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Elisha lamenting after the GOD of Elijah.

Funeral Sermon

A Torrey Jud. 17/48

Preach'd at Boston, March 27. 1737.

Occafion'd by the DEATH

of the Reverend


Late Prefident of Harvard-College in Cambridge, and
formerly Paftor of the Old Church in Boston.

WHO departed this Life on March 16th.

Having juft enter'd the 68th Year of his Age,

By Thomas Foxcroft,
Sometimes Colleague-Paftor with him,

2 Kin. 3. 11. Here is Elisha, which poured Water on the Hands
of Elijah.

2 Tim. 3. 10. Thou haft fully known my Do&rine, manner of
Life, l'urpofe, Faith, Longfuffering, Charity, Patience.

BOSTON, New England,

Printed by T. Fleet, for SAMUEL ELIOT in Cornhill,
and JOHN PARKER at the Head of the Town-
Dock, 1737.



To the Old or First Church


Dearly Beloved,

T was a fincere and high Refpect for the Memory of my Reverend Father, your late excellent Paftor, together with a View to your Edification, which induced me to entertain you, in my publick Difcourfe on the Sabbath after his Funeral, with fome Meditations fuited to the mournful Occafion of his Death: and I doubt not, the fame Principles had their Influence in putting You upon fo unanimous a Vote, to afk a Copy for the Prefs.

I need not obferve to You, with what Difadvantages a Performance of this Nature from me (under my prefent Indifpofitions) must appear; while the neceffary Care of my broken Health forbids that Application of Thought and Care of Exactness, proper in preparing and publishing a Sermon on fuch a Subject and Occafion: which would have fufficiently pleaded in my Excufe, if I had declin'd the Prefs. However, in Deference to your Judgment and Request, I have facrific'd my own Inclinations; and venture into the publick Light, hoping for the fame Candour to an imperfect Difcourfe from others in the reading, as it met with from You in the bearing. It must be allow'd, that an affected Nicenefs of Method and Ornaments of Language make but an odd Figure in a melancholy Funeral Sermon: and therefore I give you mine very much in its original inaccurate Drefs; tho' with fome few Additions, which the fcant Limits of a fingle Hour obliged me to omit in the Pulpit.


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