederates capture Col. Streight; 12, Union
victory at Raymond, Miss.; 14, Union victory near Jackson, Miss.;
16, Union victory at Champion's Hill, Miss.; 17, Union victory at
Big Black River, Miss.

JUNE 15, Lee's second invasion of Maryland commences; 17, Iron-clad
Atlanta captured.

JULY 1-3, Battle of Gettysburg, Pa.; 4, Capture of Vicksburg, Miss.; 8,
Capture of Port Hudson, La.; 13-16, Great riot in N. Y. city; 21, Mor-
gan defeated in Ohio; . Capture of Morgan.

SEPTEMBER 7, Capture of Fort Wagner and Battery Gregg, in Charleston harbor; 8. Union repulse at Sabine Pass, Texas; 10, Capture of Little Rock, Ark.; 19, 20, Battle of Chickamauga, Ga.

NOVEMBER 18, Knoxville, Tenn., invested by Longstreet; 24, Union victory at Lookout Mountain; 25, Union victory at Missionary Ridge. DECEMBER 3, Longstreet raises the siege of Knoxville.

1864. FEBRUARY 1, President orders a draft for deficiency under the last call,

and 200,000 additional men; 20, Union defeat at Olustee, Fla.

MARCH 3, Grant made Lt. General; 13, Fort De Russy, La., taken; 14,
President calls for 200,000 more men; 26, Confederates repulsed at
Cane River, La.

APRIL 8, Union defeat at Mansfield, or Sabine Cross Roads, La. ; 9, Battle
of Pleasant Hill, La.; 12, Confederates capture Fort Pillow, Tenn.;
18, Confederates capture Plymouth, N. C.

MAY 3, Meade breaks camp; 5, Butler lands on the south side of the
James; 5-7, Battle of the Wilderness, Va.; 7, Sherman moves from
Chattanooga; 7-12, Battles near Spottsylvania Court-House, Va.; 13,
14, Battle of Resaca, Ga.; 15, Union defeat at New Market, Va.; 28,
Battle near Dallas, Ga.

JUNE 14, 15, Grant crosses to the south side of the James; 15, Alabama
sunk by the Kearsarge; 15-17, Battle of Lost Mountain, Ga.; 27,
Union victory at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga.

JULY 5, Early invades Maryland; 9, Union defeat at Monocacy, Md.; 18, President calls for 500,000 volunteers; 20, 22, 28, Battles before Atlanta, Ga.; 30, Chambersburg burned-Mine exploded at Petersburg, and Union assault repulsed.

AUGUST 5, Union victory in Mobile Bay; 8, Fort Gaines, Ala., taken; 18, Weldon Railroad seized; 23, Fort Morgan taken; Aug. 31, Sept. 1, Union victory at Jonesboro, Ga.

SEPTEMBER 2, Capture of Atlanta, Ga.; 19, Union victory at Winchester, Va.; 22, Union victory at Fisher's Hill, Va.; 29, Attack at Chapin's Bluff, Va.

OCTOBER 19, Union victory at Cedar Creek (Middletown), Va.-Raid on
St. Albans, Vt.; 27, Engagement at Hatcher's Run-Ram Albemarle
sunk; 81, Union troops recapture Plymouth, N. C.

NOVEMBER 25, Attempt to fire N. Y. city; 30, Battle of Franklin, Tenn.
DECEMBER 13, Capture of Fort McAllister, Ga.; 15, 16, Union victory at
Nashville, Tenn.; 20, President calls for 300,000 men; 21, Capture of
Savannah, Ga.; 24, First bombardment of Fort Fisher, N. C.

1865. JANUARY 15, Capture of Fort Fisher, N. C.

FEBRUARY 17, Capture of Columbia, S. C.; 18, Capture of Charleston,
S. C.; 22, Capture of Wilmington, N. C.

MARCH 16, Battle of Moore's Cross Roads, N. C.; 19, 20, Battle of Ben-
tonsville, N. C.; 21, Goldsborough, N. C., occupied; 25, Attack on
Fort Steadman, Va.

APRIL 1, Union victory at Big Five Forks, Va.; 2, Lee's lines at Petersburg carried; 3, Capture of Petersburg and Richmond; 6, Union victory at Deatonville, Va.; 9, Lee's surrender; 13, Capture of Mobile, Ala.. and Raleigh, N. C.; 14, Assassination of Pres. Lincoln; 15, Andrew Johnson takes the oath of office as president; 26, Johnston's surrender. MAY 4, Dick Taylor's surrender; 10, Capture of Jefferson Davis; 26, Kirby Smith's surrender-END OF THE WAR; 29, Proclamation of amnesty. DECEMBER, Slavery abolished in the United States.

1866. Civil Rights Bill passed. Fenian invasion of Canada. Tennessee restored to her relations in the Union.

1867. Russian America purchased by the U. S.

1868. Impeachment, trial, and acquittal, of President Johnson. Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North and South Carolina, restored to their relations in the Union.




1. When was America discovered? By whom and when was the mainland discovered? By whom were the Cabots commissioned? When and by whom was the mainland of South America discovered? When did Amerigo Vespucci make his voyage? What rendered this voyage memorable? How many years after this voyage was the New World first called America? By whom was the coast of North America explored in 1501? By whom, in 1524? Who discovered Florida? The Pacific Ocean? Mexico? When did Cortez begin his invasion of Mexico? How long was it before he took the capital?

2. How long after the discovery of the Pacific Ocean did Magellan enter it? Which was discovered first, the St. Lawrence or the Mississippi? Who was the discoverer of each? Where did the Huguenots attempt settlements? When was St. Augustine founded? Why is this settlement memorable? In 1579, who explored the coast of Oregon? What was Oregon then called? What noted Englishman sent out expeditions, 1584-1587? By whom and when was Cape Cod discovered? When was a patent issued to the London and Plymouth Companies? What was done by each Company the next year?

3. By whom and when was Quebec founded? The same year, who explored Chesapeake Bay? What part of the coast did Captain Smith afterwards explore? Who discovered the Hudson River? How long after this did the Dutch build a fort on Manhattan Island? Where did the Dutch settle in 1615? Where, three years later? What was the first representative body in America? When did it convene? Give the date of the landing of the Pilgrims. When was cotton first cultivated at Jamestown? Give the date of the settlement of Swedes near the Delaware. When was Massachusetts Bay Colony founded?

4. What places were founded in 1630? When was Connecticut settled? Where and by whom? When and by whom was Maryland colonized? Rhode Island? Give the date of the Pequod War. By whom was Delaware colonized in 1638? What colony was founded the same year? What confederacy was formed in 1643? When and by whom was North Carolina first colonized? What grant was made in 1664? What became of the Dutch possessions in the New World? By whom was Lake Superior explored? When was South Carolina colonized?

5. When did King Philip's War begin? How did it result? The next year, what rebellion took place? What place was burned? Which was founded first, Charleston or Philadelphia? When was Pennsylvania settled by Penn and his followers? Who had settled there nearly forty years before? Who was made governor of New England in 1685? What attempt did he make? Between what years did King William's War prevail? The second year of the war, what place was burned? Give the date of the witch delusion. When was rice first raised in Carolina ?

6. Name two cities founded by the French at the commencement of the 18th century. Give the dates of Queen Anne's War. When was New Orleans founded? By whom was Vermont first settled? What were the principal events of the year 1729? What great man was born in 1732? When, where,

and by whom, was Georgia settled? Give the dates of King George's War. By whom was Louisburg taken in 1745? State the principal events of the French and Indian War (1754-1763). By what Peace was it terminated? State the chief events that immediately preceded the Revolution (1765-1774).

7. When and with what battle did the Revolution commence? What events followed in 1775? On what day of that year was the battle of Bunker Hill fought? When did the British evacuate Boston? What great event took place July 4th, 1776? What battles took place during 1776? What was the first battle that took place the next year? Mention the other principal events of 1777. When was a treaty with France signed? What events followed, the same year? What post was captured by the British, and taken from them, in 1779? By whom was Connecticut ravaged?

8. What famous naval battle took place in 1789? Where were the Americans repulsed, the same year? What were the principal events of 1780? By whom was Virginia ravaged in 1781? What battles were fought in that year? During what months did Greene and Morgan make their famous retreat? After what battle? With what siege and surrender did the Revolutionary War terminate? When was a treaty of peace signed? What events followed in 1783 ? When was the Constitution of the United States framed? When was a government organized under it? Who was elected president?

9. When and where was Ohio first permanently settled? In the Indian War that commenced in 1790, what two generals were defeated? What general was victorious, and ended the war? When? What was the date of the Whiskey Rebellion? Who succeeded Washington as president? In what year? When did Washington die? At what age? When was the city of Washington made the capital? Who succeeded John Adams? What war took place during Jefferson's administration? What purchase was made in 1803? What events of the Tripolitan War took place in 1803 and 1804?

10. What famous trial took place in 1807? What naval conflict? In what year did Madison become president? In what battle did Gen. Harrison defeat the Indians? When was war with Great Britain declared? What events followed in 1812? Mention the chief events of the war in 1813. When did the battle of Chippewa take place? What battle followed? When was the battle of Bladensburg fought? What did the British do immediately afterwards? When was the battle of Plattsburg fought? What occurred Sept. 13th, 1814? For what was the 8th of January, 1815, famous? When was peace with Great Britain proclaimed?

11. Who succeeded Madison? When? What war began, the same year? What great public work was commenced in 1817? How did the U. S. get possession of Florida? When? When was the Missouri Compromise passed? What was done by Commodore Porter in 1823? For what was the year 1824 memorable? Who succeeded Monroe? In what year? Which two ex-presidents died on the same day? What day was it? Who succeeded John Quincy Adams? What were the principal events of 1832? What was done by Jackson in 1833 ?

12. When did a second war with the Seminoles commence? What revolution began, the same year? When did the U. S. recognize the independence

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