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"The MANUAL will be found a very valuable book by all who want to know where and how to find gold and silver mines. So much knowledge of geology, mineralogy and metallurgy as is necessary to the wants of the prospector, is furnished in this volume, and there are many practical hints concerning the character and quality of different mineral bearing rocks. The legal manner of staking claims and taking possession of discoveries is suggested, and the working of mines and testing of ores."-- Globe Democrat, St. Louis.

"Contains much valuable information for proprietors of mines and prospectors."-- Westliche Post, St. Louis.

"It presents an abundance of information based on practical observations, and presents the exclusive branch of knowledge necessary to the prospector or to those interested in mining and milling operations. There are some special chapters on technicalities, etc., which are more than ordinarily interesting and useful, and Mr. Pomeroy's book can be fully recommended to the use of the classes alluded to."-- Mining World, St. Louis, Mo.

"I cheerfully recommend the MANUAL to the prospector, miner, speculator, schools, and to all others desiring a knowledge of minerals and mining. T. W. HEMAN,

Secy. St. Louis Mining and Stock Ex."

"I have carefully examined its contents and have but one opinion to express in regard to its merits and that is, to those who are disposed to seek their fortunes in the argentiferous and auriferous regions of the Great West, it is an invaluable auxiliary."-- Extract from the Correspondence of Prof. Read.

"It contains much valuable information for those who have not had experience at prospecting, and possibly some who have may read it with profit."-Courier, Georgetown Colo.

"It is a neat little work, and full of valuable information regarding mining matters-"--Globe, Golden, Colo.

"It gives a smattering of geology, mineralogy, blowpipe analysis and mining law, and will be found exceedingly useful to amateur prospectors and others traveling in the mining regions of the West."--Miner, Georgetown, Colo.

"The work is a very complete compendium of the subject matter it treats of, and will be found of great value to the prospector and miner."-- Chieftain, Pueblo, Colo.

"While it does not pretend to give a full knowledge of geology, mineralogy and metallurgy, yet it does give all that is necessary for the prospector to know; and the book will prove a valuable one to that class of people."-- Times, Denver, Colo.

"A neatly bound volume, full of information for the prospector and miner has been received. It is one of fhe best publications of the kind we have seen."-Chronicle, Saguache, Colo.

"It will be valuable not only to the prospector, but to the geologist and chemist."--Miner, Silver Cliff, Colo.

"It is a complete guide for prospectors and miners, and if its directions are followed some considerable good must necessarily result from its publication."-Record, Canon City, Colo.

"While it does not pretend to contain a full knowledge of geology, mineralogy and metallurgy, yet it does give all that is necessary for the prospector to know; and the book will prove a valuable one to that class of people."--Silver World, Lake City, Colo."

It has not before been our pleasure to read so useful and so carefully prepared a work on all the important questions constantly occurring to the prospector as the little pocket edition written by Mr. Pomeroy. He starts out with the assertion that intelligence is needed in finding, and the blind dependence in the pick is not a safe or profitable mode of discovering mines. There is hardly a point useful to the miner not included in this small book. Tests for gold and silver, character of rock and position of the formation, blowpipe assays, glossary- in fact, it is a full exposition in a convenient form of just what we daily want to know. Mr. Pomeroy has done the country and the business of mining a great service in preparing a work that will tend to make prospecting a study requiring intelligence and care, as should any legitimate business. The book is at our office for reference any time, though it is hoped that every man who cares to be called a good and faithful miner will purchase a copy for himself. It will repay careful and daily study; in fact, to be without it will be a confession of blind confidence in your own ignorance."--Bonanza, Gothic, Colo.

"Every miner and prospector should have one of these books, as they tell how to locate, relocate, and work claims. All mining laws are embodied in this book, making it valuable."-- Miner, Prescott, Arizona.

"It is a very useful work for the searcher after precious metals, and will materially aid him in prospecting and locating mines, and should find ready sale in this section."--Arizona Citizen, Tucson, Arizona.

"It is valuable to prospectors and mineral hunters. It shows in what formation the different classes of mineral can be found, and how to seek for the precious deposits. Not only to the prospectors but to the more pretentious scientists can this work become valuable. It treats of geology, mineralogy, chemistry and metallurgy, and describes true fissure veins. An annotation of the mining laws of the United States, and State and Land Office Rules are also added. Every prospector and mining operator should have a copy."--Nugget, Tombstone, Arizona.

"There can be found much that will interest and prove instructive to the miner. It devotes considerable space to geology, mineralogy, chemistry, metallurgy, and good sound advice to any one starting on a prospecting trip. Besides this it contains the mining laws, and much other valuable information."--Demoocrat, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

"The book tells how and where to find gold and silver mines, and how to make chemical tests and blowpipe assays of any substance conceived to be an ore."-- Golden Era, White Oaks, N. M.

"It is a valuable book, containing much useful matter that we never before saw compiled."-- Madisonian, Virginia City, Montana.

"It contains a fund of useful information for the miner and prospector, and constitutes a hand book of information that will be found valuable to all persons engaged in mining enterprises."-- Mining Journal, Silver City, Ark.

"If you will give us exclusive sale to Utah, Idaho and Montana, we would advertise it in a large way, and try and push sales.

GEO. F. PRESCOTT," Salt Lake City Tribune, Utah.











Entered according to an Act of Congress, in the year 1881, by


In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.

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