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govern the commonwealth, it was unnecessary, and inconsistent with his authority, for them to continue to exercise their functions; which they accordingly pronounced to be at an end. Thus all the power of the state was once again thrown upon Bolivar. He was authorised to delegate his powers to one or more persons, and appoint a substitute upon any unexpected emergency. Unlimited power, executive and legislative, was entrusted to him. He might raise loans, levy extraordinary contributions, abrogate or suspend such laws or constitutional articles as he should think adverse to the security and liberty of the nation, and promulgate such others, were conducive thereto; being charged, farthermore, to exercise his discretion in purging the republic of its enemies, of whatever class or condition they might be. In short, the grant of authority was absolute and unconditional, and could scarcely be warranted, even by the exigencies of the country. In Upper Peru, however, still greater honors awaited him, than he had yet received.

The death of Olaneta, extinguished the last hope of the royalists in Upper Peru, who now peaceably submitted to the patriot army. Sucre took possession of the cities of Oruro, La Paz, and Potosi, and all the dependant country in that quarter, without oppo

sition from any armed force, and proceeded to organize the government with the cordial cooperation of the inhabitants, who seemed resolved neither to unite with Peru, nor the provinces of Rio de la Plata; but to form an independent republic: an object highly favored by their geographical position. To deliberate on these points, Sucre summoned a congress of representatives of the several provinces, to assemble at Chuquisaca.

In the meantime, a body of Brazillians, from the remote interior province of Mattogrosso, quietly took possession of Chiquitos, April 26th, by virtue of an alleged capitulation of the commandant Ramos, the governor of that province. Upon being notified of this fact, by the Brazillian chief, Sucre immediately returned for answer, that the pretended capitulation was void; and that if the Brazillians did not instantly evacuate Chiquitos, he would not only compel them to do it by force, but would make reprisals upon the territory of Brazil, in punishment of the aggression.

Accordingly, a division of the army left Chuquisaca, June 1st, for Chiquitos; but the Brazillians not thinking it best to stand an attack, quitted the province. Not long afterwards, rumors were abroad, that Bolivar had himself

invaded Brazil; and although some of them may have been premature, there is reason to believe, from official documents, that he contemplated aiding the Argentine republic, in her contest with the emperor of Brazil.

Among the first acts of the congress of Upper Peru, was an expression of gratitude towards the liberating army, and its chief officers. They decreed, August 11th, 1825, to call the new republic by the name of Bolivia; and its capital city, Sucre. They conferred the supreme executive authority on Bolivar, during the whole time he might reside within the limits of the republic; and when absent from it, the honorary distinction of its protector and president. Sucre was invested with the highest military authority, with the titles of captain-general, and grand mareschal of Ayacucho. Medals, statues, and pictures of both Bolivar and Sucre, were liberally decreed; the statues to be erected in the capital of each department. To the liberating army, a million of dollars was voted, with all the privileges possessed by native citizens of the republic.


we must consider it; is prefaced by some preliminary general principles of government. The form recommended by him, and adopted by the constituent congress, is representative, but consolidated, in opposition to federal. Every ten citizens choose an elector, who holds the office for four years January of each year, the electors meet in the capitals of their respective provinces, and choose the members of three legislative chambers, namely, the tribunes elected for life; the senators for four years, and the censors for life. The powers of the president of the republic resemble those of the president of the United States s; but he is without responsibility for the acts of his administration, and holds his office for life. Moreover, he virtually appoints his successor; for the vice-president, nominated by him, and approved by the congress, is to succeed him in office. In other respects, the constitution is complicated and impracticable; so that, if it should long exist, it would inevitably have the effect of establishing in Bolivia, either an irresistible aristocracy, or a despotism in the executive chief.

General Sucre was proclaimed president of Bolivia, by the constituent congress, until the election of a president should be made, under the sanction of the consti

Their most important act, however, was to request Bolivar to prepare the draft of a constitution for the republic; which he consented to do. This singular instrument, for singular and most extraordinary tution. They also accepted the

plan of a constitution proposed to them by Bolivar, as above described.

Bolivar returned from Bolivia to Peru, in the spring of 1826, fixing his residence at Magdalena, and afterwards at Lima. Here the Peruvian congress was to assemble; but considerable difficulty occurred in the organization of the body. It was prorogued once, on account of a quorum not being assembled ; and again, by reason of an alleged irregularity in the powers of the delegates. Bolivar manifested dissatisfaction, at what he considered, a factious spirit, on the part of a majority of the congress, and threatened to withdraw from Peru, instantly; but was prevailed on by them to relinquish his intention. These circumstances indicated the danger of anarchy, if the country was left to its own resources; and in April, fifty-two members of the congress made a representation to the government, setting forth their conviction, of the inexpediency of installing it until the next year; and the necessity, in the interval, of continuing to Bolivar the dictatorial powers he now possessed. They farther recommended, that the provinces should be consulted, as to their desire to reform the constitution, and if so, how far the reform should extend. In compliance with their views, Bolivar consented to retain the supreme authority, and

issued a decree, dated May 1st, adopting the measures recommended by them. Thus, Bolivar was again left in the exercise of discretionary power.

The unsettled state of Peru, was the reason assigned, for pursuing this course. How far the condition of the country may have exacted it, we have not the means of determining. Certain it is, that great jealousy of Bolivar was now entertained, in Peru, and Chili. Το such a height did this feeling reach, that, in July, a large number of officers, Peruvians, and Buenos Ayreans, were arrested by him, for an alleged conspiracy, against his person, and against the Colombians. Disturbances also broke out in the interior, for the same cause, professedly. Bolivar, therefore, marched the Peruvian troops out of Callao, and replaced them with Colombians; and took other precautions to preserve tranquillity. Whether for the latter purpose only, or for the sake of strengthening his personal authority, he caused a body of Peruvian troops to proceed to Panama, cantoning Colombian soldiers in the various villages around the country. These measures augmented the public distrust of his intentions among the Peruvians, who began to accuse him of designing to unite, permanently, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia.

Regardless of their dissatisfac

tion, Bolivar caused a plan of a constitution, for Peru, similar to that of Bolivia, to be drawn up and circulated in the departments, for their examination and approval, under the authority of his council of state, which administered the affairs of Peru. It is deserving of remark, that this form of government, which Bolivar prefers above all others, very strongly resembles the present constitution of the republic of Hayti, from which, when governed by Petion, Bolivar received that succor which enabled him to re-establish his then almost desperate fortunes. Disorders now existed in Colombia, which, whatever might have been their origin, whether instigated by Bolivar, as many supposed, and part of a scheme to pave the way to absolute rule, or wholly independent of him,-still, in either case, equally made his departure from Peru, indispensably necessary. This event, although daily expected, for a long time, was at length officially announced, as about to take place.


parting proclamation, dated
Lima, September 3d, he says:-
"The legislature will, next year,
render permanent, by the wisdom
of their acts, all the blessings of
liberty. There is but one danger
which you have to fear; and I pro-
vide the remedy. Continue to
dread, and shun, the tremendous
evils of anarchy, and you are se-
cure." Of course, the liberator
himself, remained, virtually, in-
vested with the unlimited authority,
which had been temporarily con-
ferred on him, and was now
exercised through substitutes, ap-
pointed, and removable, by himself,
and accountable to him alone. But
it may be, and probably is true, as
alleged by Bolivar, that at present,
no Peruvian, possesses sufficient
personal influence to fix the confi-
dence of his countrymen, and sup-
press their factions.

Having thus related the political events in Peru, it becomes necessary to recur to the period, when those

movements commenced, which recalled Bolivar to Colombia. The original theatre of the revolution, for revolution it deserves to be called, was in Venezuela. General Jose Antonio Paez, one of the most distinguished officers of the revolution, was commanding general in that department. It was charged upon him, that, in the execution of a law, for enrolling the militia, he or

Previous to leaving Peru for Bogota, Bolivar, in virtue of the powers granted him by the congress of 1825, invested D. Andres Santa Cruz, with the supreme command, during his absence; made other necessary arrangements in the executive authority; and summoned the legislature to meet, in September, of the ensuing year. In his dered a detachment of troops to

bring to his head quarters, by force, all persons subject to the law. For this alleged arbitrary act, he was impeached before the senate; and being, of course, suspended from his command, was summoned to Bogota, to answer to the accusation. When upon the eve of departure, the soldiers assembled in Valencia, and committed various excesses, demanding their general, and refusing to serve under his successor, general Escalona. Hereupon, the cabildo assembled, and reinstated Paez in his command; and the result was, that Valencia declared the province of Venezuela independent of the general government, and resolved to seek the erection of it into a separate state. This event caused the greatest consternation among merchants, and foreigners, who naturally anticipated all the horrors of civil war. Paez, however, having a force of more than 2,000 men under his immediate command, was competent to preserve order, unless attacked by troops from Bogota; and immediately issued a proclamation, dated May 3d, guaranteeing to all the inhabitants security for their persons and property, while pursuing their private avocations, and doing nothing to interfere with the public


On learning these occurrences, the municipality of Caraccas, who had promoted the impeachment of

Paez, apprehensive that he might be inclined to punish them, sent a deputation, inviting him to the city, and concurring in the measures adopted by Valencia. He made his public entry into Caraccas, May 20th, and was now invested with the authority of supreme civil and military chief, to be held by him, until the arrival of Bolivar. At the same time, colonel Cala, an officer attached to Paez, was despatched to Puerto Cabello, of which he assumed the government; the actual governor Avendano, either resigning, or being forcibly dispossessed of his authority.

Upon these unconstitutional proceedings being known at Carthagena, the troops which were arriving there from Peru were detained, to await farther orders, and general Bermudez, commanding in the department of Orinoco, issued a proclamation, denouncing the conduct of Paez, and the Venezuelians, and exhorting the inhabitants of his department, faithfully to observe the laws, and to rely upon the wisdom of Bolivar, to restore concord, and preserve the constitution.

The first information of the revolution, was conveyed to the government, by the intendant of the department. But May 29th, general Paez addressed a letter to the vice president, giving a circumstantial account of the origin of the movement. In the course of it, he

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