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Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Knox (telegram).

1913. Mar. 2



Same subject. Colonel Carranza at Ciudad Porfirio
Diaz demands large sums from merchants to sup-
port his army, threatening not to be responsible
for depredations otherwise; the merchants have
decided to resist; danger from this situation may
result to foreigners, who have appealed to the
Consul. Instructions desired. Foreigners are not
permitted to cross to the United States.

Mr. Edwards to Mr. Knox...do.... Same subject. Reports accessions to the rebels and

Mr. Hanna to Mr. Knox...do.... (telegram).

Mr. Knox to Mr. Ellsworth




defections from the Federals in the Ciudad Juarez

Same subject. The State of Coahuila is in revolt.

Same subject. Replies to his Mar. 2 and instructs
to insist on protection of Americans, to use his
good offices in behalf of other foreigners, and to
protest informally and unofficially against forbid-
ding foreigners to leave.

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox...do.... Same subject. Reports handing to the Minister for

Foreign Affairs in behalf of the Diplomatic Corps
a memorandum stating that the Diplomatic Corps
has entered into communication with the Provis-
ional Government without in any way committing
themselves as to formal recognition, which is
left to the respective Governments; explains this

Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson...do.... Same subject. Quotes telegram describing firing

across the border near Douglas, resulting in a return
fire by United States troops and six Mexican
casualties. Instructs to say to the Mexican Gov-
ernment that the return fire was justified, as it was
a repelling of foreign invasion. Quotes instruc-
tions to the commanding officer to return fire when
necessary, but not to cross the boundary. In-
structs to notify the Mexican Government to
take adequate steps to control the situation at
Cananea and elsewhere.

Mr. Stimson to Mr. Knox...do.... Same subject. Quotes telegram from commanding









officer at Douglas, quoting his instructions to re-
turn fire if necessary, but not to allow United
States troops to cross the border.

69 Mr. Knox to Mr. Wilson ...do.... Chamizal controversy. Refers to his No. 58 of Feb. (telegram).

Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Bryan Mar. 4

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan ...do.... (telegram).

73 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox...do.... (telegram).


28 and No. 64 of Mar. 1, Chamizal case; instructs
concerning modifications proposed by the De-
partment as to bases of settlement; rejects the pro-
posal of ceding the islands.

Political affairs. Governor Carranza has submitted
for transmission to the Department a proposition
demanding the resignation of the Provisional
Government and suggesting Lascurain for Presi-
dent. There is no hope of Carranza submitting to
the Provisional Government.

Same subject. General Felix Díaz called to con-
gratulate the new American administration.
Protection of foreigners in Mexico by the United
States. Reports instructing Consul at Ciudad
Porfirio Diaz to protect Spanish subjects where
consistent and necessary, in compliance with
Spanish Minister's request.

Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson.. Mar. 5 Same subject. In connection with the Embassy's

No. 73 of Mar. 4, quotes an instruction to the
Consul at Ciudad Porfirio Diaz regarding the pro-
tection of foreigners.

Mr. Bowman to Mr. Bryan ...do.... Political affairs. Reports that the Congress of

Sonora repudiates the Provisional Government;
Hermosillo is being fortified.

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan ...do.... Same subject. The State of Coahuila is the center

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of the most formidable resistance to the Provisional
Government, and is the only State refusing sub-
mission. Other news of the revolution. Charac-
terization of Carranza's political standing.
Same subject. Instruction to thank General Díaz
for his congratulations.

Same subject. Reports interruption of the Ameri-
can mails though European mails arrive. Urges
forcible representations.

Same subject. Reports suggesting to the embassy
that it would be good policy for the Provisional
Government to withdraw its troops from Sonora,
whereupon the State troops could restore order,
after which the State would send a commission to
Mexico City to discuss recognition.











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80 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson (telegram).

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Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Bryan...do.... Same subject. Reports that the Embassy has urged (telegram).

Mr. Bryan to Mr. Ellsworth..Mar. 7 (telegram).

Governor Carranza to come to terms with the Pro-
visional Government; the governor indignantly
refused and announced armed resistance. His
strength should not be underestimated. The con-
sulate is denied communication with the Embassy.
Same subject. Instruction to protest vigorously
against denial to consulate of communication with
the embassy.

Mr. Edwards to Mr. Bryan....do.... Same subject. Peace conference on American soil
has failed to be held: self-appointed commissioners
now on the way to Mexico City.

Mr. Maitorena to Mr. Bryan...do.... Same subject. The Constitutional Governor of So-

Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Bryan...do.... (telegram).


Mr Wilson to Mr. Bryan Mar. (telegram).



nora informs the Department of the successful
state of the revolution and requests the United
States not to recognize Huerta's Government until
the public shall have expressed themselves.
Same subject. Reports continued refusal to permit
communication with Saltillo.

Same subject. Reports dissatisfaction of the Pro-
visional Government with the attitude of the
United States as to recognition. Information as to
British attitude, and inquiries by diplomats at
Mexico City.

Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson...do.... Same subject. Quotes Mr. de la Barra's telegram of


Same to same (telegram).......do....


Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hostetter...do.... (telegram).

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan...do.... (telegram).

96 Same to same (telegram)... Mar.


Mr. McReynolds to Mr. Mar. 10
Bryan (telegram).

Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Bryan...do.... (telegram).

Mr. Edwards to Mr. Bryan...do.... (telegram).

98 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan | Mar. 11 (telegram).

congratulations, and instructs to express, infor-
mally and unofficially, his thanks.

Same subject. Instruction, in view of Mr. Hostet-
ter's telegram of Mar. 6, informally and unofficially
to advise all inquiring officials that the United
States is deeply interested in the restoration of
order and to suggest mutual concessions; instruc-
tion to exercise all proper influence to bring about

Same subject. Quotes the foregoing........

Revolutionary claims. Reports an interview with
the minister for foreign affairs concerning Tlal-
malilo, Chamizal, Alamo, Douglas, and El Paso
matters: says as to general claims that Mexico is
willing to follow the precedents adopted by the
United States in paying claims not falling within
the rules of international law but settled for
amicable and humanitarian considerations.
Political affairs. Refers to department's Mar. 6,
which instruction is precisely in line with his own

Same subject. Quotes telegram from the marshal at
San Antonio relating to the expected peace con-
ference there, which was not held, and invites sug-
gestions as to further suspensions of service of

Same subject. Reports Carranza's military opera-

Same subject. Anti-Government forces constantly
increasing; the struggle will apparently prove to be
a real war.

Same subject. Reports retreat of Carranza to Mon-
clova and his probable early defeat, reducing the
revolution to Sonora and Lower California. Coun-
sels department as to attitude of certain consuls.
Reports the rest of Mexico at peace.

97 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson...do.... Same subject. Refers to the Embassy's No. 96 of Mar.

9 and instructs in regard to extent to which to in-
form the Provisional Government of reports from
American consuls.

175 Mr. Holland to Mr. Bryan.....do.... Same subject. Confirms telegraphic instructions and

reports; states conditions at Saltillo during occu-
pation of Governor Carranza in opposition to the
Provisional Government.

98 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson...do.... Revolutionary claims. Refers to Embassy's No. 92
of Mar. 8, as to general claims. Instructs him that
the department asks nothing less than an unequiv-
ocal commitment of Mexico to the effect that all
American claims growing out of disturbances in
Mexico shall be submitted to and be adjudicated
by an international commission.



















140322°-FR 1913- V

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1913. Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan | Mar. 12 (telegram).

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan.....do....

Editor's note......

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox

Same subject. Reports that the Mexican Govern-
ment expects soon to make a definite statement as
to the Chamizal case, and that on showing the
minister for foreign affairs the Department's No.
98 of Mar. 11, he said the arrangement there men-
tioned would be contrary to Mexican law.
Political affairs. A long despatch giving a history
of the political disturbances leading to Madero's
overthrow and murder; comments on the legal
status of the Provisional Government and the
merits of recognition of it by the United States;
the American colony; progress of restoration of
peace; characterizations of Felix Díaz and Huerta;

Prohibition of shipment of arms, etc., into Mexico
from the United States, various violations of
neutrality. Review of this subject as to 1912.
.do.... Chamizal controversy. Mexico agrees to the Ameri-
can proposal of bases for settlement of the Chamizal

Mr. Bryan to Mr. Bowman ...do...


Political affairs. Transmits Governor Maytorena's
telegram of Mar. 7. Instructs him to say orally to
Maytorena that this Government considers it wise
to remove misunderstandings by conferences when
possible and by mutual concessions. Consuls
may exercise proper influence to reconcile State
and Central administrations.

Mr. Garrison to Mr. Bryan ...do.... Same subject. The Secretary of War transmits

Same to same (telegram)......do...

Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson Mar. 14

Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Bryan...do....

telegram showing Carranza's forces increasing daily and no prospect of Carranza acquiescing in Federal offer to hold a peace conference, Revolutionary claims. Reports that Mexico agrees to American proposal as to Chamizal case; Tlalmalilo case progressing satisfactorily; specific cases of damages growing out of the revolution would have direct offer; that American demands as to general claims were acceded to in form. The Ambassador will continue to insist on an international commission.

Same subject. Requests text of Mexican commit


Political affairs. Many believe Governor Carranza's
goal is the Presidency; his success inse curing vol-
unteers is unquestionable.










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Mr. De la Cueva to Mr.
Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Bryan....do....

Same to same...

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan ...do.... Same subject. Transmits statement given by the

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan Mar. 18

Mexican Government to the press concerning an
interview between General Huerta and the Ameri-
can Ambassador.

Tlahualilo case. Transmits text of note from the
Mexican Foreign Office relative to the questions
pending between Mexico and the United States
and professing a desire to settle them all satisfac-
torial; references to the Chamizal. Colorado River,
Tlalmalilo, border claims, and general claims cases.

118 Same to same (telegram)......do.... Revolutionary claims. Gives text of a note from the

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Foreign Office touching on the Chamizal, Colorado
River, Tlahualilo, Douglas, El Paso, and Alamo
cases; referring to "general claims growing out of
the civil struggle" it says that they will be divided
into three classes; description of these classes and
promise of early settlement. Instruction requested.
Same subject. Supplements his No. 118 of Mar. 18,
2 p. m.

Chamizal controversy. Transmits text of note from
Foreign Office stating that the Mexican Govern-
ment will give preferred and prompt attention to
questions pending between it and the United
States, and the Chamizal settlement will be the
main object of its Ambassador's mission at Wash-
ington. Instructions desired.





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Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan (telegram).

1913. Mar. 20

Mr. Adee to the President.. Mar. 24


Same to same

Political affairs. The Provisional Government re-
quests the withdrawal from Mexican waters of as
many American war vessels as possible, since Mexi-
can law does not permit foreign ships of war to
remain over thirty days. The Ambassador has
replied that as the United States does not recog-
nize the Provisional Government as a de jure
government, the Provisional Government's rep-
resentations are inopportune and its attitude
should be expectant and receptive.

Same subject. Explains at length the procedure
followed under the Proclamation of Mar. 14, 1912;
recites objections to impartial enforcements; re-
quests views.

..do.... Political affairs. Full amnesty has been granted
by Congress for the revolutionary period up to the
establishment of the Provisional Government.
Lack of recognition is preventing securing of loan.

Mr. Pesqueira to Mr.Bryan...do... Same subject. Quotes his telegram of Mar. 6 in-

The President to Mr. Adee. Mar. 25

Mr. Simpich to Mr. Bryan Mar. 26 (telegram).

Mr. Lorillard to Mr. Bryan ...do.... (telegram).

138 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan Mar. 27 (telegram).


forming the Department of the refusal of Sonora
to recognize Huerta and offering assurances of the
safety of American interests. Signed as Governor
ad interim.

Prohibition of shipment of arms, etc. Refers to Mr.
Adee's letter of Mar. 24; approvesaction of the De-
partment; expresses appreciation of careful con-
sideration of the matter; asks that classes of ship-
ments be separated so that each permit will con-
tain articles falling under only one of the five

Political affairs. Reports Constitutionalist victory
at Cananea.

Same subject. Argentina will probably not recognize
the Government of Mexico until after the United
States has done so.

Same subject. The Foreign Officesuggests that the
United States formally request permission for its
war vessels to remain in Mexican waters.

Mr. Adee to Mr. Wilson ...do.... Chamizal controversy. States the Department's

understanding of the asurrances contained in Mr.
Wilson's No. 105 of Mar. 13 and No. 118 of Mar. 18,
and the Mexican Embassy's memorandum of Jan.
27, in connecction with the Department's modifi-
cations contained in its telegram of Mar. 3. In-
struction to state this understanding in a note to
the Foreign Office.

141 Mr. Wilson to Mr. Knox Mar. 28 Same subject. To his note in compliance with De-

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partment's Mar. 27 the Foreign Office replies with
certain stipulations.

Political affairs. Reports good order in Sonora, the
State Government merely desiring repudiation of
Huerta and not intending to secede from the Re-
public. Recruits continue to join the State forces.
Other information.

Same subject. Carranza has declared himself Pro-
visional President.
Same subject. Desires instructions as to joining his
colleagues in a meeting to consider recognition.
Revolutionary claims. Requests instructions as to
attendance at a Diplomatic Corps meeting to con-
sider recognition and general claims.
Same subject. The Diplomatic Corps is unani-
mously for an international claims commission.
Political affairs. There is perfect accord between
General Díaz and the Provisional President.
Same subject. The British Government is recog-
nizing Huerta as President ad interim of the Re-
public of Mexico.

Same subject. Keplies to his No. 145 of Mar. 30, 1
p. m. The Ambassador may call or attend a meet-
ing of the Diplomatic Corps if he maintains a non-
committal attitude.

Same subject. Military information. Carranza's
operations around Monclova.
Revolutionary claims. Refers to his No. 145 of Mar.
30. Instructs in regard to claims commission.
Same subject. Incloses memorandum of interview
with General Huerta on Mar. 27, at which the
claims commission was discussed. The President
promised favorable consideration of the proposed
international commission.























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Mr. Bryan to certain consu- Apr. 2
lar officers.

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan......do.... Message of the Provisional President. Transmits

1917 Same to same..








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Prohibition of shipment of arms. Sets forth the
policy followed by the Department in granting ex-
ceptions to the Proclamation of Mar. 14, 1912.
message read to the Congress Apr. 1 by General
...do.... Political affairs. Transmits copies of correspond-
ence with the Foreign Office regarding retention
of American war vessels in Mexican waters.
Same subject. Reports prospective establishment
by Carranza of general headquarters of the Con-
stitutiona'ists at Ciudad Porfirio Díaz. Constitu-
tiona'ists preparing for a meeting there.
Same subject. Reports strengthening of Federal
control with a few exceptions.

Apr. 3

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan Apr. 4

Same to same (telegram)......do....

Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson Apr. 5

Same subject. Reports having remonstrated against
intended execution of General Angeles.

Same subject. Refers to the foregoing and assumes
that the Ambassador has acted solely on his own
initiative and only on humanitarian grounds
without the semblance of formal or official repre-

Mr. Ellsworth to Mr. Bryan...do.... Same subject. Constitutiona'ist Chief Carranza has
put up on the customhouse a sign reading "Palace
A majority of the people in
of the Government."
the district are Carrancistas.

Mr. Colquitt to Mr. Bryan.....do.... Prohibition of shipment of arms. Quotes a report

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to the adjutant general of Texas showing smuggling
of arms into Mexico from Eagle Pass. The Gov-
ernor of Texas informs the Secretary that since the
War Department had stated that enforcement of
the neutrality laws was not the business of Texas,
he had directed the State authorities to cease
their efforts, in order to prevent conflict between
State and Federal authority.

Political affairs. Explains his action in sheltering
at the consulate General Estrada, a Federal officer.
Same subject. Requests permission for a peace com-
mission to hold conferences at El Paso.
Revolutionary claims. Refers to department's No.
158 of Apr. 1. The other foreign representatives
indorse the policy of the United States as to set-
tlement of claims. The foreign office, however,
still urges its plan outlined in Mr. Wilson's Mar.
18, 2 p. m.

...do.... Prohibition of shipment of arms, etc. Requests that
explosives exported to Mexico be reported to the
Mexican Government in order that it may state
whether or not there is objection thereto.
Political affairs. Urges moral support of Provisional

Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan...do....

Mr. Fletcher to Mr. Bryan Apr. 10



Mr. Wilson to Mr. Bryan
Same to same (telegram)....

Apr. 12


Mr. Fierros to the President Apr. 14

Same to same (telegram)...] Apr. 15
1924 Same to same.


Same subject. Chile will largely conform to the
action of the United States in regard to recognition
of the Frovisional Government.
Same subject. Spain has recognized the Provi-
sional Government.

Same subject. Refers to his Mar. 20 from Vera Cruz.
The foreign office requests a statement as to the
stay of American war vessels beyond the consti-
tutional limit of time.

Prohibition of shipment of arms, etc. In behalf of
238 Constitutionalists he requests that exporta-
tion of arms for Huerta forces be stopped and that
the belligerent rights of the Constitutional army
be recognized if the Fresident believes that the
Constitutionalist Party is sincerely fighting for
Political affairs.

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Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson Apr. 17

Same subject. Replies to his Apr. 12, 2 p. m.
Gives movements of war vessels and instructs to
request usual formalities.

Mr. Hamm to Mr. Bryan Apr. 18 Same subject. Requests instructions for guidance
of Americans in Durango in their relations with
the contending factions.

Mr. Bryan to Mr. Hamm Apr. 19 Same subject. Reply to the foregoing. Instruc
tions for guidance of Americans in accordance with
international law.

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Mr. Bryan to Mr. Wilson.....do.... Same subject. Replies to his No. 1917 of Apr. 2..... 794

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