LAWS OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE, PASSED AT A SPECIAL SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY COMMENCED AND HELD AT DOVER, ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29TH, A. D. 100. AND Los Angeles Public Libra IN THE YEAR OF THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES THE ONE HUNDRED AND LAWS OF DELAWARE. TITLE SECOND. Of the Public Revenue; and the Assessment, Collection and CHAPTER 1. OF THE REVENUES OF THE STATE. LAN ACT in Relation to the compensation of Officers of the two Houses of the General Assembly for the Special Session, convened, December 29th, A. D. 1904. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: Section 1. That the Clerk of the Senate shall receive the clerk of Senate sum of Fifteen dollars. The Reading Clerk of the Senate shall receive the sum of Reading Clerk Five Dollars. of Senate. The Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate shall receive the sum sergeant-atof Five dollars. Arms of Senate The Chaplain of the Senate shall receive the sum of Five Chaplain ciollars. of Senate. The Page of the Senate shall receive the sum of Three dol- Page of Senate lars. 152123 JUN 15:900 |