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many places in Wisconsin. The labors of Brn. Cornell and Cranson were greatly blessed in Michigan. Bro. Bates was having his usual success in different States and the Canadas, through which he so rapidly passed, and other brethren in the State of New York, and in New England, were reporting success. I cannot better represent the state of things that followed, than by quoting from the Review, vol. xi, p. 77, which I give under the appropriate head of a


"It is evident, however, that with the increase of numbers there was not a corresponding increase in consecration and in the graces of the Spirit. The truth was being more clearly brought out, and many were embracing it, and at the same time the standard of consecration, self-denial and sacrifice, was being lowered among us as a people. There was a great increase of numbers. The scripture evidences of our position were the themes of public lectures, and close, practical preaching was too much neglected, and most Sabbath-keepers became quite satisfied with the form without the power. Hypocrites crowded into the ranks. Men destitute of principle, and having a seared conscience, professed the Sabbath. And the spirit of the world prevailed in the body.

"Church discipline was urged through the Review, which was very disagreeable to some in the ranks who wished to have their own way, and hated reproof and instruction. They chose to be teachers, when they should have been learners. They went out to teach the truth without being sent of the Lord, or approbated by the church, and sowed the seeds of discontent, disunion and death wherever they went. Some of them were

labored with and reproved. Others did not receive as much approbation and attention as they desired. And not a few were rebuked of the Lord for their unchristian, reckless course. This aroused their jealousy and anger, and finally they started a sheet of slander at Jackson, Mich., which met the feelings of all those who were ready to be inspired with jealousy and a feeling of hatred and revenge toward those who had reproved them for their wrongs, and they all poured forth their feelings of bitterness and wrath into this sheet.

"This was a cause of great grief to many dear brethren, and it appeared for the time that the precious cause was being injured. But this sheet was manifesting hearts and purifying the body. It was evident to all decent people that those who would go with such a sheet were not fit to go with the saints. We will mention some of the leading men in this faction, and their position when last heard from. W―n, rejected by his party for crime, and a town charge; B—o, their editor, fined $25 for presenting a pistol, and threatening to shoot a scholar in school; C preacher, and fishing on the lakes; Cing store; Ls, a Spiritualist. R had denounced B- -o and the publishers of their sheet as hypocrites, and were standing alone. It seems that as soon as these restless spirits went out from the body by themselves, they immediately went to biting and devouring one another, until not one of the eighteen messengers of which they once boasted as being with them, is now bearing a public testimony, and there is not one place of regular meeting, to our knowledge, among them

east or west.

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"The true friends of the cause have been led by these things to see the necessity of bearing a bold and inde

pendent testimony for the truth, and for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. And that gift which was so despised by the faction, never was prized by the body as now. The faction has crumbled and disappeared, and the body has risen in union and strength. And where one destitute of moral worth has left the ranks, four of real worth have joined the ranks of Sabbath-keepers. At the time of the disaffection, when the effort was to break down the Review, the church property at the Office was only $700; since, it has increased to $5,000. Then there were but about one thousand paying subscribers, now there are nearly two thousand, besides quite a free list.

"We mourn our lukewarm condition. We have nothing to boast of. But thanks be to God who has given the truth the victory thus far through our Lord Jesus Christ. The truth will triumph. Though those who now profess it be laid aside for their unfaithfulness, God can raise up a faithful army to fight his battles, and wear the victor's crown. But those who have stood the storms of the past will not fall away now. Though many who have not the truth in them sufficient to move them cheerfully to action, may be shaken out, and left behind, yet the faithful ones who have toiled on, groaning, sighing and crying for salvation and deliverance, will go through to the city of God, and share the everlasting rest."


Tent operations, as an effective method of spreading the truth, were commenced among us in the summer of 1854. The first meeting of the kind was held in Battle Creek, Mich., June 10 and 11, of that year. meetings called out large congregations, and gave greater


publicity to our views, by means of the oral lectures, and of our publications, which had been greatly multiplied, and were eagerly called for. Since that time tent meetings have been held with great success in New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota.


The autumn of 1855 found me much reduced in strength, in consequence of incessant toil and care, editing, publishing, journeying and preaching. Very many gave me over to die of consumption. A change seemed necessary. Heavy debts were upon me, in consequence of printing large editions of our publications. In this state of things I called upon my brethren to take the cares and responsibilities of the Office from me, and advised them to remove it to some more favorable locality. The truth had been taking strong hold in Michigan, and the brethren in that State came nobly forward in that time of need, and took the responsibilities of the Office upon themselves. At a conference of the friends of the cause in Michigan and Indiana, held in Battle Creek, Mich., September 23, 1855, I offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:

"1. That the Advent Review Office still remain the property of the church.

"2. That the Advent Review Office be removed to Battle Creek, Mich.

"3. That a financial committee of three be chosen, whose duty it shall be to move the Office, and publish the Advent Review.

"4. That D. R. Palmer, of Jackson, Henry Lyon and

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Cyrenius Smith, of Battle Creek, be that Committee.” A building was immediately erected, and steps taken for the removal of the Office.

A General Conference was held at Battle Creek, November 16, 1855, which sanctioned the doings of the conference of September 23, 1855, and elected Uriah Smith resident editor of the Review. The last paper published in Rochester, N. Y., was dated October 30, 1855, and its publication was resumed in Battle Creek, December 4, following. The expenses of the new building, and the removal of the Office, were promptly met, and soon the publishing department was in a prosperous condition.


The business at the Office increased so rapidly that the hand press soon became entirely inadequate for the work. An appeal was again made to the friends of the cause, this time for means sufficient to purchase a power press. The brethren immediately responded. An Adams' New Patent Power Press was purchased, and the Review of July 30, 1857, was the first number printed upon it. A steam engine was soon obtained to run the press. The entire cost of press, engine, and fixtures, was twenty-five hundred dollars, which was soon met by the donations of the brethren.


But the wants of the cause soon demanded an enlargement of capital, and more extended operations. To this end the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association was incorporated in the city of Battle Creek,

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