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Sorrow's crown of sorrow, 255.

keenest wind, shrink from, 398.
Sorrows come not single spies, 345.
here I and, sit, 345.

of a poor old man, pity the, 340.
remembered, sweeten joy, 346.
transient, simple wiles, 128.
Sots, what can ennoble, 781.

Soul, body form doth take of the, 730.
bruised with adversity, 315.
cement of the, friendship, 120.
city of the, Rome, 720.

condense thy, 725.

crowd not on my, 868.
eloquence charms the, 808.
eye was in itself a, 133.

faculty abides within the, 867.
fiery, working out its way, 908.
flow of, feast of reason and, 814.
fret thy, with crosses, 204.

further than our eyes can see, 248.
genial current of the, 306.
grapple them to thy, 121.
hardiness of, 603.

harrow up thy, 725.

has gone aloft, 629.

haughtiness of, 'tis pride and, 799.

is dead that slumbers, 769.

is form and doth the body make, 730.

is in arms, and eager, 511.

is wanting there, 303.

is with the saints, 539.

limned, 399.

measured by my, 808.

meeting, may pierce, 786.
merit wins the, 203.

most offending, I am the, 811.

of goodness in things evil, 802.

of harmony, tie the hidden, 786.

of music shed, 577.

of music slumbers, 213.

of Orpheus sing, 787.

of peace, patience the, 723.

of Richard, 541, 868.

of social life, peace thou, 541.
of the age, 905.

of wit, brevity is the, 803.

overflowed the, stream which, 801.
passions that build our human, 490.
prospect of his, eye and, S01.
rapt, sitting in thine eyes, 786.
secured in her existence, 759.
sincere, 120, 307.

so dead, man with, 563.
struck so to the, 801.
swell the, to rage, 772.

sweet and vertuous, 302.

through my lips, my whole, 205.
to dare, the will to do, 670.

to keep, pray the Lord my, 107.
tumult of the, 206.

uneasy and confined from home, 801.
was like a star, 907.

why shrinks, back on herself, 759.
wings the, 725.

within her eyes, 721.

Soul's calm sunshine, 796.

dark cottage, 754.

sincere desire, prayer the, 398.

Souls as free, thoughts as boundless, 626.
immediate jewel of their, 811.

of fearful adversaries, 541.

sit silently within 203.

such harmony is in immortal, 775.
to souls can never teach, 781.
two, with a single thought, 205.
whose sudden visitations, 812.

Sound and fury, full of, 792.

born of murmuring, 103.

doleful, from the tombs a, 310.
filled the solitude with, 940.
most melodious, 829.

must echo sense, 806.

of a knell, never sighed at the, 738.
of hammer or of saw, 493.

of revelry by night, 511,

of the church-going bell, 738.
persuasive, magic numbers and, 809.
soothed with the, 771.

sweet is every, 493.

Sounding cataract haunted me, 404.
Sounds as a silent bell, 316.

concord of sweet, 776.

of music, sit and let the, 775.
rural sights and, 493.

Source of all my bliss, 690.

of sympathetic tears, 939.

South and south-west side, 945.

full of the warm, 316.
like the sweet, 495.
Sovereign, here lies our, 940.

reason, noble and most, 808.
Sovereignest thing on earth, 506.
Sovereigns, dead but, sceptred, 681.
Sovereignty, round and top of, 75.
Space and time, annihilate but, 205,
Spacious firmament on high, 376.

Spake much as our tongue can say, 938.
Span, life is but a, 308,

life of man less than a, 320.
Spangled heavens a shining frame, 376.
Spare Fast with gods doth diet, 786.
my aching sight, 868.

the rod and spoil the child, 108.
Spared, better, a better man, 312.
Spark, vital, of heavenly flame, 365.

which tires the soul of patriots, 601.
Sparkled was exhaled, 106.
Sparkling with a brook, 489.
Sparks of fire, eyes glow like, 134.
that kindle fiery war, 539.
Sparrow, fall, hero perish or, 394.
providently caters for the, 394.
Speak in public on the stage, 107.
me fair in death, 312.
of me as I am, 721.
right on, I only, 676.

something good, the worst, 364.
too coldly, thou thinkest I. 121.
Speaker, other, of my living actions, 811.
Spectacles on nose, 711.

Spectre-doubts, dispel ye, 743.
Speculation in those eyes, 868.
Speech is truth, 108,

rude am I in my, 145.
thought is, 108.

wed itself with, thought could, 803.
Speed the parting guest, 121.

to-day, put back to-morrow, 204.
Spend, to, to give to want, 204.
Spenser, divinest, 938.

lie a little nearer, 939.
Sperit, all is I never drink no, 558.
Sphere-descended maid, music, 774.
Spheres, eyes like stars from their, 725.
seems to shake the, 771.

touch, 203.

Spice of life, variety's the very, 815.
Spices, scatter all her, 632.
Spicy nut-brown ale, 785.
Spiderlike feel the tenderest
Spider's touch, how fine, 496.
Spies, sorrows come not single, 345.
Spires whose silent finger, 896.
Spirit, clear, doth raise, 812.

ditties of no tone, 718.
drew his, as sun the dew, 309.
extravagant and erring, 868.

fairer, or more welcome shade, 910.
hies to his contine, 868.

humble tranquil, 723.

ill, have so fair a house, 133.
motions of his, 776.

no, dare stir abroad, 397.

of a youth, morning like the, 490.
of man is divine, all save, 451.

of mortal be proud, 302.

of my dream, 765.

of self-sacrifice, 797.

of youth in everything, 492.
recesses of a lowly, 375.
rest perturbed, 311.
strongest and fiercest, 348.
that fought in heaven, 348.
the least erected, that fell, 802.
yet a woman too, 128.
Spirits are not finely touched, 797.
either sex assume, 868.
from the vasty deep, 812.

of great events stride on before, 800.
only show to gentle eyes, 869.
twain have crossed with me, 292.
Spiritual creatures, millions of, 868.
Spite, in erring reason's, 489.

in learned doctor's, 814.
of spites, 868.

Spleen about thee, mirth and, 724.
Splendid sight to see, 725.

Splendor, far-sinking into, 867.
Splenetive and rash, I am not, 723.
Spoil the child, spare the rod and, 108.
Spoils of time, rich with the, 306,

treasons stratagems and, 776.
Sport an hour with beauty's chain, 816.
of mocking friends, 558,

that wrinkled care derides, 785.
with Amaryllis in the shade, 203.
would be tedious as work, 198.
Sports, no man their, must eye, 868.
Sporus feel, satire or sense can, 909.
Spot is curst, 661.

Spots of sunny openings, 493.
Spreads his light wings, love, 215.
Spring, come gentle, 492.

companions of the, 472.
full of sweet dayes, 302.
Justy, 492.

of love, 492, 857.

Pierian, taste not the, 805.
visit the mouldering urn, 737.

Spur, fame is the, $12.

to prick the sides of my intent, 798.
Spurned by the young, 802.
Spurs the lated traveller, 491.
Stabbed with white wench's bl'k eye,721.

Stag, a poor sequestered, 496.
Stage, all the world's a, 711.

frets his hour upon the, 792.
poor degraded, holds its mirror, 804
speak in public on the, 107.
the earth a, 792.

then to the well-trod, anon, 786.
veteran on the, lags, 804.

where man must play a part, 804.

wonder of our, applause delight the,


Stagers, I've heard old cunning, 803.
Stain my man's cheeks, water-drops, 345.
Stale flat and unprofitable, 346.
Stalked off reluctant, 396.

Stand and wait, serve who only, 366.
Standard of the man, mind's the, 808.
Standing with reluctant feet, 104.
Stands upon a slippery place, 798.
Stanley, on, 510.

Star, bright particular, 242.

fair as a, when only one, 105.
give a name to every fixed, 804.
In bigness as a, 492.

influence of malignant, 811.
man is his own, 793.

of peace return, 629.

of smallest magnitude, 492.
of the unconquered will, 802.
soul was like a, 907.

stay the morning, charm to, 376.
that bids the shepherd folds, 491.
that ushers in the even, 491.

Starers, whole years of stupid, 781.
Star-eyed science, 397.

Starlight, glittering, 206,

Star-like eyes, or from, doth seek, 141.
Starry Galileo with his wo€8, 138.
Star-spangled banner, 593.

Stars, and set the, of glory there, 592.
battlements that bore, 867.

beauty of a thousand, clad in, 134
cut him out in little, 134.

doubt thou the, are fire, 206.

fairest of, 363.

fault is not in our, 793.

glows in the, 489.

hide their diminished heads, 719.

hide your diminished rays, 797.
in empty night, nor sink those, 114.
of midnight shall be dear, 103,
pride builds among the, 799.
sentinel, set their watch, 529.
shall fade away, 759.

shooting, attend thee, 134.
start from their spheres, 725.

Start, straining upon the, like grey-
hounds, 503.

Started like a guilty thing, 868.

Startles at destruction, the soul, 759.
Starts, by, 'twas wild, 773,

everything by, nothing leng, 909.
Star-y-pointing pyramid, 906.
State broken with the storms of, 346.
falling with a falling, 602.
ruin or rule the, 601.

what constitutes a, 599.

State's collected will and law, that, 599.
States saved without the sword, 341.
Statesman and buffoon, fiddler, 909.

yet friend to truth, 120.
Statesmen out of place, 814.

Station, private, post of honor is a, 601.
Statue grows, the more the, 89,

Steal a few hours from the night, 205.

away your hearts, 876.

from the world, 225.

Stealing and giving odors, 495,

Steals, who, my purse steals trash, 811.
Stealth, do good by, 797.

Steam, unconquered, soon thy arm, 802.
Steed, farewell the neighing, 722

that knows his rider, 631.
Steeds, instead of mounting barbed, 541.
to water, at those springs, 414.
Steel, foemen worthy of their, 655.
grapple with hoops of, 121.
heart of, 724.

in complete, 796.

stirred his courage with the, 671.
Steep and thorny way to heaven, 809.
my senses in forgetfulness, 762.
where fame's proud temple, $12.
Steeped me in poverty to the lips, 75.
to the lips in misery, 245.
Steer, happily to, 911.

Stemming it with hearts of controversy,


Stenches, counted two-and-seventy, 954
Step aside is human, 784.

more true, foot more light a,721
Stepping o'er the bounds, 793.
Steps, beware of desperate, 793.
grace was in all her, 209.
morn her rosy, advancing, 490.
with wandering, and slow, 321
Stern and rock-bound coast, 587.

Stern joy which warriors feel, 655.
Ruin's ploughshare, 463.
Sternest good-night, gives the, 882.
Sterte, out of his slepe to, 492.
Sticking-place, screw courage to the, 802.
Stiff in opinions always in wrong, 909.
Stiffen the sinews, 503,

Still achieving still pursuing, 770.

an angel appear to each lover, 185.
beginning never ending, 772.
destroying fighting still, 772.
the wonder grew, 688.

to be neat, still to be drest, 713.
Stile, sitting on the, Mary, 292.
Stillness and the night, 775.

modest, and humility, 503.
Sting, death where is thy, 365.
Stings of falsehood, 899.

Stinks well-defined and several, 954.
Stir as life where in't, 900,

fretful, unprofitable, 404.

of the great Babel, see the, 810.
Stirred his courage with the steel, 671.
Stirring, not a creature was, 96.
Stirs the feeling infinite, 813.
Stoies, let's be no, nor stocks, 804.
Stoicism, the Romans call it, 799.
Stolen, the heart of a maiden is, 205.
Stomach, my, is not good, 946.
Stone to beauty grow, conscious, 736.
set in the silver sea, 603.
tell where I lie, not a, 225.
underneath this, doth lie, 907.
unhewn and cold, 809.
violet by a mossy, 105.

walls do not a prison make, 147.
Stones of Rome to rise in mutiny, 877.
Stones piled, labor of an age in, 906.

prafe of my whereabout, 882.
sermons in, good in everything, 489.
the enameled, music with, 493.
Stools, push us from our, 868.
Stoops to folly, when lovely woman, 336.
Stop, to sound what, she please, 112.
Store, increase his, constant caro to, 650.
Stores, prepare thy slender watery, 672.
Storied urn or animated bust, 306,"

windows richly dight, 787.
Stories of the death of kings, 310.
Storm, directs the, 539.

hollow pauses of the, 632.
pelting of this pitiless, 494.
pilot that weathered the, 632.
rides upon the, 632.

Storme-bett vessell safely ryde, 311.
Storms of fate, brave man in the, 602.
of life, rainbow to the, 134.
of state, broken with the, 346.
unwonted, 632.

Stor.ay March has come, 492.

winds do blow, when the, 629.

Story being done, my, 145.

God bless you I've none to tell, 953.
of Cambusean bold, 787.

of her birth, repeats the, 376.

of my life, questioned me the, 145.
of our days, shuts up the, 745.
teach him how to tell my, 145.
Stout Cortez, when with eagle eyes, 805.
Strain of strutting chanticleer, 869.

prophetic, something like, 787.

soft is the, when zephyr blows, 806.
that, again it had a dying fall, 808.
to read among the hills, 910.
unpremeditated, 910.

Strains and heaves, after many, 671.
Strand, pass to the, American, 395.
India's coral, 395.

wandering on a foreign, 563.

Strange, but this is wondrous, 808.

but true, truth is always strange, 805.
cozenage, 793.

eventful history, ends this, 711.
'twas passing strange, 145.
something, sea-change into, 869.
Stranger than fiction, truth is, 805.
yet to pain, 108.

Stratagems and spoils, treason's, 776.
Stratford-atte-bowe, scole of, 696.
Straw, tickled with a, 107.
Stream, summer eves by haunted, 786.
in smoother numbers flows, 806.
thy, my great example, 723.
which overflowed the soul, 801.
Streaming to the wind, like meteor, 725.
Streams from little fountains flow, 107.
more pellucid, 399.

shallow, run dimpling, 910.

Strength, excellent to have a giant's, $13.
king's name is a tower of, 72.
lovely in your, as is the light, 686.
of nerve or sinew, 203.

our castle's, will laugh to scorn, 540.
Stretched on the rack, 724.

upon the plain, the struck eagle, 800.
Strife, no, to heal, 203.

Strike, afraid to, willing to wound, 910.

Strike for your altars and your fires, 582.

mine eyes but not my heart, 713.
themselves must, the blow, 581.
Strings, harp of a thousand, 794.
Striving to better oft we mar, 802.
Stroke a nettle tender handed, 800.

speak of some distressful, 145.
Strokes, many, with a little axe, 802.
Strong as flesh and blood, 805.

'stablishes the, restores the weak, 809.
in death, ruling passion, 780.
nor'wester's blowing Bill, 630.

suffer and be, how sublime to, 348.
without rage, 723.

Stronger by weakness, 754.

Struck eagle, so the, stretched, 800.
Strucken deer go weep, let the, 671.
Struggling in the storms of fate, 602.
Struts and frets his hour, 792.
Stubble land at harvest home, 506.
Studied in his death, 309.
Studious let me sit, 806.

Study of imagination, creep into his, 801.
of mankind is man, the proper, 792.
of revenge immortal hate, 510.
what you most affect, 801.
Stuff as dreams are made on, 867.
made of sterner, ambition, 875.
O proper, 868.

perilous, cleanse bosom of that, 347.
Stuffs out his vacant garments, 107.
Stufft noting books, 808.

Stupid starers and loud huzzas, 781.
Style of man, Christian the highest, 399.
refines, how the, 812.

struck more men dumb, 938.
Subdued to what it works in, 722.
Subdues mankind, who surpasses or, $12.
Subject of all verse, lies the, 907.

such duty as the, owes the prince, 215.
Sublime a thing it is to suffer, 348.
tobacco, 814.

Submission, yielded with coy, 711.
Substance of ten thousand soldiers, 868.
Substantial things, glories are shadows
not, 301.

Suburb of the life elysian, 272.
Success, not in mortals to command, 802.
with his surcease, catch, 900.
Successive rise, fall successive and, 792.
Succour dawns from heaven, 348.

us that succour want, 373.
Suck the sweets of philosophy, 804.
Suckle fools, chronicle small beer, 723.
Suckled in a creed outworn, 403.
Suffer a sea-change, 868.

and be strong, how sublime to, 348.
wet damnation run through 'em, 558,
Sufferance, in corporal, finds pang, 310.
is the badge of all our tribe, 346.
Suffering, child of, 347.

learn in, what they teach, 806.
sad humanity, 345.
Sufficiency, an elegant, 214.
Sugar o'er the devil himself, 396.
Suits of woe, trappings and, 295,
Sullen dame, where sits our sulky, 847.
Summer day, eternal, 131, 580.
even, stillness of a, 867.
friends, like, 121.
friendship, 120.

Indian, fades too soon, 719.

last rose of, left blooming alone, 465.
made glorious, by sun of York, 541.
pastime of a drowsy, 70.

sea, calm and unruffled as a, 631.
since, first was leafy, 271.

[blocks in formation]

Summons thee to heaven or to hell, 882.

upon a fearful, like guilty thing, 868.
when thy, comes, 307.

Sun, and shade, fled fast through, 721.
and summer gale, 939.
as a dial to the, 796.

benighted walks under midday, 796.
burnished livery of the, 722.
clouds round the setting, 759.
common, the air, the skies, 489.
doubt that the, doth move, 206.
early, has not attained his noon, 464.
goes round, all the rest the, 125.
grow dim with age, 759.
hold glimmering tapers to the, 805.
impearls on leaf and flower, 492.
in the lap of Thetis taken his nap, 190.
is a thief, 489.

Sun, loss of the, tears for the, 491.
low descending, day whose, 398.
of the stately day, 604.

of York, this, 541.

pay no worship to the garish, 134.
pleasant the, 490.

shadow in the, see my, 938.

shine sweetly on my grave, 493,
snatches froin the, the moon, 489.

upon an Easter-day, no, 211.

upon the upland lawn, to meet, 306.
warms in the, 489.

weary of the, 'gin to be a, 346.
world without a, man a, 795.
Sunbeams, motes that people the, 786.
Sunday from week does not divide, 559.
Sunflower turns to her god, 174.
Sung to call forth paramours, 492.
Sunium's marble steep, place me on, 581.
Sunless land, sunshine to the, 309.

treasuries, 632.

Sunlight, as, drinketh new, 205.
Sunneshine, flies of estate and, 121.
Sunny as her skies, 721.

Suns, dwelling is the light of setting, 404.
widened with the process of, 257.
Sunset, blackest night at, 720.

of life gives mystical lore, 574.
Sunshine broken in the rill, 348.
in the shady place, 828.
of the breast, 793,

settles on its head, eternal 688.
soul's calm, and heartfelt joy, 796.
to the sunless land, 369.
Superfluous lags the veteran, 804.
Supped full with horrors, 900.
Support, raise and, what is low, 395.
Surecase, catch with his, success, 900.
Sure and firm-set earth, thou, 882.

assurance doubly, I'll make, 793,
Surge may sweep, where'er the, 631.

most swoln that met him, 672.
whose liquid, resolves the meen, 489.
Surges lash the sounding shore, 206.
Surpasses or subdues mankind, 812.
Surrender, to make a foe, 602.
Survey, I am monarch of all I, 728.

our empire and behold our home, 626.
Suspects yet strongly loves, 207.
Suspended oar, light drip of the, 685.
Suspicion haunts the guilty mind, 725.
Swain, frugal, whose constant cares, 650.
Swallow, that come before the, 495.
Swallow's wings, hope flies with, 800.
Swan and shadow, float double, 493.
of Avon, sweet, 906.

on still St. Mary's lake, 493.
Swan-like let me sing and die, 581.
Swashing and a martial outside, 722.
Sway, mercy is above this sceptered, 798,
of magic potent over sun and star.

prevailed with double, 688.

required with gentle, 711.

the willing mind, who refuse thy,
'scape thy anger. 72.

Swear not by the inconstant moon, 207.
Swears a prayer or two and sleeps, 836.
if he, he'll certainly deceive, 232.
with so much grace, 204.
Sweat, a cold, thrills my limbs, 725.

grunt and, under a weary life, 297.
Swelling of the voiceful sea, 822.
Sweeping whirlwind's way, 108.
Sweet and bitter fancy, cud of, 813.
and vertuous soul, only a 302.
and voluble his discourse, 723.
are the uses of adversity, 248.
as English air could make, 721.
as summer, 723.

as the primrose peeps, 690.
attractive grace, softness and, 711.
bells jangled out of tune, 808.
childish days that were as long, 108.
day so cool so calm, 301.
dayes and roses, full of, 302.
discourse, showers of, 193.
how passing, is solitude, 120.
is pleasure after pain, 771.
is revenge to women, 167.
is the breath of mern, 490.
little cherub sits up aloft, 614.
moonlight sleeps upon this bank,775.
nothing half so, in life, 262.
Phosphor bring the day, 489.
reluctant amorous delay, 711.

repast and calmn repose, 232.
shady side of Pall Mall, 814.
silent thought, sessions of, 115.
south, came o'er my ear like, 508.
swan of Avon, 906.

sway allow obedience, 794.
will, river glideth at his own, 678.
Sweet-and-twenty, kiss me, 122.
Sweete smels al around, 491.

perfections, caught with his, 904
Sweeten present joy, sorrows, 346,

Sweeter for thee despairing, 134.
pains of love be, 145.

Sweetest garland to sweetest maid, 134.
Sweeting, ah my sweet, 123,
Sweetly she bade me adieu, 241.
Sweet'ner of life, 120.

of hut and of hall, 604.

Sweetness linked, long drawn out, 786.
loathe the taste of, 815.

wanton, witchingly instill a, 831.
waste its, on the desert air, 306.
Sweets compacted lie, box where, 302.
lost in the, fly that sips treacle, 205.
of Burn-mill meadow, 493.

of forgetfulness prove, 737.
the year's best, 940.
to the sweet, 311.

Swell, music with its voluptuous, 511.
Swelling and limitless billows, 631.

of the voiceful sea, rise to the, 822,
Swells from the vale, tall cliff, 688.

pealing anthem, note of praise, 306.
the gale, simplest note that, 489.
Swift, too, tardy as too slow, 815.
true hope is, 800.

Swift-winged arrows of light, 739.
Swim to yonder point, 670.

Swimmer in his agony, strong, 632.
Swims with fins of lead, 813.

Swoop, at one fell, 309.

Sword, famous by my, 150.

glued to my scabbard, 541.

his good, is rust, 539.

may pierce the beaver, 602.
pen is mightier than the, 805.

slander's edge sharper than the, 811.
take away the, 541.

Swords, old friends like old, 121.

sheathed their, 503.

Sydneian showers, 193.

Syllable men's names, tongues that, 830.
of recorded time, tho' last, 792.
Sylvia, except I be by, 134.

Sympathetic tear, the social smile, 232.
tears, sacred source of, 939.

Sympathy, secret, 203.

Symptom of a mind in health, 232.
Syrops, lucent, 179.

Table of my memory, 801.

Tables, my tables, 722.

Tackle trim, bravery on and, 631.

Tail and mane used instead of rein, 671.
Tailor's news, swallowing a, 722.

Taint of earth the odor of the skies, 204.
Tainted wether of the flock, 348.
Take away the sword, 541.

each man's censure, 815.

her up tenderly, 335.

him for all in all, 721.

O boatman thrice thy fee, 292.
O take those lips away, 263.
physic pomp, 802.

the good the gods provide, 772.
ye each a shell, 810.

Takin' notes, a chiel amang ye, 805.
Tale, adorn a, point a moral or, 909.
an honest, speeds best. 803.
every shepherd tells his 785.
hope tells a flattering, 271.

lest men suspect your, untrue, 805.
of Troy divine, 787.

round unvarnish'd, deliver, 145.
school-boy's, wonder of an hour, 792.
that I relate, Misses thee, 215.
thereby hangs a, 791.

told by an idiot, full of sound, 792.
told his soft a thriving wooer, 204.
twice-told, tedious as a, 799.
unfold, I could a, 725.
wondrous, takes up the, 376.
Talent, his single, well-employed, $95.
Tales, aged ears play truant at his, 723.
wave still tells its bubbling, 720,
Talk only to conceal the mind, men, 804.
spent an hour's, withal, 724.

who never think, they always, 803,
with, witty to, 131.

Talking age and whispering lovers. 686.
Tall oaks from little acorns grow, 107.
the wise the reverend head, 308.

Tam was glorious, 843.

Tamer of the human breast, 315.
Tangles of Neera's hair, 203.
Tapers, hold their, to the sun, 805,
Tara's halls, harp that through, 577.
Tack, delightful, 107, 214.
Task-master's eye, in my great, 395.
Taste of sweetness, loathe the, $15.

they never, who always drink, 803.
whose mortal, 395.

Taste of men, various are, 814.
Tattered clothes, vices through, 802.
ensign down, tear her, 620.
Taught, by that power that pities, 139.
us how to die, 911.
us how to live, 911.

Taughte, afterward he, 697.
Tawny lion, now half appeared the, 496.
Tea, counsel take and sometimes, 814.
Teach in song, what they, 806.

me to feel another's woe, 370.
souls to souls can never, 731.
the rest to sneer, 910.

the young idea how to shoot, 214.
Team of little atomies, 836.

heavenly-harnessed, 816.

Theirs but to do and die, 517.

not to make reply, 517.
not to reason why, 517.
Theme, fools are my, satire my song, 806,
my great example as it is my, 723,
Themes, our wonted, transcend, 274.
There is reaper whose name is Death,276,
is no death, 272.

There's nae sorrow there, John, 206.

the rub, 297.

Tear, betwixt smile and, pendulum, 792. Thereby hangs a tale, 791.

each others' eyes, 107.

every woe a, can claim, 267.

for pity, he hath a, 721.
forgot as soon as shed, 793.

her tattered ensign down, 620.
in her eye, 176, 204.

lids unsullied with a, 816.

mocks the, it forced to flow, 899.
small orb of one particular, 204.
sympathetic, 232.

that is wiped with address, 464.
to misery all he had a, 307.
Tears, beguile her of her, 145.

big round, in piteous chase, 496.
choke me with joy, 725.
crimson, will follow yet, 602.
flattered to, 176.

from some divine despair, 315.
idle tears, 315.

if you have, prepare to shed, 876.
iron, down Fluto's cheek, 787.
like Niobe all, 723.

love is loveliest embalmed in, 204.
moon into salt, resolves, 489.
must stop for every drop, 338.
nothing is here for, 794.

of boyhood's years, 318.

of the sky for loss of the sun, 491.
of woe, the smiles of joy, 399.
some natural, they shed, 321.
source of sympathetic, 939.
such as angels weep, 346.
that speak, 804.

their own disgrace bewail, 494.
thoughts that lie too deep for, 759.
vale of, beyond this, 399.
wronged orphans', 541.

Teche, and gladly, 697.
Tedious as a twice-told tale, 799.
Teeth, drunkard clasp his, 558.

of time, give lettered pomp to, 915.
Temper, bles ed with. 232.

justice with mercy, 394.
whose unclouded ray, 232.
Temperance, health consists with, 815.
Temperate will, 128.
Tempest of debate, 215.
Tempest's breath prevail, 631.

Tempests, glasses itself in, 607.
roar, nor, 309.

Tempestuous petticoat, 713.

Temple, broke ope Lord's anointed, 900.
can dwell in such a, 133.

the groves were God's first, 452.
Temples, for the, of his gods, 567.
the solemn, 867.

Tempted her with word too large, 204.
Tempts by making rich, 803.

Ten winters more, freshly ran on, 309.
Tenable in your silence, $15.

Tendance, touched by her fair, 205.
Tenderly, take her up, 335.

Tendrils strong as flesh and blood, 805.
Tenement of clay, 908.

Tenets, faith in some nice, 398.

These are thy glorious works, 363.
Thetis, lap of, sun in the, 490.
Thick and thin, through, 671.

as autumnal leaves, 494.
inlaid with patines of gold, 775.
Thief doth fear each bush an officer, 725,
each thing's a. 489.

in either eye, 146.

of time, procrastination is the, 748.
the moon's an arrant, 489.

the sea's a, 489.

the sun's a, 489.

Thievery, I'll example you with, 489.
Thieves, beauty provoketh, 133.
Thighs, his cuisses on his, 671.
Thing, acting of a dreadful, 900.
each, of sin and guilt, 796.

fearful, to see soul take wing, 705.
highest, truth is the, 398.
how divine a, woman, 723.
how poor a, is man, 808
never says a foolish, 940.

of beauty is a joy forever, 675.
simple fireside, 215,

sorrow of the meanest, feels, 662
started like a guilty, 868.

the play's the, 804.

to one, constant never, 271.

trembled like guilty, surprised, 752.
undisputed, thou sayst ani, 485.

we like, we figure to ourselves, 867.
winsome wee, she is a, 216,

Things are not what they seem, 769.
bitterness of, thought that springs
from, 348.

contests rise from trivial, 815.

done at the Mermaid, 939.

evil, some goodness in, 802.

great lord of all, 792.

sighed and looked unutterable, 204.
Things, loveliest of lovely, are they, 309.
man's best, are nearest him, 741
more, in heaven and earth, 808.
of sale seller's praise belongs to, 810.
revolves the sad vicissitudes of, 559.
three, a wise man will not trust, 271.
tidings of invisible, 631.

unattempted in prose or rhyme, 947.
without all remedy, 792.

Think and not disclose her mind, 723,
dares one thing, and another tell, 797
him so because I think, 723,
may sigh to, he still has found, 121.
naught a trifle tho' it small appear,

of it dissolute man 335.

they talk who never, 803,
those that, must govern, 812
Thinking an idle waste of thought, 808.
nothing good or bad but, makes it so,


of the days that are no more, 315.
too much, to have common tho`t, 804.
Thinks most lives most, who, 742
too much, he, 722.

with books, principles with times, Thin-spun life, Fury slits the, 812.


Tenor of his way, 794.

of their way, 306.

Tent, pitch my moving, 389.
Tented field, action in the, 145.

Tenth transmitter of a foolish face, 812.
Tents, fold their, like the Arabs, 816.
Terror, no, in your threats, 797.

shadows have struck more, 868.
Testament of bleeding war, 541.
ope the purple, come to, 541.
Tetely and wayward,
Text, God takes a, 361.

many a holy, around she strews, 306.
Thais sits beside thee, 772.

Thames, most loved of Ocean's sons, 720.
with no allaying, 147.
Thank thee Jew, 804.

whom none can. 797.
Thanked enough, when I'm not, 797.
Thankless child, to have a, 318.
Thanks and use, both, 797.

of millions yet to be, are heard, 583.
untraced to lips unknown, 807.
That is the question, 297.

Thaw and resolve itself into a dew, 311.
Theatre, the world's a, 792.
Thebes or Pelops' line, tragedy present-
ing, 787.

Thee, no living with, nor without, 724.

Thorn, milk-white, beneath the, 385.
withering on the, 495

Thorns, set with little wilful, 721.
that in her bosom lodge, 395.
which I have reaped, 800.

Those evening bells, how many tale, 716.
graceful acts, 795.

that think must govern, 812.

Thou canst not say I did it, 868.
Though deep yet clear, 723,

last not least in love, 120,

Thought, as a sage, he felt as a man. 737.
could wed it elf with sper ch, ere, 803
flung forward is the prophecy, 602,
I thought he thought I slept, 188,
is deeper than all speech, 731
is speech and speech is truth, 108.
is the slave of life, 792.

is tired of wandering, 867.
leaped out to wed with thought,
like a passing, she fled, 309,
like a peasant, meet thee. 495.
noon of, this dead of midnight, 431
of our past years doth breed. 758,
pale cast of, sicklied o'er with, 297.
pleasing dreadful, eternity theu, 758
power of, magic of the mind, 812.
rear the tender. 214.
sessions, of, sweet silent, 115.
she pined in, 251.

Thought so once and now I know it, 792.

strength of some diffusive, 603.
sweetly solemn, one, 375.
thinking an idle waste of, 808.
thou wert a beautiful, 869.

thy wish was father to that, 800.
to have common, 804.

two souls with but a single, 205.
vain or shallow, not from a, 735.
what oft was, ne'er well exprest, 807.
whose armor is his honest, 736.
would destroy their paradise, 108.
Thoughts as boundless, souls as free, 626.
calm, love light and, 739.

downward bent, were always, 803.
dwelling of his, 808.

great, great feelings came, 740.

in, more elevate, 808.

of men are widened, 257.
on hospitable, intent, 232.
pleasant, bring sad, 492.

river of his, she was ocean to the, 765.
slaughterous, 900.

strange, transcend wonted themes,

that breathe and words that burn, 867.
that lie too deep for tears, 759.
that shall live in general mind, 70.
that shall not die, precious, 801.
that voluntary move, 407.
that wander thro' eternity, 794.
whose very sweetness, 809.
Thousand blushing apparitions, 723.
decencies that daily flow, 795.
fragrant posies, 157.

innocent shames in angel whiteness,


lines, dry desert of a, 807.

liveried angels lacky her, 796.
melodies unheard before, 213,
Thousands, slave to, 'tis his has been, 811.
Thread, feels at each, 496.

Threadbare sail, set every, 620.
Threats, no terror in your, 797.
Three poets in three ages, 907.

treasures love and light,739.
years' ch ld, listens like a, 108.
Threescore, beneath the burden of, 232.
Thrice he as-ayed, 346.

he routed all his foes, 771.
he slew the slain, 771.

is he armed, 796.

my pea e was slain, 491.

thy shaft flew and thrice, 491.
Thrift may follow fawning, 111.
Throat, Ainen stuck in my, 883.

lofty and shrill-sounding, 868.

Throne, here my, bid kings come bow,345.
living, the sapphire blaze, 939.
night from her ebon, 491.

no brother near the, 910,

of rocks in a robe of clouds, 493.
of royal state, high on a, 722.
Throng, a fluit ring smiling jilting, 271.
lowest of your, 812.

Thumping on your back, proves by, 121.
Thunder, could great men, 813.

leaps live, rattling crags among, 686.
Thunder-harp of pines, smote his, 493.
Thus let me live, unseen, unknown, 225.
Thyme, where the wild, blows, 495.
Tickled with a straw, 107.
Tide in the affairs of men, 802.

of love, pity swells the, 794.

Tidings as they roll, confirm the, 376.
dismal, when he frowned, 688.
of invisible things, 631.

Tie, linked in one heavenly, 203.
love endures no, 207.

silver link the silken, 203.

up the knocker, say I'm sick, 805.
Tiger, imitate the action of the, 503.

rouse the, for the fallow-deer, 724.
Tight little island, 602.

Tiles and chimney-pots, 630.

Tilt at all I meet, too discreet to, 806.
Timber, like seasoned, never gives, 302.
Time 'gainst the tooth of, 811.


and the hour runs, 791.

and Thought, daughters of, 604.
bid, return, 792.

brings increase to her truth, 215.
even such is, 745.

flies, death urges, knells call, 395.
flieth and never claps her wings, 791.
flight of, beyond the, 114.
footprints on the sands of, 770.
foster-child of silence and slow, 718.
hath a wallet at his back, 792.
he that lacks, to mourn, 318.
he was not of an age but for all, 905.
how noiseless falls the foot of, 117.
how small a part of, they share. 195.
inaudible and noiseless foot of, 791.
is fleeting. 770.

is like a fashionable host, 792.
I was promised on a, 938.

Time kept the, with falling oars they, 626.
kill the, their only labor, 816.
laid hand gently on my heart, 794.
last syllable of recorded, 792.
of scorn to point at, 725.
old, is still a-flying, 754.
old, makes these decay, 141.
panting, toil'd after him in vain, 905.
procrastination is the thief of, 748.
rich with the spoils of, 206.
rolls his ceaseless course, 791.
sages of ancient, 806,
sent before my, 938.

shall think to rob us, 215.

shall throw a dart at the, 907.

so hallowed and so gracious, 397.
stretched forefinger of all, 807.
taught by, 316.

teeth of, give lettered pomp to, 915.
to mourn, he that lacks, 345.
transported, with envy, 215.

upon this bank and shoal of, 900.
what will not, subdue, 948.

we should count, by heart-throbs,742.
we take no note of, 747.

whips and scorns of, bear the, 297.
with thee conversing I forget, 206.
writes no wrinkle on thy brow, 607.
Time's deformed hand, 799.

fool, life, 792.

noblest offspring is the last, 587.
Times have been, 868.

of old, jolly place said he in, 661.
principles with, tenets with books,


Timothy learnt sin to fly, young, 397.
Tinct with cinnamon, lucent syrops, 179.
Tipple in the deep, fishes that, 147.
Tiptoe, jocund day stands, 490.

religion stands on, 395.

Tired nature's sweet restorer, sleep, 816.
Title, who gained no, lost no friend, 120.
Titles, high though his, 563.

To all to each a fair good night, 816.
be or not to be, 297.

see her was to love her, 233.
Toad, ugly and venomous, 348.
Toast pass, let the, drink to the lass,
them together, let us e'en, 11,
Tobacco, sublime, which cheers, $14.
thus think and smoke, 814.
To-day I have lived, do thy worst, 703.
to-morrow already walks in, 800.
Toc, on the light fantastic, 785.
top to, 107.

Toil and trouble, war he sung is, 772.
became the solace of his woes, 559.
from, he wins his spirits light, 550.
govern those that, those that think,

morn of, nor night of waking, 530.
of gathering energies, 807.
o'er books consumed midnight oil,


verse sweetens, however rude, 559.
winding up days with, 559.

Toils are sweet with thee, 206.
Toiled, all forgot for which he, 540.
Toledo trusty, trench nt blade, 507,
Toll for the brave, 612.

Tomb, beauty awakes from the, 737.
nature eries from the, 306.

nearer to thee, cradles rock us, 208.
threefold fourfold, 939.

Tombs, hark from the, 310.
To-morrow already walks in to-day, 800.
and to-morrow, 792.
cheerful as to-day, 232.

defer not til, to be wise, 793.

do thy worst I have lived to-day, 793.
is falser than the former day, 793.
live till the darkest day, 793.
tints, with prophetic ray, 134.
to be put back, to speed to-day, 204.
will be dying, 754.

will repay, trust on and think, 793.
To-morrow's sun may never rise, 792.
To-morrows, man of confident. 793.
Tone of languid nature, restore the, 493.
Tongue, braggart with my, 346.

dropped manna, though his, 724.
in every wound of Cæsar, 877.
let the candied, lick pomp, 111.
man that hath a, 133.

music's golden, flattered to tears, 176.
nor heart conceive nor name, 900.
of fire and heart of steel, 724.
that Shakespeare spake, 602.
though it have no, murder, 900.
understanding but no, 815.
win a woman with his, 133.
Tongues, airy, that syllable names, 830.
in trees, books in running brooks,
live upon their, be their talk, 811.
of dying men, 310.

silence envious, gentle peace to, 822.
Too late I stayed, forgive the crime, 117.

[blocks in formation]

Torture of the mind to lic, 311.
Torturing hour, scourge and, 345, 396.
Toss him to my breast, 395.

Touch, feel tenderest, sp der-like, 203.
hath saved her boy, 796.

of a vanished hand, O for the, 315.
of love, the inly, 203,

of nature makes the world kin, 811.
that dares not put it to the, 10.
wound with a, scarcely felt, 806.
Torch the highest point, 346.
Touches of sweet Earmony, 775.
Touchstone, calamity is man's true, 348.
Touchy testy pleasant fellow, 724.
Tower of strength, king's name is a, 722.
Towered cities please us then, 786.
Towering passion, into a, 745.
Towers along the steep, no, 629.

and battlements it sees, 785.
cloud-capped, gorgeous palaces, 867.
Town, man made the, 672.
Toy, a foolish thing was but a, 494.
Toyle, troublous, 311.

Tragedy, sometime let, 787.
Trail of the serpent, 396.
Trailing clouds of glory, 758.
Train of night, last in the, 463.

starry, gems of heaven her, 391.
Traitors, our doubts are, 800.
Trammel up the consequence, 900.
Trample on my days, light doth, 274.
Tranquillity, heaven was all, 264.
Transient chaste as morning dew, 106.
Transition, what seems so is, 272.
Translucent wave, glassy cool, 869.
Transmitter of a foolish face, 812.
Transmutes, bercaves of influence, 539.
Transports, thy, moderate, 206.
Trappings and the suits of woe, 295.
Travel on life's common way, 907.
Travelled life's dull round, 121.

Traveller leaping o'er those bounds, 805,
spurs the lated, apace, 491.
Travel's history, portance in my, 145.
Tray, Blanch, and Sweetheart, 346.
Treacle, the fly that sips, 205.

Tread each other's heel, woes, 345.
Treason can but peep, to what it would,

doth never prosper, 812.

harbors, in his simple show, 724.
has done his worst, 311.

here lurks no, 311.

none dare call it, if it prosper, 812.
Treasons, is fit for, 776.

Treasure, rich the, 771.

Treasures of the deep, 619.

sea-born, fetched my, 40C.

up a wrong, 899.

Treasuries, sunless, 622,

Treatise, rouse and stir at a dismal, 900.
Treble, turning toward childish, 711.
Tree, fruit of that forbidden, 395.

hale green, 454.

of deepest root is found. 756.
thorns of the, I planted, 800.
under the greenwood, 638.
woodman spare that, 101.
Trees inclined, as twig is bent, 804.
Trees, blossoms in the, 489.

bosomed high in tutted, 785.
drop tears fast as Arabian, 725.
just hid with, 489.

tongues in, books in brooks, 489.
venerable brotherhood of, 494.
Tremble, a slave to, when I wake, 594.
Tremblers, boding, learned to trace, 688.
Trenchant blade Toledo trusty, 707.
Tribe, a pearl richer than all his, 724.

the badge of all our, sufferance, 346.
Trikes that slumber in its bosom, 307.
Tribute, the passing, of a sigh, 306.
vain, of a smile, 811.
Trick of his frown, 107.
Tricks in plain and simple faith, 206.
plays such fantastic, 813
that are vain, 987.

Tride without consent bin, 232.
Tried each art, reproved delay, 688.
to blame who has been, 321.
to live without him, 312.
Trifle, as 'twere a careless, 309.
think naught a, 815.

Trifles, light as air, 207.

snapper-up of unconsidered, 724.
win us with honest, 396.
Tripping, catch him, 724.

Triton blow his wreathed horn, 403.
Triumph, pursue the, 911.

Triumphal arch that fill'st the sky, 494.
Trivial fond records, 801.

Trod the water, 672.

Troop, farewell the plumed, 722.
Troops of friends, 794.

Trope, out there flew a, 804.

Trouble, joyful, 559.

Troubles of the brain, the written, 347.

take arms against a sea of, 297.
Troy divine, the tale of, 787.

fred another, another Helen, 772.
Truant, aged ears play, 723.

hus and should return, 215.
True as the dial to the sun, 795.

as the needle to the pole, 796.
hope is swift, 800.

I have married her, 145.
love, the course of, 250.
perfection, seasoned to, 496.
to thine own self be, 797.
Truly loved never forgets, 174.
Trump, shrill, farewell the, 722.
Trumpery, with all their, 397.
Trumpet, to the morn, cock that is, 868.
Trumpet-tongued, angels, 900.
Trust, somehow good the goal of ill, 392.
soothed by an unfaltering, 308.
take the strongest praise on, 810.
Trusted, let no such man be, 776.
Truth beauty is, truth beauty, 719.
crushed to earth, 531.

denies all eloquence, 348.
doubt, to be a liar, 206.
from his lips prevailed, 688.

from pole to pole, spread the, 376.
has such a face and mien, 398.
heirs of, 42.

held it, with him who sings, 399.
highest thing man may keep, 398.
in every shepherd's tongue, 158.
is beauty, b auty truth. 718.
light of, let me live in the, 797.
made sinner of memory unto, 797.
makes free, freeman whom, 600.
simple, miscalled simplicity, 398.
sole judge of, in error hurled, 792.
speech is, thought is speech, 108.
statesman, yet friend to, 120.
stranger than fiction, 805.
teacher's doctrine sanctifled by, 939.
tell, and shame the devil, 398.
the poet sings, 255.

they breathe that breathe in pain,

time brings increase to her, 215.
well known to most, 802.

Truth's majestic march, 602.

Truths refined as Athens heard, 809.
that wake to perish never, 759.

Try me with affliction, 725.

Tufted grove, 491.

Tug of war, then was the, 541.
Tulips, ladies like variegated, 723.
Tully's gol ten tongue, 938.
Tumult, aerial, 631.

of the soul, 206.

Tune, street bells jangled out of, 808.
Turf beneath their feet, 513.

bless the, that wraps their clay, 563.
green be the, above thee, 937.

green grassy, is all I crave, 493.
Turk, bear like the, no rival, 910.
Turmyle, wearisome, 311.

Turn, the smallest worm will, 798.
Turtie, love of the, 451.

Tutoress of arts and sciences, 108.
Twelve, apostles, Cristes lore and, 697.
honest men have decided, 810.
Twenty mortal murders on their crowns,

Twice-told tale, tedions as a, 799.
Twig is bent, just as the, 804.
Twilight gray, in her sober livery,413.
"Twixt two boundless seas, 793,

Two eternities, the past the future, 793.
hands upon the breast, 295.
paradises are in one, 813.

souls with but a single thought, 205.
voices are there, 493.

Twofold image, we saw, 494.
Type of the wise, who soar, 474.
Tyrant, custom made the flinty, 539.
Tyrant, fantastic, of the amorous heart,


plea, necessity the, 601.
Unadorned, adorned the most when, 795.
Unaneled, unhouseled, disappointed, 310.
Unassuming commonplace of nature,
Unattempted yet in prose or rhyme, 947. |

Unblemished let me live or die, 811.
Unborn ages crowd not in my soul, 868.
Unborrowed from the eye, interest, 404.
Uncertain glory of an April day, 492.
Unconquered steam, soon thy arm, 802.
Unconsidered trifles, snapper-up of, 724.
Under the greenwood tree, 638.

the hawthorn in the dale, 785,
the yaller-pines I house, 493.
which king Bezonian, 540.
Underlings, fault is that we are, 793.
Underneath this sable hearse, 907.

this stone doth lye, 907.
Understanding.give it,but no tongue,815.
Undevout astronomer is mad. 492.
Undiscovered country, that, 297.
Undisputed thing, thou say'st an, 485.
Undone, love again and be again, 796.

widow upon mine arm, 511.
Undreamed shores, 802.
Uneasy lies the head that wears, 762.
Uneffectual fire, pale his, 490.

Unexpressive she, fair chaste, 134.
Unfaltering trust, soothed by an, 308.
Unfed sides, houseless heads and, 494.
Unfinished window, must remain, 940.
Unfortunate, one more, 335.
Ungalled play, the hart, 671.
Ungracious pastors, as some, do, 809.
Unhappy folks on shore now, 630.

none could be but the great, 347.
Unheeded flew the hours, 117.
Unhonored and unsung, unwept, 563.
Unhouseled disappointed unaneled, 310.
Unintelligible world, weight of this, 404.
Union here of hearts, there is no, 114.

mysterious, with its native sea, 631.
Unkindest cut of all, the most, 876.
Unkindness, hard, 899.
Unknell'd uncoffin'd and unknown. 607.
Unknown and silent shore, gone, 285.
argues yourselves, not to know me,

let me live unseen unknown, 225.

she lived, and few could know, 105.
Unlamented let me die, thus, 225.
Unlineal hand, wrenched with an, 345,
Unlooked for if at all, she comes, 811.
Unlovely as thou seem'st, 492.
Unpathed waters, undreamed shores,


Unperceived decay, melts with, 794.
Unpitied and unknown, 812.
Unpleasing sadness mixed, 867.
Unpremeditated strain, 940,
Unprofitable, stale, flat and, 346.
Unreal mockery hence, 868,
Unrelenting foe to love, 205.
Unremembered acts, little nameless, 404.
Unreturning brave, grieving over, 512.
Unseen, walk the earth, 868.
Unsought be won, not, 209.

is better, love given, 205.
Untaught knaves, called them, 506.
Untimely grave, 309.

Unto dying eyes casement grows, 315.
Untrodden ways, she dwelt among, 104.
Untwisting all the chains, 786.
Unused to the melting mood, 725.
Unutterable things, looked, 204.
Unvarnished tale, a round, 145,
Unveiled her peerless light, 413.
Unwashed artificer, another lean, 722.
Unwedgable and gnarled oak, 813.
Unwept unhonored and unsung, 563.
Unwilling ploughshare, 495.
Up and doing, let us be, 770,

rose the sonne up rose Emelie, 490.
Upon this hint I spake, 146.
Urania govern thou my song, 807.
Urges sweet return, retirement, 814.
Urn, storied, or animated bust, 306.

from her pictured, scatters, 867.
loud hissing, bubbling and, 810.
mouldering, spring visit the, 737.
Urs, those dreadful, 803.
Use, beyond all, 899.
Useless to excel, 133.

Uses of adversity, sweet are the, 348.
of this world, 346.

Uttered or unexpressed, 398.

Vacant mind, laugh that spoke the, 688.
Vacation, conscience have, 395.
Vain as the leaf upon the stream,

pomp and glory of this world, 321.
wisdom all and false philosophy, 808.
Vale, meanest floweret of the, 489.
of tears, beyond this, 399.
sequestered, 306, 794.
Vales, pyramids in, 298.
Valeria, dear, 493.
Valiant taste of death but once, 310.
that dares die, he's not, 900,
Valleys low on whose fresh lap, 494.
Valor, contemplation and, formed, 711.
shows but a bastard, 900.

Value, being lost, we rack the, 801.
Vanished hand, touch of a, 315,
Vanities of earth, fuming, 491.
Vanity, man's heart by, drawn in, 799.
of worldly stuff, 814.
Vanquished, e'en though, 688.
Vantage, coigne of, 720.
Vapors, congregation of, 114.

melt into morn, 490.

Varied God, these are but the, 417.
Variety's custom stale her infinite, 712.
order in, we see, 815.

the very spice of life. 815.
Vase, you may shatter the, 240.
Vastness which grows to harmonize, 726.
Vault, long drawn aisle and fretted, 306

mere lees is left this, 346.

Vaulting ambition o'erleaps itself, 798.
Vehemence of youth, flery, 670.
Venerate himself as man, 603.
Vengeance, with an immortal's, 726.
to God alone belongs, 899.

Venice, on the Bridge of Sighs, 720.
sate in state, throned, 720.
Vents in mangled forms, 803.
Venture life and limb, 602.
Venus sets ere Mercury can rise. 805.
Verge of heaven, quite in the, 309.

of the churchyard mould, 802.
Vernal bloom, sight of, 407.
Verse, cheered himself with ends of, 347.
cursed be the, 781.

hearse rough, should roar, 806.
lies the subject of all, 907.
love first invented, 204.
Lydian airs married to, 786, 806.
manhood better than his, 56.
may find him who sermon flies, 364.
one, for sense (ne for rhyme, 807.
one, for the other's sake, 807,
sweetens toil, however rude, 559.
wanting the accomplishment of, 766,
Verses, rhyme the rudder is of, 807.
Vertu of necessite, maken, 802.

the first, if thou wilt lere, 398.
Vesture of decay, this muddy, 775,
Veteran, superfluous lags the, 804.

whose last act on the stage, 804.
Vex not his ghost, 346.

not then the poet's mind, 806.
Vexing dull ear of a drowsy man, 799.
Vibrates in the memory, 776.

Vicar of the almightie Lord, 489

Vice a monster of so frightful mien, 305.
of fools, pride the, 799.
prevails, when, 601.

Vices, frame a ladder of our, 399.
small, do appear, 802.

Vicissitudes, circling joys of dear, 559.

of things, sad, 559.

Victor, great world-victor's, 940.
Victories, after a thousand, 540.

peace hath her, 909.

Victorious o'er the the ills o' life, $48.
Victory, O grave where is thy, 365.

it was a famous, 538.

View, landscape tire the, 444.

dont, me with a critic's eye, 107.
Vigils, poets painful, keep, sir."
Vile, and only man is, 395.

guns, but for these, 506.
in durance, 346,

in, man that mourns, 394.
that was your garland, $13.
Village bells, some Hampden, 306.
Villain, a hungry lean-faced, 722.
one murder made a, 541.
one may smile and be a, 722.
with a smiling cheek. 797.
Villanous saltpetre digged, 506,
Villany, clothe my naked, 396.
Vindicate the ways of God to man, 807.
Vine, gadding, o'er grown, 495.
Violence, affletions, 348.,
Violent delights have violent ends, 815.
Violet by a mossy stone, 165.

bank where the nodding, grows, 496.
glowing, 494.

of his native land, 311.
the forward, 122.

throw a perfume on the. 726.

Violets, bank of, breathes upon, 495.
dim but sweeter, 495.
plucked, 138, 246.

odors when sweet, sicken, 776.
spring from her fair flesh, 311.
Virgil's verse and Tully's truth, 791.
Virgin thorn, rose withering on thd, 495.
Virgins are soft as the roses, 451.
Virtue alone is happiness below, 398,
alone outbuilds the pyramids, 398.
ambition, wars that make, 722
assume a, if you have it not, 396.
filled the space between, 797.
her own, be her counsel, 193.
in her shape how lovely, 398.
is to gold as gold to silver, 803,

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