Слике страница

George W. Nasmyth: Social Progress and the Darwinian Theory.

Vernon L. Kellog: Beyond War.

David Starr Jordan: The Human Harvest, War and the Breed, The Unseen Empire.

C. W. Saleeby: The Longest Cost of War.
John A. Hobson: Imperialism, The Psychology of
Jingoism, International Trade.

Norman Angell: Under Three Flags.
Frederick Howe: Why War?

Arnold Toynbee:

New Europe.

Nationality and the War, The

Bertrand Russel: Justice in War Time, Why Men Fight.


Elihu Root: The Causes of War.

Henri Lambert: International Morality and Exchange.

Viscount Haldane: Higher Nationality, A Study in Law and Ethics.

William Everett: Patriotism.

Leo Tolstoi: Christianity and Patriotism.

War and the Survival of the Fittest: I. W. Howerth in Scientific Monthly, November, 1916. Causes of War: I. W. Howerth in Scientific Monthly, February, 1916.

War as National Discipline: O. H. Howe in Education, September, 1916.

War and Human Nature: H. R. Marshall in
North American Review, February, 1916.
Does Preparedness Mean Militarism?: George
Harvey in North American Review, March,

Military Preparedness a Peril to Democracy:

Charles E. Jefferson in Annals of American
Academy, July, 1916.

The Dream of Universal Peace: Sydney Brooks in
Harper's Magazine, November, 1916.




Achæan League, powers and
purposes of, as a federation,
Acquisition of new territory, a
question for submission to
Council of Conciliation, 125.
Aggressor nation, determina-

tion of the, 173-174.
Alabama case, an example of

a question involving na-
tional honour or vital in-
terest, submitted to arbi-
tration, 123n.

Alaskan Boundary case, sub-

mitted to arbitration, 123n.
Alaskan Fur Seal case, 123n.
Alliances, offensive and defen-

sive, to be supplanted by
new kind of league, 131-132.
Allies, text of reply of, to
President Wilson's note,

Council, con-
federation of Greek repub-
lics under, 74.

Anarchy, of states and of in-
dividuals, 129–130.
Apponyi, Count, letters in In-
dependent by, cited, 125.
Arbitration, a basic principle
of federation, 97; cases of
application of, in interna-
tional relations, 99-100; na-
tions not opposed in princi-
ple to submitting questions
to, 123; double significance
of the word, 123-124.

Arbitrary authority, exercise

of, as a cause of war, 117.
Arenas of friction, what con-
stitute, 236–239.

Armaments, reduction of, a
question for Council of Con-
ciliation, 125; attitude of
League to Enforce Peace as
to, 138-146; provisions con-
cerning, in programme of
League to Enforce Peace,

Armed force, as a method of
intervention by league of
nations, 136-139.

Asquith, Herbert, endorsement
by, of ideas of League to
Enforce Peace, 171, 181,

[blocks in formation]

Backward peoples, treatment
of, a question for Council
of Conciliation, 125; exploi-
tation of, under imperialis-
tic system, 236–239.
Bagehot, Walter, on advan-
tages of co-operation, 73;
cited, 83; quoted on social
morality, 117-118.

Balance of power, alliances
really not made to preserve,

Balfour, Arthur, endorsement

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