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especially when they had been chosen without CHAP. desiring the distinction. This law seems directed to counteract this disposition.

That it was no common gemot appears from the next provision of the same law, which supposes a reluctance in the yldestan man to inflict the prinishment enjoined, and therefore imposes a fine on every one that would not ride with his companions to execute the law. It proceeds to forbid all revenge for the punishment, and directs the same loss of property on the avenger as had been attached to the person that would not attend the gemot. I cannot think that the severity of this law was wanted for enforcing attendance on a mere folc or shire gemot, for which there were so many inducements from its vicinity and popularity. Hence I think it relates to the great national council, to which only the word gemot, by itself, properly applies. The word gemot is frequently thus used to express the witena-gemot.85

That every freeman had his definite rights, and

THAT every land its definite burdens and services, known and established by law and custom, is apparent from numerous Anglo-Saxon documents which have survived to us, and is fully shown by Domesday-book, in which the commissioners appointed by the Conqueror made a specific return of the gelding lands and burghs of the country, and stated the individual payments and share of military burdens to which each was subject, and which only could be claimed from him according to law and ancient custom. The act of the national legislature, to which, by his representatives, he assented,

85 Wilk. Leg. Sax. p. 62. 69. 116. 146, &c.


BOOK could alone subject him to further burdens. These

definite, individual rights favour the supposition that the witena-gemot, in order to affect the property and exemptions of the free class of the people, must have consisted of more orders than that of the nobility and clergy; and the probabilities, on the whole, seem to be that the witena-gemot very much resembled our present parliaments.

Dr. Brady's assertion, in his treatise on Boroughs, that “there were no citizens, burgesses, or tenants of the king's demesnes summoned to great councils or parliaments until the 23d of Edward the First 88, ” is not supported by the authorities which he adduces, but rests on his mistaken supposition that the first writ, now existing, of that year, in which the sheriff was directed to proceed to the election of citizens and burgesses 87, was the first time that they were elected at all, although there is nothing in that writ which marks it to have been the commencement of an innovation so momentous, and although one of the next documents which he produces shows that the government attempted to get money from the burghs without calling their representatives into parliament. The true inference from all his documents is, that the writs for the election of burgesses now existing are but the copies of more ancient forms, and the repetition of a prescriptive custom which has no known commencement.

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86 Brady on Bor. p. 68. 87 He gives it in his book, p. 54.

88 Ibid. p. 66. One writ mentions that the mayor, sheriffs, aldermen, and all the communities of the city, had granted him a sixth of their moveables, and the other, reciting this as an example, directs the commissioners to ask (ad petendum) this of the demesne cities in the four counties mentioned, and to go with the sheriffs to them to require and efficaciously induce them to make a similar grant. P. 67.


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That they were not regularly summoned will CHAP. appear probable when the frequent violences of power, and all the irregularities of those disturbed times, are duly considered.

That kings may have sometimes been content with the money they obtained from the barons and the counties, or may have sometimes procured it, by persuasion or threats, from the burghs separately, as Edward the First attempted in the instance alluded to, are also credible facts; but the fact that he was obliged to solicit the grant from the burghs, is evidence that he had not the legal power of raising it without their consent; and their right to give this consent is evidence of the existence of their constitutional privilege of not being taxed without their own consent; and this truth confirms all the reasoning which makes it probable that their representatives were called to the Saxon witena-gemot, when it was intended that the burghs should contribute to the taxation. It does not at all shake this general principle that some new burghs attained the privilege within the period of historical record.89

We know what was necessary to exalt a ceorl to a thegn, but we cannot distinctly ascertain all the qualifications which entitled persons to a seat in the witena-gemot. There is, however, one curious

89 The ancient charters of London, or copies of them recited in authentic charters, exist from the time of Henry the First, but none contain the grant of its right of sending representatives. The just inference seems to be that this constitutional right had been established long before. There is no charter existing, and none have been known to exist, that confers the right on any of the ancient burghs. This appears to me to show that it was the ancient immemorial right of all burghs or cities, beginning with their existence, and constitutionally attached to it, and not flowing from any specific grant. VOL. III.



BOOK passage which ascertains that a certain amount of property was an indispensable requisite, and that acquired property would answer this purpose as well as hereditary property. The possession here stated to be necessary was forty hides of land. The whole incident is so curious as to be worth transcribing. - Guddmund desired in matrimony the daughter of a great man, but because he had not the lordship of forty hides of land he could not, though noble, be reckoned among the proceres; and therefore she refused him. He went to his brother, the abbot of Ely, complaining of his misfortune. The abbot fraudulently gave him possessions of the monastery sufficient to make up the deficiency. This circumstance attests that nobility alone was not sufficient for a seat among the witan, and that forty hides of land was an indispensable qualification.90

I CANNOT avoid mentioning one person's designation, which seems to have the force of expressing an elected member. Among the persons signing to the act of the gemot at Clove-shoe, in 824, is, "Ego Beonna electus consent. et subscrib.""

90 3 Gale's Script. p. 513.

91 Astle's MS. Charters, No. 12.

In the Registrum Wiltunense, a charter in 948 is signed, after the clergy, by four duces and nine milites: one in 940, and another in 960, by five duces and eleven milites: two in 903 and 957 have, each, the signature of Athelstan Mess'. One in 943 has seven duces and fourteen milites. One of Alfred's, in 892, besides his son, a bishop, two priests, and two duces, is subscribed by Deormod Cell' Elfric Thess' and Sigewulf, Hinc'. Edred's in 946 exhibits eight duces and twelve milites; and the grant of Ethelred in 994 is signed by the archbishop, eleven bishops, seven abbots, seven duces, and twenty ministri, whose appellation seems to have been substituted for that of milites in the others.


Witena-Gemot. How convened. Times and Places of

Meeting. - Its Business and Power.



They were convened by the king's writ. Several chap. passages in the writers of this period mention that they assembled at the summons of the king. “On a paschal solemnity all the greater men, the clergy, and the laity of all the land, met at the king's court, to celebrate the festival called by him.! In 1048, the Saxon Chronicle says, “the king sent after all his witan, and bade them come to Gloucester a little after the feast of Saint Mary.”? In one MS. in the year 993, the king says, “I ordered a synodale council to be held at Winton on the day of Pentecost.”3

The times of their meeting seems to have been usually the great festivals of the church, as Christ

, . mas, Easter, and Whitsuntide; and of these, if we may judge, by its being more frequently mentioned, Easter was the favourite period. But their meetings were not confined to these seasons; for we find that they sometimes took place in the middle of Lent', near the feast of Saint Mary', July, September, and October.? One ancient law-book, the Mirror, mentions “that Alfred caused the earls to meet for the state of the kingdom, and ordained, for a perpetual usage, that twice in the year, or

1 3 Gale's Script. 395.

2 Sax. Chron. p. 163. 3 MS. Claud. c. 9. p. 122. 4 Sax. Chron. 161. 5 Sax. Chron. 163.

6 Astle's MS. Chart. No. 2. 7 Sax. Chron. 164. Heming. Chart. 50.

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