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Agonie (De l'), et de la Mort dans toutes
les Classes de la Société; sous le
Rapport Humanitaire, Physiologique
et Réligieux (Agony and Death in
all Classes of Society; humanitarily,
physiologically and religiously con-
sidered). Par H. Lauvergne. Paris,
1842, 76-visions of the dying, 77-
the inspired woman of Var, 77-
death-bed scenes described, 80-89.
Amelia (Princess) of Saxony, Original-
Beiträge zur deutschen Schaubühne,
197, 216.

American Poetry, 291,

Annuaire Historique pour l'Année 1843,
publié par la Societé de l'Histoire de
France, Paris, 371.

Arndt (E. M.), Schwedische Geschichten
unter Gustav dem Dritten, vorzuglich
aber unter Gustav dem Vierten,
Adolf, 34.

Arthur-Sage (Die) und die Märchen

des Rothen Buches von Hergest.
Herausgegeben von San Marte (Al-
bert Schulz). (The Legend of Ar-
thur and the Tales of the Red Book
of Hergest). Quedlinberg and Leip-
sic, 1842, 536.

Bananier (Le). Par Frédéric Soulié,

Paris, 1843, 226.

Bassano (Le Duc de). Souvenirs In-

time de la Révolution et de l'Em-
pire. Recueillis et publiés par Ma-
dame Charlotte de Sor (Personal
Recollections of the Duke of Bas-
sano, of the Revolution and of the
Empire. Collected and published by
Madame de Sor). Brussels, 1843,
463-sketch of the life of Maret,
463-468-anecdote of Napoleon, 468.
Benserade, 143–153.


Beschreibung von Kordofan und einigen
angränzenden Ländern (Description
of Kordofan and some of the adjoin-
ing Countries, with a Review of the
Commerce, Habits and Manners of
the Inhabitants, and of the Slave
Hunts carried on under Mehemet
Ali's Government). Von Ignaz
Pallme, 1843, 402-Mehemet Ali,
402-notice of Pallme, 404-history
and description of Kordofan, 403—


Biographie des Cotemporains: Es-
partero. Paris, 1843, 247.
Björnstjerna (Grafen M.), Die Theogo-
nie, Philosophie und Kosmogonie
der Hindus, 538.

Black (John), Schlegel's Lectures on
Dramatic Art and Literature, trans-
lated by, 160.

Blanc (Louis), L'Histoire de Dix Ans,
1830-1840, tomes i. ii. iii., 61.
Bray's Mountains and Valleys of Swit-
zerland, 90.

Bryant's Poems, 291.

Buchez, Introduction à la Science de
l'Histoire, ou Science du Developpe-
ment de l'Humanité, 325.
Burnes (the late Lieu.-Col. Sir Alex.),
Cabool. 2d Edition, 1843, 491.

Cabool. By the late Lieu.-Col. Sir
Alex. Burnes. 2d Edition, London,
1843, 491.

Calendars and Almanacs, 371. [See
under Steinbeck, Aufrichtiger Kalen-
dermann, &c.]

Capefigue, Diplomates Européens, 190.
Carus (C. B.), Göthe, 182.
Colton (George H.) Tecumseh; or, The
West, Thirty Years Since, 291.
Confessions (Les) de J. J. Rousseau,
nouvelle édition, précédé d'une no-
2 P

tice par George Sand (New Edition
of Rousseau's Confessions, preceded
by a Notice by George Sand). Paris,
1841-1-incongruities in the charac-
ter of Rousseau, 1-4-Madame Du-
devant's preface, 4-6-Rousseau's
early history, 6-17-his literary
career, and notices of his works, 17

Congress of Vienna, 194, 347.
Correspondence relative to Sinde. Pre-
sented to both Houses of Parliament,
by command of her Majesty, 1843,


Cours d'Etudes Historiques. Par P.
C. F. Daunou. 3 vols., Paris, 1842,


Daunou, Cours d'Etudes Historiques,

Death and Dying in France, 76.
Demoiselles (Les) de Saint Cyr (Comedy
in Five Acts, followed by a letter to
Jules Janin). By Alexander Du-
mas. Paris, 1843, 265.
Deshouillières (Madame de), Sketch of
her Life and Writings, 145.
Dichtungen des deutschen Mittelal-

ters. Erster Band. Der Niebelun-
gen Nôt und die Klage (Poems of the
German Middle Ages. Vol. i. The
Song of the Niebelungen and the
Lament). Edited by Al. S. Vollmer.
Leipsic, 1843, 537.

Dieffenbach (Dr. E.), On the Study of
Ethnology. London, 1843, 424.
Diplomates Européens (European Di-
plomatists). 1. Prince Metternich.
2. Pozzo di Borgo. 3. Prince Talley-
rand. 4. Baron Pasquier. 5. The
Duke of Wellington. 7. Prince Har-
denberg. 8. Count Nesselrode. 9.
Lord Castlereagh. Par M. Capefigue.
Paris, 1843, 190.

Drumann (W.), Geschichte Roms, 273.
Dumas (Alexander), Les Demoiselles
de Saint Cyr, 265.


English (The) on the Continent, 90.
Espartero, 247.

Essais Littéraires et Historiques (Lite-
rary and Historical Essays). By A.
W. Schlegel. Bonn, 1842.-Vorle-
sungen über dramatische Kunst und
Literatur (Lectures on Dramatic Art
and Literature). By A. W. Schle-
gel.-A Course of Lectures on Dra-
matic Art and Literature. Trans-
lated from the German by John
Black, 1840, 160-characteristics of

Schlegel, 160-161-plagiarism of
Coleridge, 161-163-Schlegel's cri-
ticism, 163, &c.-his criticism on
the Greek drama, 170-175-on the
modern drama, 175-181.

Ethnology, On the Study of. By Dr.
B. Dieffenbach. London, 1843, 424.
Ethnological Societies of London and
Paris, 424.


Fêtes et Souvenirs du Congrès de
Vienne; Tableaux des Salons, Scènes,
Anecdotiques et Portraits; 1814-
1815 (Festivities, &c. of the Congress
of Vienna). Par le Comte A. de la
Garde. Paris, 2 tomes, 1843, 190,

Finances (Des) et du Crédit Public de
l'Autriche; de sa Dette, de ses Res-
sources Financières, et de son Sys-
tème d'Imposition, &c. (The Finances
and Public Credit of Austria, her
Debt, Financial Resources and Sys-
tem of Taxation, &c.). Par M. L.
de Tegoborski. In 2 vols. Paris,
1843, 436-finances of Austria and
Prussia, 436, &c. &c.-debt ofAus-
tria, 438-442-Bank of Vienna, 442
-revenue of Austria, 443-445-
direct taxes: land and houses, 445—
trades and professions, 449-Jews,
450-indirect taxes: articles of
consumption, 451-salt, 459-to-
bacco, 460-stamps, 460-post and
lottery, 461-Sir R. Peel's tariff,
455-Austria and the Zoll-Verein,

Foulahs (The) of Central Africa, and

the African Slave Trade. By W.
B. Hodgson, of Savannah. Georgia,
1843, 424.

France, her Governmental, Administra-
tive and Social Organization, ex-
posed and considered, in its Prin-
ciples, in its Working and in its Re-
sults. London, 1844, 527.


Garde (Comte de la), Fêtes et Souve-
nirs du Congrès de Vienne. Ta-
bleaux des Salons, Scènes, Anec-
dotiques et Portraits, 1814-1815,
190, 347.

German Plays and Actors, 197.
Geschichte Roms (History of Rome). Von
M. Drumann. Königsberg, 1841,

Girardin, Madame Emile de (Vicomte
de Launay), Lettres Parisiennes,


Göthe. Von C. B. Carus. Leipsic,
1843, 182.

Grabbe (Dieterich Christian), Dra-
matische Werke, 197, 213.

Grant's Paris and its People, 470, 489.
Grillparzer (Franz), Dramatische
Werke, 197, 207.

Griseldis (Griselda). Der Adept (The
Alchymist). Camoens (The Death
of Camoens). Ein Milder Urtheil
(A Mild Judgment). Imilda Lam-
bertazzi, König und Bauer (King
and Peasant). Der Sohn der Wild-
ness (The Son of the Desert). Plays
by Friedrich Halm (Baron Münch-
Bellinghausen), 1836, 1843, 197, 217.
Griswold (Rufus W.), The Poets and
Poetry of America, with an Histo-
rical Introduction, 291.

Gubitz (F. W.), Volks - Kalender.
Berlin, 371.


Hagen (G.), Handbuch der Wasser-
baukunst, 272.

Halm (Baron Münch-Bellinghausen),
Griseldis, Der Adept, Camoens, &c.,
197, 217.

Hampson (R. T.), Medii Evi Kalen-

darium; or Dates, Charters, and
Customs of the Middle Ages, with
Calendars from the Tenth to the
Fifteenth Centuries, &c. 2 vols. 371.
Handbuch der Wasserbaukunst (Ma-
nual of Hydraulic Architecture),
Von G. Hagen. Königsberg, 1841,

Hempel (Carl Friedrich), Dr. C. G.
Steinbeck's Aufrichtiger Kalender-
mann, neu bearbeitet und vermehrt.
In Drei Theilen, 371.
Histoire (L') de Dix Ans, 1830-1840.

Par M. Louis Blanc. Tomes 1, 2, 3.
Paris, 1843, 61-character of the
work, 61-65-Lafayette described,
63-the Baroness de Feuchères and
the Duc de Bourbon, 65-69-de-
tails respecting the death of the Duc
de Bourbon, 69-75-Louis Phi-
lippe, 75.

Histoire Philosophique et Littéraire du

Théâtre Français, depuis son Ori-
gine jusqu'à nos Jours (Philoso-
phical and Literary History of the
French Theatre, from its Origin to
our own Time), par M. Hippolite
Lucas. Paris, 1843, 266.
Histoirettes (Les) de Tallemant des

Reaux. Seconde Edition. Précédée
d'une Notice, &c. Par M. Mon-
merqué. Paris, 1840, 135.



Im Gebirg und auf den Gletschern
(On the Mountain and upon the
Glaciers), par C. Vogt, 1843, 531.
Immermann's Dramatische Werke. Mer-
lin: Das Trauerspiel in Tyrol (The
Tragedy in Tyrol): Alexis, Die Op-
fer der Schweigens (The Victims of
Silence), 1837-1841, 197, 214.
Inquiry into the Means of establishing
a Ship Navigation between the
Mediterranean and the Red Seas,
by James Vetch, Captain R. E.
F.R. S. Illustrated by a Map. Lon-
don, 1843, 534.
Introduction à la Science de l'Histoire,
ou Science du Développement de
l'Humanité. Par P. J. B. Buchez.
Seconde Edition. 2 vols. Paris, 1843.
-Cours d'Etudes Historiques.
P. C. F. Daunou. 3 vols. Paris, 1842,
325-the science of history, 325, 326
-notice of the work of M. Buchez,
326-331-biographical account of
M. Daunou, 331-334-review of M.
Daunou's work, 335–346.



Jésuites (Des). Par MM. Michelet et
Quinet. Paris, 1843, 263.


Kunstwerke und Künstler in Deutsch-
land. Erster Theil. Künstler und
Kunstwerke im Erzgebirge in
Franken (Works of Art and Ar-
tists in Germany. First Part. The
Erz Mountains and Franconia). By
Dr. G. F. Waagen. Leipzic, 1843,



Lauvergne, De l'Agonie et de la Mort
dans toutes les Classes de la Société,
sous le Rapport Humanitaire, Phy-
siologique et Religieux, 76.
Lehrbuch der Ungarischer Sprache
(Compendium of the Hungarian
Language). Von J. N. Reméle,
Vienna, 1843, 273.

Lettres Parisiennes. Par Madame Emile
de Girardin. (Vicomte de Launay).
(Parisian Letters, by Emily de Gi-
rardin, under the pseudonym of the
Vicomte de Launay. Paris, 1843,
470, 486.

List of the Principal New Works pub-
lished on the Continent, 284-290-


Literary Notices (Miscellaneous), 274—
283; 542-556.

Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth), Voices
of the Night and other Poems, 291.
Lucas (Hippolite), Histoire Philoso-
phique et Littéraire du Théâtre
Français, depuis son Origine jusqu'à
nos Jours, 266.


Maret, Duc de Bassano, Memoirs of,

Masson (Charles), Narrative of various
Journies in Belochistán, Affghan-
istán and the Panjab, 491.
Medii Evi Kalendarium; or, Dates,
Charters, and Customs of the Middle
Ages, with Calendars from the
Tenth to the Fifteenth Centuries,
and an Alphabetical Digest of Names
of Days, forming a Glossary of the
Dates of the Middle Ages, with
Tables and other Aids for ascertain-
ing Dates, by R. T. Hampson. 2 vols.
London, 371.

Mémoires de la Société Ethnologique.

Vol. 1. Paris, 1841-The Foulahs of
Central Africa and the African
Slave Trade, by W. B. Hodgson of
Savannah-On the Study of Ethno-
logy, by Dr. E. Dieffenbach, 424—
the Ethnological Societies of London
and Paris, 424-430-remarks on
the study of Ethnology, 430-434-
on the management of societies, 434,

Memoires touchant la Vie et les Ecrits
de Marie de Rabutin-Chantal,
Dame de Bourbilly, Marquise de Se-
vigné, durant la Régence et la
Fronde. Par M. le Baron Walck-
enaer. Deuxième Partie, durant le
Ministère du Cardinal Mazarin et
la Jeunesse de Louis XIV. Paris,
1843, 135-notice of Madame de
Rambouillet, 135 145 Voiture,
141, &c.-rival sonnets of Voiture
and Benserade, 143, 144--Madame
Deshouillières, 145-148- Made-
moiselle de Scudery, 148-151-
Madame de Lafayette, 151-153-
Benserade, 153 155- Molière's
Precieuses Ridicules, 155-Madame
de Sevigne, 155-159-Ménage, 155,


Menage, 155.

[ocr errors]

Michelet et Quinet (MM.), Des Je-
suites, 263.

Mignet, Notices et Mémoires Histo-
riques, 387.

Miscellaneous Literary Notices, 274, 283;

Mohl (M. T.), Rapport annuel fait à
la Société Asiatique dans la Séance
Générale du 30 Mai, 1843, 532.
Monmerqué (Les Historiettes de Tal-
lemant des Reaux, seconde Edi-
tion, précédée d'une Notice, &c., 135.
Mountains (The) and Valleys of Switz-
erland, by Mrs. Bray. 3 vols. Lon-
don, 1841, 90.


Narrative of various Journies in Be-
lochistán, Affghanistán and the
Panjab, by Charles Masson, Esq. In
3 vols. London, 1842, 491.
New Works published on the Continent,
(List of), 284-290, 557-562.
Nizza und die Meeralpen, geschildert
von ein Schweizer (Nice and the
Maritime Alps, described by a
Swiss). Zurich, 268.

Notices et Mémoires Historiques. Par
M. Mignet. 2 vols., Paris, 1843,
387-review of the work, 387. 388-
biographical sketch of Sièyes, 388-
of Broussais, 393-of Destutt de
Tracy, 399.



Original Beiträge zur deutschen
Schaubühne (Original Contributions
to the German Theatre). By the
Princess Amelia of Saxe. Dresden,
1836-1842, 197, 216.

Outram (Major James), Rough Notes
of the Campaign in Sinde and Aff-
ghanistán, 1838-39, 491.


Pallme, Beschreibung von Kordofan
(Description of Kordofan and some
of the adjoining Countries; with a
Review, &c. &c.), 402.

Paris im Frühjahr 1843. Von L. Rell-

stab. Leipsic, 1844, 470, 486-489.
Paris and its People. By the Author

of Random Recollections of the
House of Commons.' London, 1843,
470, 489.

Personal Observations on Sinde, by T.
Postans, M.R.A.S. London, 1843,

Poems, by William Cullen Bryant. Lon-
don, 1842, 291.

Poets and Poetry of America (The), with
an Historical Introduction, by Rufus
W. Griswold, Philadelphia, 1842,
291-Poetry of America, 291-297-
Dr. Channing on American National
Literature, 292-Mr. Griswold's An-
thology, 297, 298-301, &c.-brief
notices of American poets, 302-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Schriften. 4 vols., Vienna, 1837, 197

Rambouillet (Madame de), 135.
Rapport Annuel, fait à la Société Asi-
atique dans la Séance Générale du
30 Mai, 1843. Par M. T. Mohl, Sé-
crétaire adjoint de la Sociéte. Pars,
1843, 532.

Rapport sur les Travaux du Conseil de

la Société Asiatique pendant l'Année
1841. Paris, 1842, 532.
Raupach's Dramatische Werke: Ern-

ster Gattung-Komischer Gattung.
1829-1842, 197-209.
Recent Publications (Short Reviews of),
263-273; 525-541.
Rélations des Ambassadeurs Vénétiens

sur les Affaires de France au Sei-
zième Siècle (Correspondence of the
Venetian Ambassadors on the Affairs
of France in the Sixteenth Century).
Récueillies et traduites, par Tom-
masseo, 2 vols., Paris, 107-short
accounts of Paris from the year 1535
to 1579, 108, &c. &c.-the ill-paid
ambassador, 108-Francis I., 110,
111-Henry II., 111, 112-Catherine
of Medecis, 112, 114, 121, 124—
Charles IX., 113-prediction of Nos-
tradamus, 114-the Guise family,
116-the Tiers-état, 117, 123-the
Huguenots, 118-122-King of Na-
varre (Henry IV.), 126-adventures
of an ambassador travelling through
France, 127, 128-Bussy d'Amboise,
129, 131-Duke of Alençon's arrival
in London and projected marriage
with Queen Elizabeth, 130.
Rellstab, Paris im Frühjahr 1843, 470.
Reméle (J. N.), Lehrbuch der Ungari-
scher Sprache, 273.

[blocks in formation]


Rough Notes of the Campaign in Sinde
and Affghanistán, 1838, 1839, by
Major James Outram, 1840, 491.
Rousseau (J. J.), Les Confessions de,
Nouvelle édition, précédée d'une No-
tice, par George Sand, 1.


Schelling. Von Karl Rosenkranz. Dant-
zig, 1843, 271.

Schlegel (A. W.), Essais Littéraires et
Historiques, 160.

Vorlesungen über Dra-
matische Kunst und Literatur, 160.
A Course of Lectures

on Dramatic Art and Literature,
translated from the German, by John
Black, 160.

Schulz, Albert (San Marte), Die Arthur-
Sage und die Märchen des Rothen
Buches von Hergest: herausgege-
ben von, 536.

Schwedische Geschichten unter Gustav
dem Dritten, vorzuglich aber unter
Gustav dem Vierten, Adolf (Sketches
of Swedish History under Gustavus
III., and Gustavus IV. Adolphus).
Von E. M. Arndt, 1 vol., Leipzig,
1829, 34-biographical notice of
Arndt, 37-40-details relating to
the constitution and history of Swe-
den, 40-60.

Scudery (Mademoiselle de), 148.
Sevigné (Madame de), 155.

Short Reviews of Recent Publications,

263-273; 525-541.

Sinde, its Amirs and its People:-Le
Journal des Débâts, 4 et 5 Avril-
Masson's Narrative of various Jour-
nies in Belochistán, Affghanistán, and
the Panjab, &c. &c. &c., 491-the an-
nexation of Sinde to the British Em-
pire, 491-502-resources of Sinde,
502-515-the classes composing

the population of Sinde, 515-524.
Société Ethnologique (Mémoires de la),
Vol. I. Paris, 1841, 424.

Sor (Madame de), Le Duc de Bassano

-Souvenirs de la Révolution et de
l'Empire, recueillis et publiés par,


Soulié (Frederic), Le Bananier, 226.
Steinbeck (Dr. C. G.), Aufrichtiger Ka-
lendermann, neu bearbeitet und ver-
mehrt von Karl Friedrich Hempel.
In Drei Theilen, Leipzig-Volks-
Kalender der Deutschen, herausgege-
ben von G. W. Gubitz-Annuaire
Historique, 1843-Medii Evi Ka-
lendarium, &c., by R. T. Hampson,

2 Q

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