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Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly and request its concurrence therein.


The Assembly bill (No. 428, Rec. No. 411) entitled "An act to amend the Tax Law, in relation to the transfer tax on Federal war risk insurance of veterans, was read the third time.

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The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Downing Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the same. The Senate bill (No. 1598, Int. No. 666) entitled "An act to amend the Transportation Corporations Law, to provide for terminable permits for stage, omnibus and motor vehicle lines," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly and request its concurrence therein.

The Assembly bill (No. 102, Rec. No. 51) entitled "An act to amend the Town Law, in relation to making the reasonable fees of a physician for examining persons charged with intoxication a town charge,' was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the same. The Assembly bill (No. 647, Senate reprint No. 1873, Rec. No. 171) entitled "An act to amend the Town Law, in relation to the license for peddling," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the same, with amendments.

The Senate bill (No. 1819, Int. No. 1478) entitled "An act to amend the Town Law, in relation to the compensation of justices of the peace in the town of Mount Pleasant, Westchester county," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly and request its concurrence therein.

The Assembly bill (No. 1718, Rec. No. 423) entitled "An act to amend the Town Law, in relation to the establishment of town police departments in certain counties," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the same. The Assembly bill (No. 1724, Rec. No. 439) entitled "An act to amend the Town Law, in relation to delegating powers and functions pertaining to sidewalk districts to town superintendent of highways," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the same. The Assembly bill (No. 1535, Rec. No. 421) entitled "An act to amend the Town Law, in relation to the compensation of overseers of the poor in certain towns," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

[subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small]

Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the same. The Senate bill (No. 1581, Int. No. 1344) entitled "An act to amend the Town Law, in relation to importation and transportation of certain fertilizers, was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly and request its concurrence therein.

The Assembly bill (No. 2071, Rec. No. 507) entitled "An act to amend the Village Law, in relation to the making of contracts by village boards," was read the third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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Ordered, That the Clerk return said bill to the Assembly, with a message that the Senate has concurred in the passage of the same.

The Senate bill (No. 1763, Int. No. 1446) entitled "An act to amend the title of and to amend chapter six hundred and three of the Laws of nineteen hundred and twenty-six, entitled 'An act creating a commission to prepare and report preliminary plans, including estimates and proposed assessment areas, for sanitary trunk sewers and sanitary outlet sewers in the county of Westchester, providing for the payment of the expenses of such commission, authorizing the creation, enlargement, extension and modification of sanitary sewer districts within said county, providing for the construction, enlargement, extension, modification, improvement and maintenance of such sewers, authorizing the issuance of certificates of indebtedness and bonds therefor, directing the adoption of an annual estimate or budget for such districts, providng for assessmen ́s within such districts to pay the cost of maintaining such sewers and to reimburse said county for the payment of the principal and interest of bonds and certificates of indebtedness issued therefor,' in relation to appropriations for and cost of sewers, was read the

third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, the same having been printed and upon the desks of the members in its final form for three calendar legislative days, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the Senators elected voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths being present, as follows:

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