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feveral walks and arbours, and at the fame time catching from every object a hint for fome new question relative to my fon. In this manner we spent the forenoon, till the bell fummoned us in to dinner, where we found the manager of the ftrolling company that I mentioned. before, who was come to difpofe of tickets for the Fair Penitent, which was to be acted that evening, the part of Horatio by a young gentleman who had never appeared on any ftage. He feemed to be very warm in the praises of the new performer, and averred, that he never faw any who bid fo fair for excellence. Acting, he obferved, was not learned in a day; But this gentleman,' continued he, feems born to tread the stage. His

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voice, his figure, and attitudes, are all • admirable. We caught him up accidentally in our journey down.' This account, in fome measure, excited our curiofity, and, at the entreaty of the ladies, I was prevailed upon to accomK 2



pany them to the play-house, which was no other than a barn. As the company with which I went was inconteftably the chief of the place, we were received with the greateft refpect, and placed in the front feat of the theatre; where we fate for fome time with no fmall impatience to fee Horatio make his appearance. The new performer advanced at laft; and let parents think of my fenfations by their own, when I found it was my unfortunate fon. He was going to begin, when, turning his eyes upon the audience, he perceived Mifs Wilmot and me, and stood at once speechlefs and immoveable. The actors behind the scene, who afcribed this pause to his natural timidity, attempted to encourage him but instead of going on, he burst into a flood of tears, and retired off the stage. I don't know what were my feelings on this occafion; for they fucceeded with too much rapidity for defcription: but I was


foon awaked from this difagreeable reverie by Mifs Wilmot, who, pale and with a trembling voice, defired me to conduct her back to her uncle's. When got home, Mr. Arnold, who was as yet a ftranger to our extraordinary behaviour,. being informed that the new performer was my fon, fent his coach, and an invitation, for him; and as he perfifted in his refufal to appear again upon the stage, the players put another in his place, and we foon had him with us. Mr. Arnold: gave him the kindeft reception, and I received him with my ufual transport; for I could never counterfeit false refentment. Mifs Wilmot's reception was mixed with feeming neglect, and yet I could perceive she acted a studied part. The tumult in her mind feemed not yet abated; she said twenty giddy things that looked. like joy, and then laughed loud at her own want of meaning. At intervals fhe would

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would take a fly peep at the glass, as if happy in the confcioufnefs of unresisted beauty, and often would afk questions, without giving any manner of attention. to the answers.


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